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The News & Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina)


DURHAM -- The discovery of cocaine at a northern Durham bar led to the firing Monday of three Durham sheriff's deputies, including one already charged with drug trafficking and another considered a gang expert.

Deputy Michael P. Owens, arrested Friday after officials raided his business, La Zona Sports Bar & Billiards on North Roxboro Street, was dismissed along with Deputy William Keith Dodson, and Cpl. Bradley King.

Dodson and King, both deputies since 1999, were fired for violating policies governing off-duty work, Sheriff Worth Hill said.

The two spent time inside La Zona while hired to guard the door. Sheriff's Office policy states that while working at a bar, deputies must stay outside, Hill said.

Neither had been charged with a crime. "Some people may have violated the law, but we are unable to prove that at this time," said Capt. Paul Martin of the Sheriff's Office.

Dodson headed an anti-gang unit and often gave multimedia presentations to the public and police on gang colors and hand signs. His work earned him a national award in 2004 from the National Gang Crime Research Center in Chicago.

Hill said there's no evidence Dodson's work as a gang investigator was involved with the crimes he says happened at La Zona.

Reached by phone Monday, Dodson declined to comment. Efforts to contact King and Owens were unsuccessful.

King worked as a patrol deputy. Owens, of 4800 University Drive, Apt. 29-G, worked in civil law enforcement with tax collections. All three are in their early 30s, Martin said.

Hill said he knew each of the deputies well, especially Dodson, whom he coached on a youth football team years ago.

"If I was a betting man, I would have lost some money," Hill said. "They were outstanding deputies."

So far, five men, including former Deputy Owens, have been charged in the discovery of 4.5 ounces of cocaine at La Zona during a raid Friday night.

The four others charged with trafficking by possession of the cocaine were: Sergio Garcia Perez, 23; Mario Garcia Segura, 21; and Isidoro Vallinas Domingues, 25, all of 3106 E. Geer St.; and Jose Manuel Ramirez, 21, of 453 California St. in Belhaven.

Owens is the bar's sole owner, said Maj. Lucy Zastrow. The building's owner was changing the locks on La Zona's front doors Monday to evict the business, and the bar's alcohol permits were being revoked, officials said.

The venue is nestled in a strip of businesses on North Roxboro Street. It has been operating as a bar and pool hall since at least 1989 under names including Touchdown Billiards and Somewhere Else Sports Bar, according to records with the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission.

It appears Owens took over the business within the past year. In August, Owens started a company, MOR Enterprises, and days later applied for a temporary permit to serve beer and wine at La Zona, according to state records.

The only complaints that alcohol law enforcement officials have received about the bar were about beer bottles and other litter scattered by patrons, said Derrick McMillan, chief of law enforcement for the Durham County Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission.

Monday's firings culminated at least two months of surveillance and collaboration with federal officers, Zastrow said.

Hill said he's now considering banning officers from off-duty work in bars. The temptations may be just too great, he said.
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[font=Arial,Helvetica]US NC: Fired Deputy Tied To Counterfeiting


[font=Arial,Helvetica]URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v06/n1401/a06.html
Newshawk: chip
Votes: 0
Pubdate: Wed, 18 Oct 2006
Source: Herald-Sun, The (Durham, NC)
Copyright: 2006 The Herald-Sun
Contact:male2('letters','heraldsun.com'); letters@heraldsun.com
Website: http://www.herald-sun.com
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/1428
Author: BriAnne Dopart


DURHAM -- A Durham sheriff's deputy fired after being charged with selling cocaine at his bar was involved in a counterfeit money scheme, according to legal documents that allege hit men, prostitutes, drug dealers and people involved in human trafficking frequented the now-closed establishment. A search warrant issued Oct. 13 by a Durham Superior Court judge gave permission to the Sheriff's Office to search Michael Owens, the owner of La Zona nightclub at 2825 North Roxboro Road, and six Hispanic males who were targets of an undercover operation.

Seven vehicles, including Ford Mustangs, Expeditions and Cadillac Escalades, also were targets of the search warrant. In the search warrant narrative spelling out the reason the document was sought, a confidential source informed the Durham County Sheriff's Office that Owens and another man identified only as Miguel made a deal to purchase $40,000 in counterfeit $100 bills in exchange for $10,000 in real currency. The May 2006 deal, in Atlanta, Ga., presumably was made to help Owens put up his $50,000 share to purchase the bar.

The warrant goes on to list tawdry details of sex for hire, open-air drug transactions near off-duty sheriff's deputies working as security, a system of manufacturing, dividing and selling cocaine inside of the bar and connections to a multi-state counterfeiting operation. The investigation into the club began when the FBI arranged for a confidential source to meet with members of the Durham County Sheriff's Office. Sheriff's Capt. Paul Martin said he believes the information about activities inside the club, purchased by Owens in April 2006, is credible. Sheriff's Deputies Owens, William Dodson and Bradley King were fired for their alleged involvement in illegal activities at the nightclub, Sheriff Worth Hill announced at a press conference Monday. Owens was charged last week with trafficking cocaine, conspiracy and maintaining a building for drug sales.

Four Hispanic male accomplices also were charged. The unidentified source told sheriff's deputies that cars frequently parked outside the establishment were "known to be involved in illegal activities" including "drug trafficking, armed robberies, murder ( for hire ), prostitution and human trafficking," according to the search warrant. The source, according to the search warrant, informed the Sheriff's Office that Owens "put up" $50,000 to buy the business.

While the source told Martin and the deputy how Owens financed $20,000 towards the purchase through the former owner, he also stated that Owens and a man identified in the warrant only as "Miguel" made a deal in May 2006 to purchase counterfeit $100 bills from someone in Atlanta, Ga.

On April 4, Owens and Rodney D.J. Long, 34, of 1601 Pebble Ridge Drive, Raleigh, registered MORL Enterprises LLC with the state.

The corporation was used to buy the bar. That business registration was dissolved Aug. 21, and Owens incorporated anew under MOR Enterprises LLC the same day. The confidential informant said he purchased liquor licenses for La Zona under his name, at Owens' request, to keep Owens' name out of state records. Managing the club was an individual identified in the warrant as "Floco." Martin said members of the Sheriff's Office knew Floco "from several drug interactions in which large quantities of cocaine and marijuana have been seized." Floco, Martin said in the affidavit, is also known "to be involved in the counterfeit money trade in this area as well as with others throughout several states."

Security guards told deputies that after Owens took over the club, they were instructed not to be "aggressive" in looking for drugs at the establishment and that "under no circumstances" should they ever check the bathrooms.

It was also during this time, the guards reported, that Owens stopped wearing his uniform when entering the club. He parked his vehicle, which was sometimes his county-issued patrol car, behind the establishment, the affidavit states.

In late August, investigators began sending confidential informants into La Zona to purchase different quantities of powdered cocaine.

In about a one-month period, confidential informants purchased cocaine from individuals inside the club at least seven times, according to the search warrant.

On one occasion, a sale took place 30 feet from the door of the club where "two off-duty deputies" were working.

During that alleged buy, the seller told the confidential informant he worked directly for Owens, who he referred to as "tha man."

The search warrant also makes references to prostitution within the establishment. On Aug. 31, a woman identified as "Lizzie" told the confidential informant $200 would buy a date with "the girls." Although Martin would not elaborate on the allegations of a prostitution ring within La Zona, he did confirm that investigators believed such activity had been going on there.

Attempts to contact Sheriff Hill for further comments were unsuccessful late Tuesday. Martin said he wanted to refrain from giving detailed comments about the investigation for fear of jeopardizing the integrity of the case. --- Search warrant highlights

Aug. 21, 2006 -- A confidential source tells sheriff's investigators and a Raleigh police detective that then Sheriff's Deputy Mike Owens and an accomplice bought $40,000 in counterfeit $100 bills for $10,000.

Aug. 31, 2006 -- A confidential source is sent into La Zona to attempt to buy drugs.

He is told to return the next night.

A woman working at the club, identified as "Lizzie," tells it costs "$200 for a 'date' with the girls."

Sept. 9, 2006 -- A second confidential source buys cocaine at the bar.

Sept. 16, 2006 -- The second confidential source again buys cocaine in La Zona and orders an "eight ball" of cocaine from another seller in La Zona.

Sept. 21, 2006 -- The second confidential source buys an "eight ball" just outside the front door of La Zona. Another drug dealer asks the source if he can buy the "eight ball." The source agrees and he and the dealer enter La Zona looking for a place to cut and repackage the cocaine.

They approach Owens who tells them to use the restroom because the back room was being used. A bartender, "Andrew," stands outside the restroom door to prevent anyone from entering while the cocaine is cut and repackaged.

Sept. 22, 2006 -- The second confidential source buys seven grams of cocaine in La Zona.

Sept. 28, 2006 -- The second confidential source meets "Chillo," "Andrew," and "Eric" inside La Zona, asks them for a half an ounce of cocaine but says he doesn't have money to pay for it. They give him a quarter ounce of cocaine and tell him they will give him the rest when he pays them the next day. They up the price from a total of $220 to $250 as a "fronting" charge.

Sept. 29, 2006 -- The second confidential source, wearing a listening device, returns to La Zona with the cash he's been given by police to pay for the cocaine.

The seller tells him he doesn't have enough to make up the second quarter ounce because a regular buyer needed some. The source seeks the full amount and is taken downstairs and led in front of a door from which "all the subjects came out yelling 'you can't be here,' and shut the door." Owens was seen coming up the stairs several minutes later.

The source is eventually provided 10 grams of cocaine.

--- WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING FOR Authorities were looking for items ranging from drugs to electronic devices when they obtained a search warrant for La Zona nightclub at 2825 N. Roxboro Road on Oct. 13.

Property to be seized: -- Any quantity of illegal drugs or paraphernalia used to make, sell, deliver or use drugs -- Papers, documents, keys or other evidence to show ownership of the premises - -- Computer systems -- Items including tapes, cassettes, cartridges, computer disk drives, monitors, printers, modems, digital imaging cameras, equipment used to make identification cards or counterfeit bills People to be searched: -- Deputy Sheriff Michael Owens -- Hispanic males going by the names of Miguel, Chillo, Andrew, Eric, Jose and Flaco -- Anyone in La Zona who is in daily operation of the business or in apparent control of it Vehicles to be searched: -- Red Chevrolet Z71 truck, N.C. registration -- Dark color Ford Expedition, N.C. registration VYB 6739 -- Champagne color Cadillac Escalade, N.C. registration VXP 8324 -- Dark blue Ford Explorer, N.C. temporary tag - -- Black Cadillac Escalade, N.C. registration KATRACHA -- Dark green Toyota Sequoia, N.C. registration VWR 4276 -- Silver Ford Mustang, N.C. temporary tag TP 41974 -- White Ford Mustang with blue top

Nifong won. Now I hope he can spend more time dedicating to the prosection of cases.

It's time Raven was where he belongs :behindbar
For forum consistency, I decided to repost the following in the Durham Elections section so we have this timeline here also.

The following is a small timeline I threw together so we all had the dates put out in black and white regarding the District Attorney elections, and who was and was not in office at the time. I hope this helps a bit.

On April 18, 2005 NC Office of the Governor Mike Easley appointed Michael Nifong to the office of District Attorney. Nifong worked in the DA's office for 26 years. He served as an Assistant District Attorney and right before the Governor appointed him he became the Chief Assistant District Attorney

DA Nifong replaced
Durham District Attorney Jim Hardin, who became a Superior Court Judge.

On April 26, 2005 - Janet Marie Christiansen Abaroa and her unborn child was brutally murdered in her Durham, North Carolina home.

On April 27, 2005, DA Michael Nifong was SWORN into Office. The day after Janet was murdered, he was at his swearing in ceremony.

Michael Nifong had an extreme dislike for Freda Black so within a week of his swearing in he asked Freda Black to resign.

On March 14, 2006 - A woman in Durham, NC told police she was raped by Duke Lacross Players.

Between March 14, 2006 - April, 2006 - This story becomes top National Headlines, with Michael Nifong giving 100's of interviews.

On April 18, 2006 - Two men were indicted. - Major TV Coverage

On April 26, 2006 - One Year Anniversary of the Murder of Janet Marie Christiansen and her unborn Child. To date, no POI or Suspect named, very little media attention or any statements made by the District Attorney Michael Nifong.

On April 29, 2006 - A Candlelight Vigil was held in memory of Janet Marie Christiansen Abaroa in conjunctional with National Crime Victims Right Week. DA Michael Nifong was in attendance and there was some
media attention there.

May 2, 2006 - Primary elections were held. DA Nifong ran against Freda Black and Bishop. DA Nifong won these elections.

Vote Tally

Nifong 45%
Black 42%
Bishop 13%

November 2, 2006 - DA Nifong won the race for DA of Durham North Carolina. He ran against Steve Monks who was known to have sued the City of Durham repeatedly and he ran against Lewis Cheek, who publicly stated he would run, but not take office, which with then put the DA seat back into Governor Easley's hands (the man who originally appointed Mike Nifong)

ere's the results for this Race - Votes - District Attorney Nifong won by less than 5,000 votes against a man that wasn't even going to take office???

Mike Nifong (D) * 24,479
http://www.newsobserver.com/images/spacer.gifLewis Cheek (Una) 19,816

Or in other words:

Nifong 49%
Cheek 39%
Monks 12% (write in)

November 2 or 3rd, 2006 - Michelle Young and her unborn child was brutually murdered in her Raleigh, North Carolina home.

This timeline to me shows the relevance of the political issues surrounding Janet Marie Christiansen's brutal Murder and the lack of public/media attention.

Easley: Nifong 'Poorest Appointment' Made by Governor

Posted: Feb. 3, 2007
Updated: Feb. 4, 2007

Raleigh — North Carolina's governor told law students in New York last month that Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong broke a promise when he ran for a full term after being appointed to fill a vacancy.

"I almost un-appointed him when he decided to run," Gov. Mike Easley said in a speech January 22 to students at New York University, The News & Observer reported Saturday.



So, to sum this up. Nifong was only to run for that term and promised not to run for full-term - so he fires Freda Black, because he has personal issues with her, and she's brighter, and outspoken and everyone realizes this. He realizes she is going to run for office, so he decides to fire her (BIG MISTAKE MIKEY) He should have done what he could to mend whatever issue he had, DA's office lost a very bright Prosecutor because he has personal issues with someone.

What a lack of judgment. He fires her, he knows she's going to run against him. He now knows if she wins, he will lose his job. Meaning - he would be fired before he retires and that would mess up HIS retirement.....

WHY FIRE FREDA BLACK? Nifong started this mess, and he did everything he did, IMO for political reasons and for catty reasons. He took the Duke case, for votes.

Why would the governor appoint someone under these terms...You promise not to run again. Where is the thought behind this?

edited because of the comment on the good old boy system. That's not really a fair assessment.

I realize that DA left and they had to appoint someone, but why Nifong? Nifong may have been in the DA's office a long time, but this job is an important job, and Nifong had neither the experience, leadership qualities, personality, or the know-how to do this job.

(The information that he was actually a social worker....I would like to see proof of this. Many things this man has said or done, you don't need psychology 101 to figure out.....is just plain wrong!)
Now this may be an ignorant opinion as I haven't followed this as closely as I should have, but my guess is that Nifong was a buddy to the governor, so he basically said he could have the job until the elections, and then Nifong let the power get to his head and decided to run, despite his promise not to. My personal opinion... the guy is a sleazeball. He is in it for HIM, and will step on whoever he needs to to try to get ahead.
Well, from what I am seeing, since the DA at the time, was leaving to be a Superior Court Judge, the Governor may have chosen Nifong, because Nifong may have been known as a "paper pusher", traffic-court kinda guy and that it may have been, at the time, the lesser of a few evils of having to choose between other candidates.

Let's just say - had he given it to Freda Black, she would then have to run, Freda is a woman, a bit outspoken, tough, I like her personally, or he could have given it to any other random person there in the DA's office.

This DA's position was short-lived....as elections were being held in 2006.

There is always at least a year or more of campaigning.

Maybe he wanted whomever was running to "duke" it out, and he felt that DA Nifong would NOT be a contender anyhow.

The issue is this....Michael Nifong's retirement.........

When Nifong took office, maybe he realized Freda Black was going to run and if there is no love loss there, and if she ran she would be his boss. I do not know what relationship they had, but obviously it was not the greatest if he takes office and makes her resign immediately.

Freda Black is....either loved & adored or disliked, perhaps because of her strength & conviction, maybe cause she's outspoken or because she's a woman, who knows........Therein lies the issue.

Everyone knew that Freda Black was going to run for DA. Within a week there were rumors, within weeks there were articles, by July Freda Black announced her candidacy to run for DA....which leaves DA Michael Nifong...in a pickle.

If the woman he forced to resign becomes DA.......the minute she takes office......he gets forced to resign......What happens to his pension? I believe he's so close to retirement. All those years....down the drain for his pension....he won't be leaving the DA's office on top.

The Governor obviously made his choice of Nifong for a reason, maybe he couldn't pick between Freda Black and someone else, and really had to make a quick decision, and took the Traffic Court Prosecutor, so the other's could duke it out at election.......and it would be a vote by the people. Maybe he didnt' realize or maybe he did the animosity Nifong had against Freda Black.

Whatever the issue is...Nifong chose to oust Freda Black.....and she ran against him.

Knowing she's going to run against him, knowing there is a chance of losing to this very popular woman, he needs a way to reach the people. He needs votes, desperately.

Then comes the opportunity for votes. I don't know much about the Duke case, just what is posted here or what I have seen on TV. I don't know whether these boys or innocent or guilty, I don't know whether the woman was raped or not, I have not researched this enough to come up with an opinion, one way or the other.

What I do know is.....Michael Nifong found a way to use this as a cause to receive votes from the African American Community, he used it to get air-time, he used the woman and the boys. It's blatant.

If this woman was really raped, bless her and I hope she gets the justice she deserves, if she was not shame on her, shame on Nifong and I hope these boys get some justice for the unjustice of being USED by Nifong to promote HIS cause.....getting elected.

Either way, this woman and these boys were USED for votes. This is not a black/white issue, this is a man using people for votes, because he realized his pension was on the line.

Maybe it is selfish of me, but I am grateful he did not USE Janet's case for votes....because he has proven himself to be unworthy, to the community, to the DA's office and to Justice.
terminatrixator said:
What I do know is.....Michael Nifong found a way to use this as a cause to receive votes from the African American Community, he used it to get air-time, he used the woman and the boys. It's blatant.
I agree with this, term. I don't know how it is in Durham but in my neck of the woods, if you randomly picked 100 people, you'd probably be lucky to find five that even know the names of those running for D.A. What better way to get people not only familiar with your name but actually out there at the booths voting for you than to get a big case on the front pages across the nation?

terminatrixator said:
Either way, this woman and these boys were USED for votes. This is not a black/white issue, this is a man using people for votes, because he realized his pension was on the line.
Wouldn't he be entitled to a pension anyway?

In any situation, I found it shocking that the Governor had actually given this position to Nifong under the condition that he not run once the term was over. Never mind that that seems sort of sleazy and unethical on the Governor's part (who is he to tell Nifong that he can or can't run) but if it's something to which Nifong agreed, then he's a Class A heel just for going back on his word. All of this seems so corrupt - appointing people based on behind-the-scenes promises, running for office when you assured the Governor that you wouldn't, etc. And why exactly would the Governor NOT want Nifong to run for office? The whole thing is very curious.

Okay - let's look at the numbers for pension here - GREAT BLOG - I SUGGEST ALL READ THIS BLOG. I will post the relevant information below and we all can decide for ourselves whether or not pension had anything to do with things below:


"Wanna know whether the date of Mikey's detachment from civil service will have any effect on the monthly amount he might expect from a grateful State of North Carolina?"


"Of course, in order to secure a truly accurate retirement benefits estimate, you'd need to know all of Mikey's relevant input data. Alas, some of that information is known only by Mikey and State or Federal benefits administrators. You won't know, for example, his accumulated Sick Leave, or his estimated monthly Social Security Benefit at age 62."


xample Number 1:

"Just for fun, let's say Mikey loses the November election or is otherwise removed from office at the turn of the year. If we input his Date of Birth (09/14/1950), Date of Retirement (01/01/2007), Years of Creditable Service (lets say 28), Average Final Compensation (let's err on the conservative side and say exactly $100,000.00),* and click "calculate benefits," the North Carolina Treasury Department's official website indicates that Mikey could expect to receive at least $3,822 in pension benefits per month. "At least," of course, because we have not input his Accumulated Sick Leave or Age 62 SS Benefit"


" This is a reeeeeally important component of the calculation. The longer Mikey remains in office, presumably, the higher his yearly salary and, thus, the higher his Average Final Compensation."


NIFONG IS 56 YEARS OLD and will turn 57 on 9/14/07 - Pension at the age of 62......

"Example Number 2:

Entering "01/01/2013" in the Date of Retirement box, "33" for Years of Creditable Service, and, oh, a very reasonable "$120,000.00" in the space provided for Average Final Compensation yields Mikey's estimated monthly retirement benefit of: $6,015."

"Example Number 3:

Lets say Mikey wants to retire eight years from now, after the boy graduates from college: Using "01/01/2015" as the Date of Retirement, "35" Years of Creditable Service, and an extremely conservative "$125,000.00" to represent Average Final Compensation, Mikey might expect an estimated $6,744 per month in State retirement benefits. Kind of makes those additional two years not seem worth it, huh?"

"Example Number 4:

He retires on "01/01/2017," with "37" years of service, and an Average Final Compensation of "150,000.00" (Hey, he's been Grand Poobah for a decade). Y'all ready for this?


Here is the link to estimate benefits here:


So, to answer your question Jersey Girl, yes he would receive a pension..........if he did not run for office, and Freda Black won the office and fired him........

He would go from a future possibility of $8,566.00 pension a MONTH back to a low low figure of

Now, it's easy for me to see why he BACKED out of his promise to the Governor.
Oh Jersey........you are going to love this:


(01/10/07 -- DURHAM) - A former campaign insider is talking exclusively with Eyewitness News about embattled Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong and the Duke Lacross case.

In an interview with Jackie Brown, we are finding out about steps Mike Nifong took during pivotal stages of the case.


"She says the Duke Lacrosse case had very little to do with Nifong's DA race early last year. "Some of his first words to me were that he really didn't want to do this meaning the campaign, but that he needed three years and some odd months for retirement."

Oh what a tangled tangled web we weave.....Mikey - shame shame shame!
I have no idea how any of this stuff works. If Nifong hadn't run for DA, would he have gone back to his former job? Would't he have been able to get those 3 years and some months that way?
JerseyGirl said:
I have no idea how any of this stuff works. If Nifong hadn't run for DA, would he have gone back to his former job? Would't he have been able to get those 3 years and some months that way?
Freda Black was running for DA. [size=-1]Keith Bishop, an african american, also ran, but did not announce his candidacy until AFTER....the Duke case was announced. I believe Keith Bishop threw in his hat for the elections to try to get some votes away from Nifong.

Had Nifong not used the alleged rape of the Duke case, as a "personal" cause, and spent so much time on air and talking against these Duke boys, and showing that he was advocating for the "alleged" victim, he would not have won this election, IMO.

[/size]DA's don't handle those types of cases "personally". They are usually handled by Assistant District Attorney's.

When was the last time you saw so much hoopla over an alleged rape case?

William Kennedy Smith
Coby Bryant

There are rapes commited every minute of the day in America. How often do see a DA go on every major news network speaking about it?

Janet Abaroa was murdered in her Durham, Home.....not much hoopla or media attention there...


Nifong not only used this woman, and the boys, he used this case to turn the community upside down. He literally tried to make this race into a black/white issue.

The Sunday after the Candlelight Vigil the Black Panther Association showed up in Durham for a Rally that was being held.

Published: Apr 28, 2006 12:30 AM
Modified: Apr 28, 2006 06:36 AM

Panther group plans to visit Duke

The New Black Panther Party says it will deal with lacrosse players charged with rape

An alleged sexual assault. Charges of racism. Tensions between town and gown. Athletes and alcohol. What do you think are the important issues in the Duke lacrosse case? How should the community talk about them?

Michael Biesecker, Staff Writer

DURHAM - The national chairman of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense says his group intends to march at Duke University on Monday to "deal directly" with lacrosse players about charges of rape of an escort service dancer at a team party.
article snipped regarding the heated race:

"The ABC affiliate in Raleigh has just released a poll showing a dead heat in the race for Durham district attorney, with Mike Nifong trailing challenger Freda Black by one point, 39-38. Nifong leads among blacks and liberals; Black leads among whites and conservatives; tomorrow is Election Day. The third candidate, African-American defense attorney Keith Bishop, has only 11 percent, presumably siphoning votes away from Nifong.

North Carolina has no runoff if the winning candidate receives 40 percent of the vote; given these polling figures, a runoff seems unlikely."

Black was trailing Nifong by more than 800 votes. Election officials had said there were not enough provisional ballots left to help her catch up.

So, to answer your question. NO, he would not have been able to get his 3 some odd years in. He would have been fired the day after Freda Black took office.

I have no doubt, in my mind, that he would have been given "his walking papers" in the same way that Freda Black received hers.

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