Disposal of Naveah's body: Theories

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
As far as the hair goes in the article, it says volunteers found it. Le doesn't mention it, unless I missed it. So it's not viable info at this point to me. However, I might say that it's possible that animals might have taken it.

I also think that if there were more than one perp, she would have been kept alive for future use.
So my personal opinion is that it is one perp, or with a femail accomplise.
Thanks Scarlett for the pictures, much appreciated.

I have been thinking why the perp decided to choose this particular site to dispose the body.
It appears it is not easy to dig there, hard soil, roots, rocks, hence this cannot be the reason..

As Scarlett already confirmed: ..could not make it down to the bank of the river, it is 30 feet down at a 60% incline.

Hence it seems it is difficult to go down there, carrying body, and a cement bag, perhaps with shovel and bucket.

It would be impossible to do in the dark.

The perp was obviously physically in a good shape, obviously a male.
The site seems to be a fishing site, and it is accessible, close to the road, so the perp couldn't be so sure, that the body will not be found.
The cement layer rather attracted attention.
He could have tossed the body in the river instead, with a bag of rocks, and it would never come up and been found.

The location of body disposal leads me to believe that the perp wasn't too concerned if the body will be found and did not worry too much of even being caught.

But the perp obviously took some pain to hide the body.
Any other ideas?
Could he have been disturbed in the middle of disposing the body? I'm thinking he might have wanted to cover the concrete with soil but other fishermen came or something else happened that frightened him that he'd be seen and he just scarpered.
If something had to make "sense" then this is it. A boat with a cooler in it, draws no suspicious looks from anyone at all as these are pretty much basic supplies nowadays for fishermen.

A man/woman in a boat that pulls up to the bank draws no attention from passing cars, if they can be seen from the road at all. If there are 2 people. One digs shallow grave, while the other keeps a lookout for other people. Once grave is dug, remove body from cooler and place it in grave. Retrieve cement from boat, pour it over body, throw cement bag in grave, throw empty beer can in grave. 2 people grab both sides of cooler, drag it through the water, pour it over the powder cement, this would only have to be done I imagine 3 or 4 times because of the quantity of water the cooler can hold. Finished. Load up cooler, shovel and leave.Takes 30 minutes at most. Leave via the boat the way they came. I would be checking out people who rent boats or who own fishing boats or little "john" boats. Just my theory for now.JMHO.
Pretty strong theory. Don't know if I agree 100 percent but surely do believe you are right on about there being two people involved in the disposal of the body. A cooler would seem so natural in that setting. Also, if the person was alone, other fishermen might not think twice about approaching one person but with two people in the area, I would think other fishermen would not be bothering them. Don't know why I say that, but it just seems to me to be the case.
Besides, I like your idea that one person could act as a lookout.
You've got your thinking cap on.
I've been thinking that where, how, with what and in what condition the body was found makes sense if the person who did it has no criminal record, is sure he won't get caught and is playing a game with LE.

I'm beginning to think (like some others here) that he wanted the body to be found, but adding the element of: just not right away (the cement layer buying some time), so he could get out of the area.

Is this perp. reckless and hasty or intelligent and cunning?

How long did it take to catch Dennis Rader, for example.

It certainly sounds like the killer/s didn't try to hide the body for all eternity.

If they're sure they won't get caught it doesn't seem like they could be RSO's hanging out with Nevaeh's mom because surely every RSO who's ever sneezed in her direction is aware of the possibility LE is interested in the connection. It would be extremely bad luck for little Nevaeh if she was surrounded with a bunch of nasty characters yet none of them hurt her and she got targeted by a random stranger. What are the odds?

Of course, it might be that she was victimized or groomed by some of her mom's acquaintances and that in turn made her an easy victim for someone who knows about GK and RS and Nevaeh but doesn't think his name will come up in their interrogations because the connection is so minimal or second hand.

Or it might be someone in the family who thinks they're outside of all suspicion, maybe have arranged a supposedly airtight alibi.
Thanks Donjeta, I actually deleted my last post that you quoted because it didn't seem to make sense to myself, once I wrote it out.

There is another possibility though, that the perp. knew he would get caught, but this was his last party, you know, go out with a bang, before getting put away forever. I wonder if he had a sense of disgust with himself?
I haven't posted on this forum for a while but keep up with it in hopes to see here one day that Nevaeh's murderer has been arrested.

It is just my opinion that JB has quite a lot in common with Casey A. such as mindset and so forth. I have been thinking about it and feel that Nevaeh was so much more of a problem to JB than when she was in school every day. I would think that JB was to look after her when she got out of school for the summer. The grandmother had to work. I really have begun to think that JB did away with Nevaeh.

Here was GK having a date with a younger, more slim girl. Was JB jealous? I think JB may have been angry about GK seeing someone else and lost her temper with Nevaeh. Then who does she call? GK, of course. I believe that JB somehow got GK to help her dispose of Nevaeh.

Anything is possible, but right now I am thinking that JB 'did it'.

Hmm. So JB gets off of the sofa to go look for NB, finds her, kills her (for whatever reason, none that I can think of) drags her body somewhere to hide it until GK can come to pick it up. And, he agrees to dispose of the body because he knows he is going back to jail due to his friendship with the Buchanan family anyway?

JB was told that NB was riding in the parking lot by 7pm, but it wasn't until 20 minutes later that she got herself together enough to go outside. She looked for NB for 40 minutes and called GK at 8:00pm. GK said he and his gf went to look for NB at her school. At 8:15pm JB called 911.

GMa called GK to tell him LE was looking for him. He didn't arrive at his motel until 10:00pm, where LE was waiting for him. What was he doing for 2 hours?

How odd that all of this happened on the very day that RSO R. Smith traded his nephew's "van" to RSO GK in exchange for GK's car. And the van had a fishing knife stashed behind the radio. And GK had been fishing. And NB was found at a local fishing spot. And the cement connection. And the beer can.
You'll see it in this video

I know there isn't anything funny about this crime but I had to laugh at the old lady behind the grandmother while she's interviewed. The old lady keeps trying to get her mug in the shot so she'll be on TV. :rolleyes:

I think the a-hole who did this was planning to come back and do another layer but was prevented somehow from doing that. If it was GK he was arrested too soon to come back. JMO

The DNA may have been too degraded by the concrete to get anything usable.

I think both were in the car at the same time and brought down separately. I also think this was done in the middle of the night.

Reminds me of the smelly car Seinfeld episode.

In Rochester I don't know of a single place that sells only one can of beer. It's only six packs or more.
I live in North Carolina and you can buy single cans of beer here. I was at an outdoor concert last night and there was a woman drinking beer out of a can in a brown paper bag from a local store. I guess she thought she was hiding it?? Beer, wine and mixed drinks were sold at the concert, however it was easy to see that she brought her own. I use to own a small convenience store and always had the small bags that you put a single can of beer into.
I haven't posted on this forum for a while but keep up with it in hopes to see here one day that Nevaeh's murderer has been arrested.

It is just my opinion that JB has quite a lot in common with Casey A. such as mindset and so forth. I have been thinking about it and feel that Nevaeh was so much more of a problem to JB than when she was in school every day. I would think that JB was to look after her when she got out of school for the summer. The grandmother had to work. I really have begun to think that JB did away with Nevaeh.

Here was GK having a date with a younger, more slim girl. Was JB jealous? I think JB may have been angry about GK seeing someone else and lost her temper with Nevaeh. Then who does she call? GK, of course. I believe that JB somehow got GK to help her dispose of Nevaeh.

Anything is possible, but right now I am thinking that JB 'did it'.

Count me in as well on that thought.
Hmm. So JB gets off of the sofa to go look for NB, finds her, kills her (for whatever reason, none that I can think of) drags her body somewhere to hide it until GK can come to pick it up. And, he agrees to dispose of the body because he knows he is going back to jail due to his friendship with the Buchanan family anyway?

JB was told that NB was riding in the parking lot by 7pm, but it wasn't until 20 minutes later that she got herself together enough to go outside. She looked for NB for 40 minutes and called GK at 8:00pm. GK said he and his gf went to look for NB at her school. At 8:15pm JB called 911.

GMa called GK to tell him LE was looking for him. He didn't arrive at his motel until 10:00pm, where LE was waiting for him. What was he doing for 2 hours?

How odd that all of this happened on the very day that RSO R. Smith traded his nephew's "van" to RSO GK in exchange for GK's car. And the van had a fishing knife stashed behind the radio. And GK had been fishing. And NB was found at a local fishing spot. And the cement connection. And the beer can.

Hi DotsEyes ~

I cannot find that there are any verified witnesses that saw Nevaeh after 3:30 ... “She left our house at 3:30, 3:45,” said the boy’s mother, Crystal Kuhn, 33, who lives a floor up from Nevaeh’s apartment. “They had to go to the store.”

BUCHANAN: Grabbed a popsicle on the way out the door, and she, you know -- I didn`t see her -- the last time I seen her was at 6:30

That's 3 hours with no confirmed sighting of Nevaeh.

If I've missed verified witness testimony that states they saw Nevaeh between 3:30 & 6:30 would someone please direct me to it? We know the little boy and his mother retracted his statement regarding "the bad man". The mother states he did not see anything.

Thank You ~

snipped from:
Autopsy shows Neveah may have been buried alive. Dirt in her lungs.



The girl’s cause of death has been ruled asphyxiation; the manner, homicide, a source told the Free Press.
Testing on the girl’s body, including her lungs, show that she died after inhaling dirt. Nevaeh’s body was discovered June 4 by fishermen 10 days after she disappeared from outside of her Monroe apartment complex.
Autopsy shows Neveah may have been buried alive. Dirt in her lungs.



The girl’s cause of death has been ruled asphyxiation; the manner, homicide, a source told the Free Press.
Testing on the girl’s body, including her lungs, show that she died after inhaling dirt. Nevaeh’s body was discovered June 4 by fishermen 10 days after she disappeared from outside of her Monroe apartment complex.

I had just found this article a moment ago, it makes me very ill to read. I hope they can find who did this and when it is said and done I hope whomever did this horrible, horrible thing to this precious girl is buried alive as well.
I am so sorry Nevaeh :( may you RIP
Hi DotsEyes ~

I cannot find that there are any verified witnesses that saw Nevaeh after 3:30 ...

Thank You ~

snipped for space. . .

The only thing we have is the 2 children, one who said NB was riding in the street and one who came to ask if NB could play.

I am certain LE talked to the kids to see if they did go to the door of NB's apartment and if one of them did see NB riding her bike in the road. But they didn't tell us what the kids said. (other than the Daddy George thing was not true)

BTW, how did this kid know Daddy George? Did NB tell him/her that DGeorge stabbed her?
Search Continues for Nevaeh's Killer
Updated: Friday, 03 Jul 2009, 7:52 PM EDT
Published : Friday, 03 Jul 2009, 7:52 PM EDT
The Monroe County Sheriff's Department and the FBI are looking at 400 sex offenders in Monroe County. It's been nearly six weeks since Neveah Buchanan was first reported missing. Family members are still waiting for closure.

Neveah Buchanan's cousin is talking about the trauma left behind since her death. He and other family members are waiting on official autopsy results and the killer to be found.

The first autopsy is set to be completed. Now, a second one is set to be used to confirm the exact cause of death. The FBI tells FOX 2 the results may not be released to the public immediately, fearing it could change someone's story.

With little, new information, the FBI has the following tip. "Don't engage in rumors. Don't spread rumors," said Robert Beckman. "If there's somebody that tells you something that you think... may be related to a fact, call the FBI and we'll follow up on it."

Beckman says the 400 registered sex offenders in Monroe County are being interviewed and their stories checked multiple times. The sex offenders are said to be cooperative.

Whatever DNA is found from Nevaeh's body will be compared to samples taken from those sex offenders. Investigators are even taking fiber from people's carpets in the Charlotte Arms Apartments. They're calling for more tips and patience, saying it could be weeks longer for autopsy results to become available.




My bold...something is up with them taking carpet fibers from peoples apartments in Charlotte Arms complex. I wonder if they found carpet fibers in her lungs? Perhaps she was suffocated in an apartment, thought to be dead and ultimately buried alive.
You are quicker than I am - momtective. I see you already have the article here. Again - I think you are 100% right. Something had to lead them to the carpet fiber idea. And because they are looking "everywhere" so to speak, I am thinking that GK did not do this. I'm thinking it was someone else.

I really want to see an arrest and after today's news, I REALLY want to see an arrest. My heart hurts.

You are quicker than I am - momtective. I see you already have the article here. Again - I think you are 100% right. Something had to lead them to the carpet fiber idea. And because they are looking "everywhere" so to speak, I am thinking that GK did not do this. I'm thinking it was someone else.

I really want to see an arrest and after today's news, I REALLY want to see an arrest. My heart hurts.


I'm starting to think the same. They would have GK's DNA on file. If there was a beer can in the grave then there should be some dna on it. Unless LE is thinking someone else is invovled, and they are waiting to see who talks.

They must have found carpet fibers on her body or clothing. Wonder how old the apartment complex is? i would think when it was built all the apartments would have the same/similar carpet from the same company. If it is older then some of the apartments carpet has surely been replaced. Hopefully the complex kept good records. If LE can nail down the manufacturer by dye and fibers maybe they can narrow down the apartments it could be from by the apartment complex's records.

I surely hope JB is not invovled. I really would like to hear LE say they have cleared the family. There's just something about her besides being a lazy a$$.
I am really sick over this. When Neveah's body was found, I had a feeling it would turn out this way, buried alive like precious little Jesse Lunsford. I still have reservations about the mother's innocence, but today, my prayers are for the entire family.

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