Does TH's FB give us any clues?

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I meant: The gym is/was a distribution center for missing Kyron in the community. How is that.... Gym vs. Kyron? And how does going to the gym to organize distribution materials and use the gym translate into her being a murderer? TIA

I didn't say she was a murderer. Just that is was odd to me to take the time to type where she was going INSTEAD of writing that her son was missing and getting the word out asap.

It's just my opinion that it would take the same time and would give way more info to all her facebook community.
Body Building or fitness can be an addiction. Some people don't miss a day going to the gym for anything. Not saying that her behavior is or isn't strange, it's just some people DO NOT MISS A DAY AT THE GYM. I sort of used to panic if I wasn't able to get to the gym at least 5 or 6 days a week. Just saying! However, if my step child were missing - I think I would forgo the gym and focus my energy on leads to finding my step child, but that's just me! Maybe she was going for stress relief?

Re: The gym, I see it as a very healthy way to relieve stress.And I can imagine someone who had it as part of their normal routine to use it in times of high stress. ..not so sure about when your SS is missing though. There's a million other things I'd be doing, but that's just me, and I know everyone handles things differently.

But looking at the pics of her, she doesn't look like a fitness fanatic. (Not 'dissing her appearance at all- just saying she doesn't look like your regular 'gym-junky'.)

For peeps who have seen her earlier FB pics or profile, is there any indication that she was attempting to lose a few pounds and tone up? Any of those weight loss tickers or anything? Or how long she's been attending the gym.

Also I saw a reference somewhere on this board that she was a body builder- has this been confirmed or debunked?
Re: The gym, I see it as a very healthy way to relieve stress.And I can imagine someone who had it as part of their normal routine to use it in times of high stress. ..not so sure about when your SS is missing though. There's a million other things I'd be doing, but that's just me, and I know everyone handles things differently.

But looking at the pics of her, she doesn't look like a fitness fanatic. (Not 'dissing her appearance at all- just saying she doesn't look like your regular 'gym-junky'.)

For peeps who have seen her earlier FB pics or profile, is there any indication that she was attempting to lose a few pounds and tone up? Any of those weight loss tickers or anything? Or how long she's been attending the gym.

Also I saw a reference somewhere on this board that she was a body builder- has this been confirmed or debunked?
Yes, she was a bodybuilder. Took 4th place in a competition in 2005 (category was 35 and over). She doesn't look near what she used to.
I meant: The gym is/was a distribution center for missing Kyron in the community. How is that.... Gym vs. Kyron? And how does going to the gym to organize distribution materials and use the gym translate into her being a murderer? TIA

One fact alone, never translates into identifying a murderer. It takes a big picture assembled from a whole lotta stuff put together. And right now, with LE knowing more than anyone about what all the clues are, they are focused on one main person.

The gym antics are not the only reasons why.

What concerns me is that @4:34pm on the 4th Terri was playing "treasure island" on facebook. She received a "Pretty Pirate" reward and she traded in the "Lost Adventuress treasures."
At 3:45 hadn't she just realized Kyron was what did she go home and play on facebook? I'd be real curious as to exactly what time she arrived at the school...she did go to the school, correct?

What I recall is that LE told one of them to go to the school and the other to wait at home. I don't know if there has been any confirmation of who did what or at exactly what time.
What concerns me is that @4:34pm on the 4th Terri was playing "treasure island" on facebook. She received a "Pretty Pirate" reward and she traded in the "Lost Adventuress treasures."
At 3:45 hadn't she just realized Kyron was what did she go home and play on facebook? I'd be real curious as to exactly what time she arrived at the school...she did go to the school, correct?


When her FB was public, I saw friends had sent her "gifts" via FB applications/games. I didn't see any activity on her part in the way of playing games (not since earlier on that day, well before the bus was to come).

What concerns me is that @4:34pm on the 4th Terri was playing "treasure island" on facebook. She received a "Pretty Pirate" reward and she traded in the "Lost Adventuress treasures."
At 3:45 hadn't she just realized Kyron was what did she go home and play on facebook? I'd be real curious as to exactly what time she arrived at the school...she did go to the school, correct?

Was that her local time or your local time...if you are on diff time zones.
To me, it's the phrase "hitting the gym" that sounds off. It's such a casual way of putting it, if she actually meant she was going to work out. I get the idea that some people need to exercise to deal with stress, but "hit the gym" is so.... what you do on normal day, you know?

I obviously don't think some poor word choices mean she's guilty! But I can see why people can't get past the gym thing.

(And yeah, if she meant "hit the gym" as in it, "plaster it with flyers," then never mind!)
I want to mention that the times that you see on Facebook is linked to the time on your own computer.

I'm on the east coast. If I post something on facebook right now - 9:35pm - and someone on the west coast reads it - the time will show as 6:35pm.

Okay, I see what you're saying. I went to my fb because I had received a text yesterday at 2:42pm from dil in another time zone...she stated that she had just posted something to fb and wanted me to go look...I just checked the time of the fb post against the time of the text and sure enough it's on my time zone. Thanks for this info jjk :dance:
If her update had said, "Hitting the gym tomorrow - there will be flyers there for handing out, meeting with searchers!" that would have been totally different. I went to her FB expecting to see status updates and information related to Kyron being missing. At the time I really did believe that he wandered off, and seeing her FB didn't change that opinion, but it totally struck me as odd. I chalked it up to her being a clueless FB user. I use FB all the time, and am fairly savvy with it. Not everyone is. Still, it was odd.
What concerns me is that @4:34pm on the 4th Terri was playing "treasure island" on facebook. She received a "Pretty Pirate" reward and she traded in the "Lost Adventuress treasures."
At 3:45 hadn't she just realized Kyron was what did she go home and play on facebook? I'd be real curious as to exactly what time she arrived at the school...she did go to the school, correct?

The times listed on FB posts will be posted in your time. If you are not in the same time zone as OR, then you need to adjust for the time difference.
does any know the exact day and time the hitting the gym post was posted to her FB
"Terri Horman's Facebook activity has also been deemed suspicious by a bevy of armchair detectives – people leaving comments online – wondering why she was "hitting the gym" a few days after her stepson disappeared or why she failed to quickly change her profile picture from her biological daughter to Kyron."

Moderator approved site - go ahead and discuss the pic swap. Was it important?

I thought it was strange, especially since a majority of her FB friends had changed their profile pics to the missing poster of Kyron, yet she kept her baby daughter's photo up for almost a week. It was only when she set it to private that his photo was put up.

Also the poking and the comment to someone that it is addicting, the numerous smiley faces, and all of Kyron's photos had his birth mother's name and then "Kyron" but her daughter's photos had her full name.
Usually, you have to join a gym, sign a contract for a year, and pay the monthly usage fee, and they don't let you skip the payment, either. It would be a shame for them to let that money go to waste, IMO.

Also, it is a great stress reliever.
The times listed on FB posts will be posted in your time. If you are not in the same time zone as OR, then you need to adjust for the time difference.

It's the same here at WS. When I see a post, the time on it is EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), no matter where the poster is from.

I posted this at 10:34 p.m.
To me, it's the phrase "hitting the gym" that sounds off. It's such a casual way of putting it, if she actually meant she was going to work out. I get the idea that some people need to exercise to deal with stress, but "hit the gym" is so.... what you do on normal day, you know?

I obviously don't think some poor word choices mean she's guilty! But I can see why people can't get past the gym thing.

(And yeah, if she meant "hit the gym" as in it, "plaster it with flyers," then never mind!)

A thought I would like to toss out.

TH has a buff bod. The gym is a big part of her life. Big part. Whereas most of us going to the gym is something we have to force ourselves to do.

Could it be that to TH "hitting the gym" is equivalent to our "taking a walk"?

See what I mean. If I was extremely stressed I would take a walk for a moment to simmer down.

Now, would I post about it on FB when my child was missing? I really doubt it.

To me the odd thing about this whole Face Book/Gym situation is not so much that TH went to the gym, to her that is an obvious stress reliever and something she does often, but the fact she took the time to post about it on FB. That is what I find strange.
The thing about "hitting the gym" that kinda makes me wonder, well two things mostly. One is that if she is a serious body builder (and I believe she is) and she has a family I would think that she could do some lifting and other things at home. It is readily available, don't need a sitter to do it so on and so forth. I understand wanting to do something (emotional energy and all that jazz) but the depression, worry and concern as well as overwhelming saddness that one must feel knowing that their child is missing could most likely drain your energy. Understandably every one is different in how they handle things but the stages of grief are universally excepted. How could one not grieve, their lives have changed and fear is probally setting over coming in the lives of those who miss him most.

Kyron being missing is a huge loss, his family/friends/classmates/teachers/neighbors and yes even to us, those whose lives have been touched even though we have never touched him. We feel him. I have lost energy, had sleeplness nights from worry and fear for Kyron~ although I have never held his hand or spoke to him. Normal isn't available readily for people who have lost a child through death, missing loved ones..normal is what used to be...not what is. IMOO

ETA: I am not suggesting that I know she isn't grieving, i would like to make that clear. I am saying that I feel differently is all.
I thought it was strange, especially since a majority of her FB friends had changed their profile pics to the missing poster of Kyron, yet she kept her baby daughter's photo up for almost a week. It was only when she set it to private that his photo was put up.

Also the poking and the comment to someone that it is addicting, the numerous smiley faces, and all of Kyron's photos had his birth mother's name and then "Kyron" but her daughter's photos had her full name.

I guarantee that the circumstantial aspects of this case will include socmedia details in the trial. I am holding out for finding Kyron soon so that forensic evidence from him will be included. I believe LE already has some types of forensic evidence, but not from Kyron himself.

Thankful to the mods for allowing discussions about FB items that are in the public domain. If I wasn't so into this case right now, I would end my posting with:

Hittin' the guest room gym.
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