Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

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this isn't about a murdered child it is about what the system did to THEM?

why didn't you sue the bpd JOHN??I would have if innocent.I would be so so so angry!why didn't you sue the bpd Lin if they are innocent??
"Those with nothing to hide, hide nothing"

And when your 6 yr old daughter is "murdered," hiding and obfuscating is going to look hinky to everyone.
I really want to watch both interviews of Burke from years ago--in full. I did a cursory search online and din't find anything. I hope one day one or preferably both become available to watch.
(Sorry if this has been discussed before, I haven't read through all of the threads.)

Dr. Phil asked BR, 'How could they have broken into the house?'

Smiling,BR mentioned the basement window, and then said '...I remember for a long time I...I think I unlocked the front door on Christmas day and I always feel bad about doing that...' (7:56 mark on the show recording).

If the police knew this, why so much speculation about the basement window? Why unlock the door? Who was he giving free access to the home, and at what time?

If we are to believe JR about not having fixed the basement window for months and not having the security alarm on that night, then it is possible doors were also unlocked as it seems he had little concern for security? Of course, his comments could have also been for the sake of accommodating the theory of an intruder? I read a remark by him also that LOTS of friends of the family had keys to the Ramsey's home. This sounds weird. Who gives LOTS of people their keys? Maybe your best friend/nearby neighbor that's about it? However, if true, something like that renders the question of the window moot.
Ok - it's been 20 years; Ok - they are tired of being hassled by media; Ok-it's hard living a life under the scrutiny of a murder BUT, how does John Ramsey not have an ounce of sorrow for the child he lost? How does Burke not speak of the sorrow, sadness and grief the family experienced, and how this shaped him? Why weren't they afraid "the kidnapper" would return for Burke since he tried to extort $ for JBR? Wouldn't living under the constant worry of losing a 2nd child to a criminal that hasn't been apprehended be far worse than an "umbrella of suspicion". My best friend was killed in a car accident at the age of 29, 16 years ago. Speak to her mother about her and you will see the watery eyes, the grief, the cost of losing a child in her face immediately. She speaks of how if my friend hadn't made her bed that morning, maybe, just maybe, she would have been further down the road? Why is no regret expressed by this father? At any rate, even a good ACTOR would fain some grief? Wouldn't they? John Ramsey makes no bones that he is a victim, not his 6 year old daughter. No wonder Burke Ramsey is screwed up - John Ramsey has a smile on his face and shows NO sign of hurt or outrage for a daughter lost to a heinous crime! Where is the cry for justice, where is the movement to find the KILLER of this child? This man had millions at his disposal to hunt down a killer, or to change legislation as we have seen other parents who lose children do (who have far less means)! Why would he not have not lobbied for protocol for child crime scenes, at the very least? Anyone who has parented a child knows there is no GREATER grief than knowing your child has suffered any misfortune, let alone succumbed to torture. No amount of time relieves parent's from morning a loss this great! No further evidence needed for me!
Makes zero sense! Everyone living in a mansion with expensive possession hands out keys and leaves the house unsecured? B.S.

"Lin Woods, John Ramsey and Burke Ramsey probably last night and today :laughing:"
Hopefully, last night's CBS show pointed to everyone the insignificance of that touch DNA. Plus the old cobweb in the window. Now Burke states he unlocked the door Christmas day? OK first why? Second, it was during the day and was probably the door they used the most so I'm sure they locked it when they got home that night. Who gives keys to everyone they know? That baffles me. Why on Earth would so many people need your house keys? Idiots!
I'm sick of hearing Woods threaten to sue everyone! Hasn't he realized by now his client is broke? How does he expect to get paid for all these lawsuits.
I wish the same fake detective that gave the 911 operator a gag order can take the time to give Woods a gag order. He needs to just sit the hell down.

No revelation either about who Burke thought did it. I figured that's what he would say. They make me sick. This is about a beautiful precious eternally six year old child named JonBenet. NOT about how they've been "mistreated".
If they had sat down with authorities immediately and answered all the questions and did polygraphs BY the police then maybe JUST maybe they could've been ruled out.
My whole issue with them is they all three blatantly lie and obstruct justice. I would have gained some respect for Burke if he had just told what really happened. He can't be prosecuted. Why not just tell it so his sister and mother can rest in peace.
They are NOT victims. JonBenet was a victim. She was the one who was sadistically killed.
If they did NOTHING to her then there is absolutely no reason they shouldn't take a polygraph test. They are scared because they know what they did. Also John, if you have to speak to cops.... do like every other average Joe and speak to them. STOP HIDING AND LYING.
Also they always claim they never looked at other suspects. Are they insane??? they looked at and ruled out like what, 150 other people? :blah::deepbreaths::deepbreaths:


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Sort of o/t while I am blocked from Wood's twitter I can still read it via chrome's incognito window... but I have never read DP's twitter so I meandered over to see what ppl are saying there. One thing... my gosh the world is full of idiots... but, the purpose of my post, he tweeted about his new show starting tonight on CBS 'Bull' Dr Jason Bull's trial consulting firm... interesting.

Sorry for the interruption.
Sort of o/t while I am blocked from Wood's twitter I can still read it via chrome's incognito window... but I have never read DP's twitter so I meandered over to see what ppl are saying there. One thing... my gosh the world is full of idiots... but, the purpose of my post, he tweeted about his new show starting tonight on CBS 'Bull' Dr Jason Bull's trial consulting firm... interesting.

Sorry for the interruption.

Dr Phil had a trial consulting firm and I think it's about him.

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I've said it before, folks, but it bears repeating: if it were in my power to do so, I'd sue Alex Hunter, Mary Lacy, Lin Wood, Hal Haddon and John and Burke Ramsey all at once, and I'd put 'em through the wringer. And the things I'd squeeze out.
Ok - it's been 20 years; Ok - they are tired of being hassled by media; Ok-it's hard living a life under the scrutiny of a murder BUT, how does John Ramsey not have an ounce of sorrow for the child he lost? How does Burke not speak of the sorrow, sadness and grief the family experienced, and how this shaped him? Why weren't they afraid "the kidnapper" would return for Burke since he tried to extort $ for JBR? Wouldn't living under the constant worry of losing a 2nd child to a criminal that hasn't been apprehended be far worse than an "umbrella of suspicion". My best friend was killed in a car accident at the age of 29, 16 years ago. Speak to her mother about her and you will see the watery eyes, the grief, the cost of losing a child in her face immediately. She speaks of how if my friend hadn't made her bed that morning, maybe, just maybe, she would have been further down the road? Why is no regret expressed by this father? At any rate, even a good ACTOR would fain some grief? Wouldn't they? John Ramsey makes no bones that he is a victim, not his 6 year old daughter. No wonder Burke Ramsey is screwed up - John Ramsey has a smile on his face and shows NO sign of hurt or outrage for a daughter lost to a heinous crime! Where is the cry for justice, where is the movement to find the KILLER of this child? This man had millions at his disposal to hunt down a killer, or to change legislation as we have seen other parents who lose children do (who have far less means)! Why would he not have not lobbied for protocol for child crime scenes, at the very least? Anyone who has parented a child knows there is no GREATER grief than knowing your child has suffered any misfortune, let alone succumbed to torture. No amount of time relieves parent's from morning a loss this great! No further evidence needed for me!

No he used his millions to buy off the DA and or threats of suits to keep justice at bay. maybe he is the perp in this crime afterall but im not going to hold my breath till they charge him, he has covered his tracks well.
a little silly observation about the fake ransom note, it said we will call you between 8-10, well what time does the bank open the day after Christmas? Maybe 9 and that means there would be hardly anytime to get the money ready and also how does this small foreign faction know is home phone number ? just asking LOL
"Those with nothing to hide, hide nothing"

And when your 6 yr old daughter is "murdered," hiding and obfuscating is going to look hinky to everyone.

It breaks my heart how so many other parents who have lost children have literally had to beg for help while the Rs have always been surrounded by helping hands since day one. Those helping hands could have helped some other parent who lost their child to kidnapping and worse.
It breaks my heart how so many other parents who have lost children have literally had to beg for help while the Rs have always been surrounded by helping hands since day one. Those helping hands could have helped some other parent who lost their child to kidnapping and worse.

Agreed ....love your avatar by the way ....
Sort of o/t while I am blocked from Wood's twitter I can still read it via chrome's incognito window... but I have never read DP's twitter so I meandered over to see what ppl are saying there. One thing... my gosh the world is full of idiots... but, the purpose of my post, he tweeted about his new show starting tonight on CBS 'Bull' Dr Jason Bull's trial consulting firm... interesting.

Sorry for the interruption.

Besides Dr P new show, Nancy Grace has one starting soon....I might like the actors but eill not watch because thet portray DP and NG! Enough of them...
a little silly observation about the fake ransom note, it said we will call you between 8-10, well what time does the bank open the day after Christmas? Maybe 9 and that means there would be hardly anytime to get the money ready and also how does this small foreign faction know is home phone number ? just asking LOL

Good catch!
Well, I guess I'm late in catching up with the DP episode 3 interview. Just finished watching it and wanted to share that BR had very little air time. I didn't do any time study here but JR and LW appeared to share equal air time with a "supposed interview exclusively with BR." Add in media clips and he may have spoken 8 minutes (estimation only- generous estimation at that).
BR has absolutely no depth at all. All of his responses are just so superficial. As he recalls memories teasing in the car on road trips and the elevator button- what? That's all you want to share about your life with JBR???
I just shake my head back and forth and thank God for the brilliant minds of CBS.
In the wake of the 20 year anniversary of her death- am I personally glad he came forward and gave a public interview? Yes, now I don't have to feel as badly for him. I am a very human person and mostly, optimistic about life. But, the bottom line here is that BR lacks any depth in trying to conjure up funny stories between him and his sister. He said he spoke up so she could be remembered yet he shares very few of them. Go back to your private life and job where you have very little public interaction. Sorry to offend anyone reading but this is my candid humble reaction. I need to be debriefed.

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Clarification please...anyone.
JBR wet the bed, so she got up, but she was still in longjohn's that PR said she put on her. So JBR stayed in wet clothes? And then the too big undies were on under the wet longjons? Or have I missed something? Thanks!
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