Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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I feel sorry for the "child Casey" Not the ADULT Casey. Yes I do believe she was emoctionally abused as a child and IMO likely physically. that being said no matter how much abuse or how crappy your childhood was it is no excuse to harm another person. I feel bad for the CHILD Casey NOT the ADULT Casey as the CHILD casey was a Victim ( IMO) the ADULT Casey made her OWN choices. IMO The CHILD Casey If she was abused had no choices the ADULT casey had all the choices we ALL have. IMO there was some very wrong things that went on in that home. I respect EVERYONE elese opnions so I am asking everyone to respect mine as well. Just because I feel bad IF Casey was abused does not mean I feel sorry for her as adult.

I KNOW 100% that your childhood can not and does not have to make your future . I was molisted 12 years and raised and aged out of foster care to adopt four abused children and become the best mom of six I can. I am a Darn good mom if I have to say so myself. BUt I am a Darn good mom because I made the CHOICE to be . Casey could of did the same she made the choice not to which is a shame. PLEASE dont ATTACK me for my opnion

BTW I felt bad when hearing what her Ex said that Cindy did to her infront of him. How she put Casey down how she basically called her worthless etc. THAT IMO IS emoctional abuse but again NOT a excuses to harm a child . BUT IMO if Cindy would act this way in front of others then Yes I believe she treated Casey badly behind closed doors also.
I was brought by a controlling neglectful verally abusive mother and I have 2 healthy happy kids. Both alive. I created some major distance between us and even to this day (being almost 40 yrs young) when that distance is needed, I enforce it.

So not I don't feel sorry for her. She had the somewhat charm and personality to change things, between her and Cindy, but chose not to. As she NEEDED her parents provide for Caylee.
Seems (unlike susan smith) that Casey had plenty of boyfriends and when one didnt fit her idea's he was completely ditchable. I really do not see this as a true motive for anything in Caseys life because she seemed very able to pull a boyfriend and tony wasnt even the hotest or most interesting of the ones I saw showcased in court. Not to mention Casey seemed to aviod lasting relationships on purpose. Plus the amount of time she knew Tony Casey surely was not that attached if she is narcissistic like people say she wouldnt have cared what he wanted she would have just been like See ya ,and been with one of his friends.

Nope IMO she was using tony if she is Narcissistic like people say.

And Tony never said anything like that in court.

I think Tony L provided her with the life she liked, clubs, excitement, fun. She was his ticket out of Mother boredom she found herself in. She was not going to let him go, he was headed for NY and a career in music business/clubs? and even when taken to jail, all she wanted was to call him. I dont think she was going to dump him.
I think at some point he told her he was not ready fr kids and that is what set her off as far as getting rid of Caylee JMO
From those pics, she looked like she was having lots of fun at that Club.
In America today, most people do not have to worry about day-to-day survival. Most have a warm home to live in during the winter, go to the grocery store to hunt food, etc. In more "primitive" hunting and gathering societies, everyone had to work together. If one member failed to do his or her assigned job or task, it could have meant hardship or death for all the rest.

I applaud our society for its compassion and its willingness to try to rehabilitate those who steal or have done harm to others. However, we have also lost that ability to see where some individuals are just "sick" with a sickness that cannot be healed. These individuals are dangerous to society and cannot be trusted to act with kindness, compassion and truth. In more "primitive" societies, individuals such as these would have been shunned or even killed, so as to protect everyone else from their actions.

IMHO, Casey is an aberration -- and a danger to all those around her. How she got this way (nature or nurture) does not matter at this point. I can only feel as much compassion for her as she felt for her daughter as she put the duct tape around her mouth (IMHO), wrapped her in a plastic bag, and ultimately disposed of her in a swamp. ABSOLUTELY NONE. Maybe when she was Caylee's age, but no more.

Would you feel compassion for a grizzly bear as it bears down upon you with teeth exposed and claws ready to shred your skin? NOPE. You'd be fighting for your life and trying to kill it to prevent it from killing you. That is how I feel about Casey. We should be protecting ourselves, our loved ones and especially our children -- society's children -- from her, not letting her go free.

I think the reaction we are seeing regarding the "wrongness" of the juries decision is a "gut" reaction from human beings who understand, on a subconscious and "primitive" level that this woman is DANGEROUS and letting her go puts a very "sick" person back out in society to prey upon others.
Casey obviously was scared of what her parents reaction was going to be. And she was over 18. Very interesting. And then of course, if she told Grund he was the Dad and her parents knew, why wasn't he there when she had her? That is weird. And then he did show up and George was mad or something. Its so bizarre.

I think Casey was someone who told everyone in her life different stories. Who knows what she told George and Cindy about Jesse, or Jesse about them. She seemed to play people off one another.
Seems (unlike susan smith) that Casey had plenty of boyfriends and when one didnt fit her idea's he was completely ditchable. I really do not see this as a true motive for anything in Caseys life because she seemed very able to pull a boyfriend and tony wasnt even the hotest or most interesting of the ones I saw showcased in court. Not to mention Casey seemed to aviod lasting relationships on purpose. Plus the amount of time she knew Tony Casey surely was not that attached if she is narcissistic like people say she wouldnt have cared what he wanted she would have just been like See ya ,and been with one of his friends.

Nope IMO she was using tony if she is Narcissistic like people say.

And Tony never said anything like that in court.[/
Susan Smith murdered her two boys in a horrible way, to keep a man. It is my opinion that Casey was happy when Caylee was no longer a problem. Eveyone said how happy she was after Caylee was dead - she even got a tattoo that did NOT memorialize Caylee - it celebrated her freedom.

Tony never said anything like that in court, but there are depositions of Casey's friend, under oath, stating how angry and upset Casey was on July 4th while talking to Tony on the phone. He was telling her he had planned to move to New York. She was sure, IMO, that she had solved the problem that may have prevented him from taking her. She was sure all would work out perfect when she could tell her parents she was moving to NY and taking Caylee - and she could tell Tony Caylee was staying with the parents, or even the Nanny. Casey wasn't one to think things through, she was more of an "in-the-moment" liar.

I don't believe Casey is simply a narcissist, I believe she is a text book sociopath and one of their traits is to win at any cost. She wasn't going to lose Tony because it was not HER idea - she needed to be the one to break up or leave the relationship - JUST as it had always been with her boyfriends. Sociopaths are not to be spurned - they do the spurning.

I can't find the spell check feature, so.....

I agree, the motive was Tony. Think about it, when she wanted Jesse, Caylee didnt get in the way because jesse was tricked into thinking he was the father, and even when he found out otherwise, he still agreed to be a father figure. So Caylee did not get in the way of Casey having her man. With Ricardo, he was ok with having Caylee spend the night to be with Casey, so Caylee did not get in the way of Casey having her man. With Tony, there;s a problem. He lives with two other guys who are not going to be ok with a toddler spending the night all the time. Also, he is a club promoter and DJ who;s girlfriend would need to be someone who can go out at night all the time like him. He said he only wanted boys, not girls. SO guess what? CAYLEE BECAME A PROBLEM.

I think the jury should have heard Jesse's interview with the cops where he said Casey changed who she was based on the man she was with. She was an innocent church girl with him, party girl with Tony, and he gave another example that I cant remember. This girl;s entire self worth comes from having a boyfriend. It is the single most important thing to her. That was her main motive in my opinion
No, no and not at all!!! We all have imperfect parents, etc and we don't murder our child and throw her away! No excuse for Casey!!
I don't feel bad for a second. one good example is "JACEE DUGARD" OMG, look at what she has gone through and she took care of her two Daughters in that horrible backyard after being kidnapped and raped. Look at her now! She is a loving Mother and a wonderful person. No one should feel sorry for the EVIL ICA baby killer. It makes me really mad when I think of what JACEE went through and ICA Has the nerve to complain, accuse her family of incest and kill her Daughter. Too bad JACEE wasn't on the jury
I think Casey had a great childhood. I think Cindy doted upon her. She was given everything her heart desired.
Casey is an evil, manipulating, vicious, selfish, oh most important LYING poor excuse for a human being...
I know many spoiled rotten kids and none of them ever hurt or killed anyone and their parents are lovely ppl.
Its Casey.......
Casey didn't have a terrible childhood. Look at Jaycee Dugard. She's the one who had a terrible childhood. Jaycee seems kind and loving (in her TV interview) and protective of her two daughters. No, I don't think you can blame how you were brought up. There are a whole lot of people brought up a whole lot worse than ICA.
Casey didn't have a terrible childhood. Look at Jaycee Dugard. She's the one who had a terrible childhood. She seems kind and loving and and protective of her two daughters. No, I don't think you can blame how you were brought up. There are a whole lot of people brought up a whole lot worse than ICA.

OMG! exactly! she had every reason too have tried to self-abort or hate her two daughters and could not! she is a true mother in my eyes!
I feel sad for Caylee because she won't be "brought up". I feel nothing for FCA.
My nature is to see things mostly black and white with very little gray, which is not always a good thing. I also have been told that I can be very judgemental too. I do have strong opinions. I like to refer to my cynical side as being 'analytical' :) My DD and I spent quite a bit of time yesterday discussing all sorts of aspects of the Anthony tragedy.
I WANT to feel bad for her. I WANT to find something in me that looks at her and feels compassion for all that she has done. I think it would make me feel better if I could. Normal people don't do what she has done. Fact. And if I try hard enough to dig deep enough and think that maybe there is a sliver of compassion for her, I remember the change in her demeanor when the jury was in or out of the room, I remember the absolutely chilling grins that were caught on film during the trial. She actively played the pitiful card and I don't believe I saw one real or genuine glimpse of her until the day of her sentencing when she came sashaying into the courtroom, all ready to roll on outta there.
No matter what she claims happened, there have been no tears for Caylee. None. I do believe that some people are just bad. She does have NPD, clearly but that isn't why she killed Caylee. She is just a bad human. Every genus of being produces a percentage that aren't right or good. It's hard for us to truly understand because we are coming from our perspective, our morals and our character. She lacks morals or character. She scares me. The more I learn and see about her, she really does scare me. She is capable of bad things. I can't feel badly for her.

I jut love your siggy line in the form of a prayer to Caylee.

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