Dr. Phil Show-Links to show now added

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I have a question that might be a little dumb- I just don't know how things work in this situation. Since BK appeared on the Dr. Phil Show, does that mean that Dr. Phil "owns" the right to his story (if that's the correct terminology)?

I am glad the show was done and I do hope it leads to resolution for BK, I was just unsure about contractual obligation or anything like that.:confused:
I have a question that might be a little dumb- I just don't know how things work in this situation. Since BK appeared on the Dr. Phil Show, does that mean that Dr. Phil "owns" the right to his story (if that's the correct terminology)?

I am glad the show was done and I do hope it leads to resolution for BK, I was just unsure about contractual obligation or anything like that.:confused:

No, Dr. Phil doesn't own the rights to Ben's story. It is Ben's LIFE.
You can't own a life.
Dr. Phil owns the rights to HIS show in the format that it aired, that's all.
No, Dr. Phil doesn't own the rights to Ben's story. It is Ben's LIFE.
You can't own a life.
Dr. Phil owns the rights to HIS show in the format that it aired, that's all.

Thanks, I didn't know if BK was bound to any contract as far as whom he could speak to or interview with, etc... So does this mean that BK can give as many interviews as he'd like? (Other stations/shows?)

Thanks again SeekingJana for taking time to answer.

Perhaphs someone in the legal profession would be willing to check their states court records, which they have online access to. They could then search by subject matter for any documents in court that ruled someone as deceased without a body. This is what family generally does in order to settle their estate, even if they didn't own anything they would want to settle any debts, etc.

If they researched the last four years by subjet surely there would not be an extreme amount of those type cases.

Also, Dr. Phil may have found relatives and then asked to tape an update show but in the mean time BK is taking his time to find out about his previous life before it becomes public. Dr. Phil could have asked for him to remain silent on the matter until the show airs. He wouldn't have to honor it unless it was preset before he aired the first show. But he may have agreed so Dr. Phill would help with reuniting expenses such as airfare, etc.

There may be sensitive issues that need dealing with before media starts to get involved. Lots of maybes, I just hope he finds his life and is not disappointed in what he finds.

Thanks, I didn't know if BK was bound to any contract as far as whom he could speak to or interview with, etc... So does this mean that BK can give as many interviews as he'd like? (Other stations/shows?)

Thanks again SeekingJana for taking time to answer.

Legally, Dr. Phil can't have exclusive rights to anything about Ben other than what aired on his own show.

Yes, this also extends to what Ben can do and say on his own. Legally, Ben is free to choose to talk to anyone about anything which does NOT relate to the Dr. Phil show taping itself or his interactions with Dr. Phil and his staff.
Whether or not he wants to talk to the public is something I cannot address, of course. :)

I wish all the best for him always!!
I hope this helps. :)
A lot of people are following this story and seem anxious for answers, can you imagaine being that anxious for four years?
Legally, Dr. Phil can't have exclusive rights to anything about Ben other than what aired on his own show.

Yes, this also extends to what Ben can do and say on his own. Legally, Ben is free to choose to talk to anyone about anything which does NOT relate to the Dr. Phil show taping itself or his interactions with Dr. Phil and his staff.
Whether or not he wants to talk to the public is something I cannot address, of course. :)

I wish all the best for him always!!
I hope this helps. :)

Very helpful explanation! Thanks!:) I am glad that if Ben wants to talk, he can or if he chooses, he can be as quiet as he pleases.

I pray for a good outcome for Ben.
Do we know, when he was found behind the dumpster, if his hair was short or long? If he was clean or dirty? If he was abnormally thin or a bit over weight? If he had an overgrown beard and/or mustache? If a clean cut business man in town on a business trip is beaten and left next to a dumpster I believe the first responders would not have mistaken him for a homeless man (regardless of him being naked, covered in fire ant bites, etc.) If he had many stereotypical characteristics of a man living on the streets (long unkept hair, long beard, unclean, etc.) than I tend to believe they would. Unfortunately there are some very, very intelligent people who end up homeless due to severe psychological problems. Amnesia caused by a "traumatic event" might qualify. He might have been a homeless man for years (?)
^^ I don't know anything about his overall general state of health when he was found beaten, but the Dr. Phil show aired MANY pre-show photos of Ben with a short beard.

I was glad to see that he did not have the beard on the show, because his facial features needed to be seen clearly. :)
Hereditary, congenital

There is some evidence that genetics play a role in the development of cataracts, probably as a result of a metabolic variance. Occasionally, there is an error in the development of the lens pre-natally which results in a congenital cataract---one which you are born with. Sometimes these are severely debilitating and can cause permanent blindness if not operated upon and repaired shortly after birth. There are also examples of congenital cataracts that are quite minor and require no treatment.

Someone paid for the record and has it; people who advocate for BK have parts of his records. Better and clearer?

Hi, Believe,

Just to be clear. You are stating that someone paid for a copy of part of Benjaman's hospital record, and kept it.
You also stated that some people in GA who " care for him" have parts of the record. By care for him, do you mean emotionally care for him as in like him, or do you mean that he still requires some sort of assistance?
I am not understanding your posts too well today. My apologies.


I can see you have experience in this area-are you saying that a blow to the head caused his cataracts to form in 24 hours? If not that, are you saying that laying with eyes open in the sun for less than 24 hours caused blinding cataracts to form? Because we have established that these cataracts were not due to illicit drug consumption or years of alcohol abuse. So just to make sure I am clear-blinding cataracts can form in less than a 24 hour period without needing some accelerating factor like drugs (illicit or otherwise like prednisone). His retina was not burned, which in my ignorance I assumed would be the first thing to go if he were laying in the sun with his eyes open for a period of time.

You seem to be saying that the cataracts could not have formed slowly narrowing his field of vision because no one would tolerate that.

HI, Believe,
I respect you greatly, and agree that there is no functional brain damage. This was stated in very clear terms on the Dr. Phil show by a physician.
I can tell you that NO ONE lives with cataracts which blur vision incredibly and can even be very uncomfortable in the intermediate stages or prepares themselves for a life of blindness in the USA.
We are not talking LASIK surgery, we are talking necessary surgery to prevent a person from being disabled due to blindness.

IF he had access to any type of medical care, this would have been addressed and surgery would have been paid for, either by the government if he lacked the money, or by his insurance plan if he was working.
It is outpatient surgery, the person is driven home the same day. There are Rx eye drops to be used for the first few days and intraocular eye pressure is monitored by the surgeon to make certain that acute glaucoma is not developing, which can happen after eye surgery of this type.

No skin no heart no liver issues, JS...

I have lupus and have been on pregnisone on and off (mostly off the past 10 yrs, as the stuff is brutal), and I do recall being advised of cataracts as a side effect. As far as the blood sugar, Believe, ask your friend, but I thought the blood sugar issue is only evident WHEN you are taking preg, and for a certain period of time after, but that it eventually stablilizes. I do not have blood sugar problems, and have been off preg for 10 yrs, but I also do not have cataracts... IF he had been taking pregnisone, why? Does BK have any skin problems? Any heart or liver problems?

The confidentiality agreements and contracts associated with the appearance bind him in specific ways. It can be that he cannot be interviewed for a certain period of time, it may be that he cannot comment on the behind the scenes experience of being a guest or being the subject of a show. It may mean he cannot cooperate with anyone other than LE and the PI assigned to him while tips are being vetted. It may mean that Dr. Phil gets access to the tips first. Clearly I wouldn't know specifically because then I would have reviewed the contracts and that would be...well you get the message.

I have a question that might be a little dumb- I just don't know how things work in this situation. Since BK appeared on the Dr. Phil Show, does that mean that Dr. Phil "owns" the right to his story (if that's the correct terminology)?

I am glad the show was done and I do hope it leads to resolution for BK, I was just unsure about contractual obligation or anything like that.:confused:

If I missed anyone I am sorry-PM me or give it another shot. I am actually enjoying the posts on the Dr. Phil message board immensely because I think that some of the fresh ideas being stated such as narrowing down the cheese sandwich BK remembers from the state fair have great value.
I haven't been over to Dr. Phil's site to read the board there but I'm "assuming" that the grilled cheese sandwich that Benjaman recalls eating at the fair probably came from a vendor there by the name of "The Dairy Bar" They serve/served grilled cheese sandwiches and milkshakes, milk and other dairy products there.

If I missed anyone I am sorry-PM me or give it another shot. I am actually enjoying the posts on the Dr. Phil message board immensely because I think that some of the fresh ideas being stated such as narrowing down the cheese sandwich BK remembers from the state fair have great value.
Patty - you rock!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: Thank you soooo much for all of your hard work!! :blowkiss:

You guys searching the indexes (birth, death, ss...) - great job, I don't know how you do it, but I think it's awesome that you're all here trying to help!! :blowkiss:
I haven't been over to Dr. Phil's site to read the board there but I'm "assuming" that the grilled cheese sandwich that Benjaman recalls eating at the fair probably came from a vendor there by the name of "The Dairy Bar" They serve/served grilled cheese sandwiches and milkshakes, milk and other dairy products there.

WAS THAT YOU????? Loved it and yes.

If BK was heading to see the ocean perhaps he was traveling in a camping type situation (campgrounds/truck stops) where he would have had to use a public bath facility. If someone wanted to steal his identity and/or any type of camper he had they would have wanted him to be away from the camping area long enough for them to unhook and hook everything back up correctly, hence leaving him at BK. If that was the case, say he had a travel trailer, he would have only taken his bath items to the bath house and left his wallet, etc inside. A friend of mine has a smaller camper that he keeps in a local campground during the week so he can be closer to work. He has running water but no shower, so he uses the bath house at the campground.

Or maybe he was on a motorcycle and the same situation happened. They rolled him and took the bike. If he had on proper riding equipment for long distance rides the articles of clothing could have been very valuable. I wonder if there were any motorcycle events in or around that area at the time.

One thing about his name, once my brother (Jimmy) and his friend (Barry) were riding their bikes when the friend was going to ride underneath a metal sign but didn't duck his head low enough and ended up hitting his head and being knocked out. When he came around he kept telling the hospital his name was Jimmy. He thought Jimmy had been the one in the accident, not him. Because they were together at the time of the accident he associated himself to Jimmy.

NOOOOOOOO..wasn't me on Dr. Phil's site. After I had watched Benjaman on Dr. Phil the other day, I started researching the Indiana State Fair and found out about the Dairy Bar. I was going to post the information here but hadn't gotten around to it.

This is what I had found on the "Dairy Bar"

How to Eat Great Food at the Indiana State Fair


Step #1
Start your culinary tour of the Indiana State Fair at the main admission gate facing 38th Street. Pick up a free program, which includes a map, and then head for the Dairy Bar – often mistakenly called the Dairy Barn. (Walk straight ahead to the “T” intersection and turn right.) The Dairy Bar, which is operated by Hoosier dairy farmers, is a long-standing tradition. It offers grilled-cheese sandwiches on your choice of bread, milkshakes and other dairy-inspired treats.

Source: http://www.ehow.com/how_2177588_great-food-indiana-state-fair.html

I wonder if Benjaman has made himself a grilled cheese sandwich and got himself a carton of milk? I'm wondering if actually doing it would invoke some sort of memory that may bring out more than is there on the surface?

WAS THAT YOU????? Loved it and yes.
I don't understand why the donor would have his records at all. Why wouldn't they immediately have been turned over to BK in their entirety so he can get answers from them? This doesn't make sense and bothers me that someone could have the records for the wrong reasons.
^^ SS, ITA with you. Unless we are missing a part of the story, meaning that MAYBE he does have a copy of what the donor has.

Has anyone noticed there is a Benjamin, Texas? This is the one state Benjamin said no to when the Lindquist was trying to pinpoint his accent.
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