Documentary Claims Jesus Was Married

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well i'm definitely not a biblical scholar (nor would i care to be!)-- i'm just going by the insane reactions of the fundies who protested 'last temptation'.. they couldnt stand the sight of their precious lord engaging in such a human activity....!
Dark Knight said:
That's because Cameron thinks HE is the "king of the world!" He's just a fool, however.
LOL!! I love that movie.:blushing:
the resurrection theme is a common one in myths all over the world. interesting, in how it symbolizes 'eternal life'. and actually christianity borrowed (took? stole?) most all of its stuff from pagan and egyptian mythology.
reb said:
the resurrection theme is a common one in myths all over the world. interesting, in how it symbolizes 'eternal life'. and actually christianity borrowed (took? stole?) most all of its stuff from pagan and egyptian mythology.
Interesting isn't it? all the parallels
It's not something that is exclusive to Christianity..though the way the Christians go on with it, you'd think it was!
Has nothing to do with the film or topic, but weren't there accusations of physical abuse when Linda Hamilton divorced him?
reb said:
the resurrection theme is a common one in myths all over the world. interesting, in how it symbolizes 'eternal life'. and actually christianity borrowed (took? stole?) most all of its stuff from pagan and egyptian mythology.

But the difference is that Christianity is based on historical facts, not myths.
dont mean to be a pest, but i was told christianity was based on belief in the unprovable? (aka faith)
Mira said:
dont mean to be a pest, but i was told christianity was based on belief in the unprovable? (aka faith)

Mira, what is historical fact is that a man named Jesus lived, died and was resurrected. Believing that this man named Jesus is the Son of God who died for our salvation is faith.
Maral said:
But the difference is that Christianity is based on historical facts, not myths.
Just when I was about to throw up my hands, Maral posts! Thank you.
it may be based on some historical evidence, true,, but of course,, we all know that much of it is mythology. (not that i'm knocking mythology, it has its uses & value for society.) the bible is obviously not a historical document.
Maral said:
Mira, what is historical fact is that a man named Jesus lived, died and was resurrected. Believing that this man named Jesus is the Son of God who died for our salvation is faith.
I've only heard that it was historical fact that a man named Jesus lived, and was a preacher. Nothing more. Resurrected was definitely not historical fact. There just aren't that many records from that time - nothing saying this was not true, but nothing saying it was.

Unless you take the bible as a historical document - which I don't think it can be, from an unbiased point of view. It's like taking Philip Morris's word for cigarette safety, the Egyptian pharoh's documentation as to what happened with the Jews, the Jews documentation as to what happened with the Egyptian pharoh, etc.
sandraladeda said:
Spoken like a true biblical scholar......:rolleyes:

It would be interesting to know how much research or reading of Catholic/Christian teachings you have done, my guess is not much.....kind of like James Cameron, amazes me that James Cameron has managed to learn what thousands of theological scholars have not been able to learn in 2 thousand years.....amazing.....

I don't know what the evidence is here, and how solid - I'm quite skeptical at this point....

But - if you want to learn the truth about something, you don't ask someone who is locked in, at penalty of being told they are with satan, to only one belief. Theological scholars would not ever look for Jesus's coffin, his wife, etc. any more than they would be looking to prove satan was really the good guy. Theological scholars could easily be scooped by someone else, if there is a truth they are bound to consider merely the work of Satan.

Of course, all this evolves over time. Once it was heretical and wrong and satanic to believe the earth goes around the sun, instead of the reverse. Amazing how Galileo figured that out before all the theological scholars.

I'm not against theological scholars - but they're working with blinders on. That is what they believe is right - that there is a particular truth, that it must be the truth, so everything else is measured up that way. A truth that contradicts their beliefs must be wrong. So they aren't a good unbaised source to search for things they are sure do not exist, 2 thousand years or not.
Details said:
I don't know what the evidence is here, and how solid - I'm quite skeptical at this point....

But - if you want to learn the truth about something, you don't ask someone who is locked in, at penalty of being told they are with satan, to only one belief. Theological scholars would not ever look for Jesus's coffin, his wife, etc. any more than they would be looking to prove satan was really the good guy. Theological scholars could easily be scooped by someone else, if there is a truth they are bound to consider merely the work of Satan.

Of course, all this evolves over time. Once it was heretical and wrong and satanic to believe the earth goes around the sun, instead of the reverse. Amazing how Galileo figured that out before all the theological scholars.

I'm not against theological scholars - but they're working with blinders on. That is what they believe is right - that there is a particular truth, that it must be the truth, so everything else is measured up that way. A truth that contradicts their beliefs must be wrong. So they aren't a good unbaised source to search for things they are sure do not exist, 2 thousand years or not.

I have to disagree with you on this one, Details. A scholar is someone who is a learned person on a particular subject. A scholar of mythology doesn't have to believe in the myths that he has a profound knowledge of. To say that you shouldn't ask a theological scholar about theology is like saying you shouldn't ask a doctor about medical opinions.
Maral said:
I have to disagree with you on this one, Details. A scholar is someone who is a learned person on a particular subject. A scholar of mythology doesn't have to believe in the myths that he has a profound knowledge of. To say that you shouldn't ask a theological scholar about theology is like saying you shouldn't ask a doctor about medical opinions.
No - you should ask a theological scholar about theology - but not about things that disprove their theology. Nor more than you'd ask a mythologist about all the debunking, or a doctor about chiropracty. You can ask them - but they've got a strong bias, and they just aren't a good source.

Unless you're talking about non-religious theological scholars - but I don't believe there are that many of them out there, not anything that represents 2000 years of study, for sure.
Malapoo said:
Has nothing to do with the film or topic, but weren't there accusations of physical abuse when Linda Hamilton divorced him?

I seem to recall hearing something about that happening.
sandraladeda said:
:waitasec: Ummm, the Precious Blood? :rolleyes:
(If you're Catholic you'll get the joke....)

LOL, Sandra!!! (Catholic here.) :angel:
Maral said:
You are right, DK, this stuff ALWAYS comes up this time of year.

Even though there is historical evidence and proof of Christ's Resurrection, unfortunately, the truth doesn't persuade a closed mind.

What is the historical evidence of resurrection? I'm not trying to be a smartie, I really want to know.
Groups trying to claim that Jesus was totally human, not resurrected, and married are nothing new. They were around before the Bible was even completed and the Apostles called them false teachings and Satan is still alive and well on planet earth as Hal Lindsay once said.
<What is the historical evidence of resurrection? I'm not trying to be a smartie, I really want to know.>

because.... somebody somewhere said so. and that's a fact, honest.
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