Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

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Well, that explains why they did not take down the pool. Caylee did not suffer. Because all drowning victims go peacefully. *sarcasm* :doh: :eek:hdear:

GMAB - CA needs to just stop talking. :footinmouth:

Like Drowning is a barrel of fun! I would call that suffering CINDY!!!!
Cindy said it on today's Dr. Phil. OY...my head hurts just thinking about it!!!!!

PS- referring to the DT's (and her own) claims about her father molesting her.

How does Cindy know that Casey regrets doing this to her father. She has not talked to Casey. And if she does regret it, is she saying that Casey admits it never happened and she used it to get off. DON'T TELL ME THAT PHIL LET THAT SLIDE. COMOEN ON I CAN'T TAKE IT.
If what CA said is true about Lee (that he'd also be willing to help OCA find a place to live) then I've been ALL wrong about him! I do believe it's true the plan was to include Lee in the 'molestation' angle but his 'sister' decided she couldn't go along with it=why he was never asked about it by Baez..What she doesn't get is the damage was already done & it looks like Lee doesn't get it either!

They only "get" what they want to get. Anything else is just pushed aside.

I am not believing Cindy's take on how others feel about Casey--not even when she answers for George because she "understands" why he feels a certain way.

Why would Casey need help finding a place to live? She doesn't want to stay in Florida and apparently has means to relocate so IMO she does not need her family for this. For paying off civil judgments, perhaps, but their help finding her a home would mean they would have her address, and she does not want that.
The one statement from CA that "ruffled my feathers" was that CA (when learning from JB about the drowning)

"I felt relieved that Caylee didn't suffer........"

Um, :waitasec: HUH? Hold up. Drowning (if THAT is what truly happened) is one of the most horrible of deaths.

She (CA) just turns my stomach with some of the things she says. So, now we at least know that CA is "relieved" that she now knows that Caylee didn't suffer. GMAB :banghead:


Greetings, WOO! :seeya: That comment and the one referencing a message from God that it was an accidental death when the jury returned the not guilty verdicts...........still confusing to me what that was all about. If you understood it, please explain!


Cindy commenting on KC's reaction in court to the molestation story...

"What KC had to do to her dad.....or what her defense team had to do."

Freudian slip????

Also of note....Cindy said that at the time when GA was going to move back after the time apart, KC was looking for any ammunition to keep GA out. If the molestation had taken place she would have spilled it at that time. (paraphrased)
On Caylee's name, the one person I hold close in my heart I did search for chloroform. CA

"ON CAYLEE'S NAME" that <self mod snip> said she looked up chlorophil...
CA is playing a ridiculous game of semantics. That's why she threw in the "I swear on Caylee's grave". Notice, she never said that at any other time in the interview. That's a true sign of a semantics game. Dr. Phil should have called her on it.

Sigh - well there is Cindy caught in another whopper - or all of a sudden, unknown to us, Caylee suddenly has a grave? Or in the great illusionist Cindy's mind does that then make it not a lie??? If she doesn't have a grave?:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
How does Cindy know that Casey regrets doing this to her father. She has not talked to Casey. And if she does regret it, is she saying that Casey admits it never happened and she used it to get off. DON'T TELL ME THAT PHIL LET THAT SLIDE. COMOEN ON I CAN'T TAKE IT.
Cindy even went as far as saying that Casey's crying during Baez's OS could have been her regret for using this little tidbit. Cindy said from "Day 1" Baez said he would do whatever it would take to get Casey off because she wasn't guilty of hurting her child. Dr. Phil kinda wondered why they needed both...the accidental drowning AND the molestation charges. Cindy honestly believes that the molestation claims had nothing to do with the jury's verdict...they didn't put much stock in that...or something to that effect.
The "fingers crossed" statement there is probably grave. Caylee does not have a grave.

Lord, I hope not. Oh, the thought of that.

Dr. Fessel, it's just about time for some of your comic relief. I know you can illustrate. Can you do some sort of song and dance? Does the beefy gentleman in your Avatar know any good one-liners?

George, Cindy Divided On Casey's Verdict
Couple Disagrees On Trial's Outcome, Future Relationship With Daughter

POSTED: 5:05 pm EDT September 19, 2011
UPDATED: 5:12 pm EDT September 19, 2011

George said he doubts he'll ever reconcile with Casey.

"If Cindy and Lee have a relationship with Casey, that's great. I don't think I can have that relationship again with my daughter," George said.

Dr. Phil also brought up the bombshell allegations that George sexually molested Casey. George reaffirmed that he had never molested Casey or touched her inappropriately. Cindy said she believed her husband.
As for whether Cindy perjured herself on the stand when she testified she had searched "chloroform" on the family's computer, Cindy stood by her testimony.

"On Caylee's name, the one person in the world who's dearest to my heart, I would swear I made a chloroform search," Cindy said.
Sigh - well there is Cindy caught in another whopper - or all of a sudden, unknown to us, Caylee suddenly has a grave? Or in the great illusionist Cindy's mind does that then make it not a lie??? If she doesn't have a grave?:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

"Shallow" is the word that comes to mind.
CA said it was the SA that told her a week before trial the DEFENSE planned to throw GA under the bus but she claims she didn't know exactly how..What kinda surprised me (altho it shouldn't) was her POV the allegations against him came from the DEFENSE rather then Casey..She surely has to know that's NOT allowed..They can't just make up whatever they want in an effort to get their client off..It must be told to them by the client & I think? they must believe they're telling the truth vs making up a total fabrication..Once again CA was attempting to take the heat off OCA by implying someone else (Baez) was to blame for those sick LIES..She simply doesn't care her POV can lead to BIG trouble with the BA for Baez & Co..Just more proof there's nothing she won't do to protect herself & OCA! :banghead:
She should re-watch Casey's reactions during George's testimony.
Cindy even went as far as saying that Casey's crying during Baez's OS could have been her regret for using this little tidbit. Cindy said from "Day 1" Baez said he would do whatever it would take to get Casey off because she wasn't guilty of hurting her child. Dr. Phil kinda wondered why they needed both...the accidental drowning AND the molestation charges. Cindy honestly believes that the molestation claims had nothing to do with the jury's verdict...they didn't put much stock in that...or something to that effect.

Standard defense technique to "do whatever it takes" to get a client off, however, I do believe that O/S came from information that the defendant gave JB. I also have the same question as Dr. Phil. Why the necessity to defend an accidental drowning by inserting molestation charges.........unless it is purely to garner sympathy for the defendant by making her father look like the personification of evil.

"I hope George and I can be an inspiration to other's". Regarding foundation.

Yup!!! You got that right. I'm inspired to be a polar opposite of you people.
Actually, I don't think he said anything about 'who parties on a Monday night in Orlando?'. I've read a few posts here that refer to him saying that, but what I remember him saying on The View is that there weren't many parties going on in Orlando on a Monday afternoon. This may seem like a small point, but it's one of those things that just grows and grows until people start to believe that he really did say 'who parties on a Monday night in Orlando?' when he didn't.

I'm just going by what I remember him saying when I watched it.

No you are quite right - I forced myself to listen to the clip again.

However it's just semantics isn't it? My answer would be the same for the afternoon or the night. No babysitter, no Caylee. All gone.
Cindy even went as far as saying that Casey's crying during Baez's OS could have been her regret for using this little tidbit. Cindy said from "Day 1" Baez said he would do whatever it would take to get Casey off because she wasn't guilty of hurting her child. Dr. Phil kinda wondered why they needed both...the accidental drowning AND the molestation charges. Cindy honestly believes that the molestation claims had nothing to do with the jury's verdict...they didn't put much stock in that...or something to that effect.

Ugh...Cindy honestly believes...

From what I've heard a couple jurors say, they thought George could have done what was claimed. No proof, no evidence, but he could have--according to them.

Cindy, get real FGS!! For your own sanity, do it! The jurors acquitted your granddaughter's murderer because they believed George was a liar. Not a killer, but a liar. And possibly a molester. The jury made an atrocious error and God did not free Casey.

The worst part of Cindy's ramblings is that she is being paid to do it. Good grief, is there no common decency left in this world??
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