Do You Really Think Casey Will Serve Time For Forgery?

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Aug 7, 2008
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From knowing someone that stole her parent's checkbook and forged a bunch of checks off of it, I'd say no. She'll most likely get probation and have to make restitution.
From knowing someone that stole her parent's checkbook and forged a bunch of checks off of it, I'd say no. She'll most likely get probation and have to make restitution.

She'll get some time for sure
She'll get time added onto the other charges that should be coming down the pike soon.
She might serve some time, but I don't think she will get 5 years for each of the checks she forged.
KC will serve time on each and every charge they prove in court. Her thumbing her nose at LE and the "system" will not help her when any charge comes up. I'm not saying that they will use the charges as a substitute for what they would like to charge her with but I don't think she will be able to plead for mercy and thus face the full time the proven charges carry. She will not be placed in a special area like she has in the time she has already served in jail but with all of the others who are there for the same reason she is. No extra protection will be given to her. If I were KC I would be very afraid.
With her and her family continually shooting LE the "Double tall man salute", they are going to give her everything they can.

Green baloney, day old bread, and plenty of tossed salad
She most certainly will. I'm more interested in the check she used the routing numbers for and if she can be charged federally since it was done electronically.
She is being charged on multiple charges including grand larceny, it's not that she wrote a bad check or two for some groceries.

They have her on video tape and all the business's are behind the DA.

She will do time. 5 years on each count? Probably not, but the only bars in her future are the ones that belong to the door of her cell.

They are not done charging her either. More is coming.
Why are these charges felonies? The amounts seem low? Don't get me wrong - I'm glad they are, but was curious about the severity of the charges.
IMHO she 'll get time for the lessor charges is only for the Law to buy time and find Caylee,
so that they can add some REAL charges regarding Caylee later, some stolen checks will buy them time.
Regardless to all the charges about stealing, she can get out on good behavior, much too soon.
So I believe that time for the lessor charges only puts LE in more control, to finally get her cahrged for Caylee.
AT least that is my hope.
Last night on NG they said she could get up to 50 years. I don't think it's the checks, fraud with CC's that they want her on. They do show that she is not trustworthy. Her case isn't simply the case of a person who took her friends checkbook once. She seems to have made a life off of fraud.
I think she will be charged with murder before she can be charged with this fraud. This is LE letting out information to show what her lifestyle has been like, IMHO
I guess it depends on the judge presiding over the case how much time she actually gets. There are guidelines, and he/she can either give the max or any amount of time below that. I am thinking that MOST of the judges KNOW about this case, and they are going to review it with a fine tooth comb and when it comes down to the sentencing, she is going to serve as much time as is ALLOWED by LAW...
Why are these charges felonies? The amounts seem low? Don't get me wrong - I'm glad they are, but was curious about the severity of the charges.

Because *I THINK* it's considered Grand Theft. There are also different degrees of grand theft I believe.
I guess it depends on the judge presiding over the case how much time she actually gets. There are guidelines, and he/she can either give the max or any amount of time below that. I am thinking that MOST of the judges KNOW about this case, and they are going to review it with a fine tooth comb and when it comes down to the sentencing, she is going to serve as much time as is ALLOWED by LAW...

I just hope that George does not know any judges that owe favors. LOL
The max sounds good to me.
Why wouldn't she do time for forgery? I think she will also do time for murder. JMHO!!
Last night on NG they said she could get up to 50 years. I don't think it's the checks, fraud with CC's that they want her on. They do show that she is not trustworthy. Her case isn't simply the case of a person who took her friends checkbook once. She seems to have made a life off of fraud.
I think she will be charged with murder before she can be charged with this fraud. This is LE letting out information to show what her lifestyle has been like, IMHO
Yes I heard it too.
I do not get it, forgery does not warrant 50 years.
(But I don't know much about forgery)
Why wouldn't she do time for forgery? I think she will also do time for murder. JMHO!!

Exactly! The check charges are moot.....just the cherry on top. They are nothing compared to wait is awaiting her down the line. And sooner than later in my opinion.
I agree that she will probably do some time...but not much without some serious additional charges. The sentencing guidelines generally don't allow for "Maximum penalty for defendant's unlikeability." I just mean that the judge has to punish along guidelines already established. If they don't bring murder charges, he can only consider facts which apply to the actual crimes she's charged with.

On the other hand, he could stack the sentences and make them run consecutively instead of concurrently. That would stretch it out a bit as Casey would have to complete one sentence before beginning the next.

Also, some jurisdictions have step-up sentences for multiple offenses. In other words, the first crime would be sentenced at the level of the offense but the second charged crime would be stepped-up to the next level (i.e. a class C misdemeanor could be sentenced as a class B misdemeanor or a third degree felony could be sentenced at as a second degree felony.)

Her actions pretty much guarantee she'll get some jail time but how much is up to the judge.

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