DNA From JonBenet's Clothes Given to FBI

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
To be fair, settling a lawsuit is not the same as winning anything other than the money. Unless the party being sued admits wrongdoing or that the plaintiffs have enough evidence to prove wrongdoing, suits are settled with no prejudice to either party. It often makes more economic sense to settle than go to the expense of a trial.

Now, if part of the settlement had been an agreement on the part of the defendants to recall publications or stop the release of publications, that might give more weight to the assertion that the Ramseys won anything more than money.
To Mame -

Regarding your snide comment regarding my "questioning" your unnamed sources.

Do you think a wise man or a fool "questions" unnamed (i.e. anonymous) sources?

Would you question my unnamed sources?
I could care less how much you question them. They're sound and come from years of working this case, right here in the real live State of Colorado and the City of Boulder. Question all you want, they've never been wrong before...
Originally posted by Mame
The fact is, there is NO credible evidence that exists to pin this murder on them. NONE. A federal judge, who happens to be a former federal prosecutor, the district attorney, the investigators and now forensic science ALL indicate it appears there was an unknown assailant who murdered this child.
Sorry Mame, but it's your reference list that isn't very credible. The federal judge knew nothing of the case and had to rule based on the evidence presented her. The non-Ramsey evidence was presented by the village idiot who didn't have the feintest idea what he was doing. Even Mike Kane said "the judge made the correct ruling based on the evidence presented her." Kane's words weren't an endorsement of the intruder theory, they were a slap in the face of Darnay Hoffman.

And as for Keenan, she's another loser who was convinced Santa Bill was the perp. Keenan is so stupid that she released two different copies of the 911 tape, one cut off before the important part could be heard, and the other which contained Patsy's voice (as documented by Steve Thomas), but also with a 4-second gap where John and Burke's voices obviously are. Yeah, and you think this woman knows what she's doing?

You should wonder why all your "forensic science" which indicates an "unknown assailant" hasn't officially cleared the Ramseys. It's because NONE of the evidence, forensic or otherwise, proves conslusively that anyone other than the Ramsey family was in the house that night.
I could care less how much you question them. They're sound and come from years of working this case, right here in the real live State of Colorado and the City of Boulder. Question all you want, they've never been wrong before...

The bottom line is - you can rant and rail all you like about how good your sources are, but to the rest of us, they are simply - unnamed and therefore unverified sources. I question everything that I cannot verify.

You say you could care less, yet you cared enough to make a snide post about it. I think that means you care.

Tell me I am a fool to question unnamed sources. Yours or anyone elses.
I'm not convinced this DNA testing is being done on the panties JonBenet was found wearing at the time of her death. According to the inventory from the search warrant multiple pairs were taken in as evidence. It's likely this is DNA-x. A child who can't wipe themselves and still wears diapers and has frequent UTIs could easily have a rash and enough excoriation to leave specks of blood on all her undergarments. With innuendo JonBenet was sexually abused before the 25th it would have been standard or cautionary to check all her panties for traces of foreign DNA.
Originally posted by Nehemiah
Thank you, BlueCrab. You made it very plain to me.
I'm glad it's clear to you, still makes no sense to me.
I thought the official line was that the DNA didn't match ANY of the Ramsey males, Burke included.

But let's be realistic. There is NO identifiable source for the DNA. It's not semen, blood, skin, saliva, etc. So what if the DNA fragment DID match John or Burke, what would that prove? NOTHING--If JonBenet had any chance whatsoever of picking up male DNA fragments off a toilet seat it would have been from John or Burke. Maybe before they even left for the party that day.

So if the DNA might still belong to Burke as BlueCrab suggests, it's meaningless to the case.

Now if it belongs to a friend of Burke's, that's a different story.
Spots of blood were found on the underpants JonBenet was wearing when her body was found. I believe these are the underpants that contain the "mystery" DNA that Lin Wood claims came from the killer and claims to believe the FBI may have in their DNA database.

If the DNA is a valid sample and not a false positive resulting from the DNA amplification process....

run for your life, Sum Yung Gai!
Originally posted by Shylock
Even Mike Kane said "the judge made the correct ruling based on the evidence presented her." Kane's words weren't an endorsement of the intruder theory, they were a slap in the face of Darnay Hoffman.
Exactly. Well put, Shylock.
Originally posted by Ivy
Run for your life, Sum Yung Gai!
LOL - ain't it the truth! Some poor fellow of the other side of the earth, who's probably glad to be making 3-bucks a week in a garment factory instead of pulling weeds in a rice paddy, doesn't have any idea but he's the #1 suspect in a murder mystery that people will probably be debating hundreds of years from now.

First it was Sketchman, and now Sum Yung Gai - Where will it all end?
And God forbid that Sum Yung Gai speak up for himself as LinP Wood will be there, halfcocked and ready to go off on him, thinking SYG is surely out to get the R family. Sumg Ting Wong.

Or in the words of another famous Asian kinda guy...lice...errr, rice already cooked, and this is not a DNA case.

John Ramsey said that this is an inside case, and for once, he might have spoken in Chinese.
Well I think Mr. Gai is safe as long as he isn't in the FBI database, eh? lol
That gai is as safe as John Ramsey Sr. and John Ramsey Jr., IMO. All might be first time offenders, with no database as pertains to JB's killer.

What a great bunch of gais!! :-(
Does Mark Geragos have enough time to take on THIS next big defendant?? Yikes.

Its way, way past time to nail the brutal killer of JBR.

Not much has been released or leaked regarding Burke, including nothing about his DNA and handwriting analyses.

In fact, the only thing that has apparently escaped about Burke was when it slipped out during a nationwide TV panel discussion by panel member Mark Fuhrman that, although the DNA has tentatively excluded John and Patsy as the donors, it nevertheless "had markers similar to Ramsey family markers". The camera caught Dr. Michael Baden, also a member of the panel, shaking his head in agreement with Fuhrman's statement.

Just my opinion.

BlueCrab, if you're referring to the Court TV special, Prime Suspects: Who killed JonBenet Ramsey, I saw it too, but I must have missed that comment by Mark Fuhrman and Dr. Baden nodding in agreement. But I did hear Dr. Baden say that Burke needs to be looked at as the possible killer.
Originally posted by BlueCrab
...it slipped out during a nationwide TV panel discussion by panel member Mark Fuhrman that, although the DNA has tentatively excluded John and Patsy as the donors, it nevertheless "had markers similar to Ramsey family markers". The camera caught Dr. Michael Baden, also a member of the panel, shaking his head in agreement with Fuhrman's statement.
Hi, BC... good to see you back :) Yes, I too specifically remember that statement by Fuhrman (I don't recall which show it was, though).

This panel discussion occurred several years ago. I don't remember what program it was.

Just my opinion.
The CTV special, Prime Suspects: Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey? was aired several years ago. The Ramseys sued CTV, because the program included Burke as one of the "prime suspects."

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