Divers pulled a suspicious bag from a waterway behind the Blanchard Park

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Oh please don't make me read 13 pages back.....I just heard about this "bag" that was found. Whats the latest news on it? Can someone give me the short version so I don't have to read 13 pages?

Thanks in advance!
Never mind, I saw the post (around 60 on this thread) that's not me but I plugged WS EVERY chance I got. Several people wrote it on their hands!!!

The #1 thing we were told over and over by Tim M. was that the bad vibes from the past between TES and the Anthonys are over. They spent several hours with them on Friday and all differences were hammered out. Tim's most sincere words were that he didn't want ANYONE saying ANYTHING negative about this family. If we did, we would be thrown off the search. He said they are going through something that the majority of us out in the world know absolutely NOTHING about and we have no right to judge how they deal with their pain. He was met with great applause and I can respect what he said. We should try here too - he's right, we don't know how they feel.

Oh...he is the sweetest man on this earth, and this is why I love him.
I truely believe that if more people showed the same kind of unconditional compassion or empathy, then the A's would be more likely to face the awful truth.

Thanks for posting this, I hope that more people follow his lead.
Well done to all of you who searched. XX

We are now one step closer to bringing Caylee home due to your fantastic efforts.
Hmmm...so have you checked into how many showed up at George's site to search for an alive Caylee? So far I have heard of a couple of people who were told they would get back to them on where to start...but didn't.

The number of searchers hasn't been tallied yet since the search hasn't ended. Searchers come in at various times over a few day period and it is difficult to say what the final count will be on how many participated when it does end.

I don't find it disappointing that well over a thousand or two thousand people gave up their Saturday to go in the heat and endure treacherous terrain to help find this child's remains. I think it is an example of the only thing good about this case...the way people have come together for one child in order to rectify a horrible wrong.

I was at 3 different sites today and some other search sites and I personally believe there were at least 3000 people there. People were scattered today and moved around by buses. I saw a number of buses moving people from location to location. People also seemed to come in shifts.

I got back to the condo around 7:30 totally "whooped" but took a shower and a little power nap and ready to go again tomorrow now. Casper (my dog) was so tired he hit to floor and is still "resting".

I am not too sure this will post, as I am having to go through my home computer with the Go to my PC connection and I don't know if it will post through it or not.

I did see some WS women early this morning, but I went to another location and did not get to say "howdy" to them. (In case it was you I was the one in the Suburban with the 3 dogs in it. LOL We three hooked up together for some other areas.

Lets see if this posts and if it does I will see what is going on.

BTW.....the "early" discovery in case you don't know was a dog.
Are there any reports of the areas that were searched? I hope all the places that the cells phone pings could have been get searched, every single square inch if possible.

There were more areas searched than were reported. I am not breaking any confidences here because I chose not to search with TES but with some LE friends from my state with their dogs.
Don't know it as being fact, but I thought I read that Tim preferred that family not be there.

Yeah, I'm not sure I understand why so many people would expect the anthonys to want ,or be permitted to search.
First and foremost, a family member should not have to be the one to find their loved one in the state we would expect her to be. Even Murt was somewhat relieved about not being able to search, because even he has had nightmares about it.
And secondly, if they were involved with the search, they could tamper with evidence( not that I believe they would), but it just doesnt seem like it would be a smart idea, when caylees remains or other physical evidence will be the most significant evidence they could have for the trial.
Beautifully said!! I have wanted to go to Or-lahn-do for a couple of months but have been unable to do so.
I have lived thru each searchers posts and have felt a kinship!

I pray that this baby is brought home to us this weekend and I pray for each and every single person who has taken the initiative to search for her that they have the strength to accomplish what needs to be done!

I wish all here who will be with Tim tomorrow the greatest of luck!

Lol. You are missed in Orr- Lawn- Do, my good friend.
Then you should like feddup a lot...She treats her animal better then she treats herself.
Feddup this one is for you :blowkiss:
Feddup I am with you.had our dog cremated and buried her with my husband~~he knew~Red will go with me..Better to us than family.Now on with reaing about our Baby,just in from work.
Oh... are you talking about me?!? :confused: I was just watching the newscaster and my understanding was that they had spoken to TES and were getting the word out for more folks to show up. In no way was I saying that it's not amazing that that many people showed up - I think it's awesome! It does seem to me - from the news broadcast, which could always be wrong - that TES had mapped out their search areas/grids based upon how many folks they had been expecting, which was less than the number that showed up. That's all I was saying...

Hey, if I didn't live 1200 miles away and have the flu and two small children to take care, I'd be right there along with everyone else. :thumbsup:

:(:shakehead::redface::no: NO!!! not you! The poster who's being quoted over and over. I'm sorry you thought it was you. It's all good. :smiley4:
When I first joined WS it was because I shared an interest with everyone. Now I see it more, it is a family I have joined and I thank you for accepting me. Cathy, I saw you on TV and you represented, girl. I saw the other WS'ers, too,,, and my chest swelled with pride. Cocoa, you have a heart as big as Texas. Thank you for everything, every movement, every thought each of you put in to that search today and will again tomorrow.

For those speaking negatively, I don't reckon we need anything but positive brain food here, but thanks for the offer. You can keep it all for yourself. I have no idea why you feel the need to do this but it's not wanted. :mad:

Peace out! :blowkiss:

No Yoko's allowed...
sorry to leave so quick - had to feed the dogs and hubby - back now. The stuff from the media was allowed to be discussed, I haven't discussed what was in the bags although I know. Am I allowed to tell WHERE the searches were? The media helicopters were following us all day so they know where we were but don't know if I'm allowed to say>

The media already told it. I was there when they were broadcasting it.
Friday night I got Trish's permission to do the following - I was very moved.

I work at KSC for a NASA subcontractor. We received a rare thing as employees on Friday - posters 11X17 of both shuttles on both launch pads. These will not be available to the public - but there will be similar ones later. We (Americans) will never again see two shuttles out there at the same time, it was history.

I framed my poster after writing on the top "To TES with whole-hearted gratitude From your friends at websleuths.com". All with Trish's permission. All day I saw Tim was surrounded by workers and very busy. I felt sad that I wouldn't be able to personally give it to him, but I was getting it to at least TES no matter what.

About 2PM I went to the TES tent and spoke to Craig? that was the microphone guy again. I explained the poster, how rare it is and to please get it to Tim for him and all of TES from all of the Websleuthers who are so grateful for all they do. He was pretty shocked and said he would get it directly to Tim. Right then, I swear out of the blue, Tim walked up all by himself and asked if we were looking for him. I almost fainted!

Craig explained the poster to him. He looked genuinely shocked too. He looked at me - oh gosh, I'm almost crying now - and he grabbed me over the ropes and gave me a huge hug. We were both shaking. I told him that I was so glad on behalf of all the Websleuthers that he liked it because he and TES means so much to us. He looked at the poster again, read the words and looked at me again with his eyes all welling up with tears.

I honestly didn't know it would hit them this hard. He gave me another really big hug and said thank you over and over and I said thank you over and over - yeesh sounds ridiculous - I said we could never find Caylee without you. He said "no, WE could never find Caylee without you and your group". We both smiled, nodded at each other and I got with my team to go out again as he was all of a sudden mobbed by people all over again.

It was soooo humbling and honoring for me. It's so impossible to describe how he makes everyone feel but you can take how he makes you feel seeing him on TV and multiply by about 1,000!!! Never had anyone look into my soul like that before except a dog I had (avatar). He is truly a wonderful man. I would move mountains if he asked me to!! In a minute!

What a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing that moment. Tim is truly a special man. Your post brought tears to my eyes.
When I first joined WS it was because I shared an interest with everyone. Now I see it more, it is a family I have joined and I thank you for accepting me. Cathy, I saw you on TV and you represented, girl. I saw the other WS'ers, too,,, and my chest swelled with pride. Cocoa, you have a heart as big as Texas. Thank you for everything, every movement, every thought each of you put in to that search today and will again tomorrow.

For those speaking negatively, I don't reckon we need anything but positive brain food here, but thanks for the offer. You can keep it all for yourself. I have no idea why you feel the need to do this but it's not wanted. :mad:

Peace out! :blowkiss:

No Yoko's allowed...

I agree ValleyGirl. I just love this place!
There are so many great people here. I feel like I am blessed to a part of the group here. It is a great big family.
Thanks to everyone that is giving of their time and energy for little Caylee.:blowkiss:

{ I love the "No Yoko's allowed", ValleyGirl! lol!}:)
There have had to be a few post deleted. Please everyone respect one anothers opinions. There will be no further warnings.
Hugs to you and your doggie, Turbothink!! Get a good night's rest as you both have earned it today!! I had been wondering if you were going to come see us tonight! WTG!! Give that dog a nice steak when this is over and ah heck...get one for yourself, too! hehehe Godspeed, Turbo! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. :)
Turbo - That's exciting you did a different search group deal. I'm putting a lot of faith in that.

I'm really banking on Tim with his elite group/pros having success in the water with their $150,000 special sonor? gadget and whatever other gear they have.

I really bet she's in the water. IDK Damn this case already.

Wishing you all a productive day tomorrow.
That all too unreliable media was reporting that it was a disappointing turnout of around 1,500 but I asked the guy with the microphone (Craig I think?) at about 2PM how many and he said the first final rough count was just shy of 3,000 - sounds darned good to me!!

That is Marvelous Cocoamom!!! That would be TWICE the population of our entire town! :clap::clap:

I am in tears over your post about the NASA poster for Tim...that was so kind.

Thank you all for being there and sharing with us :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:
Cocoamum, We are all so greatful for what you and the entire search team are doing.I really appreciate you expressing the intense emotion that you feel being out there, where it is all too real. :blowkiss:

I'm wondering if the searchers were told to expect they would want to share their experience of the search, because it would stir up so many emotions?
Its human nature to want to share that with another person, and its hard not to share that info when so many people are begging to hear it.

I think we should to try to focus on offers of support rather than questions to our members who are searching for Caylee. They are already in a difficult position, we dont need to be making it any harder for them.

Big hugs to all the searchers. Sunday will be a day of positive energy and thoughts only, from all of us that cant be there to help in person.

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