Dorli Rainey 84 yr old pepper sprayed at Occupy Seattle

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Realistically, I am not sure how you round up and process hundreds of people blocking the streets...which is what the protestors are counting on of course.

Let me make this clear-I support peaceful protest. I think there are a ton of reasons to take to the streets, certainly in the last 10 years.

Occupy is not protesting the existence of LE, correct? Why not form a partership rather than something adversarial?

IMO in theory you are correct but in reality of 2011,We are becoming a Police State.The powers that be do not want to form partnerships like they did back in the day.My son has shown me utube videos of other peaceful protests where people were shot at with rubber bullets by Police and all they were doing was walking holding signs and having a peaceful demonstration.People are fed up and I firmly believe it is only going to get worse.With the internet millions are seeing and talking about what is going on and the powers that be are afraid that if millions take to the streets how will they be able to keep it under control?We are losing more of our rights everyday under the guise of a false sense of security.A lot of the sheep are waking up.IMO
IMO in theory you are correct but in reality of 2011,We are becoming a Police State.The powers that be do not want to form partnerships like they did back in the day.My son has shown me utube videos of other peaceful protests where people were shot at with rubber bullets by Police and all they were doing was walking holding signs and having a peaceful demonstration.People are fed up and I firmly believe it is only going to get worse.With the internet millions are seeing and talking about what is going on and the powers that be are afraid that if millions take to the streets how will they be able to keep it under control?We are losing more of our rights everyday under the guise of a false sense of security.A lot of the sheep are waking up.IMO

bbm: that is exactly right imo, mikeysmommom. i want to know what they are afraid of? we are peaceful people, we are not threatening and if rogue's come along who are making trouble, starting ugly chants, making threats, then i support LE to take swift action. we know we do not have the right to use violence in order to get them to hear us so why do they have the right to use violence simply to make us go away? jmo

“You should, by law, only use force to protect someone’s life or to protect them from being bodily injured. If you’re not protecting somebody’s life or protecting them from bodily injury, there’s no need to use force. And the number one thing that they always have in their favor that they seldom use is negotiation–continue to talk, and talk and talk to people. You have nothing to lose by that. This bullrush–what happened last night is totally uncalled for when they did not use negotiation long enough.”

wise words from Philadelphia police captain, (retired) Ray Lewis. that basically states my point :)
bbm: that is exactly right imo, mikeysmommom. i want to know what they are afraid of? we are peaceful people, we are not threatening and if rogue's come along who are making trouble, starting ugly chants, making threats, then i support LE to take swift action. we know we do not have the right to use violence in order to get them to hear us so why do they have the right to use violence simply to make us go away? jmo

Because liberals are paranoid.
Seattle is a predominantly liberal city and tends to elect left-leaning politicians to office.
Seattle's politics lean famously to the left compared to the U.S. as a whole. In this regard, it sits with a small set of similar U.S. cities (such as Madison, Wisconsin, Berkeley, California, and Cambridge and Boston in Massachusetts) where the dominant politics tend to range from center-left to social democratic. Seattle politics are generally dominated by the liberal wing (in the U.S. sense of the word "liberal") of the Democratic Party; in some local elections, Greens (and even, on at least one occasion, a member of the Freedom Socialist Party) have fared better than Republicans.
Government and politics of Seattle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just saying. But the real reason she got pepper sprayed is because she was in a group of people who got pepper sprayed when they refused to disperse. The cops didn't discriminate - they just sprayed the whole group. It's not like they went after her, <modsnip>
Because liberals are paranoid.
Seattle is a predominantly liberal city and tends to elect left-leaning politicians to office.
Seattle's politics lean famously to the left compared to the U.S. as a whole. In this regard, it sits with a small set of similar U.S. cities (such as Madison, Wisconsin, Berkeley, California, and Cambridge and Boston in Massachusetts) where the dominant politics tend to range from center-left to social democratic. Seattle politics are generally dominated by the liberal wing (in the U.S. sense of the word "liberal") of the Democratic Party; in some local elections, Greens (and even, on at least one occasion, a member of the Freedom Socialist Party) have fared better than Republicans.
Government and politics of Seattle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just saying. But the real reason she got pepper sprayed is because she was in a group of people who got pepper sprayed when they refused to disperse. The cops didn't discriminate - they just sprayed the whole group. It's not like they went after her, <modsnip>

there are safer and certainly more constitutionally correct ways to disperse a peaceful group of people who are committing an offense no more serious than jaywalking. jmo and i don't think they went after Ms Rainey personally, i see no reason why anybody needed to be sprayed that night.
From TrackerSam post:

Just saying. But the real reason she got pepper sprayed is because she was in a group of people who got pepper sprayed when they refused to disperse. The cops didn't discriminate - they just sprayed the whole group. It's not like they went after her (respectfully snipped)

I do think she was pepper sprayed because she was part of a group, not targeted. And I do think there is a means to become partners with LE and find some agreement as to how to protest without simply trying to create confrontations to draw the media.

This is how I see the confrontation part. I hope Ms. Rainey considers the matter to be closed, but I guess we will see.
&#8220;The mayor is a human being,&#8221; she told us. &#8220;He is alone. He does not have anyone behind him and he is really trying to do something locally. But it will not happen as long as the other mayors and police get together on conference calls and figure out how they are going to handle protesters in the future.&#8221;
bbm: that is exactly right imo, mikeysmommom. i want to know what they are afraid of? we are peaceful people, we are not threatening and if rogue's come along who are making trouble, starting ugly chants, making threats, then i support LE to take swift action. we know we do not have the right to use violence in order to get them to hear us so why do they have the right to use violence simply to make us go away? jmo

IMO They are afraid because with use of the internet millions of people are able to spread the word about the protests.In the beginning news outlets were NOT reporting at all about the protest.Why?It is a news story,first news of the protest came from people posting about it in comment sections on news sites.I read about it first on Huffington Post comment section.I read about 10 different news sites daily did not see one word about it.What would they do if 500k people showed up or even 100k in one protest area.People are fed up,losing jobs,families,homes but the Government bails out banks, Insurance co,even if 2 people in the home are working still can not afford life is this economy.Pressure is so high some losing their minds and killing their families due to whats going on in today's times.
I see that they arrested former Police Captain Ray Lewis last night, have no idea what crime he committed. :waitasec:

Mayor Bloomberg has stated the raid was necessary because the protest encampment carried with it a risk of crime, fire and health hazards. Mr. Lewis called that rationale “a farce.”

It looks to me as though there has been a world wide coordinated effort to shut down all the protests within the past week and a half. Apparently all pose a fire and safety hazard.

His crime..............Stating the truth in the press IMO.
So they should have arrested everyone? I have participated in many a peaceful protest in my day. We worked with LE. We marched and made a stir and occupied a number of public places. We made sure the media was there.

We never drew pepper spray or arrests. We made our point. Just sayin.
Sadly your never going to convince anyone who is succeptable to Rupert Murdoch's Fox News propaganda that wants desperately to discredit the Occupy movement as a bunch tie-dyed anarchist slackers that anyone marching with them didnt do something to bring injury on themselves.
Because SURELY a Conservative police officer wouldnt be eager to pepper spray someone just because they had the nerve to protest Billionaires using Tax Payer Money to bail themselves out of their Cataclysmic bets against their own worthless mortgages that they foisted off on others.... that would be unAmerican.
I posted this article down in the political pavilion, but I'm going to throw it into this thread too.

It's an interesting read, and I'd recommend it for anyone following the occupy protests in general. Among other things, it gives a brief history of the evolution of policing of political protest in the US from the civil-rights era to today.

I'm still digesting how I feel about parts of the article (pretty sure I don't actually feel bad for the pepper spraying cop), but I think the info on the shift in policing is pretty politically neutral/accurate, and will give anyone following the occupy protests some interesting background.
Thank you RLynne..quite informative. We have witnessed so much over the years...protests very rarely end in a result....the end result is always the same...everyone goes back to their comfort. For change it takes everyone to be matter if your a so called leftie or matter who is in the big white house they are all cut from the same cloth...this is how they rule... divide and conquore..pit your neighbour against neighbour...oh and pull out the patriot BS Rah Rah Rah..we are so good...but we must fight the rest of the world and bring them such thing..they just changed the word slave..serf..etc. to free...democracy...which doesn't even exist.

Glimmer of hope that the masses shall awaken.

K..I ranted..I am just kind of peed off tonight with all the BS that is going on on this planet...our tax money feeds the people that are against the common man [slaves] My apologies if I offended anyone.

Oh and it isn't just liberals that are paranoid...see how they compartmentalize! Separate...divide...

As I posted in the whitehouse shooting incident. The antichrist...

"The Antichrist is here. Millions have suffered already, and, if left unchecked , millions more will die; in wars, of poisoning, and starvation, pestilence and plague. The Antichrist has taken property : homes, cars, businesses. Everything it can that is of value. The Antichrist knows no compassion, has no conscience, no heart, no soul, and no FEAR. It feeds on all of us, every day, and we unwittingly continue to feed it, because we don't see it for what it really is.

The Antichrist is known as the Corporate Entity." - Anon
Sadly your never going to convince anyone who is succeptable to Rupert Murdoch's Fox News propaganda that wants desperately to discredit the Occupy movement as a bunch tie-dyed anarchist slackers that anyone marching with them didnt do something to bring injury on themselves.
Because SURELY a Conservative police officer wouldnt be eager to pepper spray someone just because they had the nerve to protest Billionaires using Tax Payer Money to bail themselves out of their Cataclysmic bets against their own worthless mortgages that they foisted off on others.... that would be unAmerican.

And trying to imply that this old lady was singled out for spraying is a desperate act intended to garner support to a group that is waning in support and never had that much to begin with.
How's that hopey-changey thing working out for you?
I posted this article down in the political pavilion, but I'm going to throw it into this thread too.

It's an interesting read, and I'd recommend it for anyone following the occupy protests in general. Among other things, it gives a brief history of the evolution of policing of political protest in the US from the civil-rights era to today.

I'm still digesting how I feel about parts of the article (pretty sure I don't actually feel bad for the pepper spraying cop), but I think the info on the shift in policing is pretty politically neutral/accurate, and will give anyone following the occupy protests some interesting background.

It's a shame the protests are being met with such agression but after the blatant misuse of power demonstrated at UC-Davis last week at least the police are going to be under much more scrutiny. No matter what the outcome/impact of the protests, it's great to see people waking up and joining together in peaceful protest. Unfortunately there always seem to be a few agitators in the group who have their own agenda, whether they be conservative plants or nutjobs in general....

NPR is doing a great interview with the UC-Davis Chancellor this morning, she admits the police response has been "horrifying". Hopefully, all so inflamed and opposed to this OWS movement will take a deep breath and gain some perspective. I don't know how I personally feel about the movement, but I do find the outrage and vitriol displayed by conservatives really perplexing. What are they so afraid of?

NPR is doing a great interview with the UC-Davis Chancellor this morning, she admits the police response has been "horrifying". Hopefully, all so inflamed and opposed to this OWS movement will take a deep breath and gain some perspective. I don't know how I personally feel about the movement, but I do find the outrage and vitriol displayed by conservatives really perplexing. What are they so afraid of?

Violence, murder, rape, explosives.... All things to be afraid of.

There are SEVERAL articles posted in the OWS violence thread in the PP. They are shocking to say the least.

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