Dr Phil w/ George and Cindy Anthony (Show airs 9.13.2011)

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I am furious still at Baez and his opening statement. That was totally uncalled for. AND the Pinellas 17 fell for it. If that doesn't pizza off normal people, nothing should. He should have been raked over the coals by every news outlet in the USA. Where has this country gone when we have stooped to this level? It is a sad time. Baez gets rewarded for doing something so despicable that it literally physically upset people. Shame on him and shame on the media and the legal system for letting this happen. Judge Perry in his zest for a FAIR trial let this slide. He let lots slide...imo.

I'm guessing dr. phil didn't want to go there....

pending monday
There is no love lost between Cayce & GA...I believe he hates her, not only because he holds her responsible for Caylee's death, but because she 1) did not want him to come back home after he & Cindy separated, and 2) exposed him as a molester. IMO, GA is a liar & a phony. Does anyone really believe he did not have sex with River Cruise? I think he came out on Dr Phil today with the statement about Cayce probably drugged Caylee because he is setting Cayce up for a wrongful death lawsuit. He knows Cayce will eventually sell her story & he is not about to give up his piece of the pie, even if it means throwing his own daughter under the bus.

IMO, he has every right in the world to hate his daughter but he probably doesn't hate her but hates the person she is. Who wouldn't. A parents love can stretch just so far. There are limits even a parent will reach when it comes to their incorrigible child.

I don't think back in 2005 when he and Cindy were close to getting a divorce has anything to do with his utter disdain for her. It has everything to do with what she did to Caylee. She sure didnt act like she was distanced from him in the jail house interviews.

Yes, I do believe he didn't have sex with RC. I wouldn't believe River Cruz... who says she lied under oath but told the truth to a tabloid:innocent:......if I saw her tongue being notarized with my own eyes.:innocent:

George cannot compete with the worlds most notorious liar in recent recorded history. Casey Anthony.

George believes the state's evidence and has every right to do so. 1+1=2 Chloroform at high levels and death scent in Casey's car. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

I don't believe for one second she was abused any more than I believe Caylee accidentally drowned in the family pool. The facts say the opposite. Casey is no victim............she is a full blown narcissistic psychopath victimizer!

I hope he does sue her if she ever gets any money.

How bout Tracey telling us how happy the felon was/is? In all of the felon's letters, there was no sign of depression. She was happy in her cell. She stated she missed a full length mirror (natch) and a man to tell her she was beautiful (natch). Other than that the cell didn't bother her. She never spoke that she would ever do serious time. She always spoke she would be released. Man, the power of positive thinking was sure at work and the jurors bonded so well to her that they gave her her wish.
I watched both part 1 and part 2 of Dr. Phil's interview with George and Cindy Anthony.

I honestly believe that if Casey sat down in front of Cindy, looked her in the eye, and said, "Mom, I killed Caylee", and then went on to explain how she didn't want Caylee in the first place, that she had finally had enough, and that she really is a spiteful b*tch and murdered Caylee to hurt Cindy...........that Cindy would continue to make excuses for Casey!

Cindy isn't in denial............she knows the truth. But she can't face the fact that the daughter she gave birth to and loves, doesn't love her or anyone else in return. She can't face the fact that there never was any close mother-daughter relationship. While Cindy thought she and Casey shared a close bond, Casey was only manipulating Cindy for the material things Casey wanted. Once Cindy was no longer of use to her, Casey didn't want anything more to do with her.

George knows the truth too, and he's a little bit more truthful about it, although he waffles and tries to dance around the questions put to him. He hasn't got the courage to just come right out and firmly state, "I know Casey killed Caylee."

You could be correct, and if this is so CA will take the dirty secret to her grave. She should remember her words about God is the only One to judge. He will judge all including her. I would be concerned if I were her or she will be dancing with the devil for all eternity..
Well, if GA sues her, he will be living homeless on the street because there is no doubt in my mind, cindy has this money locked.

But somebody in the darn family or Caylee's father should file a civil suit. The clock is ticking.
Casey and Casey alone killed Caylee and disposed of her body in the swamp on Suburban Drive. Nobody helped her and for her parents George and Cindy to try and implicate others in moving Caylee's body and for George to try and implicate someone else in Caylee's murder other than Casey is ridiculous.

Cindy, at every turn, tries to explain away every one of Casey's behaviors before and after Caylee's death. It won't work, it's more spin and lies from Cindy, IMO.

Cindy also didn't look too happy when George wasn't spouting Cindy's line of B.S. about how Caylee died but instead had his own theory of a drug overdose.

Cindy also sure knows how to put her foot in her mouth when she's discussing where Caylee's body was found.

Neither Cindy or George comes off very well in the long run though. They had their chance to stand by Caylee before and during Casey's trial and didn't. The interview doesn't magically restore their credibility although I'm sure that's what they wanted the Dr Phil show to do for them.
You could be correct, and if this is so CA will take the dirty secret to her grave. She should remember her words about God is the only One to judge. He will judge all including her. I would be concerned if I were her or she will be dancing with the devil for all eternity..

She may want to take a drive to Pomona Park and get that sticker from Ron Cummings' truck..."Only God Can Judge Me". Ron's not gonna need it for awhile.
There is no love lost between Cayce & GA...I believe he hates her, not only because he holds her responsible for Caylee's death, but because she 1) did not want him to come back home after he & Cindy separated, and 2) exposed him as a molester. IMO, GA is a liar & a phony. Does anyone really believe he did not have sex with River Cruise? I think he came out on Dr Phil today with the statement about Cayce probably drugged Caylee because he is setting Cayce up for a wrongful death lawsuit. He knows Cayce will eventually sell her story & he is not about to give up his piece of the pie, even if it means throwing his own daughter under the bus.

CASEY did not expose George as a sex molester. The words did not come out of her mouth. Not one iota of proof was offered. I, and I believe many other people too, am not willing to assume that River Cruise with her many false names and differing stories, is telling the truth about anything that may or may not have happened between her and George.

George and Cindy can NOT file a wrongful death suit against CASEY, but even if they could, I don't see how anyone could be accused of throwing CASEY under a bus. She's driving the bus.
Casey and Casey alone killed Caylee and disposed of her body in the swamp on Suburban Drive. Nobody helped her and for her parents George and Cindy to try and implicate others in moving Caylee's body and for George to try and implicate someone else in Caylee's murder other than Casey is ridiculous.

Cindy, at every turn, tries to explain away every one of Casey's behaviors before and after Caylee's death. It won't work, it's more spin and lies from Cindy, IMO.

Cindy also didn't look too happy when George wasn't spouting Cindy's line of B.S. about how Caylee died but instead had his own theory of a drug overdose.

Cindy also sure knows how to put her foot in her mouth when she's discussing where Caylee's body was found.

Neither Cindy or George comes off very well in the long run though. They had their chance to stand by Caylee before and during Casey's trial and didn't. The interview doesn't magically restore their credibility although I'm sure that's what they wanted the Dr Phil show to do for them.

Personally, I thought George came across very well.

I am beginning to believe he loved Caylee more than anyone. I think he was pushed aside by Cindy and Casey and Caylee made him feel special, important, loved, and needed.

He has a right to theorize just like we do here. At least he was firm that Casey was there and involved and he never said any names.

We've listened to CA blather on for hours, for years, and never once did it come up that KC was working a second job! WTH?? :waitasec: Wonder what KC's second job was? :floorlaugh:
Had to think on this for quite awhile and then I figured it out. CA was referring to the club promotion/bar wench gig with TL...even though the only pay was free clubbing, attention from and time with Tony.
Everyone hold off on posting on this thread for a bit. I am going to close it and start a new one.

Thank you.
Please continue at the link:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149173"]Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Athony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
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