Do you sincerely believe Jose Baez' version of what happened!

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Do you sincerely believe JB's version of what happened, did Caylee accidently drown?

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Excellent point that she takes no responsibility for ANY aspect of this "accident". We keep wondering why JB had to add in the stuff about George, etc. But apparently Casey can't be guilty of any element of the situation whatsoever.

I think that is exactly it. The more I think about it, the scarier it gets. I have always thought she killed Cayley. But there is this nagging scenario that niggles at my brain. Let's say Casey promised her child she could go back and swim after George left. So she goes back, sets up the ladder, tells Caylee she'll brb, then she neglectfully goes inside and begins texting and facebooking, and ignores the dangerous situation. Much later she goes out to find a dead child in the pool.

Thinking of herself first, she does not call for help. She goes into clean up and cover up mode. She decides to make it look like a kidnapping at first, so she duct tapes the little face, wraps her in a pooh blankie and puts her in the trunk. If she had called 911 she would have been over and done with us already. But she NEVER has taken any responsibility for anything. And she is not going to start now.

So she stubbornly sat in jail for 3 years, and now she has destroyed her entire family, ripping them apart and torturing them worse each day. She is placing all of the blame on them, each one of them. She could not accept a plea deal because she could not accept even one iota of responsibility.

I hope she gets sent away for a long time, murder or no murder, because of her ugly vicious behavior in the aftermath. Who cares if it was an accident or not, , because she partied, showed no remorse, wasted everyone's time and resources with phony searches, wore 'missing child' t-shirts, accepted donations,promised her family the baby was coming home soon, blamed innocent people and then finally blamed her family and made up vile accusations. LWOP is deserved, accident or no accident. imoo
I think that is exactly it. The more I think about it, the scarier it gets. I have always thought she killed Cayley. But there is this nagging scenario that niggles at my brain. Let's say Casey promised her child she could go back and swim after George left. So she goes back, sets up the ladder, tells Caylee she'll brb, then she neglectfully goes inside and begins texting and facebooking, and ignores the dangerous situation. Much later she goes out to find a dead child in the pool.

Thinking of herself first, she does not call for help. She goes into clean up and cover up mode. She decides to make it look like a kidnapping at first, so she duct tapes the little face, wraps her in a pooh blankie and puts her in the trunk. If she had called 911 she would have been over and done with us already. But she NEVER has taken any responsibility for anything. And she is not going to start now.

So she stubbornly sat in jail for 3 years, and now she has destroyed her entire family, ripping them apart and torturing them worse each day. She is placing all of the blame on them, each one of them. She could not accept a plea deal because she could not accept even one iota of responsibility.

I hope she gets sent away for a long time, murder or no murder, because of her ugly vicious behavior in the aftermath. Who cares if it was an accident or not, , because she partied, showed no remorse, wasted everyone's time and resources with phony searches, wore 'missing child' t-shirts, accepted donations,promised her family the baby was coming home soon, blamed innocent people and then finally blamed her family and made up vile accusations. LWOP is deserved, accident or no accident. imoo

And she has left many of us not much choice but to believe that she did not want to fess up because if she did, she'd have to bring police to a body that they could prove (had there still been organs and flesh) had never drowned. As you pointed out, no matter what happened, she's done this to herself.
No. His account is a fairytale, dreamt up to obfuscate and to instil doubt and get his client freed/a lower sentence (take your pick!). I'll be generous to the chap and say it IS his job. But I can't say as if I really like or admire his style! I watch him and I do this! >>>> :pullhair:
JB should have left Kronk out of his OS - that was taking it a bridge too far.

My opinion only
No. His account is a fairytale, dreamt up to obfuscate and to instil doubt and get his client freed/a lower sentence (take your pick!). I'll be generous to the chap and say it IS his job. But I can't say as if I really like or admire his style! I watch him and I do this! >>>> :pullhair:

Welcome to WS Albion!

I think that is exactly it. The more I think about it, the scarier it gets. I have always thought she killed Cayley. But there is this nagging scenario that niggles at my brain. Let's say Casey promised her child she could go back and swim after George left. So she goes back, sets up the ladder, tells Caylee she'll brb, then she neglectfully goes inside and begins texting and facebooking, and ignores the dangerous situation. Much later she goes out to find a dead child in the pool.

Thinking of herself first, she does not call for help. She goes into clean up and cover up mode. She decides to make it look like a kidnapping at first, so she duct tapes the little face, wraps her in a pooh blankie and puts her in the trunk. If she had called 911 she would have been over and done with us already. But she NEVER has taken any responsibility for anything. And she is not going to start now.

So she stubbornly sat in jail for 3 years, and now she has destroyed her entire family, ripping them apart and torturing them worse each day. She is placing all of the blame on them, each one of them. She could not accept a plea deal because she could not accept even one iota of responsibility.

I hope she gets sent away for a long time, murder or no murder, because of her ugly vicious behavior in the aftermath. Who cares if it was an accident or not, , because she partied, showed no remorse, wasted everyone's time and resources with phony searches, wore 'missing child' t-shirts, accepted donations,promised her family the baby was coming home soon, blamed innocent people and then finally blamed her family and made up vile accusations. LWOP is deserved, accident or no accident.

ITA especially with the bolded took 3 years to come up with this implausible scenario....her father disposed of a deceased Caylee, put her in ICA's trunk, somehow gave Caylee's remains to RK to hide until December 11, 2008, so she can face 1st degree murder charge with a penalty of death? Is ludacris...

In Baez' OS, it appears that ICA just will not accept any responsiblity in Caylee's demise. That is where he will go wrong...If Caylee drowned, then there is neglect on ICA's part...the State offered her a 10 year manslaughter conviction but she would have to lead LE to Caylee's remains. She knew she couldn't do that due to that demonic duct Caylee's remains would have been skeletal after a month on the lam...but there might have been some tissue left for testing...ICA could not/would not risk that..she wants to be off scott free which I believe will NOT happen..just the 31 days of not reporting any crime is a huge red flag...everything else found with Caylee links right back to the Anthony home...I believe the State knows where GA was that fateful day in June...they know now what ICA was doing and it appears she flourished with no Caylee in tow...

I had thought on June 16, 2008...she could not get a hold of CA to babysit for her hot date with TonyL...and she might have drugged Caylee, bound her in the trunk of her vehicle...since she slept in late, when she went to her car after 2PM, she found a deceased Caylee, went back home, set up the ladder and went on her merry shopping spree...with Caylee lying in her trunk..whatever truly happened, I doubt anyone will really know but she must be brought to justice and I do believe she will...I'd like for her to do LWOP but death seems more appropriate for her vicious attacks against her family...She needs to take and accept responsbility for her actions/inactions in Caylee's demise...and it appears the contention between CA and ICA was Caylee and what ICA might not have been doing, ICA appears to have a sadistic, vicous side to her that no one saw but the family..What she might have did behind closed doors to Caylee when no one was watching, is anyone's guess ...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
If JB had kept it simple by stating that Caylee drowned in the backyard and in a moment of panic ICA put her in garbage bags and used the duct tape around her face to prevent bugs from entering her nose and mouth, and dumped her out of fear that her parents would not believe her, then the DT might have had a much better chance at getting her off, of course this does not explain why ICA chose to sit in jail 3 years before claiming this was just an accident.:waitasec:

I don't really blame JB though he is just a mouthpiece for ICA, the entire defense strategy sounds like one of ICA's outrageous lies from start to finish.
I could have believed it if he said with the accidental drowning and she freaked out...
but he just HAD to throw in all that other BS...
I agree with DrG's very logical thinking that whenever a child dies in an accident, people call 9-11. They may make up a story about how the accident occurred because they don't want to be seen as neglectful but they don't triple bag the baby and toss her off in the swampy woods unless it was homicide (hide the deed!).

Don't even get me started on the partying, tattooing and wanton sex escapades after her daughter died! The duct tape? Why would you put duct tape on an alive child unless you wanted that child to die (felony child abuse)? And there is no logical reason to put duct tape on a deceased child. I know that some think it was to keep bugs away or to keep body fluids from leaking but I don't think she cared that much at the time. She had a date to keep with her future husband (Mrs. Tony Lazzaro)!

It was homicide and I believe the SA has done a good job of proving it. A middle school student could write a better story than the one JB has tried to spin.
Here's what I don't get.....

All JB needs to get her off is "reasonable doubt". Wouldn't a competent DT have taken the following position, acknowledging all the evidence but explaining it away?:

- Caylee drowned in the pool.
- Casey panicked, went into shock, PTSD, etc. Bad relationship w/ her parents over her ability as a mother so felt she couldn't report it. Hid the body in the backyard that night.
- Went back the next day, attempted to bury body but it didn't work. Due to decomp (as per the SA witness) fluid had begun to pour from mouth and nose.
- Casey covered the mouth and nose with duct tape to stop the fluid.
- Put body in trunk and disposed of it in the swamp 3 days later.
- PTSD and denial led to her behavior for the next 31 days.

Reasonable doubt accomplished!

Monique, you are right but you used the word "competitent" in the same sentence with B..:floorlaugh:
Not a chance......I can't believe he actually thinks normal intelligent people fall for his antics and his attempts at sacrificing innocent people just so his murdering client can get away with her crime and or the severity of it. If I was a Juror, Mr. Baez would have lost any desire that I may have had to try to continue in all fairness, to listen to anything he had to say " After He Yelled At The Jury " in an attempt to get his yelled desire into the Jury's heads that he wants them to find his client guilty of ( neglect ) ...Think he's fairly sure she will be convicted. There is never any reason for anyone to Yell at a Jury!:loser:
I think Baez thought he was smart by doing this ...but as so many other times the things that Mr. Baez thinks is sooooo smart ...well ...not much!
I would have totally tuned him out after this stunt and would treat anything he might get me to hear ....quickly turned into the same reaction I'd have had if he had just passed gas. ......JMO
Exactly! On the note of opening statements.
How can CM have argued 'we don't know how she died' while asking for the acquital when in the DT's opening statement they specifically stated Caylee died on July 16 as a result of drowning? Seems strange to me.

To be fair to CM, who gets high marks from me as a lawyer from what I've seen, his argument was that the evidence presented by the prosecution was not sufficient to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt [i.e. that if the defense rested without offering any evidence, and jury convicted, court would be required to overrule the jury]. His point was that the prosecution had the burden of proving that KC was responsible for child's death, and the evidence presented didn't even prove how death occurred, let alone that KC caused it.
The ship has sailed for an accident. This leaves any reasonable person to assume that it was nothing less than a crime committed by the mother. She gets no points for an accident. She behaved as if it were an intentional crime and if it weren't she still behaved as if it suited her purpose. This behavior screams for a severe punishement.

If accidental, one has a limited time to announce it. From that point forward, it is to be considered murder and treated as such. Her sentence will be given for murder and not manslaughter. The evidence says nothing less.
I agree with DrG's very logical thinking that whenever a child dies in an accident, people call 9-11. They may make up a story about how the accident occurred because they don't want to be seen as neglectful but they don't triple bag the baby and toss her off in the swampy woods unless it was homicide (hide the deed!).

Don't even get me started on the partying, tattooing and wanton sex escapades after her daughter died! The duct tape? Why would you put duct tape on an alive child unless you wanted that child to die (felony child abuse)? And there is no logical reason to put duct tape on a deceased child. I know that some think it was to keep bugs away or to keep body fluids from leaking but I don't think she cared that much at the time. She had a date to keep with her future husband (Mrs. Tony Lazzaro)!

It was homicide and I believe the SA has done a good job of proving it. A middle school student could write a better story than the one JB has tried to spin.


I used to think the duct tape was to keep Caylee quiet if she woke up, but now I'm leaning towards it being put on shortly after death because of bodily fluids, etc.


Because I was thinking that, as far as I've heard, any duct tape found on her clothes or bones. I'm thinking now that if Caylee woke up and found duct tape over her mouth, she would have tried to pull it off - if her hands and feet weren't also bound with duct tape. The lack of a bunch of other duct tape being found makes me reconsider my first thoughts.

The defense's explanation of what happened is suspiciously similar to Casey's everyday lies. It started off with a reasonable scenario, then more and more was added on, making it absolutely preposterous.

Methinks somebody's pants are on fire.

The ship has sailed for an accident. This leaves any reasonable person to assume that it was nothing less than a crime committed by the mother. She gets no points for an accident. She behaved as if it were an intentional crime and if it weren't she still behaved as if it suited her purpose. This behavior screams for a severe punishement.

If accidental, one has a limited time to announce it. From that point forward, it is to be considered murder and treated as such. Her sentence will be given for murder and not manslaughter. The evidence says nothing less.

Agree. Up until OS, I really thought there had been some horrible accident- almost certainly due to gross negligence or abuse, but that murder had not been the intent. After OS, I changed my mind. If KC could do to her dad and the rest of her family what she's allowing to be done through this trial, she's capable of anything. Ever since, the prosecution has proved their case to me. It was murder 1. Will they prove it to the jury? Who knows. But if Jose would go along with or, worse, create scenarios that blame everyone but KC, including devoted family members, hapless witnesses, people just doing their jobs and even men on the street who have absolutely nothing to do with the case, the guy is unworthy of any modicum of trust. MO.
If Caylee did drown accidentally, and had KC called 911 immediately, would she have been charged with anything?

Is it even remotely possible that Caylee did drown and KC did concoct an elaborate lie and try to cover it up as a kidnapping and murder? Forget her suspicious behavior after Caylee's death for a moment. It's clear that she was a neglectful mother, but that fact alone doesn't prove murder, does it?

Some people bring up the fact that KC didn't report Caylee missing until 31 days later, and that if it had been an accident then why not report it sooner? But that actually would make sense because why would KC willingly turn herself in before the world started to realize Caylee was missing? She had something to hide (Caylee's death), and because she was so afraid of being blamed for the accident, she did not say anything and came up with this elaborate lie.

I guess the defense's theory is just too far-fetched and improbable, but I still think it's necessary to consider if it could have been possible.

However, if indeed Caylee did die under "innocent" circumstances, it just does not make sense that KC would go through such lengths to cover it up. Surely she would have known that reporting the death immediately would have made her look far better than having Caylee's remains found with duct-tape around her skull some months down the road. She totally failed to plan this out.
There is no doubt in my mind that no body whose ears have heard this ridiculous story believes it. Lies that get bigger and bigger don't work, they aren't believed, and they aren't going to work for Baez.

I just had to respond to this because every time I see the title I think, does anybody?
It this had happened, and Caylee had drowned, iCA would have confessed immediately if not when she was arrested, then when the body was found. She might be a liar, but she isn't stupid. She knows how to use her words to get out of messes.

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