Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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I found JR's last interview very interesting. It is the first time I saw him really PISSED. I saw emotion. Anger. Is it because someone finally had the guts to bring BR up or because he thinks they USED BR to get to HIM? I wonder cause he always seemed to care only about himself.
IMO I thought Burke was genuine when he was talking about how he and JB used to tease each other, who got to press the elevator button etc. I feel that he really did love his sister, and if he was the one who hit her in the head (which I'm more convinced of after watching The Case Of) I think it was purely accidental.
I found JR's last interview very interesting. It is the first time I saw him really PISSED. I saw emotion. Anger. Is it because someone finally had the guts to bring BR up or because he thinks they USED BR to get to HIM? I wonder cause he always seemed to care only about himself.

Maybe he was so mad because finally a group of experts, got together to bring forth a true theory to bring justice to JonBenet. These people could not be bought, sold, scared. They are united in taking the evidence, evidence thay J and P along with their minions tried to destroy and cover up. They gave an answer that is more believeable then what ever the Ramseys have come up with.

JR is made because the truth came out.
Maybe he was so mad because finally a group of experts, got together to bring forth a true theory to bring justice to JonBenet. These people could not be bought, sold, scared. They are united in taking the evidence, evidence thay J and P along with their minions tried to destroy and cover up. They gave an answer that is more believeable then what ever the Ramseys have come up with.

JR is made because the truth came out.

And he's lost control of the situation.
IMO I thought Burke was genuine when he was talking about how he and JB used to tease each other, who got to press the elevator button etc. I feel that he really did love his sister, and if he was the one who hit her in the head (which I'm more convinced of after watching The Case Of) I think it was purely accidental.

I agree, I do feel sorry for Burke and believe it was an accident. When I saw the DP interviews I just did not see a cold killer. I saw a man with some obvious emotional disturbance, and possibly on the spectrum (mild Aspergers maybe). The Aspergers would explain the very literal answers he gave in the interviews both as a child and now on DP. JMO
I elaborated but I think my message got cut off. He accepted my request. There's nothing of real interest on there except for one post condemning last night's show and another where he posts a picture of an old school detective and says he imagines that is what all his followers on Insta look like "minus the mustache."


if burke is adding unknown random people to his social media (if that account is a real one), imo that nullifies his claim that he is a "private person". smh.
Clarification please...anyone.
JBR wet the bed, so she got up, but she was still in longjohn's that PR said she put on her. So JBR stayed in wet clothes? And then the too big undies were on under the wet longjons? Or have I missed something? Thanks!

According to the crime scene photos and the recent Doco by CNN, her bed sheets were clean and dry, which indicates she did not wet the bed that night. The fact that her bed was ruffled and looked slept in could back that up. Not sure if the stager was smart enough to change, wash sheets, put new linen on and ruffle it up though, but that's still a possibility.
The size 12 underwear, as far as I know, were put on after she was taken to the basement and there were urine stains on the carpet and on the long johns but if I recall correctly, Dr Henry Lee claims that this was loss of bladder control during the strangulation.

I may be wrong, JMO
I find it curious that during the interview with Dr. Phil, Burke said he probably would have heard it if someone in the house would have hit JonBenet with a baseball bat or flashlight. She was obviously hit in the head with something so why didn't he hear it? :thinking:
I find it curious that during the interview with Dr. Phil, Burke said he probably would have heard it if someone in the house would have hit JonBenet with a baseball bat or flashlight. She was obviously hit in the head with something so why didn't he hear it? :thinking:

Because, as he pointed out as a child, he's a very very very heavy sleeper......
I agree, I do feel sorry for Burke and believe it was an accident. When I saw the DP interviews I just did not see a cold killer. I saw a man with some obvious emotional disturbance, and possibly on the spectrum (mild Aspergers maybe). The Aspergers would explain the very literal answers he gave in the interviews both as a child and now on DP. JMO

IMO I thought Burke was genuine when he was talking about how he and JB used to tease each other, who got to press the elevator button etc. I feel that he really did love his sister, and if he was the one who hit her in the head (which I'm more convinced of after watching The Case Of) I think it was purely accidental.

BBM. By accident, do you mean Burke did not mean to hit JB at all (e.g. he was swinging a golf club/flashlight and she snuck up on him and got hit in the head). Or do you mean Burke lost his temper but did not mean to cause serious harm/death to his sister?
BBM. By accident, do you mean Burke did not mean to hit JB at all (e.g. he was swinging a golf club/flashlight and she snuck up on him and got hit in the head). Or do you mean Burke lost his temper but did not mean to cause serious harm/death to his sister?

I believe that if he did it, he lost his temper and intended to hurt/injure but not to kill.
My children showed more emotion for a 1 year old pet chicken that died then Burke did for his 6 year old little sister. Sorry, not buying it.
Oh, Geez! I just finished reading several old articles about the pageants in which JonBenet participated and discovered that I share my birthday with Burke Ramsey :eek:
I'm not sure if this is the correct thread to post this to, but it was noted that one of the shows this week showed a quick shot of Steve Thomas and the Ramseys on Larry King. It aired on May 31, 2000 and here's the link to the transcript of it:


I found this statement by JR strange: "Most important, though, is the sequence of events, which are supported by forensics experts. JonBenet was strangled with a professionally made garrote. The last act this creature did to my beautiful child is strike her in the head with a vicious blow. She was either dead or near dead when that blow was administered. "

The "garotte" was not professionally made. It was not a slipknot where the noose could be tightened.
Burke does not have asbergers or a mental defect.
Burke does not have asbergers or a mental defect.

Perhaps if the family released their medical records we would find out exactly what was up with him.

From the interviews, both then and now, I'm thinking he has "issues", lots of "issues". On the other hand, empathy doesn't seem to run in that family. They had no trouble pointing a finger at all sorts of people who didn't have a dead child in their home. Maybe he just a chip off the block Ramsey.
Burke does not have asbergers or a mental defect.

No he does not Minazoe- he's a psychopath- and I have no qualms saying it was budding as a youth.

That was a gleeful smile at times on the DP show- he was NOT nervous. I believe my own eyes (thank you very much) and this has been a long time coming.

Burke smiled as well- gleeful, cat ate the canary smiles in his 9 and 11 year old videos. He didn't feel love for his sister. He hated her- IMOO and finally got rid of her, by accident or on purpose- take your pick it was the outcome he wanted- I have no doubt because of his behavior NOW, as an almost 30 year old man.
That is indeed a statement of categorically fact.
1. How exactly do you know this to be true? Are you a an expert in this sort of psychological entities, ie a psychologist with PhD training in autism or personality disorders? How much time did you spend with Burke Ramsey before arriving at this conclusion?
2. Could you please lay out the case why your statement is to be taken as an undisputed fact.?

I am completely open to your assertion above so I am awaiting the supporting evidence. This contribution will clear up a widespread confusion and will provide the websleuth community with valuable background information.
Thanks in advance for your valuable contribution.
That is indeed a statement of categorically fact.
1. How exactly do you know this to be true? Are you a an expert in this sort of psychological entities, ie a psychologist with PhD training in autism or personality disorders? How much time did you spend with Burke Ramsey before arriving at this conclusion?
2. Could you please lay out the case why your statement is to be taken as an undisputed fact.?

I am completely open to your assertion above so I am awaiting the supporting evidence. This contribution will clear up a widespread confusion and will provide the websleuth community with valuable background information.
Thanks in advance for your valuable contribution.

:laughing: Well Dr. Phil said it...... aren't we all supposed to believe HIM ???? :thinking:
No he does not Minazoe- he's a psychopath- and I have no qualms saying it was budding as a youth.

That was a gleeful smile at times on the DP show- he was NOT nervous. I believe my own eyes (thank you very much) and this has been a long time coming.

Burke smiled as well- gleeful, cat ate the canary smiles in his 9 and 11 year old videos. He didn't feel love for his sister. He hated her- IMOO and finally got rid of her, by accident or on purpose- take your pick it was the outcome he wanted- I have no doubt because of his behavior NOW, as an almost 30 year old man.

I would be intensely interested in a full treatment of the psychdynamics between JR, PR, JBR, and BR over a 10 year sequence.
As to PR - this "Southern Belle" at the social pinnacle in Boulder society was highly motivated to create and project the illusion of the perfect American family. A perfect successful affluent husband, married to a beauty queen, who had mothered two perfect adorable children.
Burke, the apparent first born of this American royalty was treated as "a king in waiting" until of course Jonbenet - the adorable girl and envy of all American mothers.
It is likely that this abrupt change in family status was not well received by this "little prince" which evoked the development of a dark side characterized by jealousy and rage.
An increasingly non compliant Burke was not welcomed by the city stalwart JR nor appreciated by PR, the Perfect Housewife and Mother.Hence in due time, Burke was moved figuratively to the family outhouse. In this new demeaning location Burke perfected acts of violence and developed poor impulse control.

There seems to be no indications that Burke was allowed or encouraged to develop his unique voice and skill sets. He was simply the first born in the niveau royal family.
This scenario is a recipe for disaster - which indeed come to pass.
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