
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
IMO, they've already gotten a hit. Remember the two hairs whose mtDNA was extracted, tested and reported back in 2004? One hair (found in or under the ligature of Michael Moore) was a 97.5% mtDNA match to Terry Hobbs, Stevie Branch's step father. The other (found on a tree stump right beside the discovery ditch) was a 93% mtDNA match to David Jacoby, Terry Hobbs' friend.

Terry Hobbs claims that he did not see the boys on May 5, 1993. David Jacoby testified in a deposition in connection with the Pasdar suit (Terry Hobbs unsuccessfully sued Natalie Maines Pasdar and the Dixie Chicks for defamation of character) that Terry Hobbs was with him, playing guitars, from about 5:15 pm or 5:30 pm until about 6:15 pm or 6:30 pm on May 5th. Neighbors have since come forward (because they weren't questioned in '93 and didn't know until the information from the defamation suit was made public knowledge about Hobbs' claim that he didn't see the boys on May 5, 1993) to state that Terry Hobbs saw and spoke to the three little boys at about 6:30 pm on May 5, 1993, which makes him the last person to see the boys alive, a fact which he denies to this day.

So, we do have identified DNA from the discovery ditch that does not belong to either the victims or the WM3. We have more DNA that is "unidentified" which is different from "unknown" IMO. I believe that it is not outside the realm of possibility that either:

1) they know that some of the DNA on Chris' shoes is Hobbs' and they're just not releasing that information to the public, or

2) the DNA from Chris' shoes has only been tested against the victims and the WM3.

Either way, I have a feeling that Hobbs is not a very comfortable man right now. Of course, it's more likely that the mysterious DNA is from one of the classmates of the little boys. The most important part is that, even with all the new testing, no DNA matching the WM3 has been found. Although lack of DNA won't exonerate the WM3, if all testing continues to exclude them as the source, IMO that will cast reasonable doubt on their guilt and grant them a new trial.

Also, IIRC, they are also retesting the clothing fibers by using newer methods that can better determine the source of that evidence, too. If this testing excludes the items collected from the homes of Damien (Garanimals T-shirt belonging to Damien's younger brother) and Jason (red bathrobe belonging to Jason's mother), again IMO reasonable doubt will be cast on the original verdicts. Additionally, if DNA can be extracted from the blood on Damien's pendant (which so far has only been identified as to type) can be shown to only match Damien and Jason, again IMO reasonable doubt will be cast on the verdicts. However, I don't believe that they can perform further testing on the pendant because the sample was small and might have been destroyed in the original testing.

If I understand the latest status report, the DNA testing on the human hairs has been completed, but there is still testing ongoing. There are hairs that are supposed to be animal hairs that are being tested, and there are the aforementioned fibers. In short, the testing is far from over, and as nothing linking the WM3 to the case has been (or will be) found, the State's case will fall apart.
The pendant was rendered useless for further testing by the first set of tests - that was the testimony given at Damien's rule 37 hearing.

As for the unidentified DNA - I strongly suspect that its been tested against the victims and the wm3 only. Its not in the defense's interests to base their case solely around Terry Hobbs, that just gives the prosecution something to aim for. Its better strategy to leave the State playing whack-a-mole. If they convince the judge Hobbs is innocent, they have to explain the Jacoby hair, if they explain that they have to deal with the wallet hair, explain that and up pops DNA sample #1 from the sneaker, and so on.

There have been other cases where one unidentified sample from a crime scene was judged enough to order a re-trial, so I think the defense is probably aiming everything they've got now towards getting a re-trial, then at that stage they would do further tests and start going after an alternative suspect with full vigour.
And then there's the money issue. DNA tests aren't cheap, and, like Cappuccino said, the defense doesn't have to prove whodunnit, just that the WM3 didn't (or at least that there's reasonable doubt that they did). So, they asked for the testing against only six DNA samples, the three victims and the WM3. It will be up to the State to pursue the unidentified DNA (at their cost) if they wish.

Remember, what Judge Laser has to determine at this hearing is whether or not a jury today, given all the evidence (both old and new, used before and unused before), would return a verdict of "not guilty." If he believes that a new jury would return a verdict of "not guilty," then he is to order a new trial and vacate the original verdicts. If he believes in the efficacy of the original verdicts, then he is to confirm them.

I'm not sure how the testing is billed, but if there is a separate charge for each sample tested, then testing against Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby would be added expense. If they can test against multiple samples without additional charges, then, I think it's what I said before, and the DNA is not unknown but merely unidentified. I guess we'll find out in December. I can hardly wait!
Jessie ADMITTED that he made up some details tow throw the police off.
Facts of Jessie's confession do not match facts of crime scene

1. Jessie says boys skipped school May 5, 1993.

FACT: Boys were in school all day, so was Jason Baldwin.

2. Jessie says boys were killed at noon on May 5, 1993.

FACT: Boys were in school until 3:00 p.m., and were last seen alive at about 6:30 p.m. ME says time of death was 1:00 TO 5:00 a.m. on May 6th, 1993. Jessie worked with Ricky Deese until about 12:30 p.m.

3. Jessie says boys were raped (sodomized).

FACT: Medical examiner says no trauma to boys anuses, something that would have been there if they were raped.

4. Jessie says Jason castrated Christopher Byers with a single swing of a knife.

FACT: Medical examiner says that the penis of Byers was methodically skinned by someone with extensive knowledge of anatomy and the process would have taken some time to complete even under laboratory conditions.

Update: The mutilation was not skillful or meticulous as Peretti said. It was crudely done. This is still quite inconsistent with Misskelley's confession.

5. Jessie says that the boys were tied up with a brown rope.

FACT: The boys were bound with their own shoestrings.

6. Jessie says the boys were beaten with a big ol' stick and cut with a knife.

FACT: No blood was found at the scene, and ME says those injuries could not be inflicted with out a great deal of blood loss. (This leads on to believe that the boys were killed elsewhere and their bodies dumped in the creek. This seems to be corroborated by the fact that search teams were combing the woods that night walked all over the spot where the bodies were recovered.)

Update: Brent Turvey's Profile of the case corroborates our belief that the boys were killed elsewhere.

7. Jessie says Damien choked one of the boys with a big ol' stick.

FACT: Medical Examiner says none of the boys had choking or strangulation injuries.

These are just a few of the most obvious inconsistencies.

And...no mosquito bites found on any of the boys..Makes me think that they boys were murdered elsewhere..

Please come on over to the hoax board and explain all of this to Todd Moore.
Jessie ADMITTED that he made up some details tow throw the police off.

So, I guess he just "made up" the details that didn't agree with what the police wanted him to say? He made it all up! The only part that agreed with the evidence at the scene was the part that was public knowledge or was fed to him by the police.
Jessie ADMITTED that he made up some details tow throw the police off.

Jessie said that when he was trying to make a deal with the prosecution. Once he realised he wasn't going to get his sentence reduced, you won't find any more confessions from Jessie.

However, he is on the record as saying that none of it is true, and that "everything I said on that tape is what they told me to say."
Jessie ADMITTED that he made up some details tow throw the police off.

Why on earth would he want to throw the police off if his intentions were to confess to the murders!??
Please come on over to the hoax board and explain all of this to Todd Moore.

I think Todd Moore is in a comfort zone and too happy to change his mind about the facts and evidence pointing away from Jessie,Damien & Jason.Has he given a bit of space just to take a good look at the evidence? I hope he does for his son's sake.He is welcome here..This is not war, it's compassionate people caring about 6 youngster's lives.
Why on earth would he want to throw the police off if his intentions were to confess to the murders!??

Jessie did not go down to the WMPD to confess. He went down there to incriminate Jason and Damien. That's why he lied about the time the murders took place. He knew he was at work during the time he named.

Read it: He says they beat them up, they tied them, they murdered them. By they, he means Damien and Jason. Jessie unintentionally incriminated himself when he said Michael Moore ran off, and he, Jessie ran after him, caught him, and brought him back.
Here is a question for supporters.

During Jessie's first transcribed statement, who is the first person to mention the murders happening in the evening of May 5, 1993?
Why is that question important to you, Justthinkin?
I have a question for anyone who knows.Has any juror from either of the trials ever spoken post verdict?
Here is a question for supporters.

During Jessie's first transcribed statement, who is the first person to mention the murders happening in the evening of May 5, 1993?

Are you referring to June 3rd?
I have a question for anyone who knows.Has any juror from either of the trials ever spoken post verdict?

Not publically, as far as I know. There are excerpts of some jurors affidavits posted on the Callahans site though.
Are you referring to June 3rd?

Yes, this statement on Callahan 8k:
June 3, 1993: First statement (2:44pm - 3:18pm) Transcribed

Cappuccino, to answer your question, it's not all that important to me. I was just curious who could answer that.

BTW, it's nice to see a supporter here who isn't pointing a finger at yet another of these murdered children's parents. I have a lot of respect for that.
Cappuccino, to answer your question, it's not all that important to me. I was just curious who could answer that.

So it has nowt to do with DNA then? I just wondered if your question was leading towards some linkage to the DNA evidence produced in the latest round of testing.
So it has nowt to do with DNA then? I just wondered if your question was leading towards some linkage to the DNA evidence produced in the latest round of testing.

No, it has nothing to do with DNA. I just want to know who supporters think first mentioned the murders as happening in the evening in that statement or nons either.
Yes, this statement on Callahan 8k:
June 3, 1993: First statement (2:44pm - 3:18pm) Transcribed

Cappuccino, to answer your question, it's not all that important to me. I was just curious who could answer that.

BTW, it's nice to see a supporter here who isn't pointing a finger at yet another of these murdered children's parents. I have a lot of respect for that.

I see a 9 am reference and then a noon at the park reference.

No one nor has any evidence as of yet convinced me that a parent or step parent murdered these boys.I need more.

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