Do you think you can write the closing statement for the defense?

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Do you think you can write the closing statement for the defense?

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On the advice of ICA, JB is working most of the day tomorrow at Universal Studios with a team of script writers writing another eye opening dramatic sensational thriller closing statement ... Enjoy the ride. It requires magical thinking.
Here we go! Here's my version! (If JB uses this, I want royalties)

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. You've heard Mr. Ashton say my client is a heartless murderer. To which I say.....I know you are but what am I? She's innocent of all or nearly most or some of the things the prosecution is accusing her of unless she isn't. Should we really let someone else decide that? You must set Ms. Anthony free. That's all folks. I'm ready for my special prize that you've been promising me, Judge!"
I hope I'm wrong, but am afraid that Cindy and Lee might have set up a defense where Baez will point to the whole family and say they can't even agree to the truth on the stand. Cindy will lie on the stand and manipulate her work hours. He might say that Lee doesn't even know what he's doing or hearing he's so messed up. Then he'll pick apart George's suicide letter and bring much attention to every word that could be twisted into something else. He'll point out how George is the only one blaming Casey and how he was visiting another woman when he should have been home grieving. He may point out how they cry and lie and won't admit to wrongdoings and taught Casey to do the same thing. I don't quite trust any of the Anthony testimony yet, not until it's all over and we hear all that is left to say.
I couldn't write the closing argument for the defense but I suspect CM could, in fact, already did during his appeal for acquittal yesterday. Yes he largely glossed over and dismissed all the facts and evidence but that's what he's supposed to do and it's what the DT should have been doing all along, thing is he was more persuasive and eloquent yesterday than ANY of the defense team has been in this whole process, just, IMO, far too little far too late. The thing that struck me while he was talking was that had the DT stuck to that kind of strategy during the trial, ie minimizing the importance of the testimony given by the witnesses for the prosecution instead of constantly reinforcing their points by having them repeat, re-emphasise and underline them time and time again on the stand and thus fixing them indelibly in the minds of the jury, they might very well have a shot at their closing arguments making a difference. As it stands now however they can talk as long as they like and it will avail them of nothing.
No way. I did not go to law school and could never compete with team Ashton if my life depended on it!
OK, let' see...

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury I'd like to throw myself at the mercy of the court. This will most likely be my first and last DP court case after HHJP reports me to the Florida Bar for my shenanigans that I have pulled during this long trial that was obviously all about me. ( Pay no attention to that girl behind the curtain)!
I only can add a prayer....

PLEASE Lord, for the love of all that is good....don't let JB use the word "p*nis" in any way, shape, or form in his closing arguments...I'll even go to church, but the fire department must be present for when the church spontaneously combusts.
I sit here today and STILL can NOT erase that memory from my brains hard hard as I try to delete it, it's still there.....ugggh
"If it may please the Court:


*cracks neck, clicks pen, and takes bow*
Ladies and Gentlemen, ICA has lied but that was just her using her creative thinking. she couldn't have done this, she was a good mom...besides she's too cute and popular and y'all are just jealous of her. how can you send her to jail or give her dp being that cute. (sarcasm intended here, now let me go throw up)
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you have been given a task by the state of Florida. Your task is to evaluate all the evidence that has been presented to you, and decide whether or not the state has proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the charges against Casey Marie Anthony.

Please look very carefully at the evidence the state has presented, and the evidence that we have presented in defense of Casey Anthony. The evidence shows for 31 days following the tragic drowning of her daughter, miss Anthony showed behavior unbecoming of a mother who had lost her child. That disturbed behavior continued for months. The state paraded more than a dozen witnesses who testified to this behavior, a behavior that had been evident in Casey for many years. The evidence shows the Anthony family is a family who denies the truth, when that truth does not fit the image the Anthony's want to project to their friends and family around them. The evidence also shows Casey loved Caylee, and had an amazing relationship with her. We all know that each individual handles the loss of a loved one in different ways. Law enforcement could not understand Casey's seemingly bizarre behavior. This misunderstanding caused them to believe that something terrible had happened to Caylee. This misunderstanding caused them to believe Casey may have done something terrible to Caylee. This misunderstanding caused them to do everything in their power to prove that Casey had done something terrible to Caylee. After all the tremendous efforts of law enforcement, they could not determine where Caylee had died, or when Caylee had died, or why Caylee had died, or what Caylee had died of, or who had caused Caylee's death if anyone. Law enforcement could not determine these things, because they were trying to prove Casey was responsible for this, and they were wrong.

The state presented a mountain of forensic evidence in an effort to provide proof that Caylee's death was a premeditated murder. Much of this evidence is unreliable. After Roy Kronk first reported he had possibly sighted a human skull, law enforcement arrived in mid August and failed to see what Roy Kronk could see. For weeks previous to mid August, and for months following mid August, a multitude of searchers, including cadaver dogs searched the areas including and surrounding the area where Caylee's remains were ultimately found, and they found nothing. On December 11th, 3 weeks after Roy Kronk had called his son and told him to watch tv, he was going to find Caylee's remains and become rich and famous, Roy Kronk did indeed find the remains of Caylee Anthony once again. Roy lifted a bag, and the contents shifted, and then he looked down and a skull was at his feet. He then stuck his meter stick in the eye socket and tilted the skull upwards to make sure it was indeed a skull. It was. He then notified the office and relayed his findings. In Roy's initial interviews, he reported the skull rolled out of the bag. Finding a child's skull can be a very upsetting event, and can wreak havoc with one's recollection of everything that took place in that moment of discovery. Did Roy pick up the bag, did the skull fall out, did the skull roll out, was the skull on the ground under the bag, did he tap the bag hearing a hollow sound, did he accidently kick the skull causing it to roll, when he pick up the bag did duct tape fall off the bag onto the ground near the skull. did he move around at all while picking up the bag, did he inadvertantly alter the evidence? How could Roy Kronk be so sure he would be on tv and get a reward, that he would call his son 3 weeks prior to reporting to his office that he found the remains? Law enforcement never answered these questions, and that is why the evidence found at the site of the remains is questionable. When you have unanswered questions, you also have reasonable doubt.

The chief medical examiner could not determine the cause of death. The manner of death was homicide, but this was determined by evidence that is questionable. The chief medical examiner did not examine the remains at the site. Roy Kronk had at the very least tilted the skull up with his meter stick, and in that traumatic moment of discovering a tiny skull, Roy Kronk's memory is unclear as to the events that happened prior to and immediately after the discovery.

The evidence within a white trash bag that had been located in the trunk of the white Pontiac yielded many maggots that had to be eating something in that white trash bag. Also found amidst the maggots in the white trash bag that had set in a dumpster for many hours before law enforcement recovered it, was found a single fly leg, and a substance that is like adipocere. Research determined fatty acids that are found in adipocere, however these same fatty acids are found in dairy products such as cheese. Law enforcement failed to determine whether the substance like adipocere was indeed adipocere, because they did not do further testing on this substance that would have determined this as a fact. Instead, rather than performing this test, they take the burden of proof from their experts and place it on you to decide. Dr. Vass made the claim of a shockingly high amount of chloroform in the air sample from the trunk, along with 3 components of human decomposition. Dr. Vass did not do a quantative analysis, nor did he use any standards in his tests. The results of his tests along with a single fly leg were sent to Dr. Haskell, who using these results, along with some tests of his own, speculated that a child may have been in the trunk of the Pontiac for several days. A single hair with apparent decomp was found in the trunk. Law enforcement suspected a stain in the trunk was caused by human decomposition. However, the Anthony's claim the stains in the trunk were there when they bought the car. Although under an alternative light source, it appeared as though the stain may be from human decomp, tests done by OCSO at the facility where the Pontiac trunk was forensically tested, failed to find any blood, or dna, or anything to indicate the stain was from human decomp. The FBI tested the carpet in the trunk and determined no abnormal amounts of chloroform in the trunk carpet. The FBI examined the hair with apparent decomp and determined the hair may have come from a live person or a deceased person. The FBI inadvertantly contaminated some of the evidence that was sent to them. Was the white trash bag contaminated by insects that may have altered the evidence in that bag while sitting in a dumpster? How accurate would the white trash bag evidence be, if insects residing in a dumpster were to infiltrate the white trash bag? This evidence may be contaminated, and with contaminated evidence, you have reasonable doubt.

There is no evidence anywhere, aside from the qustionable results of an air sample that was done using no standards, that shows the manufacturing or use of chloroform at any time ever in regards to this case. Casey's boyfriend had a photo on his myspace page depicting a man with a white cloth behind a woman, and the caption win her over with chloroform. A computer search showed chloroform was searched once, and very shorty thereafter a look at a myspace page. Initial computer forensics resulted in 1 chloroform search using a program that the forensic experts had used for years. A subsequent report, using a new program Cacheback, that evidence shows had technical problems finally resulted in showing chloroform had been searched 84 times in a very short period of time. No searches of myspace showed up in these results. Common sense tells us, there should be no need to return to the same page 84 times in a brief period of time. Common sense tells us that the initial forensic report showing 1 search for chloroform followed by a trip to a myspace page, shows a major conflict with the Cacheback report. Again we have reasonable doubt.

The duct tape. We all saw the graphic fabrication of the duct tape being superimposed over Caylee's face and skull. This was indeed a fabrication. You all saw the photos taken at the site of the remains. You know the duct tape was not wrapped around the skull of Caylee as depicted in the horific fabricated photoshop movie. The evidence shows no dna was found on this tape. The evidence shown in the photos cannot be relied upon since no one, not even Roy Kronk knows exactly what took place when he found the skull. The skull may have rolled, or dropped from the bag, something shifted, but Roy is pretty certain he placed the meter stick in the eye socket and tilted the skull upwards. No fingerprints were found on this duct tape, no evidence at all that ties Casey Anthony to this duct tape. No evidence other than speculation and fabrication that even proves this duct tape had ever been placed on this childs face. That is reasonable doubt.

Two different cadaver dogs searched the Anthony backyard, both alerting in the same area, but CSI's found nothing. A subsequent search by these same two cadaver dogs resulted in no alerts in the same area where they had alerted the previous day. One of these dogs alerted to the trunk of the Pontiac where a garbage bag had sat inside the enclosed trunk for weeks. Maggots infested this garbage bag eating something. Was the odor in the trunk caused by garbage sitting in a hot trunk for weeks in the hot Florida sun, that may have left an odor that could be mistaken for human decomp. Or did traces of butyric acid cause this horrendous odor. Butyric acid that is found in human decomp, but is also found in many other things such as cheese and vomit. Could the same cadaver dog that alerted one day on a spot where nothing was found, alert on the trunk where nothing was found? Dr. Vass stated that human decomp smells like rotting potatoes. Are there other things human decomp smells like? There was a garbage bag filled with maggots in the trunk, there was an awful odor. There were no decompositional fluids found in the trunk. This smells like reasonable doubt.

We are human, and humans make mistakes. Law enforcement is made up of humans and humans make mistakes. With all the resources of law enforcement, with the assistance of the FBI and the assistance of many experts the state cannot answer the questions of how Caylee died, where Caylee died, why Caylee died, or even when Caylee died. The state wants you to convict Casey Marie Anthony of these charges based on nothing but questionable evidence, and a lot of speculation. The state has not met their burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, therefore you must follow the jury instructions and find a verdict of not guilty of these charges based on the reasonable doubt of all this speculative evidence.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
No way I could write the DT's magical thinking closing arguments. (I have not read the rest of this thread, sorry if this has already been presented.)

However, I just read the 6/24 sidebar transcripts, and I think I know where they will be going. They will throw CA under the bus. DT will use her SA's proven perjury about the computer & work records, along with the ladder incident that apparently did not happen due to phone a proof of family dysfunction. In turn, this dysfunction will support their theory that this is what lead ICA to cover up for the 31 days. But, I think this will once again shoot the DT in the foot. The dysfunction will turn pro SA and not be an excuse for a baby killer.

There are so many line by line items in their OS they cannot (but I am sure will TRY to) use as supporting evidence. The rest, well, they will need to rely on inferences. DT will attempt to hold steadfast to inferences of non-evidence. Attempt to plant seeds of doubt. Or, they will try to hammer home the point they did NOT need to prove anything - that burden was on the SA.

DT doesn't have much else.

This should only take 15 mins, but I am certain DT magical thinking could turn into 2 + hours.

After DT closing, SA will be ready to dispel any myths of inferences, I am sure of that. SA is used to DT antics and does very well @ thinking on their feet. (Or if DT's closing is absolutely ridiculous, SA may not f/u with anything, to prove it is not worth addressing?!)

Decomp smell in car overrides the lie - stain was there when we bought the car.
ICA was last one in charge of Caylee, resulting in guilty of Agg Child abuse & manslaughter.
Dr G's testimony. Period!
Convictions of above leads to conviction of 1st degree murder.
4 false info to LE - no brainer.

Verdict? Not sure if they will go w/slightly lesser charge. :fence:
To me, it depends on exactly how much the jury has been paying attention to ICA's expressions. They have seen a real crying jag when LA testified and should be able to sort out the difference (or should I say indifference?) when GA was breaking down & her cold stare...and the inconsistency in ICA's reactions when presented with 100's of pieces of evidence directly related to her murdered baby.

IMO. :seeya:
This is too easy, let me sum up what their closing argument consist of as follows: "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!"

That is very amusing. Do you think the states closing argument will be

I'm bigger than you are so you have to believe me. So there.
( Closing???? Heck, they needed assistance with the opening statement! )
Well, looks like the real closing statement's going to be left up to me. It will be necessaily long for the sake of justice.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury. We came here telling you that by the time we'd finished speaking you would know what really happened. The State has presented their so called evidence, and you all, I know, have seen it for what it is - smoke and mirrors, with gaps you could run a Mack Truck through. So, now I'm going to clear the smoke, clean the mirror and close those gaps so you can all return your verdict of NOT guilty for my young client here.

Dramatic Pause.

Firstly, we have proved that ZG does indeed exist, she had the audacity to bring litigation against my young client. Yes, she isn't THE ZG but, and I say BUT, ladies and gentlemen of the jury she does exist. ALL of ICA's men exist too and any one of them could have done the thing that my client is accused of. Her family? Anyone of them could have done the same. In fact Anyone in the USA and surrounding geographical areas could have done this - except of course Papa, and my young client.

Lets talk about the smell in the trunk.
Have you stopped to consider ladies and gentlemen, how many packet of Velveeta there are out there in the US? How many trunks of cars must smell like dead bodies have been in them because of this Velveeta? No! and why not becasue the State would try to have you believe that Velveeta isn't really cheese! That's why.

Then, we have the evidence of YM. I ask you L & G of the jury, how can we trust an officer who never even bothered to ask my young client if she had ever committed suicide. Other LE officers remembered to ask her father if he had, and we saw him crying on the stand because he had indeed taken that step, that's why he isn't here today to testify for his daughter!

Now to the pool.
It is our contention that YM, RK, GA, LA, AH, TL and JG, along with ZG and Gerus and Bones were all in the pool together at sometime on that day, we'll never know which day because all of them are untrustworthy, but we do know that CA was at work doing searches on all kinds of terrible death scenarios, and Dr Spitz was breaking skulls, so we know that they weren't there. Further to this my young client couldn't possibly have had anything to do with whatever this trial is about because she was clearly working at Universal, with Sally the musical comedy expert planning a magical event.

Lastly, I say to you think well on my remarks, on all the testimony from the defense, on the gravity and professionalism of the defense team as opposed to the flippant time wasting acts of the prosecution. Look into that mirror we talked about earlier, and realise that anyone single one of you in this courtroom could have done something bad, except my client. I'm asking you now to go away and find her ummm NOT guilty for ummm, er, whatever it is she's charged with. On that note the defense rests. Thank you.

Ahh, yes. The famous Velveeta Cheese closing argument. This is perfect. Good job!
I'm not good enough at lying to pull it off----God would strike with dead with a thunderbolt or something!!!!!!
Forgive me please, but this is all I got. Where would I even think of such a thing to say?

"The girl could barely think straight, and had to lie, with that p3nis in her mouth."
"Ladies and Gentlemen:

I screwed up the Defense here. I've deliberately wasted your time. You know it, and I know.
Fortunately for my client it is the State's burden to prove Casey did it. I don't really think they have.
Fortunately for me, no matter how badly I've done here, in this month, in this trial..... rest assured that I can parlay this into megabucks....I'm talking broads, a national media job.....GERALDO....the works. I mean, it's a recession, right? What would you have done in my shoes? Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut enough about me for now. The truth is nobody saw her do it, they don't have enough evidence, blah blah blah. Can you believe they tried to get all science-y in here? What was that about? Like 30 witnesses and only one chemist among them?

You heard that right, Ladies & Gentlemen: ONE chemist. Why wasn't **pounds table** EVERY WITNESS certified in Chemistry? What are they hiding? Why don't they want you to hear about the CHEMISTRY in this case?
I'll tell you why, Ladies & Gentlemen, and it's not pretty. It's even a little personal to me, for you see.....
**Looks skyward tearfully, voice rising with righteous strength**
(gasp from audience)
**chokes tear, voice still strong but cracking** That's right. A chemist.....AAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD he died, Ladies & Gentlemen, when I was right around Casey Anthony's age, my client.
**Lowers head, meets gaze of jurors** And do you know what he said just before he died, on that August afternoon in 1995?

My father the CHEMIST, on the day he died, TOLD ME..................."Some of those tests in the O.J. Simpson case might have been run better."
Yes, you heard me right....those tests were screwy, and my dad KNEW IT because HE WAS A CHEMIST!!!!!!!!

**calms down** But of course, Ladies & Gentlemen of the Jury, my Daddy isn't alive to come here and tell you his EXPERT CHEMISTRY opinions for THIS case. No, he can't. But his boy can, and I'M here to tell you....I'M gonna make my Daddy proud and say...............:

**big shoulder shrug, arms up** Some of these tests might have been run better?!?

***pivots back to his chair, stops and turns to face the jury for the last time**

Oh, and one more thing, something I think all the LADIES of this jury need to hear about this case and me specifically.........'s totally ethical to you know, get in touch after this is all over.

That said, all of yahs look for me in the August issue of People magazine....that's MY arm holding Geraldo's windbreaker on page 17...And, um, TruTV...Why have you stopped accepting my calls?

Thank you and good night.
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