Do you think you can write the closing statement for the defense?

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Do you think you can write the closing statement for the defense?

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    Votes: 48 41.4%
  • No

    Votes: 68 58.6%

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Well, it is not going to be very long. We know that because by the rules of trial, they can ONLY discuss what has been brought into evidence during the CIC. So Baez can discuss...

What has he proven so far? That is why he fought so hard not to have the judge make that announcement about River's testimony today. The judge took it out of evidence that her testimony means anything other than George may have lied. IT does NOT mean there is any evidence of an accident.

So what has he 'proven?'
-Kronk MAY have bragged to his son that he found the remains in November. [or maybe the call was on Dec 11th]

-Kronk MAY have futzed around with the skull before it was picked up by the forensics team.

-Two PI's MAY have stomped around in close vicinity of the remains before they were discovered.And the MAY have been sent by a psychic, OR by Cindy OR by George Or by Lee Or by Casey Or by Baez.

- According to Dr Spitz the ME did a very shoddy job on the skull. [But his findings were not really any different than hers. ]

- Cindy may have lied on her timecards and actually been home the day the specific computer searches were done. [ but maybe not.]

- George MAY have lied about an affair. [ but maybe not.]

-There were major inconsistencies between the two computer software programs used to count the searches for chloroform.

- ANY and ALL types of behavior can be considered examples of 'grieving.'

The Anthony's buried their dead pets the same way my family and millions of other families do---wrapped in a blanket, a garbage bag and duct tape and buried in the yard.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, Blah blah blah.."
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, Blah blah blah.."

I so wish I was good at splicing together sound bytes (like the Bed Intruder guys from Youtube fame) because I would totally make a song out of Baez's "blah blah blahs" and other wonderful sound bytes!
Write a closing argument? Hey, see my name AZWriter, that's how I spent my life; as a writer.

I've already written and finished the closing argument for the defense.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Bye - Bye."

I've even inserted the appropriate hand movement: :seeya: (Jose)
This is what I keep picturing in my head: "Ladies and Gentlemen, ...." and like a cartoon, you see a blur and the door swinging back and forth while the big white notepad falls to the floor.
I've only read the first several posts, but please don't give Baez any good ideas! I truly feel he has people reading this site-if not him specifically.
I've only read the first several posts, but please don't give Baez any good ideas! I truly feel he has people reading this site-if not him specifically.

I think they read here too. Regardless, I don't think there are any good ideas to be had.
I thought DS already gave the closing argument with the grief expert who hadn't actually done any grief research.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I would like you to put on your magical thinking caps for a moment. Let's pretend my client is not a deceiving and pathological liar. Let's pretend that my client didn't fail to report her caught missing for 31 days. Let's pretend she didn't party, have sexual relations, and generally ast like her daughter had never existed in her life. In fact, let's pretend that I have been a talented lawyer, and my client has never done anything wrong and that her daughter it's with the nanny right now at universal studios, or maybe jacksonville florida, and that she is perfectly happy. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, are you there yet? Can you picture that for just one day? If you can, then you must find my client not guilty, and we can all go down the rabbit hole and have tea with alice, the white rabbit, and the cheshire cat. The defense rests your honor!
a friend gave me this one;

Ladies and gentleman of the jury, we stand before you to tell you about something we know nothing about. As you have heard the evidence provided by the state, defense team and the witnesses we want to bring to your attention that Ms. Anthony is the only one in this case that has been proven competent, therefore you should only consider her testimony. If you’re ever in Aruba we will be more than happy to represent you should you need council.
She didn't kill her kid. The FBI and LE have looked at no other person than Casey. They wanted to pin this on her from the beginning. Oh yea, I forgot I told you in opening statements she drowned in the pool. Yes, she drowned in the pool. Casey does not know where she went after she drowned. Some other person did it.

On a serious note, I can not imagine what the defense is going to say. Maybe they will just say, it was not our job to prove anything and the state didn't 100% prove she killed her child.
How about this?

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, good morning. I know things have been looking somewhat bad for Casey Anthony throughout the expert witness portion of this trial and through virtually all other testimonies we have heard, but deep down I'm telling you, you have to believe that Casey Anthony is a really, really, really nice girl. Deep down, I'm talking about. Honest, I wouldn't kid you.

Has she shown sympathy or compassion for anyone, including members of her family? None. Has she shown empathy? None. Has she shown only callousness? Yes. Is she a sociopath? Well, everyone has faults. Is she extremely self-centered and self-absorbed? Well, yeah ... And finally does all evidence point to her as the cold-blooded killer of her beautiful 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, who Casey tossed in the woods with duct tape over her nose and mouth? OK, yes, but y'all need to practice forgiveness. Have you never heard of forgiveness, people?

Deep down Casey is really, really, really such a nice girl and a great deal of fun at parties. And she's been such a good legal aide to me ...
Or perhaps...Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. We are sorry we wasted all this time, but we wanted our time in the national spotlight. We know that with all the evidence brought forth by the talented prosecution team will lead you to find my client guilty, so...In truth, my client accidently caused the death of her daughter because she was selfish and wanted to have some free time with her friends. She panicked and came up with all the rediculous stories so she wouldn't get in trouble and have to face her mother with the truth. my client pleads for your mercy, compassion and understanding. Thank you.
Ladies and Gentlemen of jury,

Thank you for your time. (a few smirks and neck cocking added in for effect) Did you follow the duct tape? Just follow the duct tape and you will find who was really responsible. That should be enough for reasonable doubt. Did you all catch it was Henkel tape? It was right there on this Gas Can! Right on the Can! (slams can down on rail in front of jury) (preen around the court room and smirk to Mr. Ashton) (turns back to jury) Ok, can you guys hurry and reach a verdict before Monday? Cheney and I do not like to work weekends or holidays.
The Heinkel duct tape is manufactured in Ohio and GA is from Ohio, so therefore ICA is innocent. :crazy::crazy::crazy:
In all seriousness I can do this or at least give it my best shot.

Good morning/afternoon your honor, members of the jury.

I would like to open with saying that this case was based purely on circumstantial evidence. This is not about my client. This is about Caley. And the facts surrounding her in her short life here on this earth.

I can offer nothing outside of what I have already offered into evidence for you to make a decision upon. Every citizen is entitled to due process and to a fair trial. I will make no excuses for my client's behavior. I will not offer any justifications for the evidence presented. I will point no fingers. A young woman sits before you. Having lost her child and whom is also grieving for the break down of her family life. Whatever happened the evidence does not point to what was presented.

I can offer no explanations for my client's bizarre actions. I do know that a child's life was ended with no explanation. I know the facts as my client I trust has given me the facts as she knows them to be the truth. It's not up to me to judge the actions. But to defend the charges brought against her. And I believe I have done that to the best of my ability during this trial. I have nothing left to offer up to this court outside the truth as I know it. It would be a mockery to my oath as an attorney to say anything otherwise. I am here to defend my client whom is on trial for her life. She is young. Inexperienced. And despite the dysfuncational family life presented before you? The support system of which she depended upon? Broke down somewhere a long the way and she felt she could not trust to go to anyone with what has happened. I can make no explanations for her conflicting stories. For the imaginary people in her life. Something happened. We know this much. And perhaps Ms. Anthony will never know what happened to her child. And now not only does she still grieve for the loss of her child? But she is fighting for her life as a result of the death of that child. Two lives have in essence been lost during the course of years. Ms. Anthony's. And that of her child, Caley. Somewhere in the midst of this trial?

The truth was lost. Or silenced. Or both. A mother's bond to her child can never be broken. And my client is not a cold hearted murderer as she has been presented by the State. She is a loving, caring, devoted mother. A young mother. And from the get go was not given that chance to be a parent to her child without having to compete with the rest of her family for even a moment alone with her child. And now as a result? She not only has lost her child? But her family as well. And I pray that you will make a fair and just decision in your deliberations. Ms. Anthony's case was not one of where she felt her freedom was lost because of her child. But was consumed by an overbearing family whom was not ever giving her a chance to prove her ability to be the best parent she could ever be to her daughter. Her freedom was robbed of her from birth by a dysfunctional family whom was too consumed to see what was really going on. And even as we sit here before you in this courtroom? We will never know. What we do know? Is a family is forever broken. And Ms. Anthony's remand to a death sentence would not justify why we are all here right now.

Thank you.

(disclaimer)*mind you I'm speaking as an attorney who defends his client against the death penalty would*

I think writer/lawyer John Grisham would even have problems writing up a Closing Statement for the Defense ...

Seriously ...

a friend gave me this one;

Ladies and gentleman of the jury, we stand before you to tell you about something we know nothing about. As you have heard the evidence provided by the state, defense team and the witnesses we want to bring to your attention that Ms. Anthony is the only one in this case that has been proven competent, therefore you should only consider her testimony. If you’re ever in Aruba we will be more than happy to represent you should you need council.

You may have the only argument that would be 100% truthful. She is the only one to be certified as competent!

On a seious note. I for one could not defend someone so completely devoid of honor, ethics, and morals. There is something evil or maybe completely evil within casey anthony. Though it is a pity that a person gets tossed into prison, perhaps for the rest of her life, and that life is wasted, she chose to toss caylee in the woods like some useless piece of trash, instead of cherishing that beautiful girl as the gift from God she was! May she rest in Gods loving arms for all eternity.
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