Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

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Question: is there a part 3 to this and has it been aired anywhere....have seen some reference to a Dr Phil Uncensored: The Trial episode. Sorry guys if you've already covered this here and am way behind!!

Gotta say it though, good on you George! He's a much freer man for having faced the truth early on and dealing with it in real time. Cindy is caught up in trying to save face I believe.
It was on today...don't know if anyone posted it to YouTube or not. I watched about 15 minutes of it and that was 15 minutes too much, IMO.
After watching the third installment of the Anthony interview on Dr. Phil, I would have laughed at the chosen title "The Trial, The Truth" if there were anything even remotely funny about this tragedy. Though it's JMHO, I don't think anyone will ever know the truth of the matter. I also thought it was interesting that for two people who were trying so hard to present a united front, they couldn't be further apart with regards to their daughter.
For some reason, I'm not too sure why, I expected Mr. Anthony to be in his daughter's corner and Mrs. Anthony to condemn her actions, so I was surprised upon seeing the opposite. I was actually rather relieved to see Mr. Anthony unwilling to excuse his daughter's disgusting accusations against him as simple defense strategy 101 and had hoped to see the same from Mrs. Anthony. To be honest, that defense more than anything else convinced me of CA's guilt. If a woman could do that to the only two people in this world willing to stand beside her despite the great personal cost to themselves, then well, that woman would be capable of anything.
Ultimately, I tried not to judge the Anthony's too harshly, a) because that isn't my place, and b) because a person never really knows how they would conduct themselves in a tragedy until they are faced with one. For whatever my opinion is worth (which isn't much) I believe the jury was just plain wrong. It appears I'm not alone....
I think you may well have called it -- if Walters does the show. Didn't she say last year was her last "Most Fascinating People"?

I'm not sure. I remember that she said that last year was the last of her Oscars shows, but I don't know about the '10 Most Fascinating' specials. Could be, though.

No you are quite right - I forced myself to listen to the clip again.

However it's just semantics isn't it? My answer would be the same for the afternoon or the night. No babysitter, no Caylee. All gone.

Even though it's a minor point, I do think that saying that there weren't any parties to go to in the afternoon at least makes some sense. If he'd really said that there weren't a lot of parties on a Monday night, I would have questioned that because there's always a party somewhere on any given night, if somebody wants to find one.

Just going a bit sideways here but still on topic - :great: - I am so annoyed that Barbara Walters decided to sneak Baez onto the View today. I'm sure that was just that media outlet trying to gauge how "the public" is feeling about him, FCA and the verdict these days.

Yes, I know it was under the guise of the G/Aruba case - but who really believes that. It would only be Barbara who would have been interested. I remember one of them trying to say what the verdict was - and was so upset she couldn't speak and one of the other women had to take over. Here we are -what three months down the road and all of a sudden we are supposed to be over it.

Wrong call, Barbara - as usual by the way. You were way off base with that one. I could understand JVM having Baez on - she's always pushed the ethnic connection with him - but I have a feeling Baez is feeling he is too "uptown" now to appear on the likes of JVM...IMO

I don't think it was sneaky at all. I read earlier (in this thread, I think) that he was also on the Today show on Monday morning. I've noticed that it's very common to make the rounds of the morning shows, or at least be on more than one, while you're in town. It used to get on my nerves when I watched more morning TV, because the same guest would be on GMA then Regis then The View then Today--all in one morning. So if somebody shows up on one of the shows from NYC, I'm not surprised when he shows up on another.
Taking into consideration that RC's sister was in jail at the same time and delivering books to KC it just seems like way too much of a coincidence that RC ends up hooking up with GA. What are the odds? jmo
I hate to ask.. but.. link please? :seeya:
Lamb, if I could, I'd make you breakfast...

..transcript of RC's sister ("skye"--cecelia benhaida) OCSO interview where she talks about being a trustee in jail---cleaning kc's cell, bringing her meals, passing a few letters for her....( and everything she knows about her sister RC and george...and cindy...etc.)

---"skye" OCSO interview---february 2010--
John and Patsy Ramsey did the same thing and I am sure there are many others who do it when caught in a corner, they freeze and try to blame others.

Cindy was very good to Caylee and loved her dearly. I cannot apply the title "evil" to Cindy - Evil is left for the likes of Manson and his idiot followers who did what he wanted.

But we disagree.

Evil does not have to be spectacular. Evil is helping the killer of a baby escape justice. Which actually is pretty spectacular in terms of evil.
Ugh...Cindy honestly believes...

From what I've heard a couple jurors say, they thought George could have done what was claimed. No proof, no evidence, but he could have--according to them.

Cindy, get real FGS!! For your own sanity, do it! The jurors acquitted your granddaughter's murderer because they believed George was a liar. Not a killer, but a liar. And possibly a molester. The jury made an atrocious error and God did not free Casey.

The worst part of Cindy's ramblings is that she is being paid to do it. Good grief, is there no common decency left in this world??
Actually, the foreman said it was discussed that GA could possibly have been the killer. This was stated in GVS interview.
The language sounded like it came from Casey, as well as the "details" about the alleged molestation........not even JB would have made that part up.


I'm sure Baez and Mason covered themselves and got a signed affidavit from FCA. In the course of three years and knowing what we know now, we can only speculate how many different stories she told. At some point FCA had to explain away the rare Henkel duct tape and Whitney laundry bag, even to her attorneys.
Actually, the foreman said it was discussed that GA could possibly have been the killer. This was stated in GVS interview.

I am no fan of GA, especially after this latest interview, but GA as the killer or even as an accomplish during the murder, is just preposterous. How could that jury get so lost.
I am no fan of GA, especially after this latest interview, but GA as the killer or even as an accomplish during the murder, is just preposterous. How could that jury get so lost.

Because the Judge and prosecution allowed the Baez team to run unchecked. They knew Baez was inventing garbage so they should have held his nose to it. Instead they sat back and made faces and lost control of the evidence.
I didn't watch, so I'm not sure, but it sounds like George is representing that he was surprised at hearing the opening statement? If that is correct, that tells us even more about Cindy. Who could possibly hear such a horrible thing about your husband that was going to be made public, and not tell him? If the defense team called her in and told her two or three weeks before the trial, she would have had plenty of opportunity to prepare George. How can George not understand how low on her list of loyalties he sits?
the 1st morning when kc was at home on bail and ga wanted to get her to talk and everyone held him back...those who held him back wronged caylee. kc needed someone to be hard on her.
I hope that Lee and Mallory are able to have somewhat of a pleasant life together in spite of this tragedy.
I hope that Lee and Mallory are able to have somewhat of a pleasant life together in spite of this tragedy.

I don't know. Now they have to worry about the A's taking upon themselves to let KC babysit when LA drops the kids off with the grandparents. CA sure knows how to dig a hole. jmo
Evil does not have to be spectacular. Evil is helping the killer of a baby escape justice. Which actually is pretty spectacular in terms of evil.

Cindy Anthony is not the reason FCA got off. If you're going to place blame, blame it on the 12 people that made the decision to let her go.
Actually, the foreman said it was discussed that GA could possibly have been the killer. This was stated in GVS interview.

They didn't find him credible (actually didn't find any of them credible). I'm not sure the interview would have changed any of their minds on that front.
I hope that Lee and Mallory are able to have somewhat of a pleasant life together in spite of this tragedy.

I believe that would necessitate moving as far away from Mom and Dad as physically possible.
Guys we should remember that these two are both the victims of a dangerous psychopath.

I believe the only victim in this tragedy is Caylee. Three years ago I would have agreed about CA being a victim. And GA, the only thing I can say about GA is the same thing I've said for the last three years-weak! I'll never change my mind about CA, but if GA were to stand up and tell the truth maybe I would see him as not so weak.
They are both counting their lucky stars. Picking on "poor" GA allowed that diabolical pair to get a lot of "paid" mileage out of that "false" accusation and continue their charade. Undoubtedly made their interview price go up.
Both are laughing all the way to the bank.
They really should thank Baez for that positive PR. May be they did already and/or were part of that quite clever strategy.
I do not consider them victims anymore. After this interview, they remind me more of vultures, hovering over remains..
And I do apologize to real birds of prey for this analogy.

I do not agree with that. George was never going to rollover for Casey, period, and Casey and Baez knew that. To accuse him falsely of such horrendous accusations certainly served George no purpose or advantage. He will carry the taint with him for the rest of his life? Surely you aren't saying he was wanting others to believe he was a child molester and body dumper of his own granddaughter? Respectfully, I find that theory utterly and beyond ridiculous. If that was their strategy then he would have fallen on his sword for his twisted daughter.

It had to be the most humiliating thing he has ever had to experience with having to sit there under Judge Perry's tight rules and not react. I know George wanted to leap over that railing and beat the crap out of Baez right then and there, but he knew he couldn't. And now that he knows Caylee received no justice he probably wishes he could go back all over again and do just that!

I can even understand why Cindy said she got sick to her stomach after hearing Baez' OS.

There is absolutely no evidence anywhere that George was even included in the theory of the defense. George was told by Jeff Ashton.

Baez went straight to the one that he knew would believe the moon is made of cheese. Cindy Anthony.

I believe the only victim in this tragedy is Caylee. Three years ago I would have agreed about CA being a victim. And GA, the only thing I can say about GA is the same thing I've said for the last three years-weak! I'll never change my mind about CA, but if GA were to stand up and tell the truth maybe I would see him as not so weak.

I agree with you to a point. I think they were a victim when this horrible thing happened. They didn't ask for this and even if you throw 'enablement' into the mix, CA isn't responsible for what happened to Caylee. As far as ultimately who is responsible for all this (Caylee's death and the aftermath), I look at two undeniable facts:

1. Caylee Anthony is no longer on this earth
2. CA/GA/LA is not the reason why Caylee is no longer on this earth.

I think their actions after the fact leave a lot to be desired, but I don't forget what put them in that circumstance to begin with.
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