'Dr Laura' uses the 'N-word on air

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This is not a valid argument in the least. There are many words (N**, Sh**, *advertiser censored*, C**, etc. etc) that are flaunted by a minority of people and yet are considered inappropriate, insulting, offensive and worse by the majority. There are women out there who like to refer to other women as C***s and B******s. So, am I "hyper-sensitive" if I am offended by the use of those words in reference to people of my gender. It should not be confusing to anybody who is sensitive to sexist language and behavior. Whether or not to use the N-word should not be confusing to anyone who is sensitive to racial issues.

Well then I guess in your world the C word should become the functional equivalent of hate speech. I've been referred to as a B and a C but here's the difference - I take it personally but am not really offended as it speaks to the ignorance of the one from whose mouth it comes. Also, I don't believe that the use of that word is meant to demean the entire population of females in the country. Offending names can be person specific - with the exception of the Nword which is automatically presumed per se to be about all people in that group. Calling someone a C is not.
That term has historically been used by white people to denigrate black people. Knowing this, it is hard to see why people could be confused as to why it is wrong for a white person to use this term. Black people don't use it in a pejorative way. It's not that hard of a concept.

Your explanation is clear but the basis of it makes no sense. A disparaging and demeaning word is a disparaging and demeaning word. If a certain group of young people for instance use only as a positive adjective to describe things does that make it OK for them to now own that word and for the rest of the people who use it in an angry or negative way to be forbidden to use it? I just think the word police thing is out of control That word has no power unless you allow it. If it's used in a setting that shows discrimination on the part of an employer, landlord etc. then they should have their asses handed to them under the full extent of the law as I would never condone discrimination.

Sticks and stones - until you cross a legal line and can prove damages. Hurt feelings do not count anymore. We gotta suck it up. It keeps dividing us...social rules for you, different ones for me etc.

As a woman, a blonde woman, a blonde woman with genetically big *advertiser censored* I could boo hoo about the discrimination I've received and the derogatory names I've been called. Women have been put upon in this country too - however I just forge ahead until it becomes a real issue about not getting an interview, a job, a promotion and then I will confront the perpetrators. Just tacky words and people trying to put me down to make themselves feel better MUST roll of my back. I'm not entitled to governmental protection for being offended.
The fact that you just compared the plight of a white, blonde haired woman with big breasts to that of a race who were -- and still are -- treated with abject derision, kind of shows your ignorance on the subject.

And you're right, women still face an uphill battle in terms of achieving equality with men; this world is still vastly controlled by the wealthy white man.

And no, does not carry the weight the N word does. At all. The N word is a loaded term that reflects back to a shameful part of American history.
The fact that you just compared the plight of a white, blonde haired woman with big breasts to that of a race who were -- and still are -- treated with abject derision, kind of shows your ignorance on the subject.

And you're right, women still face an uphill battle in terms of achieving equality with men; this world is still vastly controlled by the wealthy white man.

And no, does not carry the weight the N word does. At all. The N word is a loaded term that reflects back to a shameful part of American history.

I'm not blaming Ziggy, because I understand her point.

Possibly OT personal story: at my last job, I was literally cornered by my female bosses and a female co-worker shouting at me that how dare I suggest there was historical discrimination against gay people! (It was just a discussion; I wasn't suggesting that they had discriminated against me or even that homophobic discrimination has been a big problem in MY life.)

Their precise point was that "nobody" ever talks about the problems of large-breasted women and how that is much worse in our society than being gay. I tried to suggest reasonably that (a) it isn't a competition, and (b) when was the last time a woman was denied the right to marry (much less put in prison or an insane asylum) because of the size of her breasts?

This very unpleasant event finally ended with the owner of the firm insisting we would have to "agree to disagree." I responded that historical mistreatment of gay people (men and women, some of the latter also having large breasts) wasn't a matter of opinion, but a fact.

As it turned out, that was really the first time I ever felt harassed on the job for my sexuality. I quit a few weeks later (though, in fairness, that was only one of the reasons.)

Odd side note: I believe everyone involved in the event would describe herself as a "liberal democrat."

I'm certainly not insensitive to the harassment experienced by women (regardless of breast size), but I don't see what that has to do with the struggle for equal rights for gay people. Or with racial discrimination either, for that matter.
LS is bowing out. Apparently it is important for her to regain her First Amendment right to be offensive.

I saw her announce this on Larry King. The thing is, she keeps insisting (as she did on her radio show the day after the incident) that she took herself off the air 15 minutes after the phone call because she felt so terrible. As I said in my previous post, I heard the call, and Dr. Laura seemed pretty satisfied with herself during the call and for a while after she disconnected the caller, as she continued making the same point. She even referred to the call again, with the same attitude, when she got back from a break. So, when she actually "felt bad" had to have been more than 15 minutes later. I assume complaints started coming in and she realized she was in deep trouble with advertisers.

It seems to me that she's choosing to go out as a victim, rather than just admitting she doesn't want to renew her contract because she's tired of doing the show (or for whatever other reason). After all, freedom of speech is limited on the public airwaves, and she wasn't fired anyway. Lots of people didn't care for what she had to say and some advertisers didn't want to be involved in the controversy. She knows that goes with the territory in the television and radio industry. And even though some advertisers pulled out, she said her show just got a lot of new advertisers this week. This would have simply blown over, as have her other controversies. Strange logic on her part, once again.
I have a name that I like to use for Laura S, but I think if I post it, it'll come out as (unreasonable person).

Anyway, glad that the airwaves won't be polluted with her brand of bigotry anymore.
LS is bowing out. Apparently it is important for her to regain her First Amendment right to be offensive.


Well, I for one won't miss her. I agree with the poster who speculates Dr. L wants to go out as a "victim." She's always the injured party; it's never the people (gays, unmarried mothers, etc.) she demonizes.

Maybe Dr. L and Mel Gibson can get together and hold a big ol' pity party. They seem to have similar attitudes when it comes to how folks trample on their rights of free speech.

All this being said, I still say the "N word" is offensive or not depending on context (including who is using the word, how they are using it and to whom). I feel exactly the same about the "F word" (no, not that one, the one applied to gays), the "K word", the "C word", etc.
I won't really miss her either- altho I will miss the entertainment of listening to her calls. Even that was getting thin, I admit.
I would hope to see a show hosted by a more mainstream psychologist (this one a real doctor) as I think there is a need for something like this on the airwaves. Problem is, only the far right stuff flies on AM radio these days so any replacement would probably be worse.
Get ready for a three month pity party on air- she and her callers will be bemoaning the loss of 'free speech' in this country etc.
I can't believe she played the victim card. Yes I can. Shame on her.
My son downloaded the clip of the call and annotated it- when you see her actual words along with the audio it becomes more horrific every time you listen to it. I think she has no understanding of her own prejudices, nor of history.
I admit to enjoying listening to her- I am retired and work PT in my home so just have the radio on most days, admire how she tells people to stand up for themselves in abusive situations, etc. My son is 14 and when home he gets a kick out of the calls, mostly I'm afraid becuase he thinks the callers are funny. I won't say I will never listen to her again but I think I will try to find something else for awhile, I just can't get past this.
IMO, she may be off the air in the next year. She has been increasingly snarky with callers for the past few months and I think she needs to hang it up and do something else.

Snick, you called it!

It's funny. She claims she is going off the air because she wants her 1st amend. rights. She has them and has had them on the show. And so do all the sponsors who pulled out as a result of her overt racism.
It's not that she doesn't have 1st amend. rights on the radio, it is that she wants to assert them without anyone else being able to assert theirs back, against her. Good riddance, I say.
Exactly- she had the right to say what she said- she just applied it in a very dumb way.
I would bet that she may not make it to the end of the year on the air. She's going to have a big chip on her shoulder along with an attitude. One more episode and she won't be around for her finale.

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