Do you sincerely believe Jose Baez' version of what happened!

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Do you sincerely believe JB's version of what happened, did Caylee accidently drown?

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If Caylee did drown accidentally, and had KC called 911 immediately, would she have been charged with anything?
Possibly manslaughter or child neglect, but parents who have left their children (forgotten) in hot cars to die, often do get off and are extremely remorseful...

I used to think the duct tape was to keep Caylee quiet if she woke up, but now I'm leaning towards it being put on shortly after death because of bodily fluids, etc.


Because I was thinking that, as far as I've heard, any duct tape found on her clothes or bones. I'm thinking now that if Caylee woke up and found duct tape over her mouth, she would have tried to pull it off - if her hands and feet weren't also bound with duct tape. The lack of a bunch of other duct tape being found makes me reconsider my first thoughts.


What if she was chloroformed before the ducttape was put on her though? And what if Casey held Caylee's two very small hands above her head and applied ducttape, and waited for Caylee to suffocate?
Does anyone think that Jose and ICA's lawyers don't even know what happened? I get the feeling that she hasn't even told them and still give's them a different story. I may be wrong but I think they have no clue as to what actually transpired.:(:(:confused:
I believe wholeheartedly that KC murdered caylee. I think she was raging at her mother and fed up with having to deal with caylee > I believe she smothered her daughter and covered her face with the duct tape to shut her up, like a there you go finale. I believe she was fuming when she did this she then carried her to the trunk of her car and left her there until she had to dump the body for the smell.

At no point did she attempt the hide the body in the back garden EVER she s not that stupid the family dogs would have been all over it. There was NO drowning just a story that lots of people were saying could have happened (plausable) so they went with that and ran ... that child died at the hand of her mother in the house I will never believe she duct taped her then threw her in the trunk and for got about her its absurd.It was murder make no mistake from a lunatic mother who still thinks she can get away with this it will be a travesty if she isnt found guilty of !st degree murder cos that what she did .
I don't find anything in the evidence to actually disprove the scenario proposed by the defense. I was surprised they would come out so strongly with such a specific scenario, though, due to the unreliability of Casey's stories. I feel their scenario may contain elements of truth or on the other hand could be her latest confabulation. I did always think that Casey could have a compulsive "lying" disorder with a medical basis that could very well be completely unrelated to guilt. (In 40% of cases of compulsive lying there is a history of abnormal EEG, cns infection or illness, epilepsy etc. In other words, that her "lying" could be a brain or cns issue, i.e. memory dysfunction of some kind, or etc. And of course we know about her history of seizures and I've seen her also have what looked to me (in hearings early on) to be a rapid right-left jiggling of her eyes, which can be related to brain lesions or injury/illness. The more I read about these compulsive "lying" disorders the more i think the statements she made do fit with some kind of medical-basis confabulation because apparently it is very common for people who have confabulation to mix in elements of real memory from the past out of temporal context, like Casey did with mentioning taking Caylee to Sawgrass (where she really did use to go all the time in 2006 to see Annie, not Zanny), and working at Universal which she really had in 2006 etc. I also always wondered about the possibility of some kind of trauma disorder, which is exactly what the defense came out with. I was just surprised they went with such a specific scenario because of the apparent unreliability of Casey's memory/statements, and because so many other possiblities were never ruled out in my opinion. But if she came out strongly in the end with the belief that this was the truth of what had happened, maybe the defense had little choice but to go with it. MOO
I don't find anything in the evidence to actually disprove the scenario proposed by the defense. I was surprised they would come out so strongly with such a specific scenario, though, due to the unreliability of Casey's stories. I feel their scenario may contain elements of truth or on the other hand could be her latest confabulation. I did always think that Casey could have a compulsive "lying" disorder with a medical basis that could very well be completely unrelated to guilt. (In 40% of cases of compulsive lying there is a history of abnormal EEG, cns infection or illness, epilepsy etc. In other words, that her "lying" could be a brain or cns issue, i.e. memory dysfunction of some kind, or etc. And of course we know about her history of seizures and I've seen her also have what looked to me (in hearings early on) to be a rapid right-left jiggling of her eyes, which can be related to brain lesions or injury/illness. The more I read about these compulsive "lying" disorders the more i think the statements she made do fit with some kind of medical-basis confabulation because apparently it is very common for people who have confabulation to mix in elements of real memory from the past out of temporal context, like Casey did with mentioning taking Caylee to Sawgrass (where she really did use to go all the time in 2006 to see Annie, not Zanny), and working at Universal which she really had in 2006 etc. I also always wondered about the possibility of some kind of trauma disorder, which is exactly what the defense came out with. I was just surprised they went with such a specific scenario because of the apparent unreliability of Casey's memory/statements, and because so many other possiblities were never ruled out in my opinion. But if she came out strongly in the end with the belief that this was the truth of what had happened, maybe the defense had little choice but to go with it. MOO

Good post Seagull65. I agree with much that you have to say. However, your first sentence while perhaps true its only because there is no i witness to the crime.There could have been an alien abduction of Caylee for all we know and the evidence doesn't disprove it. Not very likely though. IMO.
Oh Jose you're a scream :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I can't even shallow , it hurts :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I can't imagine who believes JB's theory. Period.

But it does kinda remind me an awful lot of this case in some ways...
[ame=""]Stacey Castor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

It is beyond reasonable to assume that ICA is guilty. And to add one more on that...she shows ZERO remorse for anything. Everyone else is to blame. But she. The "fair damsel" in distress...with no one to turn At the end of the day, without putting her on the stand they have nothing. And if they put her on the stand (without their permission) they will have even less. A guilty person is a guilty person is a guilty matter how much lipstick you put on it (hello?)
I guess I can sum it up to logic.
If the drowning story would of come out long ago in a plea and without GA being involved I may have bought it or accepted it.

The fact that GA is in anyways involved does not make sence. To say that she kept a secret becasue she was molested and trained to lie.. just does not make sence.. a dead child is a dead child and a motherly instinct is to call 911 in an emergency. PERIOD

The dramatic statement as to GA stating somthing to the lines of LOOK WHAT YOU DID...YOUR MOTHER WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU AND YOU WILL GO TO JAIL FOR LIFE FOR CHILD NEGLECT.. that didnt happen and if it did ... a mother's instint is to still call 911... accidents are reported.. life in prison for child neglect.. hardley.. a child drowns in a pool quite often.. I havent read a case that in an accident that a parent went to prison for life??

JB had nothing at all left to use.. nothing... so he went with a far fetched joke of a defense that implicated everyone involved except Casey.

If Casey ever loved her parents and family and most of all Caylee she would of told the truth or partial truth and took a plea long ago instead of putting her family through this.

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