Does anybody feel Raven is not guilty?

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May 23, 2005
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I know that the majority of those posting on this thread believe raven is guilty (as you can tell by the poll), but I am thinking that there are some individuals out there that believe he is not guilty.

I mean would raven really murder his pregnant wife? It has been stated that he is a good father to Kaiden, which would make me think he would be ok with having another child.

I would think that if there are family/friends/strangers out there that think raven is innocent, they would want to defend him. We could be missing many facts of this case, since most of what we have is circumstancial evidence. It would be interesting to see how many people actually believe raven is innocent and how many people actually know raven is innocent.
Some days I am sure of his guilt, but some days I wonder. Mostly I wonder because I don't know what evidence LE has.

Has LE found the murder weapon, is one of my big questions. Did Raven's clothing show any signs of blood. What was found when LE interviewed the soccer buddies. Was a DNA match run on the fetus and what did it show. What was going on with the coworker and what made her assume that the murder LE was investigating might be Janet. What was in the emails, and where are the computers. (to me if they are missing, that is more telling than anything). What was the pawn shop ticket for.

I do see opportunity, motive, questionable behaviors and possible non-cooperation/minimal cooperation with LE. He not only lawyered up, but he physically moved out of state.

And I still have questions about why the family is so quiet.
I go back and forth too. Finding out that Janet was pregnant moves me closer to the guilty side. The pregnancy along with a 6 month baby... Raven in trouble with the law and probably headed for jail and their financial situation which didn't look like it was going to improve any time soon. They were living way beyond their means...probably thanks to Raven.

I want to know about that soccer game. Was he there...what time did he get there...was he there the whole time...what time did he leave to head home?
To me the whole thing hinges on that soccer game. If someone with integrity can swear that Raven arrived at such and such a time and was there the whole time...if he has a solid alibi then I would have to believe he didn't do it.
I've never read if his alibi checked out or not though. Does anyone know anything about his alibi checking out or not?
Hi Ewww,

I wish I believed Raven was innocent. I really do. To think that he murdered his wife and the mother of his child is almost incomprehensible. And he is such a charmer when he wants to be, that when you are around him, it's hard to believe such a charasmatic person could sink to such depths.

However, over time, I have come to the thought that he did murder Janet. The motive was there - money troubles, already one separation, another baby on the way, embezzlement charges, inability to control his spending, bi-polar disorder, being fired from his job. It's all there. Then many comments about his temper, his adultery.

The only thing that is missing for me is knowledge of a life insurance policy. If there was a life insurance policy, and if he did try to collect on it after Janet's death, and I don't mean now, but right after her death, I don't know that anyone could think him innocent of murder - to me that would confirm the motive.
Moxie, right now I have two pet peeves. The possibility of Life Insurance and the computer activity. Both possibilities are pointing strongly to premeditation. You would think that the pregnancy would ring the bell on premed for me, but no, that's not what's pushing my buttons today.

I haven't decided. I really hope a husband and father would not do something so horrible to his wife. All statistics point to his guilt, but I want more information before making a decision.
I think that we've probably solved this case a dozen times here; it'll be interesting to someday see how the facts line up with our theories over the months.

Some of the information we've dug up has been really hard in giving Raven the benefit of the doubt. Yet I still go back and forth on whether or not he is guilty.

For anyone that believes that Raven is innocent, can you give us some theories or facts that we can start throwing around to come up with other possibilities?
I would really like to think that Raven is innocent. That all of this evidence is just making him look guilty when in reality he is the true victim in this horrible situation.

BUT (what's my big butt, er but?)

It's had to believe that he is innocent when all of this evidence points to him, when there's so many factors that might have lead to a breaking point, and when there seems to be such a lack of effort on his part to be looking for the murderer. Sad, but my opinion.
Even OJ has spent more time searching for his former wife's murderer than Raven has.

Where's the media appeal?
Where's the memorial? (not counting begging for money)
Where's a reward?
Where's a private investigator?
I think one on one, or in person, Raven could charm or manipulate almost anyone. Seriously.

However, should he be charged with murder, he will be in a courtroom, represented by an attorney, who will do most of the speaking for him. And it would be hard to charm a jury in the context of a murder trial. It could happen, but it would be tough. Defense attorneys typically do not put their clients on the stand. But it would be beyond interesting to hear Raven's testimony in a court trial.
Now, just waiting for the orange hair & goatee,
Him heading to a retreat to deal with his grief,
Him having flirtini's with a babysitter,
and are we sure Raven doesn't golffish too?
terminatrixator said:
Now, just waiting for the orange hair & goatee,
Him heading to a retreat to deal with his grief,
Him having flirtini's with a babysitter,
and are we sure Raven doesn't golffish too?

I swear we could put that to music . . .

he might not golfish, but he's got his volleyball, mountain bikes, vx'ers, and plenty of recreational crap.

Funny, he's just soooooo grief stricken.
Another comparison of the The Prisoner and Raven, both are Salesmen, salesmen can sell anything, anyone, they lie when there is absolutely no reason to lie, when the truth is just as easy and won't even get them in trouble.

I see lots of comparisons between the two and maybe because I followed SP trial so closely, I keep coming back to the two, except for the use of the media. However, the media was involved so deeply because of the day Laci disappeared, and the fact that the family was extremely vocal and Laci was missing.

I think perhaps someone took some lessons of what not to do when committing murder, and yet, there is still so many ways to compare the situation and make you go, hmmmm.
Well, how do you think it came to be that every evening we hear about Natalee?

After getting the media on board, the reward just kept growing through donations.
I just wish Raven would use the media to find out who the killer is - I mean - unless he knows - but nothing from him at all. I think most of us would look at this differently if he would just make some sort of statement - jeez - now is the time to clear this up especially after finding out Janet was pregnant with his child!
I think Ravens guilty. Enough said.
I really wonder how deeply he really does or DOESN'T care.
It doesn't appear Raven has many supporters, here, either. Hmmmm, very interesting.
Marstan said:
I just wish Raven would use the media to find out who the killer is - I mean - unless he knows - but nothing from him at all. I think most of us would look at this differently if he would just make some sort of statement - jeez - now is the time to clear this up especially after finding out Janet was pregnant with his child!
I am questioning this also. Why hasn't raven gone to the media to help find the killer. To me, it means he knows who the killer is. Why hasn't his family spoken out for him? To me, it means that they aren't exactly sure he is innocent or at least question his innocence. His family seems to care so much about themselves, maybe they don't want to look bad if raven does get arrested?? So far, only one of raven's friends (?) spoke out initially about his innocence and then stopped posting. Did he/she realize he might not be innocent??

It seems there are a few of us still undecided, however, with no one that knows raven posting, it's hard not to suspect raven and no one else.

As I stated before, if it was me, my son, brother, cousin, nephew or close friend, I'd be posting and telling everyone of my or his innocence! It's too bad no one in raven's camp seems to care.....
...yes........and he such an oppurtune time today..........on the video we do have, ( yes, the boy doesn't look like he's miised a meal anytime lately.........)

...but he barely spoke 5 words................turned it over to his lawyer who is quoted as saying..."they are eager for an arrest"...
....aren't we all...........
lauriej said:
...yes........and he such an oppurtune time today..........on the video we do have, ( yes, the boy doesn't look like he's miised a meal anytime lately.........)

...but he barely spoke 5 words................turned it over to his lawyer who is quoted as saying..."they are eager for an arrest"...
....aren't we all...........
....and did you notice his attorney's demeanor when raven started to talk? Was pretty much indicating to raven to shut up after 2 words.

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