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http://www.news14charlotte.com/images/750.gif Nifong could have challenger in DA race
Updated: 7/10/2006 9:35 AM
By: Kenneth Moton


DURHAM -- Monday could be the day Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong finds out if he has a challenger in November's election. County Commissioner Lewis Cheek says he decided to authorize a petition drive to get on the ballot because of Nifong's handling of the Duke lacrosse rape case. The Board of Elections says Commissioner Cheek is about a 1,000 signatures away from getting his name on the ballot. He only needs a little more than 6300 signatures from registered Durham voters but Cheek supporters handed in almost 10,000 names more than a week ago.

Cheek has said he was unsure about whether he will run or not. He only authorized the petition drive because of a June deadline and he told supporters they could go along with the process but he needed time to think about what would happen to his law firm and county commission seat if he ran.

“I won't make a decision before I feel comfortable that I have thought about the things that need to be thought about and I have reached a decision about all of the things I have to consider,” Cheek said in June.

Even if he decides not to run and he still has the signatures, his name will still be on the ballot.

Nifong says he won't comment until there is an official challenger.

The Board of Elections will be working throughout the day to verify the rest of Cheek's signatures and the director thinks final word could happen Monday or Tuesday morning.


..............i can't see that it could hurt to fill his inbox with stories of janet's murder..............i volunteer to start............

..he has no doubt heard everything possible regarding the duke case lately and for all we know has never heard of janet's senseless murder.........

..raven-----------isn't this wonderful ?!?!?

..possibly somebody new who will focus on your wife and unborn baby's horrible murder --------you are so computer savvy---------i'm sure you'll be up all night submitting stories in hopes that justice is finally served----------------right?
Great idea Laurie, I also thinking hitting DA Nifong with a few emails wouldn't hurt so much.

The election seems to be slowing things down a bit. I have a feeling once we find out who is running things will pick up a bit.

Raven, we haven't forgotten you, we're still here, when's your bankruptcy finalized?

You spending like there's no tomorrow because you feel like you are free and clear? LOL......oh Raven, you think you got away with it don't you...You didn't though, you will not get away with what you did.
It may benefit to email Chief of Police Chalmers, he was in the news yesterday saying they are heavily investigating the quadruple murder from Nov/Dec., and that they are very close. Maybe they should focus some attention on this case. Seems it is always on the back burner. It would be great to see it come back to the front, and the Durham PD is under scrutiny now, and if they can solve thos one, I would be very happy...jmo
IMO, the priority in the minds of Durham LE is to solve crimes that could happen again if the perps aren't caught. There's an extreme likelihood that the perpetrator of the quadruple murder will kill again if s/he isn't located. In LE's opinion, Janet's killer was probably someone very close to her with no motive to murder outside individuals so there's no rush to get him off of the streets. And if the murderer is no longer in Durham, that makes him even less of a priority.
JerseyGirl said:
In LE's opinion, Janet's killer was probably someone very close to her with no motive to murder outside individuals so there's no rush to get him off of the streets. And if the murderer is no longer in Durham, that makes him even less of a priority.
I bet the Durham PD will feel pretty bad if this happens again, let's say in 10 years when Raven gets married again and can't have his freedom for trips of every kind and there are more children to take care of and provide for.

And if the PD is putting this on the back burner because Raven isn't in the area anymore, geez no wonder why they've got crime problems.
Unfortunately, most departments are overworked/understaffed. Prioritizing is often a necessity in many cities, not just Durham. My point was only that Janet's murder doesn't take the priority because they already know who did it and he isn't a danger to the public at large. They can re-open that folder at any time and try to put the pieces together. But a quadruple execution-style drug murder - that could result in more deaths in short order.

I'm not saying that it's fair to put Janet's case on the back burner; I'm just saying that when you have an "unknown" murderer who's at risk for killing a wife or an "unknown" murderer who's at risk for killing anyone that crosses him, the one that will be considered to present the most danger to the public will be the latter.
JerseyGirl said:
IMO, the priority in the minds of Durham LE is to solve crimes that could happen again if the perps aren't caught. There's an extreme likelihood that the perpetrator of the quadruple murder will kill again if s/he isn't located. In LE's opinion, Janet's killer was probably someone very close to her with no motive to murder outside individuals so there's no rush to get him off of the streets. And if the murderer is no longer in Durham, that makes him even less of a priority.
AND NO MEDIA ATTENTION. IMO, those are the three strikes against this case being solved. 1. LE knows who did it 2) LE doesn't feel he is a threat and no longer resides in their area and 3) No public outcry for them to solve this case. The murderer may not get away with this crime but it most likely will be a long time before he has to pay for it!
ewwwinteresting said:
AND NO MEDIA ATTENTION. IMO, those are the three strikes against this case being solved. 1. LE knows who did it 2) LE doesn't feel he is a threat and no longer resides in their area and 3) No public outcry for them to solve this case. The murderer may not get away with this crime but it most likely will be a long time before he has to pay for it!
I think he's gotten away with it long enough.....Raven the dream police...... I hope you hear that song in your head often.
Cheek Won't Pursue Durham DA Job

County Commissioner's Name Will Remain On November Ballot

POSTED: 9:24 pm EDT July 26, 2006

UPDATED: 9:35 pm EDT July 27, 2006

DURHAM, N.C. -- County Commissioner Lewis Cheek said Thursday morning that he won't run for the post of Durham County District Attorney.

Cheek said in a news conference at the Durham County Board of Elections that he was concerned his status as district attorney would harm his private law practice, which he started three years ago.

"(I had said) I would not leave and will not leave my law firm to be DA and put it in potential jeopardy," Cheek said.

Cheek said that he would not comment or actively campaign in the race.

"I'm not going to have further connection with the campaign, the election... with anything," Cheek said.

When asked whether he thought he had wasted the voters' time, he responded, "I don't think so. I hope they don't."

Julia Linehan, Nifong's campaign manager, calls the whole thing bizarre, but still she admits Cheek's short stint is a concern.

"I'd be lying if I said it wasn't, but how major a concern? I don't know yet," she said.

More than 6,400 people signed a petition to get Cheek's name on the ballot. Even though Cheek decided not to seek the post, his name will still be on the November ballot.

Cheek has been critical of District Attorney Mike Nifong's handling of a case in which three Duke University lacrosse players are accused of raping a woman at a team party in March.

The three players maintain they are innocent of charges that have been filed against them.

"I saw what appeared to be a media war between Nifong and the defense lawyers," Cheek said Thursday. "I suffered with everyone else as Durham seemed to get skewered... It seemed to me that if what was occurring reflected Nifong's general philosophy for handling cases in the DA's office ... then there was some reason for concern."

In May, Nifong beat two challengers for the Democratic spot on the ballot -- former Assistant District Attorney Freda Black and Durham lawyer Keith Bishop. Nifong won by 883 votes.

If Cheek were to still be elected, the district attorney position would then be vacant. The governor would then have to appoint a new district attorney.

Cheek said that his initial decision to pursue getting on the ballot was not a personal attack against Nifong.

"Anyone who says I smeared Mike Nifong needs to show me how I smeared him and when I smeared him," Cheek said. "I have not said anything negative about Mike Nifong... It is not personal. It has to do about philosophies about how things get handled."

Cheek said he plans to vote in November and he plans to vote for himself. Nifong will hold a press conference Friday morning to discuss the upcoming election.
Nifong to hold news conference


7/28/2006 9:32 AM
By: News 14 Carolina Staff

DURHAM -- Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong is holding a news conference Friday morning. Nifong has not said what he will discuss.

He is prosecuting the high profile rape case involving three Duke University lacrosse players but has declined to offer comments on the case in months.

On Thursday, Durham County Commissioner Lewis Cheek said he will not actively campaign against Nifong for the office of Durham district attorney.

Cheek's supporters collected more than 10,000 signatures adding his name to the November ballot. Cheek says he decided not to run because he does not want to put his young law firm in jeopardy.

Durham Republican Party Chairman Steve Monks tried to get enough signatures to get on the ballot but failed.

Monks says he will launch a write-in campaign and oppose Nifong if he can get financial backing.

Cheek's name will be on the November ballot no matter what. But he says if he gets the most votes he will turn down the job.

Governor Easley would then appoint his replacement.
Okay this is absolutely ridiculous. Duke, Nifong, Cheek, the elections, Duke, Nifong, the elections Cheek.


Priorities people. This election crap is just that....crap. There is someone getting away with murder. DA knows it, LE knows it, people that have been following this case know it. THE MURDERER KNOWS IT.

How come elections for a District Attorney TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY OVERSHADOW a Murder. A District Attorney's job is to PROSECUTE AND GET MURDERERS BEHIND BARS.

I'm so sick and tired of looking at the news section to see whether or not this murderer is behind bars and what do we see - ELECTION. I think they should base the election on WHO GETS THIS MURDERER BEHIND BARS. Make them actually DO SOMETHING to prove their worth.

It's time that Durham starts working on worrying about REAL VICTIMS OF CRIME. Janet Marie, in her own home, with her 6 month old child in the next room - gets brutally stabbed. It's been ONE YEAR AND 3 MONTHS and NOTHING......no suspects named, no persons of interests name.

This is absolutely sickening that the top news story every single day in Durham is this election when there is an unsolved homicide of a beautiful, sweet pregnant Mother.
DA in Duke rape case acknowledges mistakes in speaking to media

http://www.wcnc.com/sharedcontent/APStories/stories/D8J5B6T06.html 07/29/2006

By JOEDY McCREARY / Associated Press

The district attorney prosecuting three Duke lacrosse players charged with rape acknowledged Friday that he erred by openly discussing some aspects of the investigation, but he urged voters not to judge him by one case alone.

"My handling of the media coverage of this case has occasioned substantial criticism, some of which is undoubtedly justified," District Attorney Mike Nifong said during a half-hour news conference.

"I both underestimated the level of media attention this case would draw and misjudged the effect that my words would have. That having been said, this case remains a Durham problem and it demands a Durham solution," he said.

Nifong beat two challengers in May's Democratic primary, and he has no GOP challenger. But a petition drive that drew well over the required 6,303 signatures put another Democrat's name on the November ballot, Durham lawyer Lewis Cheek.

Cheek, who will appear on the ballot as an unaffiliated candidate, said he was approached by people dissatisfied with Nifong's handling of the rape investigation and sees his presence on the ballot essentially as a way for voters to reject Nifong. He said Thursday that he wouldn't serve if elected, meaning Gov. Mike Easley would have to appoint a new district attorney if Cheek won.

Nifong addressed that effort Friday.

"I am struck by the irony that this group of citizens wants to use this procedure to make an end run around the electorate now," Nifong said. "I believe that Durham's district attorney should be selected by the voters of Durham, not by the governor."

Cheek declined comment Friday.

Nifong also asked voters not to turn the election into a referendum on how he handled the Duke case.

"I understand that some are calling this the 'Anybody but Nifong' campaign. That comes with the territory," Nifong said. "I would hope to persuade all the voters of Durham that the office, the campaign, my career, are not driven by the interest of a particular case.

"If after reviewing my record for the past 28 years ... a voter still thinks the election should be about a specific case, that probably not will be a voter I'll be able to reach," he said.

Nifong came forward early in the investigation to say he believed the woman who said three men had raped her during a team party thrown by Duke lacrosse players on March 13. At one point he labeled some players "hooligans" and predicted DNA test results would identify the guilty. Defense lawyers have said the tests didn't conclusively link any of the players to the accuser.

A grand jury has indicted three players — Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Fells, N.J.; Collin Finnerty, 19, of Garden City, N.Y.; and David Evans, 23, of Bethesda, Md. — on charges of rape, kidnapping and sexual offense. Defense attorneys strongly have proclaimed the players' innocence.

Nifong also denied suggestions that he used the attention given to the lacrosse case to raise his profile before the Democratic primary, saying "that would have been foolish."

Nifong declined to answer questions about the case Friday.

"Everybody wants to talk about one case," Nifong said. "And I'm here today to tell you the district attorney's office is not about one case. It's just not."
Well District Attorney Nifong, what about Janet Marie Christiansen Abaroa case? I know you were at the vigil and I was told personally by a few that attended that you stated that on the record, on TV that you would not forget Janet Marie. Many people will not forget Janet Marie, but you are the only person that can get justice for her.

I think NOW would be a great time for that. What a great way to get the media off your backs on the Duke case. Get an arrest and a prosecution of a murderer who killed a young pregnant mother of a 6-month old off the streets. Get this murderer off the streets. Get justice for Janet.

If not for the vigil held in Durham, NC on April 29, 2006, days before the primary would you have spoken out publicly about this case? I hope so DA Nifong. Now, I hope that you start working on your promise for Justice for Janet.

Maybe it's time to push Janet's case out into the limelight. Ask the citizens for help, ask the Governor for the $10,000 governor's reward, get more investigators on it, do some leg work, make this case. After 28 years in the DA's office, this case, if you look at all them, needs your immediate attention, this case needs to be handled. I believe the 28 years that you worked in the DA's office will pay off, if you would put your efforts into getting a murderer of a young woman who wanted to be a social worker, if you get this murderer of an unborn child and if you get justice for a young boy named Kaiden, who will grow up without his mother, then you will see how that 28 years of service in the DA's office has been so worth while.

District Attorney Nifong, the time to act is now. It's been almost a year and a 1/2 since Janet Marie Christiansen Abaroa was taken away from her child, her parents, her siblings, her Aunts & Uncles & Siblings, her nieces and nephews, her coworkers, her friends and the people of Durham, North Carolina really lost a special person.
DA Nifong, you MUST ACT ON THIS CASE! There MUST be enough evidence for an arrest and conviction, at this point.

This murderer WILL strike again, it's not IF...it's WHEN. Can you honestly look yourself in the mirror, knowing that someone else will be murdered by this perp?

And what if Janet was your sister? What if she was your daughter? Would you NOT want immediate justice?

The answser is clear, sir. You hold it right in the palm of your hands.
terminatrixator said:
Well District Attorney Nifong, what about Janet Marie Christiansen Abaroa case? I know you were at the vigil and I was told personally by a few that attended that you stated that on the record, on TV that you would not forget Janet Marie. Many people will not forget Janet Marie, but you are the only person that can get justice for her.

I think NOW would be a great time for that. What a great way to get the media off your backs on the Duke case. Get an arrest and a prosecution of a murderer who killed a young pregnant mother of a 6-month old off the streets. Get this murderer off the streets. Get justice for Janet.

If not for the vigil held in Durham, NC on April 29, 2006, days before the primary would you have spoken out publicly about this case? I hope so DA Nifong. Now, I hope that you start working on your promise for Justice for Janet.

Maybe it's time to push Janet's case out into the limelight. Ask the citizens for help, ask the Governor for the $10,000 governor's reward, get more investigators on it, do some leg work, make this case. After 28 years in the DA's office, this case, if you look at all them, needs your immediate attention, this case needs to be handled. I believe the 28 years that you worked in the DA's office will pay off, if you would put your efforts into getting a murderer of a young woman who wanted to be a social worker, if you get this murderer of an unborn child and if you get justice for a young boy named Kaiden, who will grow up without his mother, then you will see how that 28 years of service in the DA's office has been so worth while.

District Attorney Nifong, the time to act is now. It's been almost a year and a 1/2 since Janet Marie Christiansen Abaroa was taken away from her child, her parents, her siblings, her Aunts & Uncles & Siblings, her nieces and nephews, her coworkers, her friends and the people of Durham, North Carolina really lost a special person.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I can'd find an email address for Mike Nifong, nor a web site that has a link to 'contact the Durham DA'. I called the DA's office but couldn't get hold of a human, and the voice mail just disconnected me. Does anybody have a way of contacting Mike Nifong?
Don't hold your breath waiting for the DA to do a damn thing about this case. He is only in the position to serve himself. Any idea that he would actually consider serving the people of Durham is laughable. Durham has not had and effective PD for years and the same holds for the DA's office. Very political and very corrupt. JMHO
Well perhaps with Detective Vaughn and Sergeant Cates and the others working this case they are above that and are working hard on the case and are not involved in anything but working their tails off to solve this murder. I am keeping them in my prayers that they get this beast soon.

I'm actually praying that the murderer finds God and decides to do the right thing, but I am pretty sure that won't happen, I think he doesn't have that capability of having faith, feeling remorse, doing the right thing, and growing the b*lls to face what he did like a man.

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