Does the State's Case Have Any Weaknesses? What Are They?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The level of chloroform found in the forensic analyses of the car trunk was above the level normally found in a decomposition event of a comparable type, but there were not 'large quantities' of the compound. Also, IIRC, the ME stated that she did not expect the toxicology tests on the remains to yield anything of any value in determining the cause of death, and that's why she was going to certify the cause of death as 'by undetermined means'.

It has always puzzled me as to why KC would have used chloroform on Caylee when over-the-counter meds (cough syrup, Benadryl, etc.) could have easily been used to knock her out. KC just seems like the type to always go for the short cut in everything she does.

Also, what do extra hairs matter? Do they lead us to someone else? I sincerely hope this jury is not duped by the same tactics that were used in the OJ case. Yes, there was contamination in that case, but contamination does NOT negate the fact that crucial DNA evidence was found at the crime scene and in OJ's car.

Frankly, I don't see many weaknesses in the SA case against KC. I know it won't be a cake walk, but I think they've got her pretty good. Now I'm really anxious to see the next release of documents by the SA.
I hope similar to the Scott Peterson trial that the prosecution puts together a list of why KC is the only one responsible for Caylee death. I believe they had a list of "25 reason's why SP is guilty" - they read off the list during the closing arguments and many jurors said this was the momment of clarity.
ITA, with all of the evidence in this case they are going to need a way to tie it all together.

yes, they had alot against him and he walked. But they really screwed up the evidence taking, handling of the evidence, etc.

It that kind of screw ups were known far and wide. But no one was making anyone do anything different. That was arrogance.

The OJ case showed those in CSI work that times have changed. This was a good thing. No more fudged findings or reports. The expectation now is that your (CSI type) work will be questioned.

IT can very much be argued that because of the OJ case, it's less likely that the evidence collected is going to be contaminated. Starting from the find at the scene, to testing at the lab.
ITA. They need alot more than that computer search. I agree to get the DP they are going to have to prove how she did it. I don't see the jury going with DP unless the SA can prove a plan, pre-meditation to kill Caylee. In fact even with chloroform proof, I think they will still need to prove to the jury that KC's intention was to kill Caylee.

I'm not so sure it has to be prooven how she killed Caylee.

I don't think they prooved how Scott P killed his pregnant wife. Just that he did.
Everyone knew the OJ verdict was a joke and I'm sure those jurors still get hell for that to this day. Let's face it, 9 of those jurors were African American and that probably played the biggest part in determining the verdict based on the race riots that were occuring in the LA area at the time. Unless the jury on this trial consists of 9, young sociopathic partiers who will do anything to save one of their "fellow partiers", I don't see the jury making the same mistake in giving a NG verdict. A mistrial at MOST but if that happens I believe the SA will retry it and this will work to their advantage.
It is my sincere belief, or maybe hope, that the state has evidence that has yet to be released with regards to this case. Even with just what is public the DP comes into play due to the victim's age and the fact that she allegedly died at the hands of her mother. If it was a drug or physical abuse that led to her death - that also brings DP into play because both of those would be felonies. Also, please remember that pre-meditation can happen in an instant.

Additionally, the instructions to the jury won't include "no doubt" or "iron clad". The burden of proof is beyond a "reasonable" doubt. This means a juror can still have doubts so long as they would not affect a reasonable person's belief regarding guilt. Most people sitting on death row are convicted with circumstantial evidence, not iron clad definitive proof.

I believe the states problems/hurdles will consist of the following:

Homicidal death by undetermined means - Some people on the jury may feel sympathetic towards KC. She's young and attractive and let's face it most of the population have a hard time wrapping their head around the fact that a mother can kill her child. The state assumes Caylee was murdered due to her age at death, the duct tape and the disposal of her body. All circumstantial evidence.

Several people admit to being in the area where the remains were found, prior to them actually being found. RK and his group, DC, the guy who grew up down the street (forget his name) and the psychic with her dog (forget her name). I think the defense will play this angle for everything they can.

Deputy Cain. Was out near the remains site twice and fails to find anything.

Forensics. Missed evidence in the vehicle that was found by the defense. The defense has several experts on board to refute the state's science.

Forensics. A lot of this case will be scientific evidence and jurors may not understand it and be bored with a preponderance of it. Soil samples, bug samples, plant evidence, dirt evidence, computer logs, cell phone pings, etc.

Admissible Evidence A lot of things that are in the public eye may not make it into trial due to their highly prejudicial nature like all those partying pics, jail visit videos, etc. It will be interesting to see what is allowed in.

LE Mistakes No one is infallible, at least in this case. The defense will pick apart every mistake by LE both past and present and attempt to chip away at the case the state presents. Mayfield comes to mind off the top of my head - relatively recent case - although the charges were terrorism related he did successfully sue the FBI.

OJ Simpson Look at all the evidence they had against him....he walked.

There's probably more here, but I'm tired and have rambled long enough. Let's just hope this threat if futile and the state gets a conviction.

These re some very good points well thought out I also think the jury will get bored with all the medical or forensic reports that would bore me to death, maybe they have finger prints on the duct tape those were never ruled out were they?
ITA. They need alot more than that computer search. I agree to get the DP they are going to have to prove how she did it. I don't see the jury going with DP unless the SA can prove a plan, pre-meditation to kill Caylee. In fact even with chloroform proof, I think they will still need to prove to the jury that KC's intention was to kill Caylee.

I personally don't think she used chloroform (too many pesky dangerous details), but I think the June 21 diary entry can go a long way towards premeditation if they can prove that it was written in 2008.
:doh: Was this thread started by Team JB? :slap:

:laugh:So somebody expects WS posters to help the defense?

Not this one. :snooty:
Duct taping caylee's mouth and simply pinching her nose would suffice.

Sad to think about how easy it would be to murder a 2 year old. I'm wondering if the prosecution has some DNA of saliva on the tape..showing caylee was indeed alive at the time of the tape placement.
The weakest link in the SA's case against Casey will be the jury. IMO they have enough evidence to convict her 10 times over. They have to get an intelligent jury with common sense (no J. Faulkners please). Hopefully they'll have a very good foreman with good communications skills who can simply explain the the common sense stuff. They are going to have to wade through a bunch of BS the defense team throws at them. For example, the ridiculous body planting scheme that Cindy pulled out of her arse. If one person believes that nonsense, a good foreman can calmly go through each and every reason why that could not have happened. Same applies for all the other outrageous lies GA/CA told. I'm sure her defense team will come up with some doozies of their own.
Because a 2 yr old doesn't duct tape her mouth and possibly nose shut, put a heart sticker on the tape, triple bag herself, manage to get to the heavily wooded arean then die on her own.

I guess you are assuming that the duct tape was involved in the manner of death, rather than being applied after death, but that is currently speculation.
:doh: Was this thread started by Team JB? :slap:

:laugh:So somebody expects WS posters to help the defense?

Not this one. :snooty:

I don't think anyone expects posters to do anything and we all have a choice as to what threads we create and/or contribute to. For my part, it's refreshing to have a chance to examine things from a different perspective, since there is very little constructive balanced and impartial discussion about the case. I don't think one or two threads discussing issues from another perspective is going to have any impact against the thousands of pro-prosecution and defence-bashing threads here already, do you?
I guess you are assuming that the duct tape was involved in the manner of death, rather than being applied after death, but that is currently speculation.

I believe the duct tape was put on while she was still alive. I think any other scenario is pure nonsense. Dr. Perper (a medical examiner who has done thousands of autopsies) said the same thing. So I'm not assuming, I'm basing my opinion on a ME's opinion as well as my own. I can say beyond a reasonable doubt that duct tape was put on while she was still alive. IMO
I guess you are assuming that the duct tape was involved in the manner of death, rather than being applied after death, but that is currently speculation.

It doesn't matter wither it was the cause or put there after. She still wouldn't have accidentally taped her self to death or accidentally died some other way and then taped herself.

During questioning, the LE talked to KC about it being an accident. She claims it was no accident. So if everything points to KC being involved, then by her own words, it wasn't an accident.
:doh: Was this thread started by Team JB? :slap:

:laugh:So somebody expects WS posters to help the defense?

Not this one. :snooty:

No kidding! The seeds of doubt are being cast quite liberally here,
it doesn't matter though.
Once the State tells their story about the fight Cindy & Casey had June 15th, the way Cindy threatened Casey to gain custody of Caylee, the power struggles between them both, that will be the beginning of the long and powerful story the jury will hear.
The jury will be left with no doubts when they hear all of the facts and see all of the evidence. Casey's goose is cooked.
I wasn't aware this forum was only for people who are already convinced KC killed her child in cold-blood! Sorry, I guess I'll have to find a forum where impartiality, alternative viewpoints and reasoned questioning is welcome! :mad:
Because a 2 yr old doesn't duct tape her mouth and possibly nose shut, put a heart sticker on the tape, triple bag herself, manage to get to the heavily wooded area then die on her own.

"OPA! Pfff! Of course they can!" - Jose Baez.
I don't think anyone expects posters to do anything and we all have a choice as to what threads we create and/or contribute to. For my part, it's refreshing to have a chance to examine things from a different perspective, since there is very little constructive balanced and impartial discussion about the case. I don't think one or two threads discussing issues from another perspective is going to have any impact against the thousands of pro-prosecution and defence-bashing threads here already, do you?

I started the thread - believe me I am not on JB's side. I posted this more to reasure myself that he has nothin and by the looks on some of the posts it looks like he got nothin. Weakness is not a means to an end - the state is far stronger than JB's case thats for sure.
I started the thread - believe me I am not on JB's side. I posted this more to reasure myself that he has nothin and by the looks on some of the posts it looks like he got nothin. Weakness is not a means to an end - the state is far stronger than JB's case thats for sure.

Thanks Mendara, If I said anything that may have offended you I apologize. I stand with you on the side of the State.:blowkiss:

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