Disgraced investor Jacob Wohl under fire for filing false death threats and false police reports

Jacob Wohl May Have Faked Terroristic Threats Against Himself | HuffPost
Twitter troll Jacob Wohl appears to have faked death threats against himself to inject drama into a documentary, which raises the possibility that he committed a crime when he filed a police report about those messages.

Wohl, a noted grifter who has spent the better part of this year live-streaming an Islamophobic harassment campaign against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), published a short documentary on Tuesday that was apparently meant to support his conspiracy theories about the Minneapolis congresswoman. (Those theories, like Wohl’s many other lies, are unfounded and not worth repeating here.)
Who closed the initial claim?

Jacob Wohl May Have Faked Terroristic Threats Against Himself | HuffPost


A copy of the police report, obtained by HuffPost, confirms that Wohl showed officers a few messages from the fake account. The sources of other threatening messages included in the heavily redacted report were impossible to verify.


Minneapolis Police Department
According to the police report:

While working the front desk at the precinct, two males walked in and stated they were being threatened by the suspect and several others who follow their social media account. ... They feel because their [sic] journalist and traveling for their business it’s possible the suspect will continue to post information on their whereabouts which will continue the threats of bodily harm against them.


A Minneapolis police spokesman said he couldn’t confirm or deny whether a new inquiry had been launched into the possibility that Wohl committed a crime by filing a false police report. He did note, however, that Wohl’s initial claim is “closed” and isn’t being investigated.
Yes, where are the pages and pages expressing outrage? What is tge difference with this crime?
IMO, a big reason this case isn't getting as much attention as Jussie's case is because it's solved. We know what happened.

With Jussie, it was the mystery and uncovering of the truth that drew people in, imo. There is no controversy regarding Wohl's case - the guy faked it and got caught fast.

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IMO, a big reason this case isn't getting as much attention as Jussie's case is because it's solved. We know what happened.

With Jussie, it was the mystery and uncovering of the truth that drew people in, imo. There is no controversy regarding Wohl's case - the guy faked it and got caught fast.


So why the pages and pages on Jussie?

This guy even made fake Mueller claims or at least tried to
So why the pages and pages on Jussie?

This guy even made fake Mueller claims or at least tried to
Because Jussie's case was interesting in a train-wreck sort of way that is impossible not to watch. People were skeptical, people were supportive, people were confused. Did he lie or was it the truth? Were there really two people out that frigid night? Yes, they are on camera! Wait! They are not white! What is going on? Jussie went on TV and denied everything in that phony interview. Even after pretty much everyone was convinced about the hoax, Jussie still stuck to his story. It dragged on and on with people wondering what the truth was and wondering what in the world Jussie was thinking by not admitting guilt. It's a crazy story, and a crazy story that unfolds over time holds people's interest.

There is no wondering in this Wohl case. A jerk faked a story and was caught. (Plus, a political hoax is so January 2019. BTDT.)

It's the same with other WS cases. People get onboard with a missing person case, but if it's a murder and the murderer is immediately arrested in the same news story, the thread doesn't usually go anywhere.

jmopinion only.
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Now that Jussieis caught, it still goes on and on and on
Now that Jussieis caught, it still goes on and on and on
Exactly my point. The drama continues on that case. Maybe because I am a writer I can see the difference between a story that captures interest and one that doesn't. I cannot seem to convince you so I will let it go. Jmo
He is the same guy who tried to pay a woman to lie about sexual assault committed by Robert Mueller.
There was a whole thread about him here.
This isnt this kids first rodeo by far.
He is intentionally trying to spread lies and hate, yet no one cares.
Only care when its someone like Jussie, cuz you know

BBM. No, I don't know. Please explain.
Jacob is a moron. He's a grifter and a schemer and a liar. I have no doubt he'll spend time in prison at some stage, for this, or who knows what else. I'm well aware of who he is, he'd even blocked me on Twitter before his ban. My second block, first was Roger Stone. LOL.
Im so sorry you have to live through that. Hopefully outside of the propaganda and brainwashing he is a kind person.
I feel like when I try to comment on things in the crime space I face the same.

Sometimes people just refuse to accept facts and choose to live in a fantasy world where easily proven false things are true, and what is true is "fake news". We live in a country that willingly throws out the truth and accepts what one person "heard people say".

Even though one person has been proven to lie, lie lie lie lie lie lie lie. Jacob is part of the problem brainwashing people to think that journalism is evil. Why? Because they report the bad things some people do and stick to the facts. Not accept the lies people push to fit an unfortunate agenda.
Im so sorry you have to live through that. Hopefully outside of the propaganda and brainwashing he is a kind person.
I feel like when I try to comment on things in the crime space I face the same.

Sometimes people just refuse to accept facts and choose to live in a fantasy world where easily proven false things are true, and what is true is "fake news". We live in a country that willingly throws out the truth and accepts what one person "heard people say".

Even though one person has been proven to lie, lie lie lie lie lie lie lie. Jacob is part of the problem brainwashing people to think that journalism is evil. Why? Because they report the bad things some people do and stick to the facts. Not accept the lies people push to fit an unfortunate agenda.
It isn't a question of accepting facts. I assume, that since this thread is under crimes in the news, a crime has been committed. If you all want to talk about what a terrible person he is, that's fine. I would rather explore the topic of this thread. Did he file a false police report & if so why wasn't he charged?
It isn't a question of accepting facts. I assume, that since this thread is under crimes in the news, a crime has been committed. If you all want to talk about what a terrible person he is, that's fine. I would rather explore the topic of this thread. Did he file a false police report & if so why wasn't he charged?

We want to know too. He committed a crime why isnt he being dragged?

I remember when Jussie wasnt charged with a crime there was full on internet mobs with metaphoric tiki torches screeching that he SHOULD be arrested way before he was charged. I think 40+ threads of it.

Why not here? hmm

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