Dr. Phil's Interview w/ George & Cindy Anthony - Thread #3

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Cindy Anthony is a grandmother in pain, who among us wouldnt try and convince ourselves of the same given the circumstances. She is trying to make sense of the senseless and I think given all things, she is handling it better than most would.

The only pain Cindy is in is that she doesn't have her beloved Casey by her side. I could not compare her behavior to anyone I know. Her behavior is despicable. She doesn't have good sense.
She knew there was a serious problem with Casey and did nothing. She knew Casey wasn't working and yet she lies and tells DP she didn't know. If lying and making excuses for Casey is handling the situation. Please, she needs a shrink. IMO
It is untrue Judge Perry was monitoring that courtroom and everyone in it very closely, if such a thing was taking place he would have put a swift and immediate end to it. Just another BS rumor from people trying to stir everyone up.


Like when she gave the camera guy the bird? So much went on that judge perry did not address.
Cindy Anthony is a grandmother in pain, who among us wouldnt try and convince ourselves of the same given the circumstances. She is trying to make sense of the senseless and I think given all things, she is handling it better than most would.

I have never seen anyone handle it worse
I was on who chose not to watch this interview. I relied totally on WS and news clips for my information regarding this so called interview. What chaps my rear, is still...to this day, Cindy and George could not be big enough..on National TV mind you..to personally THANK all those who gave up time and money and blood, sweat and tears looking for their Grandaughter. They each have had so many opportunities to do this, and again slapped the public in the face...laughing their way to the bank. Shame on them!
Cindy Anthony is a grandmother in pain, who among us wouldnt try and convince ourselves of the same given the circumstances. She is trying to make sense of the senseless and I think given all things, she is handling it better than most would.

If lying, making threats, beligerence and insults during depositions, accusing innocent people of involvement, perjury on the stand, covering up evidence, offering no thanks to those assisting and calling your dead granddaughter a 'shell' are handling it better, frankly I don't want to see how the rest of us would behave.
Cindy Anthony is a grandmother in pain, who among us wouldnt try and convince ourselves of the same given the circumstances. She is trying to make sense of the senseless and I think given all things, she is handling it better than most would.

The only thing she does better than most of us who have suffered a loss is lie. Someday it will, indeed, hit her and hit her hard. GA was working and contributed to the household and yet he "stole" house money to gamble. KC wrote checks for thousands of dollars and ran CA's card up to the max and KC had no way to pay it back but KC only borrowed the money. Reality is waiting around the corner and she will run right smack dab into it one of these days. jmo
One of the ideas behind not watching the show on TV is to lower the ratings and not watch the ads that are paying for the Anthony's . Reading the transcript at WS supports WS. Discussing them at WS supports WS,not the Anthony's and not the Dr. Phil show.JMO.
What is to stop them from transferring funds from one foundation to another and using the money to pay their expenses....all of them? jmo

If you mean personal expenses, they could have a problem if they are ever audited and cannot produce receipts for any expenses they paid or took reimbursement for. And I do not mean only an IRS audit. Any agency tasked with monitoring these organizations can do an audit whenever they please.

Whether any will do that remains to be seen.
If you mean personal expenses, they could have a problem if they are ever audited and cannot produce receipts for any expenses they paid or took reimbursement for. And I do not mean only an IRS audit. Any agency tasked with monitoring these organizations can do an audit whenever they please.

Whether any will do that remains to be seen.

What I meant was they told Dr. Phil that they would not be taking salaries from the foundation he agreed to place the money in. That being said, what is to stop them from transferring funds from this foundation to the one they had been taking salaries from, the foundation which was established when Caylee was "missing". They were living off of those funds per what has been disclosed. Their own attorney said they would be taking salaries. Then he further said they could not be taking salaries from this newly established foundation. But what stops them from transferring money to the older foundation? Essentially they would not be drawing a salary from this new foundation. jmo
Been on Facebook lately, do a search for key words, hate, Casey and Anthony, there are A LOT of very sick, obsessive, compulsive and otherwise mentally ill people out there who seemingly have nothing but time on their hands and have spent most of it attacking, bullying and stalking the Anthony family because they dont believe in the Rule of Law, our courts and system of jurisprudence or the Constitution of the United States, and who feel, perhaps because of their mental illnesses, that because the verdict isnt what they expected or desired, that they have a right to cause this family trouble the rest of their lives.

The case is over, she was acquitted and Casey has a right to live her life without these obsessed sickies causing her and her family problems.

Its sad and I am ashamed that these people are Americans.

Obsessed sickies tend to cause their own problems.
What I meant was they told Dr. Phil that they would not be taking salaries from the foundation he agreed to place the money in. That being said, what is to stop them from transferring funds from this foundation to the one they had been taking salaries from, the foundation which was established when Caylee was "missing". They were living off of those funds per what has been disclosed. Their own attorney said they would be taking salaries. Then he further said they could not be taking salaries from this newly established foundation. But what stops them from transferring money to the older foundation? Essentially they would not be drawing a salary from this new foundation. jmo

In my experience, any funds withdrawn from a non-profit have to be accounted for. It's salary, or it's office expense, or fundraising expense, etc. Even transferring funds from one non-profit to another would need documentation. And in some situations it may not even be legal to do such a transfer.

I think the A's will get away with a lot before any of it is found out. But if they plan to live off these foundations I hope they plan to live low on the hog rather than high, as living too high is more likely to get them caught if they are doing anything shady.
Well Pax - going on the internet and "liking" a page or making a post isn't really all that threatening...it's pretty easy for most people to do as a sort of venting.

KC and her family are going to have to go the Karla Homolka route. I don't feel sorry for them. I feel more sorry for society as the victims of these types. They've brought this upon themselves. I believe in the rule of law, no one should try to harm them physically; but public shame and ridicule are perfectly natural and our criminal laws only go so far as to take away ones physical liberty for committing crimes - there is no law against feeling disgust for people. Sometimes that is the right and natural thing.

Again, people find it easy to post on the internet as we do here - I have not seen any credible actual threats. Remember, everyone thought someone would surely kill OJ and it never happened. Karla Homolka has married and had children. She lives the life she has to because of what she's done. She and KC are lucky to be free. They should be thankful for what they can have that their victims never will.
Pax: we too are trying to make sense of the senseless - that verdict!!!

You said CA is trying to do that...do you mean make sense of the senseless killing of her grandchild by her daughter? Then you would agree that KC had something to do with Caylee's death and so by acquittal you mean not so much that she's innocent but that the prosecution failed to prove it's case beyond a reasonable doubt which in this case merely means....SHE GOT AWAY WITH IT.

Acquittal is not equal to innocence. Defense attorneys are quick to say a jury totally got it wrong when they think an innocent man was convicted but won't be as objective when a guilty person is acquitted. You are trying to defend the indefensible.

I've candidly talked to defense attorneys about this case and every one of them has taken the position that she has the right to a fair trial and it's their job to give the accused a fair trial. "EVEN Casey Anthony deserves a fair trial" etc....But not one of them has taken the position as some sort of "cause" that she's an innocent victim of society here. They view the job, what she's most likely done and the trial process objectively. And sometimes the jury gets it wrong both ways.
HHJP allowed DS to pet Casey in front of the jurors,even after JA objected at a sidebar. Casey was allowed to put her chair down until her chin was practically resting on the table,to appear small and childlike. MC and JB made faces and worse when the State was up .
The State made a case and used facts. The defense played games and used lies. Cindy aided and abetted them. She still is from what she said on Dr. Phil.
I'll never know how this all came to pass! I do know they better be careful with all the untruths they tell. Only a matter of time. It is going to be a real interesting yr. let's put it that way.
If I didn't see it myself, I would say "no, not likely"...But a few weeks ago on TV, they set a camera and planted a pretty girl about to steal a bike that was chained to a pole.

Almost every single man stopped to assist her with the crime. She told them she was stealing it too. I watched two married couple come by on a bike. As the women were calling LE to report a crime, their husbands were assisting the young lady hacksaw the chain.

Don't anyone tell me that a pretty girl doesn't get away with murder. I watched it. I also predicted that moving that long desk in front on the jury was strategic. I have never seen a court room rearranged like that and as it turned out it was beneficial for the defense.

People are angry that such a DT who pulled out every trick in the books donvinced a jury that the defendent's father may have done the crime. Either the parents went along with this defense and/or played for the jury or we have a serious problem with jury understanding the term "Reasonable Doubt". When you combine their apparent lack of understanding of a legal term that is vital, with looking at a mere "child" across from them, lends me to believe the jury was easily led down the wrong path/

Some may not like it, but the majority of people know one or both of those things were overwhelmingly the reason she walked away with murdering a precious child.

To accept that and move on is asking an awful lot from many people who fell in love with Caylee, and understand the term, "Reasonable Doubt". The fact that some can and are willing to stand up for what is wrong and for a jury that didn't even care to look at the evidence is asking people to put blinders on Justice for a small child. How sanctimonious of some to post and attempt to say that people are stalking the anthonys. They are stalking; they love the limelight and they are the ones that are benefiting from the death of the grandchild. If they were truly grieving and wanting to help others, they would not have two/three foundations and give nothing to those who helped search despite that fact that cindy called them names and screamed at them. The brother called one an alcoholic. The perp told the man who came to help find Caylee, to "Get out of my house". Oh yeah, to some, we have no right to express our feelings and tell the truth about the anthonys and their need for greed.

.....The jury was pathetic. They took and they received lots of gifts and a beautiful hotel, with perks. Am I supposed to sit here and think "Poor things"..they were just doing a job? Nope, I won't because they didn't and I refuse to con myself by saying they did.
I'll never know how this all came to pass! I do know they better be careful with all the untruths they tell. Only a matter of time. It is going to be a real interesting yr. let's put it that way.

Like what, there is nothing anyone can do to them now, Casey could stand on the courthouse steps and say she did it and not a thing could be done, its over.
If I didn't see it myself, I would say "no, not likely"...But a few weeks ago on TV, they set a camera and planted a pretty girl about to steal a bike that was chained to a pole.

Almost every single man stopped to assist her with the crime. She told them she was stealing it too. I watched two married couple come by on a bike. As the women were calling LE to report a crime, their husbands were assisting the young lady hacksaw the chain.

Don't anyone tell me that a pretty girl doesn't get away with murder. I watched it. I also predicted that moving that long desk in front on the jury was strategic. I have never seen a court room rearranged like that and as it turned out it was beneficial for the defense.

People are angry that such a DT who pulled out every trick in the books donvinced a jury that the defendent's father may have done the crime. Either the parents went along with this defense and/or played for the jury or we have a serious problem with jury understanding the term "Reasonable Doubt". When you combine their apparent lack of understanding of a legal term that is vital, with looking at a mere "child" across from them, lends me to believe the jury was easily led down the wrong path/

Some may not like it, but the majority of people know one or both of those things were overwhelmingly the reason she walked away with murdering a precious child.

To accept that and move on is asking an awful lot from many people who fell in love with Caylee, and understand the term, "Reasonable Doubt". The fact that some can and are willing to stand up for what is wrong and for a jury that didn't even care to look at the evidence is asking people to put blinders on Justice for a small child. How sanctimonious of some to post and attempt to say that people are stalking the anthonys. They are stalking; they love the limelight and they are the ones that are benefiting from the death of the grandchild. If they were truly grieving and wanting to help others, they would not have two/three foundations and give nothing to those who helped search despite that fact that cindy called them names and screamed at them. The brother called one an alcoholic. The perp told the man who came to help find Caylee, to "Get out of my house". Oh yeah, to some, we have no right to express our feelings and tell the truth about the anthonys and their need for greed.

.....The jury was pathetic. They took and they received lots of gifts and a beautiful hotel, with perks. Am I supposed to sit here and think "Poor things"..they were just doing a job? Nope, I won't because they didn't and I refuse to con myself by saying they did.

The DT did their job and the jury is not pathetic, had they coted to put her away you would be singing their praises, they served and did their duty, accept that.

If you are ever accused oif a crime or someone you love I bet you will hire the most zealous defense lawyer around also.
Considering all the alerts and the unnecessary, rude personalization of several recent posts (which have now been removed) and the fact that NONE of them - not a single one - had anything to do with the topic, this thread is now closed.

Thanks to those of you who posted respectfully toward your fellow posters, thanks to those of you who knew when to walk away and thanks to those who alerted to the problems. It did not go unnoticed.
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