Does Casey Know Who Caylee's Father Is?

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Does Casey Know Who The Father of Her Child Is?

  • Yes - she knows, but her parents do not.

    Votes: 117 31.4%
  • Yes - she knows, and so do her parents.

    Votes: 134 35.9%
  • No - she doesn't know.

    Votes: 95 25.5%
  • I dont know.

    Votes: 27 7.2%

  • Total voters
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I have a good idea who it is and it's been discussed many times and many people here agree - but it's taboo- it would explain a lot if it's true
I'm pretty sure LE know anyway
I'm being stubborn here, but still think that she was getting cash from someone (maybe a couple of someones?) telling them that they were the bio dad and threatening to go public if they don't pay up (maybe married guys?)

could very well be true, am sure she had other sources of money fromt he ones we know about
What did she need money for? Her basic needs were covered by her parents. They paid for everything for Caylee. Her imaginary job only paid for her imaginary babysitter leaving very little imaginary change left. Her fancy cell phone came from stolen Granny money. She only needed money when they were near kicking her out and she stole it! I still say the rape theory fits best and very possibly by someone she knew. Possibly by the 'someone' that many believe is the 'shocker' LP refers to, but even if it is someone else it certainly makes reactions and behaviors click together (I won't say "make sense"-nothing about this makes sense). It is why I believe the immediate family knows and will never tell.
I believe her and her parents both know who it is. She was only 19 when she got pregnant and I don't think she was as promiscuous then. I don't understand why she didn't get the father to support the kid UNLESS it is a family member or her mother didn't want someone else involved with Caylee and told her to keep her mouth shut. I do not believe the father is dead unless the A's told LE who the father is and they have checked it out. I find it odd that LE doesn't seem to care who it is/was or check into it more and why they would take the Anthony's word for anything since they all lie so much.

Why would LE care who it was? The father was not involved in the killing.
What did she need money for? Her basic needs were covered by her parents. They paid for everything for Caylee. Her imaginary job only paid for her imaginary babysitter leaving very little imaginary change left. Her fancy cell phone came from stolen Granny money. She only needed money when they were near kicking her out and she stole it! I still say the rape theory fits best and very possibly by someone she knew. Possibly by the 'someone' that many believe is the 'shocker' LP refers to, but even if it is someone else it certainly makes reactions and behaviors click together (I won't say "make sense"-nothing about this makes sense). It is why I believe the immediate family knows and will never tell.

Maybe they covered Caylee but believing KC had a job they probably didn't pay for clothes, make-up, alcohol fuelled nights etc-that all does cost a bit
I don't know whether or not she knos, but I doubt that she cares.

As for pursuing a guy for child support-- she mostly dates guys who are unemployed or marginally employed.

Also, identifying a particular father would remove a game she likes to play-- identifying different guys for different personal agendas. For instance, telling JG HE was the father, so he would marry her.

Also, if the bio father dumped her, it would make her look less sexy and appealing. That's he big image issue.
Yes....cuz it does not seem she was leading the "wild life" until recently. Hence, not wanting to be saddled with a 2 yr. old
Many partners now...but not back then...right?
Where did she meet Jesse G? Anyone know?

He said he met her at work-- back when she was REALLY working.
I agree. And the A's have said many times that the baby daddy wasn't part of Caylee's life, but yet it has been claimed that he died in a car accident while on his way to her birthday. Now why would he be on his way to her birthday if he weren't a part of her life? A lot just doesn't add up here. I think they are definitely hiding something. Just my opinion.

The As just repeat whatever KC said LAST. I think they are embarrassed because they don't know.
I think she does. Isn't there one guy on this planet who slept with her and can do the math regarding Caylee's age etc.? Why hasn't someone stepped forward to inquire about paternity? Maybe some have and we haven't heard as of yet...

Because it isn't relevant to the criminal case. Dad hasn't been around for at least three years.
She didn't have to have sex with many partners. She just needed to have unprotected sex with one person whom she didn't know. It has happened. Many young woman hook up at parties, with some random guy, and never see him again. I doubt that's the kind of thing you run home and tell Mom and Dad happened.

I voted that she doesn't know. I don't even think she has a clue. I know when I was younger *sigh* many young women just had sex to get it over with, 'cause they thought everyone else was doing "it" and they were missing out.

As for Cindy thinking Casey was a virgin, well there was no reason to think she wasn't unless Casey told Cindy that she wasn't, and that's not very likely to happen with any young woman. My first time, I was 17, and I sure as hell didn't go home and tell my parents. Although I guess I should add, that I did know the guy, and still know him. ;)

Yeah, but CA thought KC was a vigin when she was seven months pregnant, and she's a NURSE.

Kiomara, KC's friend agrees with your theory, She said she and KC "got rid of their virginity."

And, you're right, that's not uncommon. That's what I did, and so did some of my friends.
Do I recall correctly that CA gave the police the wrong hairbrush? Perhaps there was a reason she didn't want them to have Caylee's DNA - namely, not wanting the father identified.

She gave LE the brush that KC AND Caylee used. Not the one that JUST Caylee had used. So, she STILL gave LE the DNA.
Yes, I think Casey does know who fathered Caylee. She wasn't sleeping around then.

Jesse said that Casey was a very attentive and loving mother until something happened towards the end of their relationship. He didn't specify what that was and I don't think he knows. He said something like she went wild.

This was said during an interview a few weeks agoi when he did a flurry of interviews over the course of a week.

I don't think that the Anthonys know who the father is. There have been money problems and I thin k they would have gone after him for child support UNLESS he was married.

How do you know she wasn't sleeping around? When she was engaged to JG, she was also hustling another guy on MySpace. JG's dad caught her.
I still think it was possible she was raped. studies show these are usually people you know. so I think she knows who - but I think all that weirdness comes because itwas a rape (not telling anyone she was preg, lack of bonding, etc)

But, sociopaths also cannot bond, and lie habitually. Sociopathy starts in childhood.
Who the father may be (beyond speculation), we have no irrefutable proof, - but there are some things that are seemingly logical.

I don't think most would deny that if Casey could have been getting child support all this time, she'd have been all over it. After all, she had NO qualms in overtly stealing from friends, parents, or grandparents. Therefore, why would she have any hesitancy abstracting money LEGALLY from someone? So, either she had no idea who the father was or he was someone who was unable to pay her due to some sort of backlash (ie, Child Services).

Likewise, it goes completely against her nature to have a deceased father of her child but not collect SSA. I think trying to convey ethics, morality, or compassion, to any of KC's motives is pretty moot, by now, to even the most naive.

The hinky-pattern of the immediate family's ability to boldly lie to "save face" and to circle the wagons in defense of those lies, is also a moot point as it is forever engraved in an epithet's granite.

I think that KC very probably knows who the father is. I do NOT think that he is dead. I also do not think that it is a simple case of the real father just "doing the math" and coming forward (as I would bet the house that KC would have long done so herself). There is, of course, the implication that the father is a relative and, while any ugly thought, cannot be glibly ruled out as it is a viable possibility.

What's reasonably left? There's rape without legal follow-up by partner(s) unknown, rape without legal follow-up by partner(s) known, consensual liasons with partner(s) unknown, consensual liasons with partner(s) known, - including incestual relationship.

While rape could possibly explain some things, KC would assuredly have told her closest of friends. There is not a peep regarding her ever having broached the subject with anyone. Consensual "ships in the night" partner(s), drunkenly promiscuous or not, again seemingly "fits" her lifestyle and history, - but, again, this doesn't follow her OTHER history of getting money by any means possible. The only thing she's shared with friends is a possible LA involvement. Do I trust her to necessarily disclose the truth? No more than I would negate everything she says. But, there ARE some things that DO "stick", and KC can ALWAYS be counted on to be true to her nature.

Anonymous sex orgies? None attested to or implied by school chums or older partiers (at least not during this time), - surely, we'd have heard something by now.

Though, there are a world of possibilities, there are not a world of probabilities. That something is being covered-up regarding Caylee's father, beyond the wagon-circling story foistered by KC and CA (about as palatable (and obvious) as simply being "fat" at Uncle Rick's wedding), is just another story. After all , "lying isn't a crime", per the CA lexicon.

There is a reason for the smoke and mirrors, and only so many probabilities. The most prominent with the most "sticking-power" is the most distasteful and ugly. It is not uncommon. What, if it is the truth, that WOULD be abnormal, is the depth of attitudes necessary to cover it up to "save" face and all those involved, the self-justification, the denial. These "attributes" run rampant in the Anthony household (nearly automatic) and would not be any stretch for most of us who've kept abreast of the social and personal interactions of CA, etal.

I think she would have used a rape to gain sympathy among her friends.

My guess is that the reason for the "smoke and mirrors" is quite simply: 1) KC lies all the time. It is her nature. 2) She has not gone after anyone for child support because she dates a lot of students and marginally employed club rats. Her crowd doesn't have the financial means. 3) Uncle Rick said he thinks she doesn't know, because she got pregnant at a party on December 4th, 4) She likes to keep her parents confused-- it's her way of getting some freedom, and it's a control mechanism. It also keeps them embarrassed about never knowing much about her. 5) If she keeps everybody confused about paternity, she can use it as a tool to control a guy. Like she used it to get JG to offer her marriage.

So, KC can potentially get a lot of mileage if she keeps paternity secret, if she even KNOWS. And, if she DOESN"T know, it would be even MORE important to obfuscate.
this is a stretch, but what if casey simply doesn't like the father.
maybe daddy is someone who doesn't particularly like casey either and knows better than to trust her. the idea of having someone casey can't manipulate, control, lie to or charm being a permanent fixture in her life and getting to call the shots about his daughter could easily have outweighed any cash benefit for casey.
two people can dislike eachother intensely and still be very, very physically attracted to one another.

That's what Kiomara said. She said she met the father, He was "tall, slim, and quiet." KC dumped him, and then told everybody that he died.
The thing that bothers me most about the speculation of the father being deceased is the fact that wouldn't the deceased boy's parents want to be involved in Caylee's life as an extension of their dead son. To know there is a living being with their son's eyes or features, I would never let go. When the only thing you have left of your son would be his daughter. It just doesn't make sense. My opinion is if it doesn't make sense it is probably not true.

Well, a LOT of baby-mamas and baby-daddies split, with no involvement of the two families.
I voted no, but as soon as I hit the "submit reply" key, it dawned on me that her promiscuity is relatively recent. All reports of high school are of a firl whose behavior had not yet escalated. So really, I think it's pretty likely that she knows who the father is.

Apropos of nothing (but triggered by the realization that Casey's behavior was different in high school) I'd still love to know why she did not graduate.

Edited to add another baby-daddy thought: It's been said that, if the father were known, they As would have sought child support. I think that a tight-knit family for which appearance is very important is less likely to invite someone into their lives--and would be willing to sacrifice financial contributions in order to maintain 100% control.

What reports from high school? I only read one-- from a teacher.

I suspect that she did not graduate, on time, because she is a quitter. She walked away from her job, like she walked away from school.

However, I read that she made up the credit in summer school, and DID graduate, but not with her class.
It bears no importance to the case?
If someone kills their own child it stands to reason that they (even for one moment in time) "hated" the child. Why would someone hate their own child enough to end her life? Perhaps because of who the father is. I agree with the other posters that KC knows who the father is and it is the ultimate in "shameful". If what I (and many others) suspect is true it is the key to everything and explains the deep pathology of the entire family. Greek tragedy.

Three years later? Prolly not.

The cops have their motive: 1) Sociopaths do not bond normally. Sociopathic mothers kill their kids all the time. Especially if they are eyeing a guy who doesn't want a ready-made kid. 2) She was jealous of Caylee, because Caylee was getting more of the attention and family resources. CA said so on her MySpace blog. JG said KC broke their engagement because she accused him of "loving Caylle more." She was jealous of her OWN kid! 3) She was in a snit because the day before the killing, CA had read her out for robbing her aged and infirm grandfather. And, she is, as she admits, a "spiteful biotch." To make matters worse, Caylee looked a lot like CA. 4) Caylee was starting to talk. And, maybe soon tell Nana that KC was dragging her to adult parties, and sleeping three to a bed at a boyfriend's house.

All of which make a WHOLE lot more sense than, "Three years later, she suddenly decided she hated the father, so she also hated the kid." Also, a lot of women who DO hate the father, love the child anyway.

Lastly, as NG and the other talking -head lawyers keep saying, it's not about motive, it's about evidence. Even of one could dig out a dark, Gothic, mysterious motive, i would not matter to the case. Lots of people are convicted with NO motive, other than that they felt like killing somebody.

So.. it looks like, if you want motive, he motive is obvious. But, the motive isn't the issue, the evidence is the issue.
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