Dr. Marisa Randazzo

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Yes, but if she is being brought in for the family, will she be predisposed to not considering them as suspects? I'm still very confused as to who is arranging and footing the bills for all this?

Ideally, she should have been brought in for Lisa's return-however that may come with no predisposition regarding anyone but Lisa. BS does seem questionable in his tactics and such-however Dr. R does seem to have the credentials to back up her reputation. I imagine her sleuthing very similar to the characters on Criminal Minds looking for the "UNSUB" ( un known sub ject) with whatever facts, logic, experience and psych profiling she can use to hopefully put the puzzle pieces together for Lisa.
Hopefully, she will work with LE and the FBI and they will make this a joint effort. I don't think or know that she has an agenda like a defense lawyer looking only for the answers favorable to the parents, but rather searching for the truth wherever that may lead.
I hope she turns out to be an asset to this nightmare and has a purpose not for anyone else but Lisa!! :twocents:
The only Randazzo I know makes the best king cakes for Mardi Gras time. I hope this Dr. Randazzo actually helps this case, though threat assessment and targeting worries me. Shouldn't they bring someone in to help search for Lisa or something about finding Lisa? Makes me wonder what is going on behind the scenes that a threat assessor needs to be brought in...I'm worrying about that family...

:floorlaugh: Yep ... the only "Randazzo" I ever heard of are the ones who make Mardi Gras King Cakes down here ... lol ...

:innocent: sorry ... back on topic

I still do NOT understand how MR and her "expertise" will help find Baby Lisa who was "ALLEGEDLY KIDNAPPED" from her CRIB in the middle of the night !

If this "was" a "kidnapping" wouldn't the family want to bring in someone with expertise in this particular area, like Marc Klaas ?

IMO ... bringing in an expert in "threat assessing" and targeting" makes about as much sense to me :innocent: as stealing the 3 cell phones when you are going to the house in the middle of the night to "kidnap" a baby ...

MOO ...
sorry, I should clarify. I do not mean to say I think Lisa has been harmed (and I pray that she has not been).

I was addressing the fact that if this was an abduction, it would probably be an abduction by someone familiar with the family, who wanted to harm them/cause them pain. If that is the case, this lady could be very helpful in figuring out who that person is and how to deal with him/her.

To me, the act of kidnapping a specific child indicates this act is probably personal and feels "targetted" to me. And for the perp to be as brazen as to go into the house, take a child, possibly turn on lights and take cel phones while there, that person would need to become familiar with family and their habits to do that IMO. That would seem to suggest an element of "stalking" to me.

I do not believe stalking was involved. I think the family and LE know who is responsible and are working together to ensure the safe recovery of Lisa. To me, the strategy seems to be to alleviate fear and paranoia.

I have a theory:

What if FBI is using Dr. MF as the middle person to get inside and learn information the family will not tell police. Suppose this is the tactic, gain their trust, get on the inside then police follow up on leads or learn something more.

BS said something to the effect today that he has had conversations with the family but he didn't record it, he has not shared these conversations with LE. Now if my theory is wrong, I would be willing to bet that LE will apply pressure to BS for obstructing an investigation. They actually could call BS to the station to interview him about those conversations.

If this doesn't happen over the next week or so with I'm sure more circus like things happening, my theory might be spot on.

What was the purpose to announce he didn't tape record their conversations or talk to LE? Yes to gain the family trust more. I bet he is wired to the HILT.

I have kicked it around that Bill Stanton was brought in on the behest of LE.
I have no clue how Dr. Randazzo will fit in this case.

I havent read all the postings yet but I am with you. Who is she working for, the police? It sounds like she would be of benefit to them, but it seems that she is there for the parents, why? Threat assessment. I am not sure how that fits in here. I never heard of a family getting their own psychologist before. Nevermind someone with her credentials.
IMO ... bringing in an expert in "threat assessing" and targeting" makes about as much sense to me :innocent: as stealing the 3 cell phones when you are going to the house in the middle of the night to "kidnap" a baby ...

Maybe the family have been threatened since the case made the news? They would need the seriousness of the threat assessed and take precautions to protect the children, although I'm sure they could get help from LE and the FBI as well.
I do not believe stalking was involved. I think the family and LE know who is responsible and are working together to ensure the safe recovery of Lisa. To me, the strategy seems to be to alleviate fear and paranoia.

The theory may be correct, I hope so, but if they know who has the baby why are they still doing searches? Those searches are expensive and time consuming

Just a thought..
The theory may be correct, I hope so, but if they know who has the baby why are they still doing searches? Those searches are expensive and time consuming

Just a thought..

Which is why it's pretty clear they don't know where the baby is or who (if anyone) has it.
The theory may be correct, I hope so, but if they know who has the baby why are they still doing searches? Those searches are expensive and time consuming

Just a thought..

I think it is obvious even if LE suspects who was responsible, they don't know where the baby is located now. She could be anywhere, dead or alive. I think the goal here is to bring Lisa home.

I havent read all the postings yet but I am with you. Who is she working for, the police? It sounds like she would be of benefit to them, but it seems that she is there for the parents, why? Threat assessment. I am not sure how that fits in here. I never heard of a family getting their own psychologist before. Nevermind someone with her credentials.

BBM How lucky they are to have her then. Anything that will find Lisa is a blessing.
Which is why it's pretty clear they don't know where the baby is or who (if anyone) has it.

Once again i am with you, they do not have a clue as to where this baby is but I think they have a clue as to who is responsible. They wouldnt be doing all these expensive time consuming searches for nothing. The family isnt talking, they know who did it because to me, its them. LE just cannot prove that now. They are lining it all up though. Covering all bases, looking everywhere. I cant see how there cannot be an arrest after the GJ comes back. I wish we had all the evidence.
I do not believe stalking was involved. I think the family and LE know who is responsible and are working together to ensure the safe recovery of Lisa. To me, the strategy seems to be to alleviate fear and paranoia.


BBM Could be that people are hiding Lisa in plain sight in another part of the country. Next time your are in Red Lobster or Applebee's look around.
we don't know if he has obstructed LE but the fact that he is talking to parents isn't against the law but information even their story the parents told BS would be something the LE would want to know. There is a lot going on here but the fact that Dr. MF worked with SS and most likely CIA and FBI is a big key to me.

My guess is they are aware of the Casey Anthony case, copy cats, parents who do harm to their children are getting smart on what and how to do. Maybe the FBI, have a new tactic and this is one of them. Or it could be they hired her to assess.

Of Course they would hire someone they can control, not very good, but enough to control. I would be willing to bet the marching orders to BS that he really does think that Dr. MF is on the up and up. In other words BS is not in the loop.
At this time I prefer to think of Lisa as a living baby, I am not ready to think of her as deceased. IMHO
Once again i am with you, they do not have a clue as to where this baby is but I think they have a clue as to who is responsible. They wouldnt be doing all these expensive time consuming searches for nothing. The family isnt talking, they know who did it because to me, its them. LE just cannot prove that now. They are lining it all up though. Covering all bases, looking everywhere. I cant see how there cannot be an arrest after the GJ comes back. I wish we had all the evidence.

I don't believe "them" is responsible for Lisa's disappearance. A family is just as powerless as LE if the person responsible won't tell them where to find Lisa. I think there is an element of mental instability that requires professional intervention if finding Lisa is the goal and an arrest and prosecution is secondary at this point.

I have no clue how Dr. Randazzo will fit in this case.

Hi Misha,
Randazzo can look at people close to the family and sum up if they could be a hidden threat. If the family is connected to a wealthy relative (and it seems to be the case), she could also be there to rule in or out a kidnap for money.
I think she will be searching for Lisa by looking for the signs that Lisa was targeted for kidnapping or she was taken as a targeted act of violence against one of the parents.

She will know all the tricks and what to look for to know if you have been targeted. I really think she could be very valuable in the case.

Trust me, the FBI have people working on this case that do the same thing she does that will probably like the idea of her coming in.

I agree lots she can do and since they said the benefactor was related if it was for a ranson she can help narrow down who knows that information. Plus her being a psychologist she may have more luck getting parents to open up, in case they have held something back.
I am thinking in this instance, she will be sort of "profiling" the potential suspect(s). Her expertise seems to be in stalking/targetting/violent threatening behaviors. Granted its tooo late to asess the threat as the crime has already ocurred but maybe her expertise will lead to the whos and whys of why someone would take Lisa or target this family and child, thereby leading to the culprit.

At least that is what I want to believe since I am still unable to buy that the parents have any involvement.

I am hopeful that her presece here will actually assist in some way to getting this child home or at least finding her.

I do not think dad had anything to do with it. Jury still out on mom.
Is she actually there? Or does she consult from where she lives?
She has a CIA background??? Do they think the baby was taken by a terrorist cell? I find her involvement really weird.

And I do wonder how the FBI and LE feel about her... CIA is a very different ball of wax, imo. Do we know if JI has a military background?

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