Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #9

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How would LE have known her height and weight, except from her driver's license? Was it just a guess? What is her height on her mugshot?

In most states, DL info is self-reporting. Many people exaggerate (or underestimate) their height and weight depending on what they think would seem most attractive to someone who was simply looking at their stats. Would anyone doubt that Jodi Arias would fall into that category?

But the simple answer is that in most jurisdictions they don't bother with going to the trouble of weighing and measuring people they arrest. If the DL seems to fit the description, that's what they go by.
JA was 5'4" and 115 lbs when she got the Grand Jury indictment. Going back to one of my old posts, she was not a big woman.

Her bail bond was $2 milion!

On Jodi DL it's listed as 5 6' and her weight was 125.
Just for laughs I pulled out my driver license. I weigh 25 pounds more than it states.


Nope, I didn't lie originally ... I aged nine years and got old and fluffy :giggle:

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I've been wondering if she flooded the bathroom to sort of "float" him back into the shower since she may have had a hard time lifting him... Or was that already a possibility that was discussed?

I don't think the shower was turned off before she started attacking him, and if you look closely at the pic showing his lower half sitting, you can see water already trickling over the edge of the shower since he's sitting on the drain and blocking it. I do think she used the cup to splash water on the walls and floor and it did help her pull him down the hallway but I don't think that was the reason for the water she added to the scene with the cup.

In one of the bedroom pics it looks almost like a rectangular outline near the largest blood stain, I've wondered if she used the bath mat to drag him back to the shower and then rinsed the tiles of her foot prints and drag marks, on one of the blood trails it just looks too straight to have happened by pulling him directly on the floor, it's like something straight was sliding next to it.
I've been trying to catch up on this thread--still pages to go--and a hearty "cheers" to those of you who had the stomach to revisit Fonseca's testibaloney. I certainly couldn't. Of all the so-called experts used by the DT, she angered me the most.

Here's my question. It seems to me that she was trying to insert the possibility (or, knowing her ramrod "logic," the likelihood) that JA is a victim of incest. But the DT didn't follow through with that innuendo, and now I wonder why. I mean, there clearly was "no low is too low" with their strategy. Any thoughts?

I think they wanted to play the Jose Baez card, but backed off because there was no way in hell Mr. Arias (or any male member of her family) was going to fall on the sword like that pathetic George Anthony did for his evil spawn. JMO. Bill Arias always appeared disgusted at the entire mess or that was my take on his demeanor.
I don't think she tasered him. Many women even smaller than Arias has overpowered and murdered a man a lot larger than they were. They have not only been able to murder them, but they also removed their bodies out of the home where they either buried them in the backyard or loaded the body up in a vehicle, and discarded them somewhere out in the woods. Some of the male victims weighed well over 200 pounds.

What I do think happened though is the element of surprise and she totally caught Travis off guard.

I think right out of the blue she plunged the knife straight into his chest lightning fast with no warning. That chest wound alone would have been fatal. From the moment of the fatal chest wound he was under a repeated frenzied attack. There was no fighting back for Travis. The most he could do with a fatal wound to the chest is try to hold his hands up in a defensive posture hoping to block some of the stabbing jabs coming at him. He would be getting weaker and weaker.

A man who has a chest wound inches deep is no match for any woman no matter how small or large the murderer may have been, imo.

JMO though

I don't have a problem with the theory of her using the knife first, except that it does leave a lot to chance for someone that came equipped with a handgun and had choice of first attack. I get that she might have liked seeing him suffer, but again, what if he somehow deflected the first blow, or her swing was off? She could still have hit him, but with a less serious blow that triggers his adrenaline immediately and he leaps at her in fight or flight mode.

It's not to say it couldn't have been done, just that it leaves a lot of chance on the table with a gun on her person.
I don't think the shower was turned off before she started attacking him, and if you look closely at the pic showing his lower half sitting, you can see water already trickling over the edge of the shower since he's sitting on the drain and blocking it. I do think she used the cup to splash water on the walls and floor and it did help her pull him down the hallway but I don't think that was the reason for the water she added to the scene with the cup.

In one of the bedroom pics it looks almost like a rectangular outline near the largest blood stain, I've wondered if she used the bath mat to drag him back to the shower and then rinsed the tiles of her foot prints and drag marks, on one of the blood trails it just looks too straight to have happened by pulling him directly on the floor, it's like something straight was sliding next to it.

Regarding the bath mat idea, I don't know that that would've made it any easier for her to drag him down the hallway. Most bath mats have rubber bottoms to help prevent sliding, especially on wet surfaces. Not that it makes it impossible, mind you, but even still, I'd argue dragging that dead weight would be more difficult while clutching the ends of a mat than the arms/body itself.

Edit: jmho
Regarding the bath mat idea, I don't know that that would've made it any easier for her to drag him down the hallway. Most bath mats have rubber bottoms to help prevent sliding, especially on wet surfaces. Not that it makes it impossible, mind you, but even still, I'd argue dragging that dead weight would be more difficult while clutching the ends of a mat than the arms/body itself.

Edit: jmho

You're probably right, I'm just looking for a reason why there seems to be a rectangular outline on the carpet.

Oh, I was watching Day 1 of the retrial and while JM was going through the pictures with Melendez he points out the carpet on the 'pantleg' (5:32:16) pic, the camera never panned to the screen to show where he was pointing but I don't recall carpet being visible, the copies we have are quite cruddy though, over saturated and dark, I really can't wait until all the digital images are released so we can see what all is in them.
I have to chuckle at what I just read over at the JAII site. It's interesting that they think the judge was biased against Jodi. They throw everybody under the bus, Nurmi, Wilmott, everyone. Well I take that back, I did not read anything about MDLR. But the most hilarious thing is that they think if they find the gun it will prove that Jodi didn't kill Travis. Hahahaha.

I sometimes think that they don't have many original thoughts. They read what is written about ja and it's supporters, then simply reverse it. No real thought and very little effort necessary to regurgitate as "new" material.
I think they wanted to play the Jose Baez card, but backed off because there was no way in hell Mr. Arias (or any male member of her family) was going to fall on the sword like that pathetic George Anthony did for his evil spawn. JMO. Bill Arias always appeared disgusted at the entire mess or that was my take on his demeanor.

Jose Baez--icky shudder.

Thanks for your answer. While I can't say that I like Bill Arias, I want to believe your scenario. Like you, I think he tried from the get-go to distance himself from her, but not for simple, selfish reasons. I don't think he ever liked having Missy as his legal child.
I don't think the shower was turned off before she started attacking him, and if you look closely at the pic showing his lower half sitting, you can see water already trickling over the edge of the shower since he's sitting on the drain and blocking it. I do think she used the cup to splash water on the walls and floor and it did help her pull him down the hallway but I don't think that was the reason for the water she added to the scene with the cup.

In one of the bedroom pics it looks almost like a rectangular outline near the largest blood stain, I've wondered if she used the bath mat to drag him back to the shower and then rinsed the tiles of her foot prints and drag marks, on one of the blood trails it just looks too straight to have happened by pulling him directly on the floor, it's like something straight was sliding next to it.

Pillow with the tassels maybe?
Got a summons for jury duty, guess what day! April 13th! Weird! Hope they have decent WiFi lol
Another thing I'm wondering about is Jodi's next series of appeals.
-Do you think she'll throw Nurmi and Wilmott to the wolves and say they hated her and advised her on a bad defense strategy?
-I wonder what bizarre excuse she'll use for her next appeal: Maybe Mulitple Personality Disorder, or perhaps CMJA will pull an even more bizarre story than the ninja's out of her thumb? I can just imagine her saying she was the victim of a secret government mind control experiment and that they programmed her to kill TA because he was blah blah (insert stoopid CMJA accusation here). And THEN, the government deliberately altered her memory so that when her 'fog' cleared she was given false memories that TA abused her and she acted in self defense. Seriously, she is loop-de-loop :cuckoo: enough to think up something like this and all the conspiracy nuts will start jumping up and down and she can claim even bigger 'victim' status. Or heck, what about when she visited Roswell NM and got abducted by aliens who made her kill TA? :ufo:

Voldemort had placed her under the Imperius Curse and told her to kill Travis because he was Harry Potter.
I'll take Ryan Owens over TH any day. This is what a reporter should be. Skeptical, questioning, not throwing softballs so a manipulative murderer will still "talk" to him. I'll take a "hater" any day of the week. Objective and not pandering for more stories.

It works both ways, though. If you treat someone with respect, they tend to blab a lot. There's not much anyone can do with someone like her. She'll tell whatever she wants you to hear, no matter the question. Being aggressive or blunt with someone like that tends to either incite them to try and one-up you or they shut down completely and you get bupkis.

What I wouldn't give to be able to see any PROFESSIONAL. UNBIASED, and NOT SUSCEPTIBLE TO DUBIOUS CHARMS/TRANSFERENCE/GULLIBLE psychologist or psychiatrist in session with her or questioning her in preparation for this case. Just one little assessment would do me. *sigh* If wishes were fishes...
Jose Baez--icky shudder.

Thanks for your answer. While I can't say that I like Bill Arias, I want to believe your scenario. Like you, I think he tried from the get-go to distance himself from her, but not for simple, selfish reasons. I don't think he ever liked having Missy as his legal child.

I can't put my finger on exactly why I feel bad for Bill Arias, but part of me does. Although I know he has had health problems, it kinda/sorta made me feel good that he didn't kill himself to represent for his daughter or even make an appearance at the retrial. It made me think/hope that he weighed things and he knows what she's all about and feels justifiably conflicted about it.

That video he and his wife Sandy made begging for money? I can only hold that against him to a certain extent; I think he's just going along with the propaganda campaign in order to not make waves. If you've ever been critically ill, you know that your thinking narrows to focus only on your loved ones; the rest of the world pales.

Sandy and her twinny Sue, however, are another story. I feel no sympathy towards them whatsoever. Had either of them shown one ounce of... just simple regret... I would have some compassion for them. But their complicity in the headlong assault on Travis' character was just vile.

I can understand closing ranks to protect a family member, but Jodi has less than zero redeeming qualities. As a mother of adult children, I feel qualified to state that if she were my offspring, I would feel bad -- maybe even guilty -- that my little girl turned out that way; but I would also feel obligated to take some measures to at least acknowledge what the Alexander family has gone through.

The failure of JA's family to do so makes me cringe. I don't want to fall into the trap of characterizing them in unseemly terms, but it seems clear that they're a bit ethically/morally challenged. Apple/tree, etc...
Regarding the bath mat idea, I don't know that that would've made it any easier for her to drag him down the hallway. Most bath mats have rubber bottoms to help prevent sliding, especially on wet surfaces. Not that it makes it impossible, mind you, but even still, I'd argue dragging that dead weight would be more difficult while clutching the ends of a mat than the arms/body itself.

Edit: jmho

TA had a bamboo bath mat.

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