Dr. Phil Show Nov.14th / 15th.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Originally Posted by coastal
Mixed DNA ‘all over’ Zahau death scene; some evidence not tested
Updated: Nov 17, 2011 12:47 PM PST
By David Gotfredson, Field Producer :rocker:

...Attorney Bremner said Jonah Shacknai is seen on hospital surveillance video on the night of Zahau's death, but Dina Shacknai is not.

Sheriff Gore confirmed as much during his news conference.

"We don't have her (Dina Shacknai) on surveillance tape," Gore confirmed. "Her position was determined thorough GPS triangulation on her cell phone, which put her in the vicinity of Rady Children's Hospital..."

Oh, for cripe sake... so her CELL PHONE WAS AT THE HOSPITAL :crazy:

And for how many minutes did they get that triangulation for - like a few around 3 am?
IMO, Rebecca didn't want to die, but was murdered. SDSO did not present anything real that points to RZ being suicidal. Just hours before she was murdered she texted her sister that she had to be strong for Jonah. Nothing points to Rebecca being at all suicidal. Remember, she still had hope, and MS was still alive. RZ spent her last day on earth carting people to and from the airport all day. JMO, somebody else ended her life and has gotten away with it!

I know it is shocking to think SDSO would cover or not look fully into this case to determine this as a homicide, but, IMO, that is exactly what it was. Who killed Rebecca?
I agree with everything you said here, Curious Me. IMO, Rebecca didn't kill herself. Had she died in any one of a dozen other ways, I would feel less certain of that, because I know how hopelessness feels and how big it can seem. But she didn't.

My guess for who killed her? Dina. She had the motive, the opportunity, and the means, IMO. I think she confronted Rebecca, lost her temper and her self control, and she took Rebecca's life in retaliation for Max's. I think she had been led to believe Rebecca was responsible for Max's injuries, probably by Jonah in addition to Max's doctor, neither of whom could explain the extent of Max's injuries without inserting some deliberate act as the likely cause, which meant Rebecca must be the guilty party.

I think Max's fall is the key. I suspect Jonah knows more about that than he was, and is, willing to admit to. Maybe Rebecca was keeping something from Dina and LE. If so, only Jonah can say what, and why, now.

Such a tragedy, all the way around. I'm sorry for them all.

ETA: retaliation - the act of retaliating; return of like for like; reprisal.

Did anyone watch Erin Burnett Out Front tonight on CNN, I missed it, but I'm going to watch the second airing of it at 9:00, I noticed it on the tv while I was out having dinner. Anne Bremner and Sheriff Gore are on it, amazing now that people are stirred up he's out selling the suicide determination IMO
When the dispatcher asked "Is she alive", were they really meaning for him to ask the victim? AS handled that strangely...I wonder why? "Are you alive? I don't think so". How creepy and weird. just sayin....

My take on that is that he thought the dispatcher's question was stupid, so his voice got 'aggressive' directed toward the dispatcher when he said "are you alive?" and his "I don't think so" was sarcastic..toward the dispatcher. I actually don't think it's strange at all taken in that context. You just told someone this person has hung herself and they want to know if she's alive??? How likely is that??? I think I'd be ticked off too. :waitasec:
My take on that is that he thought the dispatcher's question was stupid, so his voice got 'aggressive' directed toward the dispatcher when he said "are you alive?" and his "I don't think so" was sarcastic..toward the dispatcher. I actually don't think it's strange at all taken in that context. You just told someone this person has hung herself and they want to know if she's alive??? How likely is that??? I think I'd be ticked off too. :waitasec:
I don't think he was ticked off and if he was it was because he was the patsy who had to make the 911 call IMO.
Finally! Keep slamming Rebecca, Gore
Anne Bremner
Someone accessed her computer from a SW Airlines account. ... someone also accessed her computer after she died. Shame on him for implying it was Rebecca. The potential suspect (and there are a few) also accessed *advertiser censored* on his own IPhone and masterbated to it before her body was "found". Gore is insulting a dead woman and her family by his ill-informed remarks.
19 minutes ago · Like

Anne Bremner
Sheriff Gore implied at a press conference that Becky looked at bondage *advertiser censored* on her computer. This is false. Someone accessed her computer from a SW Airlines account before she died and then did generally after she died. And a person of interest in the case viewed *advertiser censored* on his Iphone before "discovering" her body.
Like · · Share · 22 minutes ago ·
I don't think there is any evidence that she was tortured. The small abrasions on her scalp were dime size and is very consistent with striking something as she went over head first. My husband has had worse hemorrhages when he struck his head on an open cabinet door he forgot to close.

Why would the Shacknai's want it to look like a murder?:waitasec: If it looked like a rage killing then that would point directly at JS, DS or AS so why would they want to implicate themselves?

Didn't Jonah Shacknai ask the AGs office to re-investigate the case? So I am not sure why you are saying he must be pleased.

The only one who may have staged the suicide to look like a homicide could have been Rebecca if she was wanting someone to take the blame for it.

Cell phone records and pings would show if any of these parties were in the vicinity of the mansion when they told LE they were elsewhere.

That's the issue here Ocean, there were no abrasions on her head, the blood was beneath the skin but there were no abrasions. To me this means that whatever hit Rebecca's head was not the wrought iron or the stuccoed house, as Dr Wecht stated it was done by a rounded object that didn't break the skin.
Finally! Keep slamming Rebecca, Gore
Anne Bremner
Someone accessed her computer from a SW Airlines account. ... someone also accessed her computer after she died. Shame on him for implying it was Rebecca. The potential suspect (and there are a few) also accessed *advertiser censored* on his own IPhone and masterbated to it before her body was "found". Gore is insulting a dead woman and her family by his ill-informed remarks.
19 minutes ago · Like

Anne Bremner
Sheriff Gore implied at a press conference that Becky looked at bondage *advertiser censored* on her computer. This is false. Someone accessed her computer from a SW Airlines account before she died and then did generally after she died. And a person of interest in the case viewed *advertiser censored* on his Iphone before "discovering" her body.
Like · · Share · 22 minutes ago ·

Sounds like Adam Shacknai is the POI. That's really disgusting to fly from TN to CA to give support to his brother and while little Max is braindead in the ICU, Adam is masturbating! How gross!
Looks like somebody like Apple! Remember this . . .

"Someone stole Rebecca’s credit card, the charges are to the Apple Ipod store and a dating site called Zoomsk. Miss Zahau and Mr. Shacknai’s daughter had a very contentious relationship, terrible is a better word, her family has spoken about this at some length."
I watched again the recent Gore press conference in regards to the Dr Phil show, I noticed that the ME states that Rebecca went down head first which is why her neck wasn't broken, yet he then states the bumps on the top her head were caused by the edge of the balcony, wouldn't that then mean that in order to get the bumps on the top of her head that Rebecca would have to have somersaulted into vertical drop position which then should have caused her neck to break as in a judicial hanging. As well he uses the word probably? Perhaps hit by the rope on the way down? Maybe when she was cut down bumped her head? REALLY? You are determining someones manner of death and you are using words like probably, maybe, perhaps?

Sheriff Gore: we assumed the blood in the shower was hers, through logical investigative work not through dna testing, we don't test every little thing we just don't do that. WOW! In a possible murder investigation you just don't do that?

Regarding Nina's lie detector test, he says that when we looked at the totality of the investigation we didn't see the need to have her take one. Then that would mean they decided that suicide was the manner of death very early on.
He said yes that Dina wasn't on the hospital video surveillance and that they determined her whereabouts by triangulation of the cell towers, but they didn't request those records until August 28th. So for a month and half while they knew she wasn't on the tapes they didn't request the records??? Didn't see the need to get her DNA or fingerprints even though they knew this? What were they investigating, nothing it seems. This just stinks to high heaven IMO

It also sounds like he tried to influence Dr Phil's direction of the show by speaking to him prior to the show being taped, which didn't work as he was suprised at the turn the show took. Shame shame shame on you!

You could also tell as the questions went on both the ME and Gore were getting nervous as if they hadn't expected such detailed questions. The reporter asking the majority of the question had Gore wiping his brow in what seemed like frustration. Good work on that reporters behalf, it doesn't look like Jonah's PR machine has been able to subdue this reporter.

What does AB mean by somebody accessed RZ's computer from SW airline account? Somebody accessed her computer from a different location? Somebody logged onto SW account while on her computer? I don't get it.
One thing i was shaking my head at was when you see the bed post and tape measure . The bed only moved about what looks to be 6 too 8 inches when she jumped could you imagine the force when she came to a sudden stop. I know she was a smaller girl but all that force and it being tied off on the bed leg/pole theres no way she had jumped off it would have moved that bed across the room with all the sudden
How much more bizarre can this case get? Now they are saying she was on her period? Seems to me that a last thing a woman on her period would want to do is to hang herself naked and outside for everybody to see.
How much more bizarre can this case get? Now they are saying she was on her period? Seems to me that a last thing a woman on her period would want to do is to hang herself naked and outside for everybody to see.
I believe earlier the ME was not definitive about whether it was menstrual or spotting due to an IUD he said it could be either and now they are for sure she was on her period? This was enough of a reason not to test the blood in the shower? I think there were have been much more blood than was found on her leg is she was in her cycle IMO.

Blood was found on her inner thighs and the source was either menses or spotting due to an IUD (Intrauterine Device). There was no genital trauma. A small amount of blood was also noted on her big toes which appeared to be due to small scratches from the plants below the balcony.

One thing i was shaking my head at was when you see the bed post and tape measure . The bed only moved about what looks to be 6 too 8 inches when she jumped could you imagine the force when she came to a sudden stop. I know she was a smaller girl but all that force and it being tied off on the bed leg/pole theres no way she had jumped off it would have moved that bed across the room with all the sudden

cbs8 performed a re-enactment earlier -----their bed moved over 3 feet.

http://www.cbs8.com/story/15928565/news ... on-mystery

Exclusive: News 8 reenacts the Coronado mansion mystery

http://www.cbs8.com/story/15940480/mans ... -questions

Mansion mystery: News 8 reenactment reveals new questions

--------SDSO response to reenactment---

News 8 informed the sheriff's department about our results. A spokesperson issued a statement saying:

Your test was invalidated from the beginning. Even if you had the exact bed frame, you don't know the exact mattress (and weight). You don't know what was on the mattress (if anything), and you don't have the same carpet, padding, and indentations made by this particular piece of furniture.

You cannot simulate the exact conditions of that particular night, and you don't know precisely how Rebecca went over the railing. While this suicide is unusual, it is not unprecedented and it would be an enigmatic homicide.
Finally! Keep slamming Rebecca, Gore
Anne Bremner
Someone accessed her computer from a SW Airlines account. ... someone also accessed her computer after she died. Shame on him for implying it was Rebecca. The potential suspect (and there are a few) also accessed *advertiser censored* on his own IPhone and masterbated to it before her body was "found". Gore is insulting a dead woman and her family by his ill-informed remarks.
19 minutes ago · Like

Anne Bremner
Sheriff Gore implied at a press conference that Becky looked at bondage *advertiser censored* on her computer. This is false. Someone accessed her computer from a SW Airlines account before she died and then did generally after she died. And a person of interest in the case viewed *advertiser censored* on his Iphone before "discovering" her body.
Like · · Share · 22 minutes ago ·

BBM. Does this mean that Anne Bremner has Adam's cell phone records? This is the first I've hear of this. It has very disturbing implications.
BBM. Does this mean that Anne Bremner has Adam's cell phone records? This is the first I've hear of this. It has very disturbing implications.

---UNbelievably, as the last one to see rebecca alive, AND the person to find her dead---LE did not get adamS's phone records.

--anneB has adamS's interview with LE , i imagine this is the source of her info.


Bremner said the investigative files contain some information that already has been released, such as autopsy reports and search warrants. Other materials include photos, DVD's, lab reports, surveillance footage, medical records and videotaped interviews of Adam Shacknai and Xena Zahau.

Bremner does not have the file on the boy's death, but said she will request it because she believes the cases are connected.

“I think they're connected. Let's look at everything, blue sky, open air,“ the Seattle-based lawyer said.
I believe earlier the ME was not definitive about whether it was menstrual or spotting due to an IUD he said it could be either and now they are for sure she was on her period? This was enough of a reason not to test the blood in the shower? I think there were have been much more blood than was found on her leg is she was in her cycle IMO.

Blood was found on her inner thighs and the source was either menses or spotting due to an IUD (Intrauterine Device). There was no genital trauma. A small amount of blood was also noted on her big toes which appeared to be due to small scratches from the plants below the balcony.

Yes, they are now saying this was menstrual blood and that's why they did not test blood in the shower.
The stuff about the asian bondage *advertiser censored* being looked at on the mansion computer.... was this JS and RZ's previos habit? Did he initiate it to tie her up and then demand answers about what happened to MS? I keep thinking about the rope ends and if they were taped off... was this rope used before by them?

and AS admitting to masturbating to *advertiser censored*... WOW

BIZARRE... new investigation ASAP!!!
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