
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
No, it has nothing to do with DNA. I just want to know who supporters think first mentioned the murders as happening in the evening in that statement.

OK. I saw you request another poster in an earlier thread to start a new thread about DNA in a thread about Jessie's confessions. Would you mind terribly if I requested the same?

Who mentioned what first in Jessie's June 3rd statement is wildly off topic to this thread.

Thanks in advance.
As for the DNA - we now have, two hairs from Michael Moore's ligature, one from the tree stump, one from the wallet, three nuclear DNA samples from Christopher Byers' sneakers, and two foreign alleles from the genital areas of two of the victims.

All of the above have conclusively excluded the West Memphis Three.
Point well taken. Appears I'm not the only one off topic, this from you, and I won't mention the others OT.

Jessie said that when he was trying to make a deal with the prosecution. Once he realised he wasn't going to get his sentence reduced, you won't find any more confessions from Jessie.

However, he is on the record as saying that none of it is true, and that "everything I said on that tape is what they told me to say."
Justthinkin - I am not trying to start a childish argument about who said what first. I am politely requesting you to start a new thread about your particular question on Jessie's June 3rd statement.

The same way you requested CR start a new thread about DNA.

Again, thanks in advance.
Damien is a con artist child killing liar and the other two are as well.

Should we let other child killers out of prison because no DNA matches them as well?
RIDGE: It was like earlier in the day, but you don't know exactly what time, okay,
cause I've gotten some real confusion with the times that you're telling me, but now, this 9 o'clock in the evening call that you got, explain that to me.
JESSIE: Well after, all of this stuff happened that night, that they done it, I went home about noon, then they called me at 9 o'clock that night, they called me.

I don't understand this.Someone help a sister out.
I don't want you to cease and desist, J.

Quite the contrary, I want you to start a separate thread so we can all discuss this obviously important issue in more detail. I am simply asking you not to distract from the discussion on DNA in order to do it.
Bingo, LF.

But I see I've been made aware that I'm OT, so I am ceasing and desisting.

I go OT all the time.It's the only way I get answers.

I refuse to argue with anyone here.I can debate without getting mad.I have a husband for that.
Damien is a con artist child killing liar and the other two are as well.

Should we let other child killers out of prison because no DNA matches them as well?

In any civilised society, a person should be proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt before they are convicted. These three simply weren't. And don't give me nonsense about how two juries convicted - if that were the last word allowed in the American justice system, there would be no such thing as an appeals process in the first place.

If new evidence turns up, or if flaws are shown in the original trial, then there should be a new trial. Both those conditions are met in the case of the West Memphis Three, so any fair minded observer should accept a new trial, regardless of whether they are 100% convinced either way.
It's not simply a matter of the DNA not matching the WM3, although that is important. (If the WM3's DNA was washed away or whatever, how has other DNA survived?) Some of the biological material has produced mtDNA linked to persons involved in the case. In fact, as 61% of all children who are killed are killed by a parent, step parent or family friend, the mtDNA that can be linked to a step parent is of extreme interest to me. (And why did said step parent refuse to provide the police with a DNA sample voluntarily when the mtDNA match came back?) If the "unidentified" DNA can be shown to belong to this same step parent, IMO he should be thoroughly investigated. I guess we could say that the fact that no DNA from the WM3 has been found supports innocence by a preponderance of the evidence. I know that this case needs the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt, but a preponderance of the evidence is certainly a step in the right direction. I'm confident that December will reveal more information. Also, I'm sure that all the information about DNA has not been released to the public. That, too, will be revealed in December.
Back on topic...

As for the DNA - we now have, two hairs from Michael Moore's ligature, one from the tree stump, one from the wallet, three nuclear DNA samples from Christopher Byers' sneakers, and two foreign alleles from the genital areas of two of the victims.

All of the above have conclusively excluded the West Memphis Three.
As for the DNA - we now have, two hairs from Michael Moore's ligature, one from the tree stump, one from the wallet, three nuclear DNA samples from Christopher Byers' sneakers, and two foreign alleles from the genital areas of two of the victims.

All of the above have conclusively excluded the West Memphis Three.

That's a grossly misleading statement.

In fact, if the defense's pattern continues, we'll soon have THREE hairs from MM's ligature, TWO from the tree stump, TWO from the wallet, FOUR nuclear DNA samples from Chris's sneakers, and THREE foreign alleles from the genital areas of the THREE victims.

And just think, it's only August :floorlaugh:
That's a grossly misleading statement.

Explain how, please.

Everything I said was factual, and without any editorial. So how was any of it misleading, let alone grossly so?
In fact, if the defense's pattern continues, we'll soon have THREE hairs from MM's ligature, TWO from the tree stump, TWO from the wallet, FOUR nuclear DNA samples from Chris's sneakers, and THREE foreign alleles from the genital areas of the THREE victims.

And just think, it's only August

No, sweetie we won't. The DNA test results are all in, and they don't support your conclusions.

And just think, it's all over for the test results. And here are the results....

As for the DNA - we now have, two hairs from Michael Moore's ligature, one from the tree stump, one from the wallet, three nuclear DNA samples from Christopher Byers' sneakers, and two foreign alleles from the genital areas of two of the victims.

All of the above have conclusively excluded the West Memphis Three.
As for the DNA - we now have, two hairs from Michael Moore's ligature, one from the tree stump, one from the wallet, three nuclear DNA samples from Christopher Byers' sneakers, and two foreign alleles from the genital areas of two of the victims.

All of the above have conclusively excluded the West Memphis Three.

And to what source do you attribute that statement of conclusive proof? I would like a person's name claiming such.

Sounds like a rerun of the Hobbs hair exonerating the WM3, IMO.
Sounds like a rerun of the Hobbs hair exonerating the WM3, IMO.

I don't know who told you the "Hobbs hair exonerated the WM3", but I do know that I didn't. Kindly refrain from accusing me of doing a "rerun" of things which I've never posted in the first place.

The DNA results so far are as follows...

As for the DNA - we now have, two hairs from Michael Moore's ligature, one from the tree stump, one from the wallet, three nuclear DNA samples from Christopher Byers' sneakers, and two foreign alleles from the genital areas of two of the victims.

All of the above have conclusively excluded the West Memphis Three.

So, I'd like to hear how three drunken teens could torture, rape, beat, sexually mutilate, and murder three 8 year olds without leaving a trace of themselves behind. Any explanation needs to take into account that the crime scene was not clean, there are plenty of other peoples' DNA there. It also needs to take into account that this was all done as part of a Satanic ritual, as per Jessie's "confessions".

@Justthinkin - I'm still waiting for your thread about Jessie's June 3rd statement. I hope you didn't change your mind, I was really looking forward to discussing that subject.

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