Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

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Have you Changed your mind about ICA being Molested?

  • Yes, I now believe she was molested

    Votes: 26 2.7%
  • No, I never thought she was molested and still don't

    Votes: 744 77.9%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards believing it now

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • I'm not sure, leaning towards not believing it now

    Votes: 28 2.9%
  • No Idea Either Way...Who Can tell with this family?

    Votes: 132 13.8%

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  • Poll closed .
Yes, I believe it. Or at least enough for reasonable doubt. GA wrote inappropriate letters to Casey, calling her "Gorgeous" and focusing on her looks at a time when she was jailed and Caylee supposedly missing. Then, when she brought up the abuse, GA wrote her letters saying, "Why? Why? Why hurt Mom? Why do this to me, to Lee???"---instead of, "The lies of abuse sicken me and you know they are untrue." VERY telling. What he really wrote meant, "So you are going to release our secrets to get away with this?".

I just saw that letter from George Anthony on one of the CNN shows. The first thing I noticed was it was dated March 25, 2010, over a year ago.

Like you, the letter made me have big questions. George didn't write "hurt" he wrote "destroy."

Why, Why also destroy Lee...
Why, Why also destroy Mom...
Why, Why also destroy me, your family...
Why, Why also destroy Caylee Marie...

After all I have tried, sacrificed, continued to have you, My Daughter, Why???

Continually coming to court, continually wanting to see you, Why???"

My thoughts were Caylee's death did not destroy you, Casey's arrest did not destroy you ,but lies from your daughter who most people believe is a pathological liar will destroy every individual in your family?

Lies don't destroy you. Even if others believe them, you know the truth. Only the truth can destroy you. That is why abusers put the responsibility for their actions on the child. You talk, you will destroy the family. You talk, you will be taken away.

Not once did he deny it.

Most people tend to know the quote: "The Truth Will Set You Free." However, very few know the full quote by James A. Garfield:

"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."
Actually calling your daughter beautiful and the other words he said isnt unusual. I have heard pleanty of fathers talk to their daughters that way.It depends on where you were raised and what generation. Its not any different then some fathers calling there daughters princess. Certainly doesnt mean the man did what she is trying to accuse him of. IMO I believe he used that to calm Casey down when she was younger. Old habits are hard to break sometimes. I think that ICA at one time was the apple of GA eye just like alot of daughter are to their fathers. I personally dont believe there was any abuse sexually or physically. I think the one who was the abuser mentally to everyone in the family is on trial for murdering her baby girl.

ITA great post! My dad was in the delivery room when I had my 1st baby! My dad always called me beautiful and gorgeous..italians love their daughters and treasure them! Nothing weird about it. IMO I have not seen GA act in any inappropriate manner..jmho

BTW no sexual abuse survivor will leave their child with the man who abused them. This is a fact, and trust me when I say it doesn't matter what age the child is!!!
I'm not following. Are you saying that you hope GA understands that he will be labelled a pedophile in the eyes of many, for the rest of his life, in order for the DT to try to get his daughter acquitted of murder?

If that's what you're saying, I honestly don't know if GA would ever be able to reconcile himself to that stigma or not. Part of me says he would do anything to save his only daughter, part of me says that no man who was innocent of such a horrific act would ever be able to live with that label for the rest of his life. So...I don't know.

As an side, I just asked my husband what he would do in that scenario. He said, "Do we have young children at home in this scenario?" I said, "No. Grown." His reply after that was, "I'd go home and put a gun in my mouth."

:eek: Careful what you ask, Kat.

You have it right. There is a larger picture though. Carry that stigma and endanger himself, his wife, his son, and daughter in law. Lord only knows how shamefully and homicidally vindictive she would be towards Lee and Mallory's child should they ever have one. I see a pattern of homicidal tendencies towards anyone taking her mom's love and affection. I saw something when she shook her head no, when CA talked about "Caylee's" things in the yard and her room. It was as if she was saying "MINE". They put themselves in great harm helping to acquit her methinks. She still hates Caylee.
I don't think GA sexually molested KC. I think my reason is because the accusation is from a diabolical liar. I don't want to discredit those of you who have been abused & feel the vibe from him. I am truly sorry for all those who have gone through such an atrocity, but unfortunately KC is the boy who cried wolf IMO. That being said, anything is possible! :twocents:
No way Jose......George isn't a molester...He wouldn't dare---Cindy would have cut off his b----s!!!!!! I think ICA expected him to lie down.... and just take this BS without a fight....he'd do almost anything to protect her, but not this. Funny thing is I bet ICA can manipulate him more than she can her mom.
I also would bet the physical abuse consisted of an occasional spanking----ICA the drama queen. Mind you, I don't support the use of corporal punishment in children but an occassional pat can get their attention. My own dad used a belt on my brother and I which I do feel is abuse......but I learned real early the difference between right and wrong.....hence I did what what I was told with no backtalk. It would be interesting to know the Anthony house rules. My parents were ultraconservative. We didn't run around the house in our undies. We had to be fully clothed at all times in the house. We changed in our rooms with closed doors. No running around in PJs. Yes Maam, no maam etc.
So the DT has Casey acting normal, Casey's normal, as all of her friends have stated and was able to do this because all of her life she was taught to lie and cover up any of her feelings because she was sexually abused.
She was able to act as if nothing ever happened to her daughter, she died.
Now comes George, his granddaughter just died, he was able to go to work, act normal, Georges normal, for the 31 days also.
Are we also to believe that George was sexually molested as a child and taught to lie and bury secrets?
Sorry I call bunk on the sexual abuse and the defense's, Casey's, story
No way Jose......George isn't a molester...He wouldn't dare---Cindy would have cut off his b----s!!!!!! I think ICA expected him to lie down.... and just take this BS without a fight....he'd do almost anything to protect her, but not this. Funny thing is I bet ICA can manipulate him more than she can her mom.
I also would bet the physical abuse consisted of an occasional spanking----ICA the drama queen. Mind you, I don't support the use of corporal punishment in children but an occassional pat can get their attention. My own dad used a belt on my brother and I which I do feel is abuse......but I learned real early the difference between right and wrong.....hence I did what what I was told with no backtalk. It would be interesting to know the Anthony house rules. My parents were ultraconservative. We didn't run around the house in our undies. We had to be fully clothed at all times in the house. We changed in our rooms with closed doors. No running around in PJs. Yes Maam, no maam etc.

I think he is guilty of "punishing" and "disciplining" her at the very least.....
So the DT has Casey acting normal, Casey's normal, as all of her friends have stated and was able to do this because all of her life she was taught to lie and cover up any of her feelings because she was sexually abused.
She was able to act as if nothing ever happened to her daughter, she died.
Now comes George, his granddaughter just died, he was able to go to work, act normal, Georges normal, for the 31 days also.
Are we also to believe that George was sexually molested as a child and taught to lie and bury secrets?
Sorry I call bunk on the sexual abuse and the defense's, Casey's, story

And we must believe, she would hand over her daughter to a sexual predator. Bad fiction.
Don't believe it for 1 minute.

Even if they had a video I wouldn't believe it unless it was tested by the FBI and they say it was not doctored.

IMO all of the abuse excuse stuff was orchestrated by AL for the mitigation phase. The family may have been on board for a very limited abuse excuse in the mitigation phase to save her life, but the DT carried it waaaaaaay to far, as they realized they had no defense once they lost pretty much all their motions to have evidence thrown out.
Don't believe it for 1 minute.

Even if they had a video I wouldn't believe it unless it was tested by the FBI and they say it was not doctored.

IMO all of the abuse excuse stuff was orchestrated by AL for the mitigation phase. The family may have been on board for a very limited abuse excuse in the mitigation phase to save her life, but the DT carried it waaaaaaay to far, as they realized they had no defense once they lost pretty much all their motions to have evidence thrown out.

It strikes me as reality as far as TL is concerned. She uses people in a triangulation methodology. She doesn't want TL to get close to her family, because in the interim she is distancing herself from her family, because of what she has done. This is another reason I think First Degree Murder ought be the verdict (DP no). She knows full well what she is doing at all times, but she is thinking one day at a time, and can't carry plans forward. The teddy bear has me perplexed at the gravity of her homicidal tendencies. If she took that bear from CA following the murder, and then later put it in a noose to post to her online profiles, that tells me how depraved her sociopath is. She is a mere monster, in epic proportions.
No. Neither did Lee molest her. Can you just imagine Cindy's reaction if she even had a whiff of George or Lee molesting Casey? I'd hate to be in the same town when she found out. Cindy would never let that pass. The cops would be at the door within minutes.
Nope, I don't believe for a second that George sexually abused KC. I also don't believe Lee abused her.
I don't believe for a second that George or Lee abused Casey. It's just another one of Casey's lies.
It can't be believed due to all of her lies. Reminiscent of Peter and the Wolf.
I am having a hard time with the posts that read words to the effect "I believe he molested her" and therefore I have reasonable doubt. How does anyone make such a quantum leap from sex abuse to Caylee drowning and her father disposing of the body and then letting her sit in jail? One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. Assuming for argument's sake kC was molested, the pool accident theory/roy kronk theory still is absurd at best. BTW, my brother just posted on my FB page that I was still beautiful, and my dad (the best dad in the world) called all of his four daughters, beautiful and gorgeous.

IMO, it is the difference between those who have started the case as Casey is guilty and those who are starting from a place of innocent until proven guilty.

Casey's guilt is absolute in your mind so not to be questioned. Therefore, any evidence just confirms your absolute certainty that she is guilty. You are not questioning her guilt. If you are not questioning, you won't have questions.

Those who have not made a determination are coming from a place of "prove her guilty." The law even says "innocent until proven guilty." You notice it does not say "Absolutely innocence." It is qualified with the possibility that the person is not innocent.

Whenever you are asking someone to prove something, you are going to have questions. Those questions do not mean that we are deciding guilt or innocence. It means that when listening to the testimony or looking at evidence, we asked ourselves a question. That question may or may not be answered at a later date. Or other evidence may make us decide that question is not important. But right now we have a question.

Yesterday Cindy testified about the doors always locked and the pool ladder always pulled down. If you are not asking questions, her testimony would be taken as an absolute. No way Caylee accidently drowned.

I saw chairs by the pool and Cindy testified that there was a chair by the slider in her room. I wanted the SA to ask Cindy if Caylee was a climber. Because I have had kids pull chairs over to unlock doors or even climb into a pool at that same age. So the question of was Caylee a climber popped into my head.

Now that does not mean that Caylee did accidently drown. I just have a question. Later, that question could be answered or it may not be answered. It may matter or it may not matter.

If I have many unanswered questions, then that questions becomes one of many and may lead to me having reasonable doubt. But if that was the only question I had unanswered, it is not enough for reasonable doubt.

Yes right now I do have reasonable doubt. It is like building a house. The start of the house is reasonable doubt. The finished house is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The SA has just started to lay the foundation. No one sees the foundation and says "That is a house."
I used to kind of wonder hmmm.. because sometimes you never know, and you want to wait until further evidence comes out. But when GA's attorney stated that he would fight this allegation and GA took the stand and denied it, I knew then there was NO WAY it happened. It's heartbreaking to me that she would put her father through this. Just another whopping lie.
And we must believe, she would hand over her daughter to a sexual predator. Bad fiction.

You know I was just thinking about this. I'm sure there will be testimony about ICA leaving Caylee with George and George babysitting Caylee on his own and MAYBE if the DT could say that ICA had no choice, she was out working and saving money so she could move out and get Caylee away from GA before it was too late, then MAYBE the DT could almost make that understandable to the jury, but leaving her child with her molester just so she could go out and do who knows what? Just so she could hang out with her friends and party??? No, not believable. I hope the SA brings this up.
As I said on another thread...

IF indeed ICA was abused by her brother and father,(very doubtful BTW) and then knowingly left them in charge of any of Caylee's personal care anyhow, she should at the very least be sentenced to LWOP for child endangerment.
ITA great post! My dad was in the delivery room when I had my 1st baby! My dad always called me beautiful and gorgeous..italians love their daughters and treasure them! Nothing weird about it. IMO I have not seen GA act in any inappropriate manner..jmho

BTW no sexual abuse survivor will leave their child with the man who abused them. This is a fact, and trust me when I say it doesn't matter what age the child is!!!

You are correct. No "survivor" will leave their child with the man who abused them. However, not all abuse victims are survivors.

Victims continue to deny their reality or make excuses so do leave their child with the very person who abused them. That is why in some families the sexual abuse is multi-generational.

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