Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

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She sure has dug herself one here. Lee knows her as well as anyone and IMO she would have a fight on her hands to have any influence at all in the upbringing of a child of L & M.

Whilst there appears to have been method to Cindy's madness where Caylee and the Felon's ability to care for her were concerned - and this may be one of the few things Cindy had right in theory - she messed it up by virtue of her very character and nature. Lee and Mallory have already all but disappeared and I don't believe Lee will want her taking a hand in the care or raising of any child of his own ... one really couldn't blame him for feeling it will be like the last time.

I respectively disagree. I don't think Lee will have a problem at all allowing his sister to babysit his future should he choose to have them. IMO Lee believes as his mother does, that Miss Casey is completely innocent. And he might even believe the defense that his father had something to do with it.

Although if I were Lee I would play it safe and elect not to have any children. It appears that there is serious and I mean serious mental issues within this family and I would fear to pass them down if I were Lee.

IMO I think it best that Caylee be the last child this family is ever blessed with having. This "family" is the most completely diabolical, dysfunctional, and unhealthy family I've ever seen. This family just does not foster a healthy environment for children. So IMO they shouldn't be around any.
I never heard that and I think I would remember it; however, he did tell KC that he did not want girl babies as they make for an ugly child - (meaning he grew up with three sisters (I think 3) and he had a hard time and he did not want girls for children. He told that to LE on his second interview and felt guilty about saying it.

Then maybe it was a deposition. I do know he absolutely said it. I believe his response was when LE had asked if Caylee had ever spent the night at his apartment and his response was absolutely not because he didn't believe it was an appropriate environment for a child.
I have thought from day one and continue to think that the A's, along with JB and Casey, concocted the whole sexual abuse story to get Casey off. I believe that they tried to get Lee involved as well; but, he became noticeably absent, making me think that he didn't go along with the fabrication as planned. The A's are continuing to play scripted roles--but their true selves peek out from time to time in these interviews.


No one will ever convince me that George would follow a script for a murderer he wanted held accountable. Nor would he follow a script going along with being called a child molester, and if that wasnt bad enough, but to also be called the 'body dumper' of the very child he loved more than anyone, imo.

No way, imo.

George would not have his life ruined for his daughter. It is very evident he did not go along with the DTs charade and despised Baez, rightly so.

That is why George had to be brought down.

I'm not sure about GA but I think it would be fair to say the felons target was her parents. I believe the felon staged the backyard, ladder on pool and back gate open. That set CA up to take the fall.
The squirrels under the car, my dad must have run over them meaning he was driving the car. The unique duct tape used on Caylee, SA missed this as a clear sign from the felon pointing to her dad as the killer. The molesation letters, minus her claims to JG. That was her trying to gain sympathy from Jesse so he would marry her + it's his baby when it wasn't.
Anyone believe the felon wouldn't have screamed molesation from the roof tops before all this took place. She wanted GA out because he didn't buy her stories, he was a threat.
I believe the felon convinced herself that her parents are the ones who truly killed Caylee, she was the one who did the deed but in her mind they forced her to do it by their actions.
Start thinking in terms of the felons mindset, premeditated, what clues did she leave for LE to implicate either GA or CA?

Is it possible the jurors saw these small clues left by the felon pointing towards GA & CA, is it possible she left enough evidence pointing away from her to cause the reasonable doubt, subconsciously?

The unique duct tape used on Caylee pointing towards.. GA
The staged scene in backyard, ladder up and back gate open..CA
The molesation..GA
The squirrels, my dad was driving the car..GA
Chloroform in trunk points towards the pool..CA..(never said the felon was smart)

MOO ...

These are some good points, MsMacGyver. Here is my :twocents: :twocents:

As to the "felon", she is not very smart -- but very "manipulative". It is "my opinion" that AFTER the "felon" killed Caylee, she started to "think" about HOW she was going to FRAME "someone else" for what she did ... afterall, the "felon" has NEVER accepted responsibility for anything she has done and mommie was always there to "clean up her mess" ...

The "felon" knew the "Zanny the Nanny" would never hold up, but she gave it a shot. It's all a "game" to the "felon" -- like "how long can I get away with this" ? Know what I mean ? Again, the "felon" is not very smart but she had to have some sort of "back-up" plan when the "Zanny" story fell through ... so WHO ELSE could she blame but 2 people she really "hated" !

The felon's "attempt" to try to put the "blame" on George or Cindy with respect to the "physical evidence" was weak -- the ladder story, the pictures of Cindy and Caylee climbing the ladder and going into the pool ...

BUT -- the felon and her attorney's "attempt" to put the "blame" on George at the trial obviously worked for the Pinellas 12 because the 12 "bought" the bs story about the "molestation" and George finding the body (and for some reason believed Roy Kronk was there), when there was ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE or PROOF to back up ANY of these allegations. The Pinellas 12 believed the defense's BS with NOTHING to back it up ... which makes NO SENSE AT ALL ! It is quite obvious to me the Pinellas 12 "hated" the SA -- I thought the state did a great job, however, mistakes were made.

And one of the BIGGEST MISTAKES made in this case was the "Extra Special Treatment" Cindy and George Anthony received from the SA: The State should have NEVER "tried to play ball" with George and Cindy ... when the SA heard about the "molestation" story, they should have went after Jose for that as well ... the Anthony's played BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE ! Also, the SA should have charged Cindy with PERJURY after her testimony ! And Judge Perry : he should have NEVER let the Anthony's sit in the courtroom during other's testimony -- that was NOT fair to the other witnesses and their testimony.

Also, the State should have treated the Anthony's as HOSTILE WITNESSES, and the State should have made it clear to the jury that the Anthony's "obstructed justice" and "covered-up" FOR the FELON -- not themselves ... After looking back, I think this is one area the State was weak in ...

Phil McGraw's 3 hour interview was a HUGE WASTE ... the Anthony's have NEVER -- and NEVER WILL -- tell a TRUTH !

MOO ...
Then maybe it was a deposition. I do know he absolutely said it. I believe his response was when LE had asked if Caylee had ever spent the night at his apartment and his response was absolutely not because he didn't believe it was an appropriate environment for a child.
I remember reading that as well.. But my CRS is preventing me from remembering where I read it.. I do remember thinking that he was very correct in believing that a "bachelor" apartment full of guys was no place at all for a young child to spend much time in...
If you were my neighbor I would give you my DVD to watch. I was going to see if I could make a copy and send to whomever wanted to see it, I'm not computer friendly otherwise I could upload it!

You are so nice and I thank you. I can't believe the interviews 1 and 2 are up so soon. But they are for anyone who is interested.
Didn't Lee change attorneys around the time of his testimony? I mean, dropping Mark Lippman? Not sure 'cause I can't find it now. TIA

Yes, I think he did change attorneys "again" ...

I thought it was strange because it was sometime during the trial, but I don't remember exactly when ...
BBM: Thank You ! I was wondering WHO brought up Lee's name.

:waitasec: WHY in the world would Phil ask the Anthony's about the possibility of the "felon" babysitting for Lee -- IF and WHEN Lee were to have children ?

This is NOT a question for Cindy, or George to ANSWER ! Cindy and George should have told Phil that that is Lee's DECISION -- NOT their decision ...

Phil should KNOW better than to ask a question like that ...

MOO ...

Phil probably saw how people LOVED when Joy Behar asked Dottie Simms the same question, and Dottie's stammering answer, and maybe he was being a copy-cat. Joy got kudos from certain factions for that question and not letting Dottie get away with a weak response.
That question worked out great for Joy, maybe he hoped he might strike it lucky and get some notable response from the A's..... Good Luck with that!!!!

One of his statements. Not sure which one. He didn't feel the environment was appropriate for a child.

Which in my opinion shows a depth of maturity for him even though he was not a parent.
Ok. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DwUUsHiF3U&feature=related"]Dr Phil the Anthony Interview Pt. 2 - YouTube[/ame]

At 33.17 - What were we going to do with her (Caylee) anyway.

I know we discussed this, but after watching her say this AGAIN, I am in utter shock that Cindy would talk about Caylee being DUMPED in the swamp with garbage and that basically Cindy is saying we were going to do the same thing anyway, basically. WHAT THE $%#$ ARE YOU TALKIN ABOUT CINDY. This is your granddaughter. Your 2 1/2 year old baby granddaughter.

I don't even know how to respond to that.

One little blurb of how Cindy twists things (interview #3) is this. Cindy is telling Dr.Phil about how Baez called her to his office because Casey wanted her to be the first to know how Caylee died.

Afterwards, she says this:

"Lee and I told George and then my attorney Mark and his assistant came to our house. Mark wanted to sit down with Geroge because there was some innuendos that there were allegations that the States Attorney's Office was going to go after George. Mark wanted to speak with George to see if he knew anything."

Wasn't it the SA's that gave George the heads up that drowning and abuse were coming in at trial? I don't recall ever hearing anything about the SA coming after George. Anyone else?
I have thought from day one and continue to think that the A's, along with JB and Casey, concocted the whole sexual abuse story to get Casey off. I believe that they tried to get Lee involved as well; but, he became noticeably absent, making me think that he didn't go along with the fabrication as planned. The A's are continuing to play scripted roles--but their true selves peek out from time to time in these interviews.


You could very well be right. The allegations towards LA fisseled out. CA claimed in interview # 3 that she believes after LA's crying fit on the stand, the felon put a stop to JB including him in the mess..LOL
Remember when LA got off the stand and JB shook his hand or patted his back...HMMMM?
I believe after the paternity test proved he had no involvement in Caylees birth, there was no point in including him. I think if LA was pushed by JB, he could have come back swinging, open a can of worms so to speak. JA even commented on this after the trial. I think LA could have spilled ALOT of beans about the felon that might have changed the minds of the jurors, as if they didn't see enough of her behavior. JB knew if he pushed the envelope, JA would have jumped on it and cross examined LA about a whole lotta information that he knows! Family secrets..the felons past behavior..was this like the last time..remember?
LA played his role on the stand and JA knew it! He then walked quietly away. His absence in court told me, OK mom, I will do what you want but don't ask me to sit in that court room and watch this dog and pony show.
This family together could have brought justice, which means to seek the truth, to Caylee Marie but instead collectively played their parts to set a killer free. I hope we never hear any of them say..what happened to Caylee. They missed their chance to find the truth, the felon will never fess up now.
The felons behavior shows us she can tell the truth when backed into a corner. How much of a corner did she need than the death penalty. If it was truly an accident then she would have told the story a long time ago, she can't, because she killed her child, premeditated, with malice and fore thought. Thats why she kept her mouth shut for 3 years and then came forth with the daddy touched me ,thats why I lie story. Thats why she had seizures, our mind controls our body, she knows exactly what she did. You could see it in court when she had to sit and listen to what Caylee looked like after 6 months in a swamp. At one point I saw her draw back, like she was flashing back to the scene. The tape on Caylees mouth was to implicate GA, it was unique and belonged to GA!
Knowing CA, from what we have seen, how can anyone question that CA is the boss, she decided to circle the wagons, stick together as a family and protect the one being attacked. The price she paid was a big one!
One little blurb of how Cindy twists things (interview #3) is this. Cindy is telling Dr.Phil about how Baez called her to his office because Casey wanted her to be the first to know how Caylee died.

Afterwards, she says this:

"Lee and I told George and then my attorney Mark and his assistant came to our house. Mark wanted to sit down with Geroge because there was some innuendos that there were allegations that the States Attorney's Office was going to go after George. Mark wanted to speak with George to see if he knew anything."

Wasn't it the SA's that gave George the heads up that drowning and abuse were coming in at trial? I don't recall ever hearing anything about the SA coming after George. Anyone else?

I heard it also. At first I thought she mis spoke but I think she let the cat out of the bag.
Re: Sexual abuse. IMO, there is no way that George went along with this allegation. It is the worst thing you can say about a man, worse than murder. There is no way. And he also looked broken on the stand when he talked about it.
I heard it also. At first I thought she mis spoke but I think she let the cat out of the bag.

I first thought she misspoke too but replayed it and listened carefully. George also said he expected the molestation to come in but not like the opening statement.

This whole family is crazy. This whole trial was crazy and I feel crazy sitting here wasting my time trying to figure it out! Lol. Off to shine my sink (flylady.com)
One little blurb of how Cindy twists things (interview #3) is this. Cindy is telling Dr.Phil about how Baez called her to his office because Casey wanted her to be the first to know how Caylee died.

Afterwards, she says this:

"Lee and I told George and then my attorney Mark and his assistant came to our house. Mark wanted to sit down with Geroge because there was some innuendos that there were allegations that the States Attorney's Office was going to go after George. Mark wanted to speak with George to see if he knew anything."

Wasn't it the SA's that gave George the heads up that drowning and abuse were coming in at trial? I don't recall ever hearing anything about the SA coming after George. Anyone else?

RBBM: Cindy said this ? omg ... her LIES are now passing up the felon's !

And yes ... the SA gave George a "heads up" about the DT ...

And the State should have NEVER done that -- they should have known the Anthony's were playing BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE !

MOO ...
MOO ...

These are some good points, MsMacGyver. Here is my :twocents: :twocents:

As to the "felon", she is not very smart -- but very "manipulative". It is "my opinion" that AFTER the "felon" killed Caylee, she started to "think" about HOW she was going to FRAME "someone else" for what she did ... afterall, the "felon" has NEVER accepted responsibility for anything she has done and mommie was always there to "clean up her mess" ...

The "felon" knew the "Zanny the Nanny" would never hold up, but she gave it a shot. It's all a "game" to the "felon" -- like "how long can I get away with this" ? Know what I mean ? Again, the "felon" is not very smart but she had to have some sort of "back-up" plan when the "Zanny" story fell through ... so WHO ELSE could she blame but 2 people she really "hated" !

The felon's "attempt" to try to put the "blame" on George or Cindy with respect to the "physical evidence" was weak -- the ladder story, the pictures of Cindy and Caylee climbing the ladder and going into the pool ...

BUT -- the felon and her attorney's "attempt" to put the "blame" on George at the trial obviously worked for the Pinellas 12 because the 12 "bought" the bs story about the "molestation" and George finding the body (and for some reason believed Roy Kronk was there), when there was ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE or PROOF to back up ANY of these allegations. The Pinellas 12 believed the defense's BS with NOTHING to back it up ... which makes NO SENSE AT ALL ! It is quite obvious to me the Pinellas 12 "hated" the SA -- I thought the state did a great job, however, mistakes were made.

And one of the BIGGEST MISTAKES made in this case was the "Extra Special Treatment" Cindy and George Anthony received from the SA: The State should have NEVER "tried to play ball" with George and Cindy ... when the SA heard about the "molestation" story, they should have went after Jose for that as well ... the Anthony's played BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE ! Also, the SA should have charged Cindy with PERJURY after her testimony ! And Judge Perry : he should have NEVER let the Anthony's sit in the courtroom during other's testimony -- that was NOT fair to the other witnesses and their testimony.

Also, the State should have treated the Anthony's as HOSTILE WITNESSES, and the State should have made it clear to the jury that the Anthony's "obstructed justice" and "covered-up" FOR the FELON -- not themselves ... After looking back, I think this is one area the State was weak in ...

Phil McGraw's 3 hour interview was a HUGE WASTE ... the Anthony's have NEVER -- and NEVER WILL -- tell a TRUTH !

MOO ...

Cindy knew without a shadow of a doubt George was not going to agree with what Baez was trying to sell Cindy. Yeah, she knew he would be madder than h8ll about it. She went to Lee so he could convince his dad that it was true, imo. It didnt work.


Yes, I think you are right and what hope could it have had in working since Baez and FCA levelled the same charges against Lee? And Lee had done an enormous amount of work "investigating" the initial two or three months after Caylee was declared "missing". He knew his sister was a liar and knew she was lying about the drowning.
I just don't have the same problem that most peeps have with Mallory's testimony. She was testifying about what she thought of FCA as a mother during the time period (only) that she saw FCA with Caylee. I think that must have been horribly difficult for her to do knowing what she knew after that time period.
But had she said anything differently, Baez would have torn her testimony apart IMO, since she herself had no definite proof FCA was a bad mother - she was counting on third party information to say otherwise. NBD - IMO.
I first thought she misspoke too but replayed it and listened carefully. George also said he expected the molestation to come in but not like the opening statement.

This whole family is crazy. This whole trial was crazy and I feel crazy sitting here wasting my time trying to figure it out! Lol. Off to shine my sink (flylady.com)

Thats why I have pre ordered JA's book. I hope he includes some inside info, could it have been possible the SA was going to charge GA with something?

What I think is REALLY interesting is when you rewind the tape, you see these two in backwards motion, CA more than GA, look VERY deceptive!
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