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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
You mean like this?

Q. When the police talk with you on the tenth, at that point in time you tell them from 3:00 to 5:00 is when you think you were at the Sanders', is that right?

A. I probably told him that then.

Q. That was about five days after the boys had turned up missing that you told him it was around 3:00 to 5:00?

A. I probably told him that if it's in the report.

Q. When your mom tells him something, it is about five to six or five to six-thirty, okay?


Q. As time moves on and the time period that is in question becomes later that evening, the visit to the Sanders' becomes later that evening, correct?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. So the story kind of changes to fit the facts we need to cover, right?

A. Yes, sir.

My son was interviewed by the police and he wasn't even being accused of anything. I sat in on the interview and I was nervous. He tripped up a couple times. They manipulated the questioning to get him to say certain things. I was a witness to it. I now know why you should never talk to the police without an atty present,even if you are not guilty of anything.
We can debate this back and forth until the cows come home, but the fact is that there is no evidence linking any of the WM3 to this crime. If the teens were drunk, as the post suggests, they would not/could not leave the discovery site as clean as this site was left. The teens all had alibis. Family notwithstanding, there were people who stated that the teens were elsewhere when the crimes were committed. Again, if this is a crime without a motive, as the post suggests, that would be even more reason for there to be some sort of evidence left. It would have been a spur-of-the-moment thing. Maybe there are self-styled satanists that have committed crimes, even murder. However, no citations to such were given in that post. Even if the post were filled with citations, that doesn't prove that Damien committed this crime. There must be some sort of evidence, other than a "dabbling in the occult," or even a troubled psychiatric background, to link these teens to the crime. There is no credible evidence that does that. Try as the prosecution might, they couldn't find it. For Fogleman to say that he wasn't implying that the killings were Satanist killings or occult-inspired is just like when someone tells you, "Now, don't think about the Statue of Liberty." When someone says that, you immediately think about the Statue of Liberty. What Fogleman did in his closing statement was just the opposite of what he said, he drove home the idea that the killings were occult-inspired or Satanic ritual. That's an old lawyer's trick. It's a tap dance.

Worth repeating, IMHO.
We can debate this back and forth until the cows come home, but the fact is that there is no evidence linking any of the WM3 to this crime.

I'm sorry, but this statement is incorrect. There may be no physical evidence linking them to the crime, but Jesse's confession and the statements attributed to Damien and Jason were admitted to court as evidence. It's the jury's job to decide on the credibility of the evidence. They apparently decided it was credible. Myself and many others would agree with them.
I believe Jessie's confession was coerced. I don't care how many juries say otherwise. Obviously, they can be wrong. There are lots of cases where a person has confessed and the confession was later proven to be in error. Plus, Jessie refused to testify against Damien and Jason. So, that argument doesn't stand up to close scrutiny. As to Damien and Jason, they never confessed to LE. Damien's statements at the softball game were in all probability sarcastic (f he made them at all), as that was his defense mechanism for dealing with a society that had already labeled him as "weird" and "different" and he unwisely reveled in the labels. He was an immature teen at the time, and as such, he said some very foolish things. Jason's supposed statement to a jail house snitch is equally unbelievable, especially when ADC personnel refute it. What convicted Damien and Jason, as stated by at least two jury members, was Jessie's "confession," which was not supposed to have been considered. So, when you get down to it, as I said before, there is absolutely no evidence that proves that the three young men in prison were the killers of the three little boys.
I believe Jessie's confession was coerced. I don't care how many juries say otherwise. Obviously, they can be wrong. There are lots of cases where a person has confessed and the confession was later proven to be in error. Plus, Jessie refused to testify against Damien and Jason. So, that argument doesn't stand up to close scrutiny. As to Damien and Jason, they never confessed to LE. Damien's statements at the softball game were in all probability sarcastic (f he made them at all), as that was his defense mechanism for dealing with a society that had already labeled him as "weird" and "different" and he unwisely reveled in the labels. He was an immature teen at the time, and as such, he said some very foolish things. Jason's supposed statement to a jail house snitch is equally unbelievable, especially when ADC personnel refute it. What convicted Damien and Jason, as stated by at least two jury members, was Jessie's "confession," which was not supposed to have been considered. So, when you get down to it, as I said before, there is absolutely no evidence that proves that the three young men in prison were the killers of the three little boys.

What about Jessie's T-shirt and Damien's necklace that the Defense DID NOT want tested for DNA?

If they are in fact innocent, WHY didn't the defense want these items tested?
Q: did Jack Echols die?

Is he the one they show on PL 1? Talking about Damien holding the kitten?
My son was interviewed by the police and he wasn't even being accused of anything. I sat in on the interview and I was nervous. He tripped up a couple times. They manipulated the questioning to get him to say certain things. I was a witness to it. I now know why you should never talk to the police without an atty present,even if you are not guilty of anything.

This bears repeating, hm. Thanks to my reading here and in related sources on many different cases, I have come to the same conclusion, even though my personal dealings with police have always been cordial and helpful.

Of course the Catch 22 is that some police zero in on anyone who asks for a lawyer. But I've decided it's worth the risk.
What about Jessie's T-shirt and Damien's necklace that the Defense DID NOT want tested for DNA?

If they are in fact innocent, WHY didn't the defense want these items tested?

I didn't know the defense had objected to the testing of any item.

Do you have a source that says otherwise?

(The defense may have decided not to test some items due to cost, but that is quite different from trying to prevent the prosecution from testing them.

In fact, can the defense even do that? I know there are instances where the defense formally objects to testing because the testing proposed will destroy the evidence. But on the whole, does LE need permission from the defense to continue testing items from a closed case?)
Damien has always said, "Test everything!" Obviously, he has nothing to hide. The testing that needs to be done on Jessie's shirt and the necklace that both Jason and Damien have worn (but which I believe "belongs" to Damien), IIRC, is expensive. If there was an objection from the defense (which I've never seen accurately substantiated), it might have been because of cost, like Nova said. As to Jack Echols, Damien's step father, I believe that he did die no too long ago. However, it was Joe Hutchinson, Damien's natural father, that made the "kitten" statement in PL1. He is still very much alive, but he tries to stay out of the media craziness. He values his privacy.
I didn't know the defense had objected to the testing of any item.

Do you have a source that says otherwise?

(The defense may have decided not to test some items due to cost, but that is quite different from trying to prevent the prosecution from testing them.

In fact, can the defense even do that? I know there are instances where the defense formally objects to testing because the testing proposed will destroy the evidence. But on the whole, does LE need permission from the defense to continue testing items from a closed case?)

The defense did not want it tested because It would look very bad for Damien & Jason. but the necklace was not introduced during trial because some of the DNA was destroyed and it was late in the trial.

supposedly, there is a lot of stuff that was not tested.

P.S. Does anyone know when PL3 comes out?
The defense did not want it tested because It would look very bad for Damien & Jason. but the necklace was not introduced during trial because some of the DNA was destroyed and it was late in the trial.

supposedly, there is a lot of stuff that was not tested.

P.S. Does anyone know when PL3 comes out?

Again, Damien has said to test everything. What source do you have that says that the defense wanted to limit the testing? They wanted to retest the fibers and Burnett denied that. I'm sure that there's plenty of stuff that hasn't been tested, but I have never seen anything that said that the defense wanted to limit the testing. As to PL3, what I've heard is that the producers are waiting for the results of the hearing so it can be included in the film.
The defense did not want it tested because It would look very bad for Damien & Jason. but the necklace was not introduced during trial because some of the DNA was destroyed and it was late in the trial.

supposedly, there is a lot of stuff that was not tested.

P.S. Does anyone know when PL3 comes out?

Do you have any source for the claim that the defense didn't want something tested and why?

I'm sure there are items which have not been tested, but that doesn't mean the defense OBJECTED to their being tested nor does it mean anything prevents the State from testing the items at any time.
What about Jessie's T-shirt and Damien's necklace that the Defense DID NOT want tested for DNA?

If they are in fact innocent, WHY didn't the defense want these items tested?

Are you serious? Ok.... assuming you are. You are directly misinformed. The defense is asking for everything to be tested. The State is fighting that request. Let me say that again: The defense is asking for everything to be tested. The State is fighting that request. Don't take my word for it; read it yourself:

Get the facts. Get on board. Prosecute the killer and end the abortion of justice that has the WM3 in prison. Keep in mind that saying "the WM3 are guilty" has the end effect of delaying / preventing the prosecution of the killer, who I believe is Terry Hobbs.

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