Dr. Sievers' RHHC Medical Practice - Operations & Website

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
SeeSeas post is being misread. The Rude, Disrespectful, No-Show, and Pushy headings are not part of the patient intake form; they were added by SeeSeas as part of the commentary. The paragraphs quoted are not a stand-alone bullet list. They're take from various portions of the form. In SeeSeas' context they appear worse than they are.

I don't think that SeeSeas was intending to make the rules look worse than they seem to be. I read the entire intake form and I assumed she formatted her post for brevity. I don't like singling out posters or talking for them but I wanted to add my opinion.


GENERAL COURTEOUSY AND RESPECT: In our office we follow:
The Golden Rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
Remember, we are here to help you. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to do so
if we are not courteous of one another. Dr. Sievers requires this of her staff and if
you feel it is not being met, please call the office manager directly at (314)-239-0173.
We reserve the right to discharge patients who are exceptionally rude to our staff
as it creates a hostile environment that may compromise your relationship with

You may see Dr. Sievers or Sanda in the front office and you will want to ask them
a ‘quick’ question. However, they are taking care of another patient at that time
and discussion interrupts their thought process which affects the quality of another
patients’ care. You may give your name at the window for an issue and speak with
Frank about what it is you need, but we will ask that you take a seat after that and
allow our window to be closed to protect patient confidentiality. Again, something
you would also want for yourself.

NO SHOW/ CANCELLATION POLICIES: Because of the amount of time blocked for
your first appointment we require a deposit of $225.00. If you are unable to keep the
appointment we require that you allow at least one business day to cancel /change
appointments to avoid loss of your deposit. Our business days are Monday through
Thursday. We also have a ‘no show – late cancellation fee’ equal to the cost of your
appointment. Unfortunately, this has become necessary in order to ensure that the
allotted spot is utilized as other patients are waiting to see Dr.Sievers.

You may call the office and speak with staff at any time. Because we are trying to
provide uninterrupted care to patients who have scheduled appointments and to
prevent you from waiting we ask that you utilize this method of contact rather
than walking in the office without an appointment. If we are unable to answer
your call please leave your information on the message. We prioritize phone
messages but we do strive to get back to you by the end of the business day. If you
feel your call or email has not been addressed in a timely manner, you may call the
office manager, Mark, directly on his cell phone at (314)-239-0173. However, making
repeated phone calls in a short period of time to the office will only delay a response
and we ask that you be courteous of people who have scheduled appointments and
how you would feel if your appointment was interrupted.
I don't think that SeeSeas was intending to make the rules look worse than they seem to be. I read the entire intake form and I assumed she formatted her post for brevity. I don't like singling out posters or talking for them but I wanted to add my opinion.


GENERAL COURTEOUSY AND RESPECT: In our office we follow:
The Golden Rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
Remember, we are here to help you. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to do so
if we are not courteous of one another. Dr. Sievers requires this of her staff and if
you feel it is not being met, please call the office manager directly at (314)-239-0173.
We reserve the right to discharge patients who are exceptionally rude to our staff
as it creates a hostile environment that may compromise your relationship with

You may see Dr. Sievers or Sanda in the front office and you will want to ask them
a ‘quick’ question. However, they are taking care of another patient at that time
and discussion interrupts their thought process which affects the quality of another
patients’ care. You may give your name at the window for an issue and speak with
Frank about what it is you need, but we will ask that you take a seat after that and
allow our window to be closed to protect patient confidentiality. Again, something
you would also want for yourself.

NO SHOW/ CANCELLATION POLICIES: Because of the amount of time blocked for
your first appointment we require a deposit of $225.00. If you are unable to keep the
appointment we require that you allow at least one business day to cancel /change
appointments to avoid loss of your deposit. Our business days are Monday through
Thursday. We also have a ‘no show – late cancellation fee’ equal to the cost of your
appointment. Unfortunately, this has become necessary in order to ensure that the
allotted spot is utilized as other patients are waiting to see Dr.Sievers.

You may call the office and speak with staff at any time. Because we are trying to
provide uninterrupted care to patients who have scheduled appointments and to
prevent you from waiting we ask that you utilize this method of contact rather
than walking in the office without an appointment. If we are unable to answer
your call please leave your information on the message. We prioritize phone
messages but we do strive to get back to you by the end of the business day. If you
feel your call or email has not been addressed in a timely manner, you may call the
office manager, Mark, directly on his cell phone at (314)-239-0173. However, making
repeated phone calls in a short period of time to the office will only delay a response
and we ask that you be courteous of people who have scheduled appointments and
how you would feel if your appointment was interrupted.

Wow. Several English errors. And is"Sanda' "Sandra"?

Truly, this is really not good.
To me, this does not sound like Medicare Fraud. It sounds more like a lack of communication within the office. If Madtown called and asked if they took Medicare, wouldn't the receptionist be the one who told her yes? And the receptionist would be the one who took her Medicare card? Since this was "about three years ago" maybe this was around the time that Dr. Sievers was in the process of taking cash only.
I have Medicare and I have never been asked/told to pay upfront and then wait for Medicare to reimbursement me.

My apology in advance for the long post, but Medicare is complicated. :) I have Medicare too, and I've never been asked to pay the bill and wait for reimbursement either. I'm sorry that wasn't a red flag for the patient.

I do think fraud occurred on the part of MS, but when I said there had been fraud regarding the patient who posted, I meant fraud toward the patient not Medicare. Nothing was received from Medicare, apparently. But money was received from the patient who thought she would be reimbursed by Medicare. Her card was copied and she was told a claim would be filed. She might not have agreed to see TS if she had known Medicare didn't cover it and that she would not be reimbursed. Yes, this could have been due to an uninformed receptionist's error. BUT...

Opting out of Medicare is a formal process and the very small staff should have been instructed by MS or TS that the process was happening or about to happen. Or, if lack of communication was an issue in the office, it should have been rectified by MS when the patient met with him. She had been told, and the website said, that TS accepted Medicare. MS said that TS did not. The fraud IMO was in his refusal to admit that she had been misled (accidentally or not) and refund her money immediately. Her money was apparently taken and kept under false pretenses. She was forced to report the office to Medicare in order to resolve the issue. In her shoes, I would have felt defrauded of my money, and reported the practice, after attempting to speak to TS first. JMO

There are specific steps a practice takes to opt out of Medicare. At the time, they could only opt out for two years at a time. Now it can be permanent. There are many websites/blogs online explaining the process, dating back to before 2012. I have linked the official current Medicare information below. I can't copy and paste from the PDF, but the process still involves notifying your patients, having those who elect to stay with you enter into a private contract, and finally, filing an affidavit with Medicare. No Medicare claims can be filed when you opt out. You can't accept Medicare from some and refuse others (now at least...not sure about 2012).

The point I'm laboriously making is that this process apparently was not followed in the case of this patient AFAIK. It has been reported on this thread that TS received Medicare payments in 2013. How could that be if this patient was told TS no longer accepted Medicare? I have no reason not to believe the patient, but I do think she somehow got caught in the middle of something very strange, based on her description of the whole situation and the behavior of MS. I'd like more details, especially about any contract she may have signed and what conclusion the Medicare investigators reached.


Legal definition of fraud:
A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.......
More at the link...http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/fraud
I can't see how the fraud would work but we know it has to the tune of billions.

I cannot believe CWW was working for the clinic simply as a job. And he must have been paid to fly there even though Skinner said CWW drove, Still an expense.

I posted the reference where it was stated that CWW flew. Don't know where it is.

Where did CWW stay when he came to work on the computers?

I just cannot buy nothing was going on
A couple of thoughts...

It's not unusual for a physician's office to have policies/guidelines. I think most offices have a cancellation policy but typically only enforce it for repeat offenders.

Teresa's practice differed from most. Patients that seek out an alternative/concierge/boutique practice are looking for a different experience. While I'm sure some of her patients were easy breezy and saw TS due to her reputation or because they clicked with her. It's clear that Teresa was catering to the high maintenance/demanding patient type based on the policies and fee schedule.

I would not be shocked to learn that her peers referred difficult/high maintenance patients onto TS bc their own practices couldn't accommodate certain patient types. But TS could, catered to them and charged accordingly.

When I read the policies and fee schedule I see an office manager trying to play the big shot, the boss, someone who finally has a bit of authority and he runs with it. It's poorly written, full of errors, and unprofessional. The writer comes across as obnoxious.

I'm surprised patients were able to see past this. Maybe it was only haphazardly given out. I expect my doctor and her staff to be detailed and professional. I also expect anyone I do business with to value customer service and be FRIENDLY.

IMO, MS designed a practice where he squeezed out money from wherever he could.
Dr Sievers FEE SCHEDULE has a section about paying for missed appointments, which to me makes sense even IF it was MS who wrote the document.


1.) It's interesting to read the theories from a combination of both objective and subjective readers. I know I can't be objective because my heart is broken, but many of you live across the country and didn't know Dr. Sievers. Your perception is different which helps me process things.

2.) I was quite upset that Mark insisted that I pay for a missed appointment. Much more than the money, it was the way he spoke to me.

3.) From what I observed: Dr. Sievers was VERY busy. She spent 30-60 minutes with her patients AND was always armed with labs, etc that she had obviously studied in advance of the appointment. She would have handwritten notes all over my labs when I came in. So, I would assume that she studied patient records after hours. So, how much time would be left for her to monitor the billing?

4.). I visited her office 4-5 times a year for about 4 years. Some visits were appointments, others were to purchase supplements. I never saw Mark in the office. Patients were given an out of state number to call Mark with any billing questions. 314 area code. I assumed Mark worked from home.

5.) Dr. Sievers empowered women - I can never imagine her being a victim of domestic violence and sticking around.

6.) There were only three employees in the office each time I was there: Dr. Sievers, her nurse, the receptionist.

7.) Dr. Sievers provided free healthcare to people who were indigent.

8.) I pray for justice. She deserves justice. The saddest thing is that no matter what we do, what happens, it'll never bring her back.

A lot of Dr's wouldn't want ANYthing to do with the billing/financial affairs. TS was so into her patients, reading the files, researching, her daughters well fair, etc. that she left all of that COMPLETELY up to MS i suspect. Until recently, a couple of things started popping up that didn't make sense...started snooping around...asking MS more and more ?'s... umm

I agree that TS would never put up with domestic violence, but some types are so overt/subtle. For example, Debbie Reynolds never thought she was the victim of domestic violence either until after years of marriage to husband # 2 or 3 , she discovered he totally wiped out her $. Slowly, systematically.

How DARE he speak to one of TS' beloved patients like that! Just WOW!
I don't think that SeeSeas was intending to make the rules look worse than they seem to be. I read the entire intake form and I assumed she formatted her post for brevity. I don't like singling out posters or talking for them but I wanted to add my opinion.

I’ve been offline most of the day, and haven’t completely caught up reading all of the posts….
but YES, Sulamith, you are correct that my intention was to provide some snippets for brevity.

ETA: And yes, the words RUDE, NO-SHOW, DISRESPECTFUL, and PUSHY were my opinion of the type of patient being addressed in the various excerpted sections in the INTAKE FORM.

The INTAKE FORM is a 14-page document, of which 6 pages are a very detailed narrative.

I provided the link so that everyone could read the document for their own comprehension, but then realized the link was a pdf file downloaded to my computer. Here is the way to get to the Intake Form on Dr Sievers website:
Then select
New Patient Forms

Here is the 6-page narrative section of that document (MODS snip if this is toooooooo long):


We look forward to becoming your partner in assessing and improving your health.

In your first visit, Dr. Sievers will obtain a complete medical history. The key to functional medicine is treating each person as an individual and getting to the root cause of health problems. That generally entails a detailed conversation regarding the enclosed intake form. Dr. Sievers will discuss with you potential approaches, recommended laboratory workups and she will make recommendations at that time based on your top reasons for appointment. Often though detailed treatment plans will depend on lab and physical exam results to thoroughly consider your unique situation. This visit will last approximately 60 minutes. Some of the time will be spent giving you detailed instructions on your individualized care plan. (Please note: we have devised scheduled time frames for each visit, which are honored by both patient and doctor.)

The second visit is generally scheduled anywhere from 2-6 weeks later to go over test results and devise a more detailed treatment plan. Her basic approach is a 5 point wellness plan based on the following areas: hormones, nutrition, toxins, mind and body. In the beginning you may be on several supplements, but the long term plan will be to resolve the underlying cause and maintain on as minimal supplements as possible. This generally includes: a high quality multiple vitamin/mineral, omega 3 fish oil, calcium and vitamin D. Follow-up visits are usually scheduled in approximately 8-12 weeks from this visit to evaluate progress and make any adjustments in your program. Fees for follow-up appointments range from $150.00-250.00 and are based on time and/or complexity of issues discussed. Usually there is a lot of information to go over at first follow-up. At some point within first year a complete physical exam is performed, although a cursory basic exam is performed at the first visit.

How often you see Dr. Sievers after that will depend on why you are being treated. People with multiple issues are seen more often. Our goal is to get you well. Dr. Sievers describes achieving this goal as a wellness journey in which you are the driver and she is the co-pilot. Therefore, she is only as good a doctor as you are in committing to helping yourself. Everyone is at different points in this journey and will go at the pace that best suits your needs and wishes.

There are ways to optimize your first visit with Dr. Sievers. First, please be sure to complete the form and provide copies of previous tests. Frequently patients do not provide this information in enough time for Dr. Sievers to review it which takes away from their appointment. Please return them to our office via fax, email postal mail or hand deliver them at least two business days before appointment. (We are 2 closed on Fridays.) Also, on your first visit, please bring all your medications and supplements in their original bottles to the appointment. (Again, patients often bring lists of what they are on but this is not helpful.) The same is true with hormones; the proper doses are usually not listed. Since these are often refrigerated, you may provide us with the name and phone number of pharmacy from which they came.

At the end of your visits, you will be given a typed copy of your note, your labs/other tests and if needed prescriptions. Your note contains details on your treatment plan. Please review this as many of your questions are answered in this note. Please save these medical records as you may make copies for your other physicians.

Lastly, because of the amount of time blocked for your first appointment, we require a deposit to of $225.00. If you are unable to keep the appointment we require that you allow at least one business day to cancel /change appointments to avoid loss of your deposit. Our business days are Monday through Thursday. If your appointment is on Monday you need to cancel by noon on Thursday. For all other appointments we also have a ‘no show - late cancellation fee’ equal to the cost of your appointment. Unfortunately, this has become necessary in order to ensure that the allotted spot is utilized for other patients who are waiting to see Dr.Sievers.

If you have any further questions after reading the enclosed information, please call our office. We will be happy to assist you. If you have detailed questions about billing or other concerns you may call the office manager, Mark, directly on his cell phone at (314) 239-0173.

In health,
Teresa A. Sievers, MD MSMS FAARM and Staff


Below is a discussion of our office policies and procedures. We have more detailed information for you to sign and review at your first appointment. We have created these policies to encourage you to have a responsible role in your health care and reasonable expectations. They are based on premise of courteous interactions and respect to your time as well as the Doctor’s and office staff time. It also allows us to better serve you.

EMAILS/PHONE CALLS: We do have email correspondence available at www.pthealth@rhhcenter.com. However, we reserve this for simple questions/answers such as clarification questions, prescription refills, appointments and the like as a free service. Emails are checked Monday-Thursday and if it is an urgent matter or medical symptoms please call the office directly. Medical advice, symptoms and other problems that would require Dr. Sievers’ expertise will require an email fee of $25.00 or an office/phone visit depending on the nature of the problem. If you prefer to have direct access to Dr. Sievers through emails or cell phone we have concierge wellness packages available.

You may call the office and speak with staff at any time. Because we are trying to provide uninterrupted care to patients who have scheduled appointments and to prevent you from waiting we ask that you utilize this method of contact rather than walking in the office without an appointment. If we are unable to answer your call please leave your information on the message. We prioritize phone messages but we do strive to get back to you by the end of the business day. If you feel your call or email has not been addressed in a timely manner, you may call the office manager, Mark, directly on his cell phone at (314)-239-0173. However, making repeated phone calls in a short period of time to the office will only delay a response and we ask that you be courteous of people who have scheduled appointments and how you would feel if your appointment was interrupted.

NURSE VISITS: Coumadin checks, injections and other nurse visits must be done by appointment only. Again, this is to avoid having you wait.

NO SHOW/ CANCELLATION POLICIES: Because of the amount of time blocked for your first appointment we require a deposit of $225.00. If you are unable to keep the appointment we require that you allow at least one business day to cancel /change appointments to avoid loss of your deposit. Our business days are Monday through Thursday. We also have a ‘no show – late cancellation fee’ equal to the cost of your appointment. Unfortunately, this has become necessary in order to ensure that the allotted spot is utilized as other patients are waiting to see Dr.Sievers.

APPOINTMENTS: Cost of appointments in general is based on time and/or complexity. On average, follow ups are usually $150.00 and approximately 30 minutes but again it can vary based on such things as the number of tests being discussed, complexity of treatment plan, the amount of patient education needed. Because Dr. Sievers has been practicing functional medicine for some time, she is able to estimate appropriately how much time and complexity is required for your follow up appointments. We are conscious of your time and money as if it were our own. Please see the attached fee schedule. We also offer concierge wellness packages if you are interested in having more liberal appointment times based on an annual fee.

PRESCRIPTION REFILLS: We request that you notify us 5 business days prior to when you will be totally out of medications. Ideally providing us an email or a detailed phone message with name of medication/dose and number of pharmacy is the best way. Oftentimes pharmacies claim they have been faxing us and we have received nothing.

PRESCRIPTION OVERRIDES/PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS: Due to the immense time regarding prescription overrides and prior authorization, we charge a $25.00 fee to provide these services. You may also call your insurance company directly requesting an override. Again, these services are included in our concierge packages.

SUPPLEMENTS: We offer a variety of high quality supplement companies that you have access to through Dr. Sievers at retail costs. We have done this because quality and potency of supplements vary widely and thus often do not provide the expected results. If you have other companies you would like to use please discuss with Dr. Sievers so you can make informed decisions as there are other professional companies that are very good. You are under no obligations to purchase through Dr. Sievers’ office. We offer it as a convenience in our office and also can provide you with on-line access to order on your own.

GENERAL COURTEOUSY AND RESPECT: In our office we follow:
The Golden Rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Remember, we are here to help you. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to do so if we are not courteous of one another. Dr. Sievers requires this of her staff and if you feel it is not being met, please call the office manager directly at (314)-239-0173. We reserve the right to discharge patients who are exceptionally rude to our staff as it creates a hostile environment that may compromise your relationship with office.

You may see Dr. Sievers or Sanda in the front office and you will want to ask them a ‘quick’ question. However, they are taking care of another patient at that time and discussion interrupts their thought process which affects the quality of another patients’ care. You may give your name at the window for an issue and speak with Frank about what it is you need, but we will ask that you take a seat after that and allow our window to be closed to protect patient confidentiality. Again, something you would also want for yourself.

If you have any further questions after reading the enclosed information, please call our office. We will be happy to assist you. If you have detailed questions about billing, would like information on wellness concierge packages or any other concerns you may call the office manager, Mark, directly on his cell phone at (314) 239-0173. Again, we our honored you have chosen us to restore or maintain your optimal health.

Dr. Sievers and Staff
I don't think that SeeSeas was intending to make the rules look worse than they seem to be. I read the entire intake form and I assumed she formatted her post for brevity. I don't like singling out posters or talking for them but I wanted to add my opinion.


I didn't mean to imply that was SeeSeas' intent. I just observed that the post was being misunderstood and thought it best to point it out.
A couple of thoughts...

It's not unusual for a physician's office to have policies/guidelines. I think most offices have a cancellation policy but typically only enforce it for repeat offenders.

Teresa's practice differed from most. Patients that seek out an alternative/concierge/boutique practice are looking for a different experience. While I'm sure some of her patients were easy breezy and saw TS due to her reputation or because they clicked with her. It's clear that Teresa was catering to the high maintenance/demanding patient type based on the policies and fee schedule.

I would not be shocked to learn that her peers referred difficult/high maintenance patients onto TS bc their own practices couldn't accommodate certain patient types. But TS could, catered to them and charged accordingly.

When I read the policies and fee schedule I see an office manager trying to play the big shot, the boss, someone who finally has a bit of authority and he runs with it. It's poorly written, full of errors, and unprofessional. The writer comes across as obnoxious.

I'm surprised patients were able to see past this. Maybe it was only haphazardly given out. I expect my doctor and her staff to be detailed and professional. I also expect anyone I do business with to value customer service and be FRIENDLY.

IMO, MS designed a practice where he squeezed out money from wherever he could.

Teresa catered to people who were really sick and needed help getting to the root cause of their illness. Unlike main stream medicine...she ran tests and examined diet and lifestyle choices to help her patients figure out how to get well. I sat in her waiting room with other patients...we were not "high maintenance/demanding patient types"...we were sick people..who felt like crap... hoping to get well from a Doctor who wouldn't just write a prescription and send you home. IMO
It's hard to watch Dr Teresa Sievers life's work being dissected and painted in an unfair light. She deserves more than that... I'll continue to stand up for her and her work.
Thank you for the link and the info below.

I read through this as though I would be a prospective patient. I've had similar Patient Intake Packages, I've even helped create one for a Mental Health practice. I have zero problem with information like this up front. It's not how a lot of businesses would do it, but it is the way they chose to do it. I respect anyone, especially doctors and dry cleaners, who is/are clear about fees and charges. I couldn't possibly take any of the "rules" personally or as negative since this is information you get BEFORE deciding to hire the doctor and they don't know you. They don't know you, but they are setting the boundaries and being very clear what you can expect from them and what they expect from you. All businesses should be so clear. I'd rather have it spelled out like this so I can decide to hire them or go elsewhere. I know where they stand. There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting boundaries - it's healthy.

It's their business, they run it the way they choose. Nobody is forcing people to become patients. Who's to say that MS isn't just being a protector and mouthpiece for his wife- taking one for the team, so to speak? TS is said to speak her mind and be blunt. I get the feeling that if she didn't want that information available, it wouldn't be in the intake package. But, I don't "know". Nobody knows except them. We can project, assume, presume and speculate, but can't possibly know.

It can't be both ways: either she's oblivious to the way her husband runs the practice, or she's knowledgeable and supportive of it.

I wish all doctors would provide a fraction of this information. It saves time, money, misunderstandings, hard feelings. What's wrong with knowing the rules going in anywhere? I like knowing what's expected of me as a patient.

How could there possibly be a problem with wanting to be clear about fees, patient conduct and behavior toward the doctor and her staff?

I have always found it interesting and really offensive when someone thinks their time is worth more than mine. This is protecting the practice. I've already posted that when as a patient, my doctor was a no-show, I addressed it first with the office, and then with the doctor himself. I was compensated because I was calm, clear and fair. I understand there are emergencies (his wasn't and he owned up to it, lol) and doctors understand that patients have emergencies on occasion. Some doctors will work with you, some won't.

I think this package was full of good information to help me make a more informed decision to use the doctor or not.

I’ve been offline most of the day, and haven’t completely caught up reading all of the posts….
but YES, Sulamith, you are correct that my intention was to provide some snippets for brevity.

ETA: And yes, the words RUDE, NO-SHOW, DISRESPECTFUL, and PUSHY were my opinion of the type of patient being addressed in the various excerpted sections in the INTAKE FORM.

The INTAKE FORM is a 14-page document, of which 6 pages are a very detailed narrative.

I provided the link so that everyone could read the document for their own comprehension, but then realized the link was a pdf file downloaded to my computer. Here is the way to get to the Intake Form on Dr Sievers website:
Then select
New Patient Forms

Here is the 6-page narrative section of that document (MODS snip if this is toooooooo long):


We look forward to becoming your partner in assessing and improving your health.

In your first visit, Dr. Sievers will obtain a complete medical history. The key to functional medicine is treating each person as an individual and getting to the root cause of health problems. That generally entails a detailed conversation regarding the enclosed intake form. Dr. Sievers will discuss with you potential approaches, recommended laboratory workups and she will make recommendations at that time based on your top reasons for appointment. Often though detailed treatment plans will depend on lab and physical exam results to thoroughly consider your unique situation. This visit will last approximately 60 minutes. Some of the time will be spent giving you detailed instructions on your individualized care plan. (Please note: we have devised scheduled time frames for each visit, which are honored by both patient and doctor.)

The second visit is generally scheduled anywhere from 2-6 weeks later to go over test results and devise a more detailed treatment plan. Her basic approach is a 5 point wellness plan based on the following areas: hormones, nutrition, toxins, mind and body. In the beginning you may be on several supplements, but the long term plan will be to resolve the underlying cause and maintain on as minimal supplements as possible. This generally includes: a high quality multiple vitamin/mineral, omega 3 fish oil, calcium and vitamin D. Follow-up visits are usually scheduled in approximately 8-12 weeks from this visit to evaluate progress and make any adjustments in your program. Fees for follow-up appointments range from $150.00-250.00 and are based on time and/or complexity of issues discussed. Usually there is a lot of information to go over at first follow-up. At some point within first year a complete physical exam is performed, although a cursory basic exam is performed at the first visit.

How often you see Dr. Sievers after that will depend on why you are being treated. People with multiple issues are seen more often. Our goal is to get you well. Dr. Sievers describes achieving this goal as a wellness journey in which you are the driver and she is the co-pilot. Therefore, she is only as good a doctor as you are in committing to helping yourself. Everyone is at different points in this journey and will go at the pace that best suits your needs and wishes.

There are ways to optimize your first visit with Dr. Sievers. First, please be sure to complete the form and provide copies of previous tests. Frequently patients do not provide this information in enough time for Dr. Sievers to review it which takes away from their appointment. Please return them to our office via fax, email postal mail or hand deliver them at least two business days before appointment. (We are 2 closed on Fridays.) Also, on your first visit, please bring all your medications and supplements in their original bottles to the appointment. (Again, patients often bring lists of what they are on but this is not helpful.) The same is true with hormones; the proper doses are usually not listed. Since these are often refrigerated, you may provide us with the name and phone number of pharmacy from which they came.

At the end of your visits, you will be given a typed copy of your note, your labs/other tests and if needed prescriptions. Your note contains details on your treatment plan. Please review this as many of your questions are answered in this note. Please save these medical records as you may make copies for your other physicians.

Lastly, because of the amount of time blocked for your first appointment, we require a deposit to of $225.00. If you are unable to keep the appointment we require that you allow at least one business day to cancel /change appointments to avoid loss of your deposit. Our business days are Monday through Thursday. If your appointment is on Monday you need to cancel by noon on Thursday. For all other appointments we also have a ‘no show - late cancellation fee’ equal to the cost of your appointment. Unfortunately, this has become necessary in order to ensure that the allotted spot is utilized for other patients who are waiting to see Dr.Sievers.

If you have any further questions after reading the enclosed information, please call our office. We will be happy to assist you. If you have detailed questions about billing or other concerns you may call the office manager, Mark, directly on his cell phone at (314) 239-0173.

In health,
Teresa A. Sievers, MD MSMS FAARM and Staff


Below is a discussion of our office policies and procedures. We have more detailed information for you to sign and review at your first appointment. We have created these policies to encourage you to have a responsible role in your health care and reasonable expectations. They are based on premise of courteous interactions and respect to your time as well as the Doctor’s and office staff time. It also allows us to better serve you.

EMAILS/PHONE CALLS: We do have email correspondence available at www.pthealth@rhhcenter.com. However, we reserve this for simple questions/answers such as clarification questions, prescription refills, appointments and the like as a free service. Emails are checked Monday-Thursday and if it is an urgent matter or medical symptoms please call the office directly. Medical advice, symptoms and other problems that would require Dr. Sievers’ expertise will require an email fee of $25.00 or an office/phone visit depending on the nature of the problem. If you prefer to have direct access to Dr. Sievers through emails or cell phone we have concierge wellness packages available.

You may call the office and speak with staff at any time. Because we are trying to provide uninterrupted care to patients who have scheduled appointments and to prevent you from waiting we ask that you utilize this method of contact rather than walking in the office without an appointment. If we are unable to answer your call please leave your information on the message. We prioritize phone messages but we do strive to get back to you by the end of the business day. If you feel your call or email has not been addressed in a timely manner, you may call the office manager, Mark, directly on his cell phone at (314)-239-0173. However, making repeated phone calls in a short period of time to the office will only delay a response and we ask that you be courteous of people who have scheduled appointments and how you would feel if your appointment was interrupted.

NURSE VISITS: Coumadin checks, injections and other nurse visits must be done by appointment only. Again, this is to avoid having you wait.

NO SHOW/ CANCELLATION POLICIES: Because of the amount of time blocked for your first appointment we require a deposit of $225.00. If you are unable to keep the appointment we require that you allow at least one business day to cancel /change appointments to avoid loss of your deposit. Our business days are Monday through Thursday. We also have a ‘no show – late cancellation fee’ equal to the cost of your appointment. Unfortunately, this has become necessary in order to ensure that the allotted spot is utilized as other patients are waiting to see Dr.Sievers.

APPOINTMENTS: Cost of appointments in general is based on time and/or complexity. On average, follow ups are usually $150.00 and approximately 30 minutes but again it can vary based on such things as the number of tests being discussed, complexity of treatment plan, the amount of patient education needed. Because Dr. Sievers has been practicing functional medicine for some time, she is able to estimate appropriately how much time and complexity is required for your follow up appointments. We are conscious of your time and money as if it were our own. Please see the attached fee schedule. We also offer concierge wellness packages if you are interested in having more liberal appointment times based on an annual fee.

PRESCRIPTION REFILLS: We request that you notify us 5 business days prior to when you will be totally out of medications. Ideally providing us an email or a detailed phone message with name of medication/dose and number of pharmacy is the best way. Oftentimes pharmacies claim they have been faxing us and we have received nothing.

PRESCRIPTION OVERRIDES/PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS: Due to the immense time regarding prescription overrides and prior authorization, we charge a $25.00 fee to provide these services. You may also call your insurance company directly requesting an override. Again, these services are included in our concierge packages.

SUPPLEMENTS: We offer a variety of high quality supplement companies that you have access to through Dr. Sievers at retail costs. We have done this because quality and potency of supplements vary widely and thus often do not provide the expected results. If you have other companies you would like to use please discuss with Dr. Sievers so you can make informed decisions as there are other professional companies that are very good. You are under no obligations to purchase through Dr. Sievers’ office. We offer it as a convenience in our office and also can provide you with on-line access to order on your own.

GENERAL COURTEOUSY AND RESPECT: In our office we follow:
The Golden Rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Remember, we are here to help you. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to do so if we are not courteous of one another. Dr. Sievers requires this of her staff and if you feel it is not being met, please call the office manager directly at (314)-239-0173. We reserve the right to discharge patients who are exceptionally rude to our staff as it creates a hostile environment that may compromise your relationship with office.

You may see Dr. Sievers or Sanda in the front office and you will want to ask them a ‘quick’ question. However, they are taking care of another patient at that time and discussion interrupts their thought process which affects the quality of another patients’ care. You may give your name at the window for an issue and speak with Frank about what it is you need, but we will ask that you take a seat after that and allow our window to be closed to protect patient confidentiality. Again, something you would also want for yourself.

If you have any further questions after reading the enclosed information, please call our office. We will be happy to assist you. If you have detailed questions about billing, would like information on wellness concierge packages or any other concerns you may call the office manager, Mark, directly on his cell phone at (314) 239-0173. Again, we our honored you have chosen us to restore or maintain your optimal health.

Dr. Sievers and Staff
I didn't mean to imply that was SeeSeas' intent. I just observed that the post was being misunderstood and thought it best to point it out.

BBM: Thank you!
Thank you for the link and the info below.

I read through this as though I would be a prospective patient. I've had similar Patient Intake Packages, I've even helped create one for a Mental Health practice. I have zero problem with information like this up front. It's not how a lot of businesses would do it, but it is the way they chose to do it. I respect anyone, especially doctors and dry cleaners, who is/are clear about fees and charges. I couldn't possibly take any of the "rules" personally or as negative since this is information you get BEFORE deciding to hire the doctor and they don't know you. They don't know you, but they are setting the boundaries and being very clear what you can expect from them and what they expect from you. All businesses should be so clear. I'd rather have it spelled out like this so I can decide to hire them or go elsewhere. I know where they stand. There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting boundaries - it's healthy.

It's their business, they run it the way they choose. Nobody is forcing people to become patients. Who's to say that MS isn't just being a protector and mouthpiece for his wife- taking one for the team, so to speak? TS is said to speak her mind and be blunt. I get the feeling that if she didn't want that information available, it wouldn't be in the intake package. But, I don't "know". Nobody knows except them. We can project, assume, presume and speculate, but can't possibly know.

It can't be both ways: either she's oblivious to the way her husband runs the practice, or she's knowledgeable and supportive of it.

I wish all doctors would provide a fraction of this information. It saves time, money, misunderstandings, hard feelings. What's wrong with knowing the rules going in anywhere? I like knowing what's expected of me as a patient.

How could there possibly be a problem with wanting to be clear about fees, patient conduct and behavior toward the doctor and her staff?

I have always found it interesting and really offensive when someone thinks their time is worth more than mine. This is protecting the practice. I've already posted that when as a patient, my doctor was a no-show, I addressed it first with the office, and then with the doctor himself. I was compensated because I was calm, clear and fair. I understand there are emergencies (his wasn't and he owned up to it, lol) and doctors understand that patients have emergencies on occasion. Some doctors will work with you, some won't.

I think this package was full of good information to help me make a more informed decision to use the doctor or not.

Thank you for your post! :clap::clap::clap::clap:
It is interesting how different things are in the US. For instance, the U of Minnesota for years has had the Center for Spirituality and Healing. The U of MN has a med school. Not sure if it still is, but the U of MN Twin Cities is one of the largest in the US.

The type of medicine practiced as alternative is quite standard, I feel except for supplements.

Here is the website which is quite in depth and I think many of the programs are free

It is interesting how different things are in the US. For instance, the U of Minnesota for years has had the Center for Spirituality and Healing. The U of MN has a med school. Not sure if it still is, but the U of MN Twin Cities is one of the largest in the US.

The type of medicine practiced as alternative is quite standard, I feel except for supplements.

Here is the website which is quite in depth and I think many of the programs are free


I don't have a problem with people being educated and trained for this type of whole person treatment - I do believe health encompasses it all.

My BIG problem is people who claim to perform these "healings" and "health screenings" and treatments under the guise of third eye, blah blah blah WITH NO TRAINING, NO EDUCATION, NO APPRENTICESHIP, NO INTERNING or whatever it would be called and just put out a shingle and try to blind us with bs. A massage therapist is trained to massage. (I like them, don't misunderstand me) but to claim other talents, back it up with being up front about your education, training and qualifications. I don't care if someone spent years studying in the forest with a shaman, but some people don't even claim that... too many unqualified people who "feel" unique read palms, start cults. Sadly, they may have a knack (or intuition) but that means zip in real life treating people.

I have a knack for cooking - that doesn't make me a chef.
We now know that JR was arrested several (?) days before CWW, and that TS' medical office was raided 1 day before the arrest of CWW? Did the evidence that was found from JR' admittance/confession to his gf, (gf told the LE) which contained the bloody jumpsuit and OTHER items, lead the LE to the raid of the medical office? if so... then something nefarious HAD to be going on there.
We now know that JR was arrested several (?) days before CWW, and that TS' medical office was raided 1 day before the arrest of CWW? Did the evidence that was found from JR' admittance/confession to his gf, (gf told the LE) which contained the bloody jumpsuit and OTHER items, lead the LE to the raid of the medical office? if so... then something nefarious HAD to be going on there.

I believe CWW was arrested later on the same day JRR was, but I'm not sure. I think it would be in the timeline.
I believe CWW was arrested later on the same day JRR was, but I'm not sure. I think it would be in the timeline.

Oh, I thought that info' been updated, and we discovered that JR was
in custody on probation violation for several days before the CWW arrest...(confusing) I believe I read that in the JR thread. I'll try to find links after work tonight.
I don't have a problem with people being educated and trained for this type of whole person treatment - I do believe health encompasses it all.

My BIG problem is people who claim to perform these "healings" and "health screenings" and treatments under the guise of third eye, blah blah blah WITH NO TRAINING, NO EDUCATION, NO APPRENTICESHIP, NO INTERNING or whatever it would be called and just put out a shingle and try to blind us with bs. A massage therapist is trained to massage. (I like them, don't misunderstand me) but to claim other talents, back it up with being up front about your education, training and qualifications. I don't care if someone spent years studying in the forest with a shaman, but some people don't even claim that... too many unqualified people who "feel" unique read palms, start cults. Sadly, they may have a knack (or intuition) but that means zip in real life treating people.

I have a knack for cooking - that doesn't make me a chef.

I love the cooking analogy!

I had no idea that someone would call themselves a doctor until I read on here that MS sister had zero credentials.

BTW, if you are in a foreign country and are going to do a massage, find out what kind of training the person has had. I have often seen that it is zero.
I don't have a problem with people being educated and trained for this type of whole person treatment - I do believe health encompasses it all.

My BIG problem is people who claim to perform these "healings" and "health screenings" and treatments under the guise of third eye, blah blah blah WITH NO TRAINING, NO EDUCATION, NO APPRENTICESHIP, NO INTERNING or whatever it would be called and just put out a shingle and try to blind us with bs. A massage therapist is trained to massage. (I like them, don't misunderstand me) but to claim other talents, back it up with being up front about your education, training and qualifications. I don't care if someone spent years studying in the forest with a shaman, but some people don't even claim that... too many unqualified people who "feel" unique read palms, start cults. Sadly, they may have a knack (or intuition) but that means zip in real life treating people.

I have a knack for cooking - that doesn't make me a chef.

When it comes to true healing, intuition is everything. That is what TS believed in and what attracted me to her and this case. I understand some people just don't get that, but it is an important message. IMO, it is the future of medicine and will continue to become more mainstream once we get past this idea of treating symptoms of disease which is purely profit based. JMO. IMO. MOO

ETA - and your knack for cooking DOES make you a chef. Some of the best chef's in the world did not go to a culinary school.

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