Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

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After reading here about all 3 interviews-Don't you all wish there was a way to get the TRUTH out to all those people who watched and America who believe their lies-I so wish someone here at WS would write a book about all the depos,hearings,lies etc.And bring the Ants down hard!!!
I wanna know how CA & GA have stayed together for the last three years with the difference in the way the two think? Haven't they been seperated before? If I were in GA's shoes I couldn't live in the same house with that woman. JMOO

I think they stayed together during the trial - like someone put it it was them against the trial. I think it's possible they might split up now. I don't know how GA can take it personally!!

It's bad enough that FCA got off scott free, but CA has to rub it in our faces. She needs to shut up! Doubt they got a penny in donations with her big mouth! I'm sure GA if fully aware she is hurting their income with her stupid stupid lies about the trial and how Caylee died.
She didn't work for two years and cindy knew exactly where she was...sitting in her living room talking and texting on the phone. We all know in our heart that she could not have done a good job with Caylee. Did she have Caylee locked in her Bedroom for hours while she played on the computer?

Cindy..shame on you! You know your daughter and you let her immature selfish azz watch your precious grandchild and did nothing. Was it really worth saving all that money you would have had to pay for a competent sitter? You knew. You can't admit it to yourself or anyone. Afterall, it may cut back on your cash flow!
I turned on my TV just as the Baez segment on The View was ending. I didn't hear any of the Aruba stuff which is fine with me; I'm not interested in the current Aruba case and wasn't interested in the last one.

But I do think that if Casey does any interviews this year, it'll be with Barbara Walters. Casey will be one of her 'most fascinating people of the year'; she has to be. There's no way anybody can look back on 2011 and not include her in that list. I suppose Walters could still include her on the list without doing a 1:1 interview, but it would be a huge ratings moment if she did get an interview with her for that special at the end of the year.

And responding to a few posts...

I didn't say anybody gets a free pass to act any way you choose. I'm just saying that there's no particular way of responding to a tragedy or loss that's the 'correct' way. And I'm certainly not going to judge anybody's grieving based on what the media feeds us about them.

I don't know if Cindy's a good person or not. I know next to nothing about her.

No thread here or on any message board or website is going to help anybody understand the dynamics of the Anthony family. More accurately, threads would help them understand the dynamics of those observing the family, not the family itself.

I don't think I've learned anything about the Anthonys here.

I very much doubt that Baez has to beg to go on any of these shows, or that any of they would just say, 'Oh, we better put Baez on because he's begging us to have him on'. They will always always always have the guests that they think people want to hear from, not the guests that beg them to be on.

That's just 100% not true. We look at primary sources like videos, interviews, statements, depositions, in context. That's like saying you can't learn anything from reading a book. You can...well, most people can.
So far I have learned alot from this 3rd interview. What I would comment on right now is;

CA: I would swear on Caylee's name I made a search for chloroform.

CA said before this she put in the search bar chlorophyll and chloroform came up and she clicked on it. It was only up for a couple seconds and then WE clicked off it.

Who is the we?
CA said she made a search, not that she didn't commit perjury.

I have this taped and will rewatch it tonight. I don't know about anyone else but I heard tons of lies in this interview.

One thing I can say right now which bothered me at the time was the DT opening statement:
JB: Shortly after GA starts to yell at KC..look what you've done..your mother will never forgive you..and you will go to jail for neglect for the rest of your frickin life.

You can hear the felons lies within this OS..

Shortly after...would someone wait to start screaming at another after just finding the dead child?

You will go to jail for neglect for the rest of your frickin life

Frickin is the felons language, not GA's
GA is EX-LE...would he tell anyone they will go to jail for neglect for the rest of their life. Neglect may be an offense but not a sentence for life.

I remember that awful, awkward, stilted statement and how JB delivered it. It sounded made up on the spot to me though it probably came from FCA. Who on Earth thinks you get a life sentence for neglect? Unbelievable.
I think they stayed together during the trial - like someone put it it was them against the trial. I think it's possible they might split up now. I don't know how GA can take it personally!!

It's bad enough that FCA got off scott free, but CA has to rub it in our faces. She needs to shut up! Doubt they got a penny in donations with her big mouth! I'm sure GA if fully aware she is hurting their income with her stupid stupid lies about the trial and how Caylee died.

I hope they do split up. Not because I think this is any of my business but because I think George has the potential to be a bit more grounded in reality and may improve in that regard over time. Chances of that are best if he goes it alone, IMO.

As far as the interview circuit goes, I do not think these people will be giving that up, so I would prefer to see George going it alone. If anyone cares to do an inteview where some truth might come to light it will be George, with Cindy not even in the same zip code at the time.
Usually you swear on your mother's name presuming she is dead. At least in come cultures they do do that. The problem is CA claims she did the searches on those days and she knows she did them because she skipped work those days and she swore, under oath, that her employer altered her timecard to show she worked. Not only was it proven she lied, she also accused her boss of doing something that could have gotten that boss fired if it were true. So who would you be willing to believe. She didn't just tell a little mistruth she told a whopper that had far reaching implications of healthcare fraud. CA can't work because her lies would make any employer think twice before he hired her. jmo

It was proven she was @ work by the Admin. from Gentiva. She logged in on her computer: No other employee can do so. It was Cindy and there was activity on her computer. Cindy lies and people give her money...amazing!

The felon learned how to circumvent every question by listening to her mother. They sound exactly alike.
I don't believe for a sec that she drowned in the pool and if CA really believes this then it will plague her everyday of her life. She and Caylee were the last ones in the pool the day before. Did she put the ladder back or not? As much as FCA hated CA, (telling her friends that CA is crazy) I'm sure that's exactly what she wants CA to believe. That Caylee drowned because CA forgot to take the ladder off of the pool. Do I think that this happened. Hell no. FCA was in party mode with no sitter. Plain and simple. I have a question. Did she win the hot body contest? Did the ends justify the means? Was that hot sex with TL worth the life of her daughter?
I believe this is exactly part of how the "drowned in the swimming pool" defense began, to make CA question herself if she did or didn't remove the pool ladder, the intent of which would be to forever torment her. I also believe, however, it was for convenience to use the pool's existence for an "accidental" drowning which was intended to absolve Casey of any responsibility in her daughter's death.

Cindy won't let GA go. The only possibility would be if she has another man. She couldn't spend one night alone..she is an extreme codependent. Now if the felon moves back in, that could work. They love and hate each other so much that they may kill each other...which, come think of it........?
This question has been bandied about quite a bit: Is Cindy Anthony EVIL? So I typed in "definition of evil" and the first definition on the Merriam-Webster online dictionary is: "morally reprehensible."

Well ... yup yup. That works for me.

I find it morally reprehensible that Cindy Anthony (and, under her direction, George) 1) continually covered up their adult daughter's criminal acts, lying to authorities and to the media, 2) attempted to clean up a crime scene (Cindy: aka The Febreeze Queen), then 3) lied about it under oath, and then had the nerve to 4) hit the talk show circuit, continuing to spin their web of lies and playing the bereaved grandparents. HEY CINDY! The victim was your toddler granddaughter, CAYLEE...not YOU. Not GEORGE. And certainly NOT your Bad Seed, CASEY!

Caylee "didn't suffer?" WHA'?!!! Look in the mirror, lady. She suffered plenty, even before her untimely demise. You should slink away in shame...and SHUT UP.


Oh, and I believe George is desperately attempting some damage control ... there will always be people who believe he is a kiddie molester and that's got to be making him crazy. Hey GEORGE...grow a pair! Leave that harpy you're married to and then tell us the TRUTH. You owe it to CAYLEE. Remember her? The VICTIM?!

CA put the ladder back at the pool, the following day. She knew/suspected on Monday that something terrible happened to Caylee and she was covering all bases. She also told the media that Jeff and her daughter were off on vacation with Caylee. Cindy knew!!!
Just a watching the show. CA has NO sensitiivity chip, no moral compass, no compassion, and failed Caylee MISERABY.

And the whole chloroform/chlorphyl argument makes me want to puke. I can't believe CA is still holding true to this story. She's SO concerned about her doggies eating bamboo, but turns a blind eye to her daughters delusional/thieving lies? GMAFB.

If there's something wrong with CFCMA's brain - the same disorder is alive and well in CA's brain.


I think the meeting before the trial was to plan a story to get Casey off. George wasn't present because he was the one who was going to be used to throw suspicion off Casey, but I think he knew all about it.
I think the two different stories these two are telling now are designed to keep interest in the story. They are in this together. I also think if Casey showed up at their door, they would all welcome her back with open arms and have a good laugh about how smart they all are to have pulled it off.
Pathological Narcissism combined with a severe case of Borderline Personality = evil. She and her daughter have both in spades!
Dr. Phil asked George that too - that as a former LE he knew there would be no death-penalty case if it was an accidental drowning, and George said 'yes'.

It is stupidity. Common sense gets thrown out the dang window when Cindy is involved.

She even proved it in this interview. She thinks it's okay if FCA were to have another child. She also thinks it would be okay if an when Lee & Mal have a child that FCA would be a trustworthy sitter for them.
I hope they do split up. Not because I think this is any of my business but because I think George has the potential to be a bit more grounded in reality and may improve in that regard over time. Chances of that are best if he goes it alone, IMO.

As far as the interview circuit goes, I do not think these people will be giving that up, so I would prefer to see George going it alone. If anyone cares to do an inteview where some truth might come to light it will be George, with Cindy not even in the same zip code at the time.

I agree. Cindy treats him like carp anyway. She acts like she's perfect and he's this villian. Just because he did some online gambling and supposedly had an affair I don't think that's any worse then her lies and her behavior in general. a lot of men have had affairs who have had the best relationships. Even if GA had an affair I wouldn't blame him. Living in that house with FCA and CA would be enough to make someone do anything including having an affair. He needs to get out of that TOXIC environment and you know darn well CA will take FCA back in a heartbeat. The two can sit around crying about how Caylee drowned and it was only her shell out there rotting in the woods. They both sicken me and that is where FCA got her sickness from good ole MOM.
I wanna know how CA & GA have stayed together for the last three years with the difference in the way the two think? Haven't they been seperated before? If I were in GA's shoes I couldn't live in the same house with that woman. JMOO

Because George is spineless. He had all that time to stand up for Caylee and he chose not too. He had to wait until it was too late, in a public place on national TV to assert his feelings for the first time because he's so dominated by Cindy.

The truth seems to be that him and Cindy are two delusional peas in a pod. His untruths on the stand were actually probably even more damaging to the state's case than Cindy. He was the one the jurors' had to believe because he was the co-conspirator implicated by the defense. From the first time he got on the stand and told the obviously fictional account of the last time he saw Caylee (which is demonstrably false because it contradicts his FBI depo) to his lying about his relationship with River Cruz, he made himself an unbelievable witness. After hearing the way Cindy's tone of voice got sharp when River Cruz came up in the Dr Phil interview, it's obvious to me that George lied about RC on the stand because he didn't want Cindy to get mad at him about it...he cared about that more than the truth.
George tends to be a little more truthful if cindy isn't sitting next to him. <modsnip>
I remember that awful, awkward, stilted statement and how JB delivered it. It sounded made up on the spot to me though it probably came from FCA. Who on Earth thinks you get a life sentence for neglect? Unbelievable.

Yes. It was an awful, awkward, stilted and completely unbelievable OS. None of it made a bit of sense. I still don't understand how anyone could believe one word of it. I was a little surprised the A's didn't point out a couple more things about it that didn't make any sense. Like who in the world looks for a child who begs to swim every day, under beds, in closets and in the garage before checking the pool.
In thinking about the perjury charges not being filed by the SA against CA, could the employer could potentially file monetary charges against CA for accepting pay for hours she is now stating she was not working? But seriously, since CA has now taken one side of the fence and wants to let it be known that she was at home during the time of the chloroform searches and her work has documentation that she was working and paid for that time - isn't that still fraud against her employer?
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