Does Pam Paugh Know Anything About JB's Murder?

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Does Pam Paugh Know Anything About JB's Murder?

  • Yes, She Knows Way More Than She Is Saying....

    Votes: 185 70.9%
  • No, She Doesn't Know A Thing....

    Votes: 27 10.3%
  • I Have No Idea!

    Votes: 49 18.8%

  • Total voters
Patsy told Tom Haney that her family was too close. They felt each others pain is what she said.
Patsy told Tom Haney that her family was too close. They felt each others pain is what she said.

Too bad she couldn't "feel" her daughter's pain Christmas night! Maybe she could have saved her life.
My opinion: if BR did it, then yes Pam knows. If Patsy did one knows.
Obviously, we can't step into Pam Paugh's mind and state matter-of-factly what she knows but we can speculate.

She may have a sense of the 'truth' just by being in the thick of all the action and being in close proximity to people involved in the events -- the parents etc.

If the parents did this crime, we could speculate that they have lied to family members and built a lie and maintained that lie and hence did not tell anyone the truth. Equally, it is plausible that Pam Paugh was informed of the events and actually aided her sister Patsy via obtaining items from the house connected to the case.

One thing is for sure -- she will most certainly have mulled over the case in her head. Someone in her shoes would be compelled to think about such a case.

There's also the added complexity that even if she did know the truth (assuming the truth is that the parents(s) were involved) she may publicly defend them as simply her love of her sister outweighs her desire to 'tell the truth'. I mean, because of Patsy, Pam got to live a good life : Patsy was wealthy and she got to be part of the Jonbenet pageant scene (allegedly she was very involved). Thus, even if she knew the truth she may not want to compound one horrible event (death of Jonbenet) with another horrible event -- destroying Patsy's life and sending her to jail and thus robbing herself of a huge part of her life.

Again, there is a lot of speculation involved. The fact that she publicly (on TVetc) defends her sister (and family) suggests that she is towing the party line. It's a case of whether she is doing it because she is genuinely convinced they are innocent or because she knows they did something but was sufficiently convinced to keep her trap shut.

P.S. Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I developed swine flu over Christmas/New Year and have been rather ill. So obviously typing at a computer was not high on the priority list. lol
LFB...I am happy you got over that horrible flu okay.

The Paugh sisters are a strange bunch...with their religious zealotry, superstitions, and their ever-present miracles. They consider themselves a blessed family in that through religion comes Victory from all the woes of this earth. Glory, Glory Halleluiah, the Paughs are marching on!

Pam Paugh claims she spoke to a dead JonBenet...they spoke about Pageants.

Polly Paugh Davis claims she saw a dead JonBenet running through a field of flowers, telling her she was okay.

HELLO?! Why didn't Aunt Pam ask JonBenet during their pageant discussions...Honey, who killed you?

These sisters were all-out wackos IMO.
Obviously, we can't step into Pam Paugh's mind and state matter-of-factly what she knows but we can speculate.

She may have a sense of the 'truth' just by being in the thick of all the action and being in close proximity to people involved in the events -- the parents etc.

If the parents did this crime, we could speculate that they have lied to family members and built a lie and maintained that lie and hence did not tell anyone the truth. Equally, it is plausible that Pam Paugh was informed of the events and actually aided her sister Patsy via obtaining items from the house connected to the case.

One thing is for sure -- she will most certainly have mulled over the case in her head. Someone in her shoes would be compelled to think about such a case.

There's also the added complexity that even if she did know the truth (assuming the truth is that the parents(s) were involved) she may publicly defend them as simply her love of her sister outweighs her desire to 'tell the truth'. I mean, because of Patsy, Pam got to live a good life : Patsy was wealthy and she got to be part of the Jonbenet pageant scene (allegedly she was very involved). Thus, even if she knew the truth she may not want to compound one horrible event (death of Jonbenet) with another horrible event -- destroying Patsy's life and sending her to jail and thus robbing herself of a huge part of her life.

Again, there is a lot of speculation involved. The fact that she publicly (on TVetc) defends her sister (and family) suggests that she is towing the party line. It's a case of whether she is doing it because she is genuinely convinced they are innocent or because she knows they did something but was sufficiently convinced to keep her trap shut.

I can believe that. Take my brother: he's a big pain, but if he committed 20 murders, I'd do my best to see that he didn't hang for them.

P.S. Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I developed swine flu over Christmas/New Year and have been rather ill. So obviously typing at a computer was not high on the priority list. lol

We're all glad that you're okay, LFB.
LFB...I am happy you got over that horrible flu okay.

The Paugh sisters are a strange bunch...with their religious zealotry, superstitions, and their ever-present miracles. They consider themselves a blessed family in that through religion comes Victory from all the woes of this earth. Glory, Glory Halleluiah, the Paughs are marching on!

Pam Paugh claims she spoke to a dead JonBenet...they spoke about Pageants.

Polly Paugh Davis claims she saw a dead JonBenet running through a field of flowers, telling her she was okay.

HELLO?! Why didn't Aunt Pam ask JonBenet during their pageant discussions...Honey, who killed you?

These sisters were all-out wackos IMO.

Yeah, and you gotta wonder WHY!
Yeah, and you gotta wonder WHY!

You know...I have no proof at all, just a gut feeling, that they were molested by their dad. I can't even explain why I have that feeling. It's just something that I have always believed. And I have wondered if JB was being molested by him too.
You know...I have no proof at all, just a gut feeling, that they were molested by their dad. I can't even explain why I have that feeling. It's just something that I have always believed. And I have wondered if JB was being molested by him too.

I agree Ames. If LE only interviewed Don Paugh as briefly as I've read, they made a huge mistake. It looked as though they had suspicions about him and then just dropped it. The truth is they dropped every interview with every Ramsey before the Ramseys started to sweat and that is the most ridiculous part of their investigation. Not one suspect had to worry because they knew LE wouldn't dare push them too hard.
I agree Ames. If LE only interviewed Don Paugh as briefly as I've read, they made a huge mistake. It looked as though they had suspicions about him and then just dropped it. The truth is they dropped every interview with every Ramsey before the Ramseys started to sweat and that is the most ridiculous part of their investigation. Not one suspect had to worry because they knew LE wouldn't dare push them too hard.

Don Paugh's quit exit the day after the 23d Christmas party...a standby flight to Atlanta is something LE should have questioned him about.

When JonBenet was found the day of the 26th...Polly and Pam flew to Denver to be with their sister. Nedra and Don stayed behind?

Don Paugh has not been mentioned too much in this murder investigation. He has remained SILENT throughout all this which makes me deeply suspicious.

I do theorize that DP had his way with his daughters....makes me shudder when I see Patsy's reaction when asked if she or her sisters have ever been abused.
Don Paugh's quit exit the day after the 23d Christmas party...a standby flight to Atlanta is something LE should have questioned him about.

When JonBenet was found the day of the 26th...Polly and Pam flew to Denver to be with their sister. Nedra and Don stayed behind?

Don Paugh has not been mentioned too much in this murder investigation. He has remained SILENT throughout all this which makes me deeply suspicious.

I do theorize that DP had his way with his daughters....makes me shudder when I see Patsy's reaction when asked if she or her sisters have ever been abused.

I agree. Don ...not once...went on tv, took out an ad...etc. etc....asking for help in finding his grand-daughter's killer. Nedra once said that JB had only been "a little bit molested". That is like being a little bit pregnant. Sounds like she knew of some molestation going on....
You know...I have no proof at all, just a gut feeling, that they were molested by their dad. I can't even explain why I have that feeling. It's just something that I have always believed.

I know what you mean, Ames. I've often thought that.

And I have wondered if JB was being molested by him too.

Hmm. Interesting idea.
I agree. Don ...not once...went on tv, took out an ad...etc. etc....asking for help in finding his grand-daughter's killer. Nedra once said that JB had only been "a little bit molested". That is like being a little bit pregnant. Sounds like she knew of some molestation going on....

Yeah, it's the classic talk of an enabler.
Does anyone have a link to the interview with Patsy where she is asked about her sisters and she (I've only read this here) begins to speak in a child-like voice? Very telling, IMO, as an adult child of incest myself- some of my sisters behave this way when discussing our family 'issues' and out of five sisters, one is in heavy denial, and one is on the fence (in terms of our families history). I mean, the chances that only two out of the five of us were molested, are slim to none. TIA
Does anyone have a link to the interview with Patsy where she is asked about her sisters and she (I've only read this here) begins to speak in a child-like voice? Very telling, IMO, as an adult child of incest myself- some of my sisters behave this way when discussing our family 'issues' and out of five sisters, one is in heavy denial, and one is on the fence (in terms of our families history). I mean, the chances that only two out of the five of us were molested, are slim to none. TIA

While I look for that, Frigga, have you talked to LinasK?

This isn't a link, but it is a partial transcript:

TOM HANEY: And prior to today, had you heard or read or seen anything about--

PATSY RAMSEY: I had heard that the night she was killed that she may have had -- have been sexually assaulted. But not prior to that. Absolutely.

TOM HANEY: Have you ever suffered any physical abuse?

PATSY RAMSEY: Absolutely not.

TOM HANEY: In childhood, you know, dating, your adult life?


TOM HANEY: How about sexual abuse?

There was also one where she answered in a very soft, almost childlike voice "No" when asked about whether she had suffered any sexual abuse as a child.

If I had been asked that and if was NOT true, I would most vehemently state NO! Absolutely NOT.
But if it were TRUE, and I didn't want to talk about it or admit it, I'd probably answer just like she did.
There was also one where she answered in a very soft, almost childlike voice "No" when asked about whether she had suffered any sexual abuse as a child.

If I had been asked that and if was NOT true, I would most vehemently state NO! Absolutely NOT.
But if it were TRUE, and I didn't want to talk about it or admit it, I'd probably answer just like she did.

After Haney asks those questions about Patsy and her sisters being molested, a very quiet Patsy finally had enough...

I see that Murri's gone MIA. Maybe this will get her to talk.

Personally, I don't subscribe to the idea that Pam knowingly contributed to any cover-up. But if I did, I could understand it.

IDI would have us believe that the Ramseys loved JB too much to ever kill her. But they ALSO expect us to believe that same love does not extend between Patsy and Pam, and that Pam would just throw her own sister to the dogs. If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that you don't just turn your back on the person who came from the same womb you did, especially in a situation like this, when that person has already been through so much.

So, assuming that Patsy did it, and that Pam was in on it, then I would agree that she was most likely horrified at JB's death. But are we to believe that Pam would then COMPOUND that horror by sending her own sister to prison for life, or possibly to Death Row?
I see that Murri's gone MIA. Maybe this will get her to talk.

Personally, I don't subscribe to the idea that Pam knowingly contributed to any cover-up. But if I did, I could understand it.

IDI would have us believe that the Ramseys loved JB too much to ever kill her. But they ALSO expect us to believe that same love does not extend between Patsy and Pam, and that Pam would just throw her own sister to the dogs. If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that you don't just turn your back on the person who came from the same womb you did, especially in a situation like this, when that person has already been through so much.

So, assuming that Patsy did it, and that Pam was in on it, then I would agree that she was most likely horrified at JB's death. But are we to believe that Pam would then COMPOUND that horror by sending her own sister to prison for life, or possibly to Death Row?

I obviously do not know for sure, but to me, this seems to be spot on!

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