Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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I don't feel bad for Casey. Lots of people grow up in a dysfunctional family and they do not murder their child. I do not believe that GA molested Casey, but even if he did, that is no excuse for murdering your child. A lot of people are molested and they do not murder.

Also, I believe the h e double hockey stick that ICA put her parents through (stealing, lying, manipulating) is the reason that CA was frustrated with her and did verbally abuse her. I'm not really sure that is "verbal abuse" because ICA was abusing her family and I'm sure they were sick of it and just told it like it was.

I have a brother that is a lot like ICA with the lying, stealing, manipulating and I watched my family for years tip toe around him so that the boat would not be rocked. It did not end well. He is in jail now (where he should have been years ago).

In the jail house tapes you can tell that CA & GA are being very careful not to upset ICA because they were desperate to find Caylee. I believe they were still in denial at that point and wanted to believe she was alive and were grabbing at any information that could pry out of ICA, which of course was nothing. In ICA's own words "Mom, I have nothing!"
Sleeping with someone you met because of your dead grandchild, and you are telling your wife you are going to see her for her "brain" tumor. I can see how Casey could say George had a stroke with no problem at all. I said whatever is wrong with Casey she got from George, as its just FACT we get lots of genes from our parents, even mental problems and addictions.

But how do we know which came first--Casey's issues or GA's issues? Perhaps Casey did learn and/or inherit negative tendencies/disorders from her parents. But, perhaps GA acted as he did because of all the turmoil and trauma that Casey brought into the family with her behavior.
But how do we know which came first--Casey's issues or GA's issues? Perhaps Casey did learn and/or inherit negative tendencies/disorders from her parents. But, perhaps GA acted as he did because of all the turmoil and trauma that Casey brought into the family with her behavior.

George Anthony has a history of being hard to handle. Surely the birth of his daughter didn't make him cheat, abuse substances, not support his family, etc.
Believing (as I do) that the sex abuse stuff is all lies, then HECK NO i don't feel bad for her. She grew up in a stable home (no divorce, only moved once) with parents who cared for her and her brother. When she got pregnant they embraced the idea, welcomed the baby and did everything to help, while allowing her to continue to live in there home. What was so bad? So what that the parents probably had personality disorders and maybe were emotionally manipulative, i mean, that's IT? My childhood was 100 times worse and I am a caring parent and law abiding member of society. All these people that think her homelife was so horrible must have had near perfect childhoods.
George Anthony has a history of being hard to handle. Surely the birth of his daughter didn't make him cheat, abuse substances, not support his family, etc.

I don't know enough about the specific background of GA or CA to agree or disagree with what you claim. I'm more into asking honest "what if" questions at this point. I do tend to believe, however, as others have posted in this thread, that the key to Casey's character is the result of a unique mix of nature and nurture.
Believing (as I do) that the sex abuse stuff is all lies, then HECK NO i don't feel bad for her. She grew up in a stable home (no divorce, only moved once) with parents who cared for her and her brother. When she got pregnant they embraced the idea, welcomed the baby and did everything to help, while allowing her to continue to live in there home. What was so bad? So what that the parents probably had personality disorders and maybe were emotionally manipulative, i mean, that's IT? My childhood was 100 times worse and I am a caring parent and law abiding member of society. All these people that think her homelife was so horrible must have had near perfect childhoods.

AMEN! This is what I have been saying all along! Most families are dysfunctional, none are perfect. I believe ICA was born a sociapath.
Did you see that Cindy's visit was rejected again! ICA will spend the rest of her life stabbing the knife in her parents back. ICA better not be so cocky, because who is going to support her? Unless she finds some poor guy that she can leech off of. Just think she doesn't even have a high school diploma and who will hire her. Jose got dumped by the agency. I doubt she could make enough money to support herself without even a high school diploma. Plus all the new impending people sueing her. How long will CM, JB and the other Defense team support her? She is one arrogant *****. Plus everyone out there wants to kill her. I think her being at any of the DT members homes is going to get old quick. I'm sure Jose's wife would be thrilled to have her around. I seriously thought she was going to jump him at her penalty hearing. It was disgusting the way she was looking at him, like come on baby let's just do it now. She is exactly what Jose called her. A liar and a s***.
I do not and will not ever feel sorry for Casey Anthony. IMO she is an evil person who did one of the worst things a person can do, she killed her own flesh and blood, an innocent baby, that trusted her and relied on her for everything. It does not matter to me that she was found not guilty, a logical person can see what happened.

IF she was molested, well that is very sad, but it does not give her the excuse to kill ANYONE, much less her baby girl. Lots of people endure lots of bad things and yes some of them are warped and do not recover but lots of people also persevere and make it through those times to become productive individuals.

Some people are just bad, no matter their upbringing! I think it is unreasonable to try to give Casey's behavior some excuse since by the way, the abuse allegations were denied by all and have NEVER been proven. Cindy would appear to be overbearing and critical, I agree, but please don't say that because Cindy is a control freak, it made Casey a killer.

IMO it is very simple...Casey is a narcissitic sociopath who uses people, discards them and moves on without a second thought, which is exactly what she did to Caylee.
Did you see that Cindy's visit was rejected again! ICA will spend the rest of her life stabbing the knife in her parents back. ICA better not be so cocky, because who is going to support her? Unless she finds some poor guy that she can leech off of. Just think she doesn't even have a high school diploma and who will hire her. Jose got dumped by the agency. I doubt she could make enough money to support herself without even a high school diploma. Plus all the new impending people sueing her. How long will CM, JB and the other Defense team support her? She is one arrogant *****. Plus everyone out there wants to kill her. I think her being at any of the DT members homes is going to get old quick. I'm sure Jose's wife would be thrilled to have her around. I seriously thought she was going to jump him at her penalty hearing. It was disgusting the way she was looking at him, like come on baby let's just do it now. She is exactly what Jose called her. A liar and a s***.

Maybe Casey isn't in jail anymore?
Absolutley, positive NOT! I was raised in a single parent home from age 9 on when my step-father committed suicide, (biological dad left when 2), I have raised two children on my own since my kids were 5 & 15 months, when thier father was murdered. My son is 19 and a college sophmore and my daughter is a responsible 16 year old h.s. junior. I never lied, cheated, stole or murdered!!!

Casey puh-lease, CRY ME A FRICKIN RIVER!!!!
Well I have wondered if Cindy was physically abusive towards her just based on some things that have come out. You know what I mean? When I asked about this question I wasn't referring to Caylee's death because it's a separate situation there.

She seemed kind of mentally abusive if we believe Jesse G. She was mad about the checks though and since CA went to work everyday and probably bought everything Caylee needed, cant really blame her. I am not sure if I believe the she tried to choke KC bit though.
i just cannot for the life of me figure out how "one and one makes two" in this situation. assuming it was a mix of nature and nurture. how does a person who by all accounts was a "good mother" albeit a liar and thief, end up killing her child?
i just cannot for the life of me figure out how "one and one makes two" in this situation. assuming it was a mix of nature and nurture. how does a person who by all accounts was a "good mother" albeit a liar and thief, end up killing her child?


A "good mother" does not lie about working, she does!!! and goes without so her child does not!

A "good mother" does not NOT report her child missing, she goes to the end of the earth to protect her child!

Casey was NOT a "good mother" in any sense of the word!
i just cannot for the life of me figure out how "one and one makes two" in this situation. assuming it was a mix of nature and nurture. how does a person who by all accounts was a "good mother" albeit a liar and thief, end up killing her child?

Bear in mind that the majority of people describing Casey as a good mother were her superficial friends, she did not have one long term friend. They only saw her during the photo opportunity type of interactions... whereas her own mother called her an "unfit mother" numerous times and considered seeking custody more than once.
i just cannot for the life of me figure out how "one and one makes two" in this situation. assuming it was a mix of nature and nurture. how does a person who by all accounts was a "good mother" albeit a liar and thief, end up killing her child?

Diane Downs was said to be a "good mother" and she tried murdering all 3 of her children.
i will admit that there is no reliable proof she was a good mother, but regardless. no matter how much she lied or stole, what was the trigger? lying and stealing does not a murderer make. i do not believe cindy ever expected her granddaughter would turn up dead, even if she did threaten to take her away.

i am not defending caseys actions here, i do not want any bashing. i am just generally curious of peoples opinions.
No, because I don't personally know the Anthony's and have no facts telling me she was abused so bad that she would murder her own child. I am not saying they aren't dysfunctional, they areand so are millions of familes in one way or another.
I blame FCA and FCA alone.

They were probably as 'normal' as the rest of us until ICA started her incorrigible lying, stealing, promiscuous behavior. ICA controlled that household and CA spent too many years pandering to her trying to be her BFF.
They both cared more about having the perfect image than seeking help to manage her...
i will admit that there is no reliable proof she was a good mother, but regardless. no matter how much she lied or stole, what was the trigger? lying and stealing does not a murderer make. i do not believe cindy ever expected her granddaughter would turn up dead, even if she did threaten to take her away.

i am not defending caseys actions here, i do not want any bashing. i am just generally curious of peoples opinions.

I think it is the way she was made; apparently all her friends, throughout her school life and beyond knew she was a terrible liar. Why the A's didn't seek help is beyond me, they let her terrorize them.
They were probably as 'normal' as the rest of us until ICA started her incorrigible lying, stealing, promiscuous behavior. ICA controlled that household and CA spent too many years pandering to her trying to be her BFF.
They both cared more about having the perfect image than seeking help to manage her...

ITA on my gut after 15 years of prof. experience. Once Casey's characterological stuff started to manifest full-blown, that household , probably already fraying, no longer stood a chance.
Onset in early adolescence, the fact that she did not finish high school may have also been connected to her issues starting to rear their ugly heads in this time.

I can fully understand why therapists have offered Casey free counseling. I'd LOVE to have her as my client! I bet she'd be the most needy and exhausting client ever, but there'd probably also never be a dull moment :crazy:
I believe she was mentally abused all her life by her parents! You can tell that CA was a lia, controlling, and possesive. I think GA is also a liar. Together they created their little monster! For example. why was she so scared to tell them about her pregnancy? There was abuse somewhere in her growing up. I feel bad if she was abused, but I dont feel bad for her in general. It wasn't Caylee's fault. If anything she should of protected Caylee.

I was never abused in my life but if I got pregnant as an unwed teen, I would have been terrified to tell my parents. It's amazing the conclusions people come to based on nothing. From what I heard in those audios and jailhouse videos, Casey was anything but scared of her parents.

There are 6 children in my family. We were all raised the same way with the same parents, and we are all so very different. Not every child's behavior is a result from their upbringing.

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