Dominic Casey: Motion to Strike Notice of Deposition & Motion for Protective Order#2

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Actually very important documents were found in Tm's office in Texas. So, no, they may not all be at Mn's office. Hopefully the Judge will take control of the situation and have Mn bring them down to the Court House and end this circus. At any rate, I think he will do something. I hope we find out if Dc was given an investigative subpoena and if it amounted to anything. The blanket he holds up in the video may very well be the one that J Jordan is talking about, I just wonder where the blue cooler went. Moo

NTS can you point me in the direction of the link where "very important documents were found in TM's office in Texas"? I don't recall reading that in any of the doc dumps? :waitasec:

Why would the Judge order MN to bring the documents to the court house? The documents have been available for viewing at MN's office for a loooooong time!
I posted this in today's "tips" thread but it applies here as well:

It is the norm for the party requesting documents such as these to pay for the copying costs. This is true for almost all civil & criminal trials that I have worked on. Even when we need something from the court's file, its costs $$ to copy them, and more $ to certify them. If you want a transcript of the court hearing, you have to pay the court steno separately. If we want copies of medical records for example, that opposing has obtained....we pay for the copying costs. And its customary and very normal practice to go and review docs, flag the ones you want...and pay for the copying costs!

Bottom line here is that if defense wanted ALL the tips, and SA or LE went through the effort of gathering and copying all, damn straight its expected the defense is to pay for them. JB waited, purposely IMO, to get these records until after ICA was declared indigent...he's just playing stupid at this game. He knows damn well he would get these for free after that. And from being on both sides of the aisle in one is going to do your job for you, nor serve it to you on a silver platter. You want something, you do the work...that's the way it is in the legal world.
Regarding someone claiming that important documents were found at TES and the suggestion that they are; therefore, missing from the TES comprehensive docs at Mr. Nejame's office...that is simply not a true account of what happened. This is where rumors get to be a mess. The other documents that were located later at TES in Texas where there is one lone volunteer clerk, were indeed added to the voluminous documents that await inspection by the defense. Moreover, and this is important, 02/26/2010 Notice of Additional Documents in the Possession of Texas Equusearch ... was filed by Mr. Nejame to alert the court, the defense and prosecutors that indeed they were supplementing
( adding to ) the records, because Mr. Nejmae understands the rules . He respects that the order of the judge is ongoing and this is what is done , according to the rules , when more information or documentation is discovered. There is no reason, whatsoever, for anyone to claim otherwise. TES and Mr. Nejame abide by the rules and are beyond reproach in that aspect.

I am so thankful for those that are careful to post the links, etc so we can continue to enjoy the reputation of excellence here at WebSleuths, compared to rumor and gossip boards. Here Mr. Nejame explains again the sequence of events.

— April 05, 2010 —
Part 1 - Forty seven minute mark is where Mark explains that the additional documents were located, and immediately, as they are required to do under the rules, they filed notice on the record that indeed there are a few more documents. The documents were added to the comprehensive documents at Mr. Nejame's office. This is a charity that relies on donations and is very very low on funds. If ever the defense would have come by and made a honest effort to review the documents, they would have seen them already. Those documents have sat at his office ,all these many months with no requests, no phone call, they were available all along, they remain available. Yes they recently went briefly to Mark's office and promptly turned on their heels and left. I would hardly characterize it as a good faith effort.[/B] Mr. Nejame arguing to the judge,
"A capitol murder case demands a lot more than not coming by my office, and reviewing these documents if indeed the documents are so relevant! The defense motion is in very VERY bad faith!"

Part 2 -

filed with the Clerk's office 2/26 by Nejame's office.

According to this notice, Baez scheduled a meeting 6 months ago ( at the time of the filing it was six months) to look at all the docs, canceled the meeting and has never rescheduled.....yet Baez continued to file frivolous motions to get the docs, even though he had access to them.

Nejame slaps down defense motion, asks for fees

The lawyer for TES expected that the defense would retract their accusation that he released the TES documents to the press. When they did not, he filed a motion with the court, responding to that and their requests for all of the documents. The very experienced Mr. Nejame, sets out the defense is out of line, and has their facts wrong. Again.

Nejame asks the court to award TES attorney fees.

"He has caused unnecessary attorney time and Court time to be wasted, especially since he has been fully advised of its misrepresentations and inaccuracies and nevertheless continues to proceed," NeJame wrote.
Now this is a motion.

You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off the ole Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with TIM

Originally Posted by The World According
The fact that they made the appointment is very , very important...because unlike what they pretend....obviously they knew the records were available to them to come and review. I know that Mark will mop the floor with the defense over this glaring fact.

Six months!!!!

What in the world?! Are they waiting for Dr. Lee?
I hope the court does award attorney fees to send a message that this is getting old.

The lawyer for TES expected that the defense would retract their accusation that he released the TES documents to the press. When they did not, he filed a motion with the court, responding to that and their requests for all of the documents. The very experienced Mr. Nejame, sets out the defense is out of line, and has their facts wrong. Again.

Nejame asks the court to award TES attorney fees.

"He has caused unnecessary attorney time and Court time to be wasted, especially since he has been fully advised of its misrepresentations and inaccuracies and nevertheless continues to proceed," NeJame wrote.

My favorite line here: "I am being OVERLY GENEROUS IN MY CHARACTERIZATION" , Mr. Nejame argued to the judge regarding the defense.
Our own Mr. Hornsby: " The state is preparing their rebuttal case. "

After the defense has put on their case..The searchers that may claim they searched and the remains were not there..."The prosecution is going to come back with their rebuttal and just destroy them....demonstrate that their witnesses with showing that they are misleading, were dishonest or just plain wrong about what they remember, " Mr. Hornsby said.

[ame][/ame] Two minute mark...priceless. Mark takes them to school!!!According to Mark, "The Defendant, through her counsel, has alleged that Joe Jordan's name was not among the 32 searchers identified by TES and none of his reports were disclosed to the defense. This is a misrepresentation of the facts as Mr. Jordan's name and signature are on the Field Activity Form 08-895 dated September 1, 2008, which was hand delivered to counsel for defendant. They haphazardly filed the Motion to Modify the Court's Order .A simple visit to the undersigned's office and a perusal of the documents would have illuminated the correct information."
The Defendant, through her counsel, is unnecessarily wasting this Honorable Court's time, the taxpayer's money and the undersigned's resources by filling these frivolous motions.However, it is counsel for Defendant who has frustrated and circumvented these efforts, while attempting to shirk his responsibilities and blame others for his inaction....TES respectfully asks this Honorable Court to assess attorney's fees against the counsel for the Defendant, especially since he has been advised of the inaccuracy of the defendant's motion and has failed to take any remedial actions".View attachment 9411
Regarding someone claiming that important documents were found at TES and the suggestion that they are , therefore missing from the TES comprehensive docs at Mr. Nejame's office...that is simply not a true account of what happened. This is where rumors get to be a mess. The other documents that were located later at TES in Texas where there is one lone volunteer clerk, were indeed added to the voluminous documents that await inspection by the defense. Moreover, and this is important, supplemental discovery was filed by Mr. Nejame to alert the court, the defense and prosecutors that indeed they were supplementing
( adding to ) the records, because Mr. Nejmae understands the rules that the order of the judge is ongoing and this is what is done , according to the rules when more information or documentation is discovered. There is no reason, whatsoever, for anyone to claim otherwise. TES and Mr. Nejame abide by the rules and are beyond reproach in that aspect.
I am so thankful for those that are careful to post the links, etc so we can continue to enjoy the reputation of excellence here at WebSleuths, compared to rumor and gossip boards.
filed with the Clerk's office 2/26 by Nejame's office.

According to this notice, Baez scheduled a meeting 8 months ago to look at all the docs, canceled the meeting and has never rescheduled.....yet Baez continued to file frivolous motions to get the docs, even though he had access to them.

Nejame slaps down defense motion, asks for fees

The lawyer for TES expected that the defense would retract their accusation that he released the TES documents to the press. When they did not, he filed a motion with the court, responding to that and their requests for all of the documents. The very experienced Mr. Nejame, sets out the defense is out of line, and has their facts wrong. Again.

Nejame asks the court to award TES attorney fees.

"He has caused unnecessary attorney time and Court time to be wasted, especially since he has been fully advised of its misrepresentations and inaccuracies and nevertheless continues to proceed," NeJame wrote.

Thank you for sorting that out and putting that ugly rumor to rest, TWA.

The truth is always the best option.
State Attorney's
How do you know that they are or is it pure speculation?

(Sorry...the word "aware" was used...just asking if there's been a report or interview stating such)

ETA: in response to a previous post.
Thank you for sorting that out and putting that ugly rumor to rest, TWA.

The truth is always the best option.

You are welcome. Mark filing that TES had a few more documents located when LEO came to TES is a document I will find and post here. It is public record and I believe it was 02/26/2010 Notice of Additional Documents in the Possession of Texas Equusearch ... To make sure as Judge Perry likes to say "All minds are clear", I will find the volume and page it is recorded in, in case anyone wants to see it. Let me find that now. The funny thing is...the defense making such a big fuss over these ten or twelve pages...sometimes they regret what they wished of the documents was the simple notes one of the TES volunteers took down when, hold on to your seat, Jim Hoover ( working for the Anthonys) came to secretly divulge to TES he felt they should go search the woods near Suburban and why! You just can't make this stuff up!!!

— April 05, 2010 — Part 1 - Here at 47 minute mark Mr. Nejame explains about the additional documents.

Part 2 -

BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of Evidence Released 02/16/10

He explained that it is clear the defense is still on a fishing expedition to muster up something to back up Todd's claims. "If they had the proof ...they would produce the exculpatory evidence required by the rules of procedure. That coupled with the fact that they keep going off into the area that they need the Texas Equusearch records....they are still fishing , trying to come up with something that they do not have, that they never did have . They missed their deadline. They have not produced their proof and that is because THEY DON'T HAVE IT!!" This whole defense response was entirely inappropriate"

Two minutes in to the arguments before the judge, Mark sets the record straight. He gets a little animated, so if you are at work, turn the volume down.
Mark Nejame "The defense claims it places a heavy burden on them to come to my office. My office is a ten minute walk and two minute drive to this courthouse. If they have got time to do TV interviews, and drive to TV stations, I think they have the time to come by and review the four thousand documents they are jumping up and down they haven't had access to because they haven't made the time to come over. It is beyond me! It is incredulous to suggest that there are bombshells and things have been hidden from them, when they are still sitting in my office, they haven't made the time to come over. Come by after court , pay a visit!! Now we find ourselves before your honor wasting the courts time, wasting the taxpayers money,for something that has been addressed and they were put on notice. This kind of stuff should not be permitted. There is no new information that has been brought before the court it is either because of laziness or sloppiness this information hasn't been tracked down. They just haven't took the time to come review them."
The defense in showing what JB would describe as a vigorous defense, but it is coming out as a tangled web of lies . If the idea is to gain fame & $$ , I think unearthing these happenings with Hoover's connection to the Anthony's & DC 's relationship with Baez & M Lejame calling a spade a spade... I think some very dirty linen is about to hit the News.
Regarding someone claiming that important documents were found at TES and the suggestion that they are; therefore, missing from the TES comprehensive docs at Mr. Nejame's office...that is simply not a true account of what happened. This is where rumors get to be a mess. The other documents that were located later at TES in Texas where there is one lone volunteer clerk, were indeed added to the voluminous documents that await inspection by the defense. Moreover, and this is important, 02/26/2010 Notice of Additional Documents in the Possession of Texas Equusearch ... was filed by Mr. Nejame to alert the court, the defense and prosecutors that indeed they were supplementing
( adding to ) the records, because Mr. Nejmae understands the rules . He respects that the order of the judge is ongoing and this is what is done , according to the rules , when more information or documentation is discovered. There is no reason, whatsoever, for anyone to claim otherwise. TES and Mr. Nejame abide by the rules and are beyond reproach in that aspect.

I am so thankful for those that are careful to post the links, etc so we can continue to enjoy the reputation of excellence here at WebSleuths, compared to rumor and gossip boards. Here Mr. Nejame explains again the sequence of events.

— April 05, 2010 —
Part 1 - Forty seven minute mark is where Mark explains that the additional documents were located, and immediately, as they are required to do under the rules, they filed notice on the record that indeed there are a few more documents. The documents were added to the comprehensive documents at Mr. Nejame's office. This is a charity that relies on donations and is very very low on funds. If ever the defense would have come by and made a honest effort to review the documents, they would have seen them already. Those documents have sat at his office ,all these many months with no requests, no phone call, they were available all along, they remain available. Yes they recently went briefly to Mark's office and promptly turned on their heels and left. I would hardly characterize it as a good faith effort.[/B] Mr. Nejame arguing to the judge,
"A capitol murder case demands a lot more than not coming by my office, and reviewing these documents if indeed the documents are so relevant! The defense motion is in very VERY bad faith!"

Part 2 -

filed with the Clerk's office 2/26 by Nejame's office.

According to this notice, Baez scheduled a meeting 6 months ago ( at the time of the filing it was six months) to look at all the docs, canceled the meeting and has never rescheduled.....yet Baez continued to file frivolous motions to get the docs, even though he had access to them.

Nejame slaps down defense motion, asks for fees

The lawyer for TES expected that the defense would retract their accusation that he released the TES documents to the press. When they did not, he filed a motion with the court, responding to that and their requests for all of the documents. The very experienced Mr. Nejame, sets out the defense is out of line, and has their facts wrong. Again.

Nejame asks the court to award TES attorney fees.

"He has caused unnecessary attorney time and Court time to be wasted, especially since he has been fully advised of its misrepresentations and inaccuracies and nevertheless continues to proceed," NeJame wrote.
Now this is a motion.

You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off the ole Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with TIM

Originally Posted by The World According
The fact that they made the appointment is very , very important...because unlike what they pretend....obviously they knew the records were available to them to come and review. I know that Mark will mop the floor with the defense over this glaring fact.

Six months!!!!

What in the world?! Are they waiting for Dr. Lee?
I hope the court does award attorney fees to send a message that this is getting old.

The lawyer for TES expected that the defense would retract their accusation that he released the TES documents to the press. When they did not, he filed a motion with the court, responding to that and their requests for all of the documents. The very experienced Mr. Nejame, sets out the defense is out of line, and has their facts wrong. Again.

Nejame asks the court to award TES attorney fees.

"He has caused unnecessary attorney time and Court time to be wasted, especially since he has been fully advised of its misrepresentations and inaccuracies and nevertheless continues to proceed," NeJame wrote.

Thank you for posting this! I'm going to add this to my growing collection of "accurate and informative posts and links to keep"-----because one of us will undoubtedly have to repost it again when the next set of roller coaster track is added to the ride.

JMO!! ;)
Interesting. Please post a link to that info. I want to read more about that.

I will look for it, but it is the Le interview of Tm where I believe there was a doc of Lb. This is where I found out that Tes had docs in Texas. Its not a rumor. Tm did turn over doc/docs to Le. And while reading the inteviews of the searchers (JJ), I am worried there are other docs missing. Now that is my opinion that that is fact, but I could be wrong. IMO
Fact...JJ recanted his testimony.

It is also my opinion that it is fact that LB is a defense team's worst nightmare.

BTW...Is it even possible to have an opinion that is fact? always make me chuckle.
Okay, so here it is the link and the interview was done in Dec 09. So , there were 11 docs in total in Texas until dec 09. It appears that Mn filed for additional docs in Feb 10, so those docs were not available to the defense for quite some time. It is not a rumor, there were indeed docs in Texas and they were very important docs to include JJ, Lb, and Jh. IMO
Okay, so here it is the link and the interview was done in Dec 09. So , there were 11 docs in total in Texas until dec 09. It appears that Mn filed for additional docs in Feb 10, so those docs were not available to the defense for quite some time. It is not a rumor, there were indeed docs in Texas and they were very important docs to include JJ, Lb, and Jh. IMO


Does it really matter if they were available or not to the defense...they NEVER went to look at them until last what is your point?

TWA stated in a post that additional documents were indeed found in the TES office in Texas(mind you they were found by LE and TES...not the defense because they never looked at them at the time). Upon finding the additional documents, MN...immediately notified the court of such and made those documents available to the defense along with the original stated documents.

You then AGREED with TWA in your post and then circled right back around in the same post to state that you believe other documents are missing.
Okay, so here it is the link and the interview was done in Dec 09. So , there were 11 docs in total in Texas until dec 09. It appears that Mn filed for additional docs in Feb 10, so those docs were not available to the defense for quite some time. It is not a rumor, there were indeed docs in Texas and they were very important docs to include JJ, Lb, and Jh. IMO
Opinion...they were important.

I know they want to create reasonable doubt so they are hanging their hopes on the likes of JJ and LB. They finally admitted today that they want all this stuff...not to prove Casey is fact, they said she very well may have killed Caylee...but rather they think someone else could have been the one to have put her in the swamp.

And what this has to do with DC is beyond I apologize for being OT.
Okay, so here it is the link and the interview was done in Dec 09. So , there were 11 docs in total in Texas until dec 09. It appears that Mn filed for additional docs in Feb 10, so those docs were not available to the defense for quite some time. It is not a rumor, there were indeed docs in Texas and they were very important docs to include JJ, Lb, and Jh. IMO

Respectfully NTS, not available for "quite some time" equates to two months! That's right, TWO months!!!

Evidently they were NOT very important to the Defense since they have yet to view them!
I was asked to provide a link to the docs not all being located at Mn's office and I did so. Not sure how we got off topic there, but I would like to move back to topic. I too am wondering who is Dc's new Lawyer. Last I heard, it was Bc representing him in the Le interview. I wonder if he can afford a Lawyer. Does anyone know?
How do you know that they are or is it pure speculation?

(Sorry...the word "aware" was used...just asking if there's been a report or interview stating such)

ETA: in response to a previous post.

Yeah I was just agreeing with that other poster in context. The doc we were talking about is the Le interview of Dc. It is opinion by me. thanks
I thought I read somewhere here that he never got paid, maybe further back in this thread. As far as I know, he has never been paid by A's.

I was wondering if out of the $275K his bill for the few months that Baez employed him was paid and if not are there other folks with outstanding invoices. If yes, will the taxpayers wind up with those bills? At some point, and I am unsure on who the source of the money was, Mark Nejame was paid 5K while working for the Anthonys. He donated the full amount to Roy Kronk as soon as he quit working with mom and pop. In the state's depo with mom, she said she was paid $20K by CBS, some went to taxes, some went to Brad, etc.
Somehow or another it does appear that Dom has not been compensated at all, which is very odd that they didn't give him some of the proceeds from the sale of the photos, even a symbolic amount. So, not only has he not made money, he has had to spend money hiring a lawyer. There is more going on there than I can figure out.

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