Does Skyline school bear any responsibility?

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Dear Skyline School Community and Neighbors:

Many of you are aware that on May 2, 2010, more than 125 volunteers from Sunset Presbyterian spent the day at Skyline School doing inside and outside projects. With the help of several Skyline parents, students and neighbors the amount of work that was done that day was truly amazing. In a continuing effort to support our school and complete the work started on May 2nd, Sunset Presbyterian volunteers will be returning on Sunday, August 29th for “Skyline Service Day”. Here are some of the projects that we will be doing:

* Finish painting exterior metal handrails.
* Finish painting trim in two classrooms.
* Paint one wall in the library.
* Clean out and reorganize “volunteer” room and “locker rooms” in basement of school.
* Landscaping around the school.
* Track maintenance

This will be our 10th and final year as Skyline parents and we are thrilled to partner with Sunset Presbyterian church for Skyline Service Day. This has been a difficult last few months for our Skyline staff and families, and we want to make sure that our school looks especially great when our kids return to class in September. As the project leaders we are seeking additional volunteers for the day from the Skyline community. In addition, we are looking for donations of water and snacks that we can provide to the volunteers during the day. If you are unable to volunteer we are also seeking monetary donations to help fund the purchase of supplies (paint, equipment, bark dust, etc.) needed for the day.

If you can help out in any capacity please contact us at Thanks so much!

Maggie and Bill Schweinfurth

Couple of things I want to get off my mind here. Firstly, LE of course said they searched the entire school, so I'm assuming that means the basement. However, I never even knew there was a basement until recently on these threads. But there was a report that caught my attention in the beginning that LE said they thoroughly searched the school AND THE ROOF. When I heard that I thought that was strange and now that I look at the school, I think it's really strange. Is there some sort of ladder that goes to the roof that's accessible by the children? Has another child been rescued from the roof before or something? I dunno, I thought that was weird when I heard it so I want to just get it off my mind. :)
snip... But there was a report that caught my attention in the beginning that LE said they thoroughly searched the school AND THE ROOF. When I heard that I thought that was strange and now that I look at the school, I think it's really strange. Is there some sort of ladder that goes to the roof that's accessible by the children? Has another child been rescued from the roof before or something? I dunno, I thought that was weird when I heard it so I want to just get it off my mind. :)

There's undoubtedly a ladder to the roof. It's undoubtedly not meant to be accessible to the children. But children will find what they want to find. I personally got on the roof of South Marshall School when I was about 8 years old. Hear that, Principal Murphy? Come and get me! :D

A former elementary school teacher who put her career on hold to focus on her three children- {names & ages of kids removed} -Horman volunteers at Kyron's elementary school and runs a home that friends and family describe as loving.,,20397133,00.html

Boy, Jennifer Jones gave quite the story about Terry and Des being friends before Kyron was born, and how Terry came to live with Kaine. I hadn't read that before.
Boy, Jennifer Jones gave quite the story about Terry and Des being friends before Kyron was born, and how Terry came to live with Kaine. I hadn't read that before.

Looks like another friend of TH's bought her lies, hook, line, and sinker.

I would be very, very angry if my close friend lied to me like that.
I don't know why the time the attendance was taken is such a big deal. It sounds like Portland schools have electronic attendance as we have in our school district.

... I just don't see the significance of the 10 AM time. that would just be the electronic entry.
(respectfully snipped by me)

CB the official start time for school that day was 8:45. Kyron's regular classroom studies began at 10:00.

The 8:45-10:00 time period was set for students and their chaperons to tour the science fair.

Let me be very clear about this. I believe that the knowing what time attendance was taken is VERY important because that is the first time that Kyron is NOT where he is suppose to be. IF attendance had been taken at 8:45am then he would have had to been disappeared BEFORE 8:45am (if he was marked absent).

IF attendance was taken AT 10:00am, he could have been disappeared anytime b/w his last sighting and 10:00am.

IF attendance was taken at 8:45am and he was marked absent, IMO that would discredit TP asking where kyron.

IF attendance was taken at 10:00am and that was the first OFFICIAL time he was noticed to be absent, then that IMO adds credit to TP's statement-IE no one can say that Kyron wasn't there and have it be their word against his, because there isn't a paper trail saying that he wasn't.

IF he was there at 8:45am (an unofficial attendance perhaps to group children) BUT marked absent at 10:00am, then that is an hour and a half where no one IN the school knew where this child was. No one seemed to wonder to ask, just maybe, where he went? No one thought to make sure that after an unofficial headcount (assuming Kyron was there for) that when he wasn't there for the official headcount to make sure that they new where he was?

This is why knowing when attendance was taken is important to me.

That electronic entry is infallible proof of when someone first OFFICIALLY noticed him missing. (am I saying that the teacher would change her testimony? No, I am saying I don't know what she would do when push came to shove. AND at this point all we have to rely on except for fallible human memory is OFFICIAL records) I'm a cynic and refuse to apologize for that.
Here's how the school sits in relation to NSEW, with exits marked.
Good luck on trying to change an electronic entry and not being discovered if the teacher tried to change it.
No, I don't feel the school bears any responsibility in this case. IF one were to believe the email that Terri sent to a friend 'Kyron has been acting strange the past 2 weeks, staring off into space & walking into & backing out of a room....' 'Doc thinks it's mini-seizures' ...According to Terri's own words, Kyron was suffering from an UNDIAGNOSED medical condition that caused him to wander. It was her act of NOT delivering him to a responsible adult in the school prior to leaving that morning. Plus, if school officially started at 10....then why is she dropping him off all by himself PRIOR to the official start time? That would be like school officially starting at 8:45 and dropping him off him the hallway at 7:30.....who is responsible when school has not officially started? 2 reasons why I feel school is NOT responsible.

Also, according to what we've heard....Terri told the teacher that she was taking Kyron to a dr. appointment Friday. She did so in a crowded room and it appears that the teacher thought that the appointment was THAT friday. Therefore, no real concern since the teacher spoke to Terri regarding Kyron's possible absence...
The schools in the district where I live are very strict about a student's departure during school hours. If a child must leave campus at any time during the school day, the parent must go to the front office for a pass to the attendance office. Then, they must sign a log stating date, student's name, signature of parent and reason for leaving campus. There is absolutely NO way around this procedure and a verbal notice to a teacher or administrator isn't allowed. The notice/request must be made in the form of a note/email to the Attendance Clerk or in-person at the time the child is being picked up. All doors are locked EXCEPT for the front door which leads to the main office. All schools should have a similar process. Kyron's ability to "wander" off on his own or to be taken by TH for an "appointment" or to be "abducted" by some unknown person could have been prevented if there was a security process in place such as the one I mentioned above. Therefore, I do believe that Skyline has a responsibility in Kyron's disappearance, no matter how it happened. Of course, this is only MHO.
The Principal's message for the new school year. I've snipped it to avoid copyright issues.

We are hosting a parent information evening on September 2nd at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Skyline gym. We are asking that this meeting be for parents only, as you are the ones who need the information. Other folks from the community and press are not invited to the meeting in order to give you a chance to share your questions and potential concerns in a safe environment.

..You will have a chance to hear an update on issues relating to security and check in procedures, the supports we will have in place as we start school, and new attendance procedures..

..To that end we are having video cameras installed at Skyline. These cameras will show external views of the building as well as the main hallway..
Sounds like our school. Same kind of procedures. The principal is fairly new and one of the first things she did was make sure of procedures that we have to follow. There is NO WAY that could have happened in our school. Just not possible. Only way in or out for parents is thru the front door. All visitors get passes, etc. Very strict. If a child is absent a call is made, etc.Sometimes I was called to make the call if the family spoke only Spanish. All, and I mean all, bases were covered. She said it was our responsibility while the children were in school.....And under no circumstances were students wondering around the school. If parent has a meeting with a teacher the parent still has to go to the office on departure in order to give back the pass.
The schools in the district where I live are very strict about a student's departure during school hours. If a child must leave campus at any time during the school day, the parent must go to the front office for a pass to the attendance office. Then, they must sign a log stating date, student's name, signature of parent and reason for leaving campus. There is absolutely NO way around this procedure and a verbal notice to a teacher or administrator isn't allowed. The notice/request must be made in the form of a note/email to the Attendance Clerk or in-person at the time the child is being picked up. All doors are locked EXCEPT for the front door which leads to the main office. All schools should have a similar process. Kyron's ability to "wander" off on his own or to be taken by TH for an "appointment" or to be "abducted" by some unknown person could have been prevented if there was a security process in place such as the one I mentioned above. Therefore, I do believe that Skyline has a responsibility in Kyron's disappearance, no matter how it happened. Of course, this is only MHO.
...key words are 'during school hours.' It is my understanding that on this particular day, school officially started at 10.
Here's how the school sits in relation to NSEW, with exits marked.

Thanks for doing this! I was really thinking about the gym exits last night. I know there was that report of an older student seeing Kyron in the gym but ....I don't really have a good theory that makes sense with what we know? :confused:
The Principal's message for the new school year. I've snipped it to avoid copyright issues.

We are hosting a parent information evening on September 2nd at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Skyline gym. We are asking that this meeting be for parents only, as you are the ones who need the information. Other folks from the community and press are not invited to the meeting in order to give you a chance to share your questions and potential concerns in a safe environment.

..You will have a chance to hear an update on issues relating to security and check in procedures, the supports we will have in place as we start school, and new attendance procedures..

..To that end we are having video cameras installed at Skyline. These cameras will show external views of the building as well as the main hallway..

" To that end we are having video cameras installed at Skyline "

I can't help but think : if only....

...key words are 'during school hours.' It is my understanding that on this particular day, school officially started at 10.

Then were there special buses arriving at 9:45 or so for students who only wanted to show up when school officially started?
Regular classes began at 10, but school, as usual, started at 8:45. Students who had been touring around with their parents or friends had to report to class at that time (to be organized into groups to tour the fair). The early (8am) opening of the school was for the purpose of parents who wished to see the fair, and then continue to their workdays.
As soon as the 8:45 bell rang, school was in session. Otherwise, there was nothing but the chaos of 300 children roaming around the halls for 75 minutes.
Early arrival may have been optional, but school started at the usual time.
.....No, I don't feel the school bears any responsibility in this case. IF one were to believe the email that Terri sent to a friend 'Kyron has been acting strange the past 2 weeks, staring off into space & walking into & backing out of a room....' 'Doc thinks it's mini-seizures' ...According to Terri's own words, Kyron was suffering from an UNDIAGNOSED medical condition that caused him to wander. It was her act of NOT delivering him to a responsible adult in the school prior to leaving that morning.

I added the 10 o'clock start time because it was mentioned elsewhere. It is the email that Terri sent to a friend regarding Kyron's 'strange behaviour the past 2 weeks regarding wandering & staring etc. that is bugging me the MOST.
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