Do You Think We Will Ever Find Caylee?

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DNA Solves
The one hope I hold on to, as far as finding Caylee, is that people who lie pathologically will tell the truth ONLY WHEN IT BENEFITS THEM.
I sincerely hope that the prosecutor will see the forrest for the trees and offer life in prison rather than the death penalty in order to get Casey's cooperation in finding Caylee.
When EVERYTHING that LE has is revealed, IMO, it will be a "slam dunk" situation, even without a body.
IMO, I would PREFER to see her in prison for life...death seems to quick and easy for someone who failed their child in every way...
I hope, wish and pray that Caylee will somehow show up, alive and well. I pray for that every single night.

But I can't get around the things that have been presented such as the decomp in the car and the lies. I do not think that we will ever know what exactly happened to Caylee or find her.
For awhile, the rumors were Caylee was probably deposited in the weeds and water near the airport. If so, after 31 days, she would be totally decomposed and the alligators, etc. would have even eaten the bones with meat still on them (pardon the obvious ick I've just described). If so, ain't no way the LE will ever find her. Also, if there's no body, will there be no crime for Casey except for her stealing from parents and friends?

I don't know...but KC sure is acting confident that the body is not going to be found.
I googled this some time in August when there was speculation that Casey may have dumped her near the airport. I found this image......needless to say, ever since i saw this...I've been heartbroken that they may never find her now. Just hard core reality. I hate to think this is what happened, but how can we not. Its happened before. This photo is at the Orlando Airport a couple years ago when they were doing construction. Its a very disturbing thought

I originally did based on cell pings. When signal strength to towers is used to triangulate a location, they can sometimes tell within 100 yards where someone was. Casey apparently was out in the woods by the airport. It is an odd setting for her IMO. I do not know if she was farming out there or gathering mushrooms or what. I am sure she will clear that up for us at some point.

LE also has an idea that she may have put Caylee in Lake Jessop/Jessup. Lake J is packed with alligators
I think Caylee is where they already searched, but in the water with the gaters. They will never find Caylee.
I originally did based on cell pings. When signal strength to towers is used to triangulate a location, they can sometimes tell within 100 yards where someone was. Casey apparently was out in the woods by the airport. It is an odd setting for her IMO. I do not know if she was farming out there or gathering mushrooms or what. I am sure she will clear that up for us at some point.

LE also has an idea that she may have put Caylee in Lake Jessop/Jessup. Lake J is packed with alligators

Unfortunately, I think the Lake Jessup location is more likely. Less messy. There's a bridge that runs right over Lake Jessup.
I think Caylee is where they already searched, but in the water with the gaters. They will never find Caylee.

Sadly, I agree. I don't think there is anything left to find. :( And that breaks my heart. I just cannot for the life of me imagine a mother disposing of her child this way. The thought of a little kid being eaten by an alligator is just horrifying to me, even if the child were already dead. I couldn't imagine even disposing an animal like that. But Casey was not your average mother. I can't imagine a mother out partying and sleeping around so soon after her baby's death, or abduction, either.
So what do you guys believe exactly? I am not trying to discredit your opinion I am just curious. What was Casey's role in all of this? Who else is involved in the disappearance of Caylee?

Why does this question never get a response? I want to know too. What inspires this confidence? I really do want to know. I really would like to contemplate a plausible theory where Caylee might be alive. I just keep getting "holding out hope" and "there's nothing wrong with that" but no logical concept of what might have happened that fits with what we know to be true.

I keep hoping TES will find Caylee, but after the remark about Trenton Duckett it makes me feel a little hopeless.
Why does this question never get a response? I want to know too. What inspires this confidence? I really do want to know. I really would like to contemplate a plausible theory where Caylee might be alive. I just keep getting "holding out hope" and "there's nothing wrong with that" but no logical concept of what might have happened that fits with what we know to be true.

I keep hoping TES will find Caylee, but after the remark about Trenton Duckett it makes me feel a little hopeless.

Speaking of TES, any word on when they are coming back?
I think that Caylee's body will never be found.

I think they'll try to convict Casey on Murder 1 possibly... or Murder 2. But I think that LE may try for Murder 1 because of the internet searches and other evidence that's been withheld that would cause one to think that Casey was potentially premeditating the murder.

With all the hype on the case, I really think that Casey doesn't have much of a chance at getting off for this. They'll find her guilty. It will take a bombshell from the defense to show that she is innocent, such as clear evidence that someone else killed Caylee and Casey just covered up for them. I highly doubt that is the case, however.
I also don't think Caylee's body will ever be found. Sometimes they never are, or they are found many years later. It is very sad to me that her grandparents will not be able to lay her body to rest. We need to all be praying for a miracle.
For awhile, the rumors were Caylee was probably deposited in the weeds and water near the airport. If so, after 31 days, she would be totally decomposed and the alligators, etc. would have even eaten the bones with meat still on them (pardon the obvious ick I've just described). If so, ain't no way the LE will ever find her. Also, if there's no body, will there be no crime for Casey except for her stealing from parents and friends?


Ya know....I have thought about this a lot and I keep coming back to the same question. If Casey took Caylee to gator invested waters wouldnt that mean she would be putting HERSELF in danger of being attacked by one as well? I dunno .....I know nothing about gators so I may very well be wrong, but if this is the case I dont see her putting herself in that kind of danger. Is there a bridge anywhere near that area? I think she would probably be more likely to throw her off a bridge than actually walk to the waters edge and throw her in.
The only way I think Caylee's body will be found is if Casey tells the LE in order to give herself less time in prison. If she is in the landfill then she probably won't be found but at least we will all know what happened to her. I hope she is buried somewhere and not in a landfill. I think being able to give her a proper burial would help the nation and her family with some closure.

Even if they do find Caylees body I think it would be difficult to prove it was first degree murder and therefore Casey wouldn't get the death penalty as she can just say it was an accident if she admits to the crime at all.
I do not think she will be found but I believe they will get a conviction on Murder 1 without the body.

Karen, I will pray for you and hope that things improve in your life. I, too, have been going through a lot and everyday I just hope things get better. I am blessed with two kids I love so much, but my 29 year old son has been very ill and it scares me everyday. I will keep you in my thoughts.

I do not feel like she put her in the water. I think she would have been too afraid that some small part of her would wash up and thus be identified as her by DNA and so I think she is actually buried. I think she was placed inside of a tote of some sort, either a box or a bag- box is my guess since these were readily available in her parents garage, and this would conceal what was inside and nobody would question a small tote in the trunk if it was spotted...BUT she did not count on the smell coming out of the tote...I think if she DID dump her in a dumpster, then there is still the potential to find her because she is enclosed inside of something and her remains are still there...I think Casey would have looked for the simplest thing-and what is more simple than lifting her into a plastic tote and putting the lid on? With a bag she would have had to "stuff" her, and I do not believe she would have been able to do this...that is why I settled on a tote-because she would no longer see her, and she would not be able to feel her, and she could handle this easily, and tell herself it was just a box. I think when she went to the house and backed her car in on those 2 or 3 ocassions she was trying to figure out how to dispose of Caylee, and something that is missing from that house and her parents have or have not noticed is the receptacle...I still remain hopeful that she will be found, somehow, by vigilant searching...that is why I wish so much that Tim would hurry and come back...I think she borrowed the shovel to either shovel in dirt or sand on top of her inside of this box, or to lift her into the box because she did not want to touch her...SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK...
No, no one is going to find Caylee by searching. It's just been too long. If KC even remembers, all evidence is gone by now as a result of nature. If convicted on murder one and facing death or life without, KC might tell, but I doubt it. I think, even if convicted, she and her family will all go to their graves insisting that Caylee is alive and we are all to blame for her absence. I don't think we will see a murder one conviction anyway. I'm thinking maybe voluntary manslaughter with abuse of a corpse. Maybe up on the child abuse charges, if they can prove drugs were used. Just don't think anyone will go for murder one unless they have some really detailed evidence we haven't seen.

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