Dreams/Visions? - #1

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Just an add-in to the above: could the light source have been headlights of a vehicle instead of moonlight? Was there a full moon that night?
OK, just read Soulscape's forensic astrology for the first time because I was searching for information about a full moon on that night. I am in awe. Also checking out Tuba's.
Can anyone tell me who the woman in the red shirt is? Short blond hair?

You know I never caught her name plus if I knew it I couldn't post it here anyway.

But she's umm.. yeah. She's a real character.. isn't she? :)

She has been very active in the search for Lindsey. She says she's walked just about every square inch of McCleary and has searched a lot along the highway. She did quite a few searches this past weekend. She has a bright orange vest that says "Where is our Lindsey" that she wears everywhere. I kept having to tell her she needed to wear OUR vests.. not her own or she couldn't go out with our searchers.
I wondered if once they got out the door if she continued to wear ours or if she changed. LOL
Oh.. The man in the picture (with the shorts on) is that the fruit stand guy?
Just an add-in to the above: could the light source have been headlights of a vehicle instead of moonlight? Was there a full moon that night?

Hey Concentric:

Just finished reading what you have written again. From my calender was a new moon on the June 22 that week going into the first quarter moon on the 29. That is a possibility was a light source from a vehical of some sort. Or could of been source from sun setting I would think. Least here on the east coast and the birches would stand out more cause of their white on them.
Get out of town! I was just surfing, looking for anything "McCleary", and google took me to trulio.com and a house for sale. It's a trailer (doublewide); has steps (old wood) and a railing; has a barn/shed/outbuilding, gray, with weeds/kudzu growing up the sides and boarded-up windows; old cut grass that edges natural forest; sits on 2.(something) acres; is on a dead-end road; looks to be walking distance from 6th and Maple; and is right across from Old Sand Creek.

coastal and TamgMit:

Looked at the house and I would say there are some similarities. One of the elements that most freaked me out was the presence of the birch trees. In the vision there were trees that lit up in the moonlight and I believed they were birch before viewing the photos. The building was long, like a trailer and there was the presence of a patio with a wooden railing, although I could not place the location of these features, perhaps also a pipe for a wood stove. She was running from the perp., found this building in the woods and was knocking on two dark windows to the left-hand side of where she was standing. The windows looked larger to me; however, from her perspective, perhaps they appeared to be so. The building looked gray in the dark with some white boarding I made out to my right.

I was praying this morning and get the words:

coarse man


adjective 1. rough, crude, unfinished, homespun, impure, unrefined, rough-hewn, unprocessed, unpolished, coarse-grained, unpurified << OPPOSITE smooth
adjective 2. vulgar, offensive, rude, indecent, improper, raunchy (slang) earthy, foul-mouthed, bawdy, impure, smutty, impolite, ribald, immodest, indelicate
3. loutish, rough, brutish, boorish, uncivil << OPPOSITE well-mannered

Sorry, I'm very new to understanding what this is all about, the perceptions, I mean.

Please don't be sorry think it is new to a lot of us trying to figure out and how to interrupt what a dream might mean. Think that is also interesting that you got the words Course man. The definition is very descriptive. Just thinking of the men that we might have came across in Mccleary or even on the out skirts of Mccleary. I wonder if there are some that would match that description. I did read Tuba's post and I too was at awe reading Tuba's forensic horoscopes. He is a very incredible person. Most definitely intriquing how he is able to pull that much information out of a chart. Another thing I didn't realize that they had been working on the school and I didn't realize that school isn't too far from Maple Street.
Random thought here, but a "course man" might also indicate a teacher or an instructor of some kind...and, of course, there are "courses" where "men" (and others) race...such as dirt tracks for motorcycles and steeplechase courses (for horses, of course)...

...which sounds like the Straddeline State Park again, doesn't it? I wonder who grooms the track up there?
Please don't be sorry think it is new to a lot of us trying to figure out and how to interrupt what a dream might mean. Think that is also interesting that you got the words Course man. The definition is very descriptive. Just thinking of the men that we might have came across in Mccleary or even on the out skirts of Mccleary. I wonder if there are some that would match that description. I did read Tuba's post and I too was at awe reading Tuba's forensic horoscopes. He is a very incredible person. Most definitely intriquing how he is able to pull that much information out of a chart. Another thing I didn't realize that they had been working on the school and I didn't realize that school isn't too far from Maple Street.
Just a peek in to say I also stated coarse in my desciption of the hair on the man I described. Another running theme from our dreams, & visions.
That word "coarse" stood out to me like a sore thumb. It was a word that I would not normally use a great deal.
I haven't had to many new dreams just bits and pieces. something about a friend has pictures and numbers couldn't remember the numbers as they where popping up. Not that great with remember numbers to begin with never the less in my dreams. lol I wonder if it is related to the course man.. maybe is an offender or hiding from the law. Maybe someone that lives in the woods, hunts, self sufficient. No electricty, keroscene laterns, wood stove. Has a place to store stuff in sheds. Near water to shower Maybe even hunts bear. When is bear hunting season anyhows. hmmm wonder what kind of bait a person uses for bear hunting season.. OT.. sorry mind is wandering. Seems to do that a lot lately. That would definitely be a type of course man that both have seen or heard.
OK. I just logged on here and haven't read any updates, not even the post just before mine here. I know this is really general. Take it or leave it. This morning praying and asking about Lindsey. What I got was:

Lantern (got that a few days ago)

Barn - it's either under the barn or in a loft of a barn confinement

You might think I'm a little cuckoo, but I reflected on this stuff and years ago, when I graduated H.S. in Illinois, I wanted to get an apartment. There was a listing at a farm. My mom went with me there. Anyways, this man took us to the apt. It was in the silo! and was accessed through like a trap door overhead. It totally creeped me out.

Now, that was years and years ago. But later it reminded me of the book "The Collector."
OK. I just logged on here and haven't read any updates, not even the post just before mine here. I know this is really general. Take it or leave it. This morning praying and asking about Lindsey. What I got was:

Lantern (got that a few days ago)

Barn - it's either under the barn or in a loft of a barn confinement

You might think I'm a little cuckoo, but I reflected on this stuff and years ago, when I graduated H.S. in Illinois, I wanted to get an apartment. There was a listing at a farm. My mom went with me there. Anyways, this man took us to the apt. It was in the silo! and was accessed through like a trap door overhead. It totally creeped me out.

Now, that was years and years ago. But later it reminded me of the book "The Collector."

Think that is kind of interesting that a silo can be made into an apartment and would be kind of creepy being there where no windows or did they put windows in this silo. Yeah that would be weird thinking about it. I use to know someone here that changed a chicken coop barn into an apartment but that would not be anything in comparison to a silo. When you say latern think kerosene was first thought then battery operated. You had mentioned horse, horse hair. Could that also play siignificance towards these words.

today got 18 M not sure what it represents. Could be a number of things.
I did not read or post on this thread for several days. The fact that we both came up with the word: Lantern

has me in awe.

That was my own experience with the silo apartment. There were NO windows and only access was like a trap door above--really creepy!!! Even back then my hinkey meter went skyrocketing, but I rationalized it by thinking OK, a guy probably could live in there and I'm totally paranoid. If I saw something like that now, it would be automatic reporting.

In Lindsey's case I get barn and either underground or loft confinement, plus padlock.

Maybe my imagination is running overtime. But who knows.
I did not read or post on this thread for several days. The fact that we both came up with the word: Lantern

has me in awe.

That was my own experience with the silo apartment. There were NO windows and only access was like a trap door above--really creepy!!! Even back then my hinkey meter went skyrocketing, but I rationalized it by thinking OK, a guy probably could live in there and I'm totally paranoid. If I saw something like that now, it would be automatic reporting.

In Lindsey's case I get barn and either underground or loft confinement, plus padlock.

Maybe my imagination is running overtime. But who knows.

I too am at awe seems we are kind of feeling similar things. I think my hinky meter would of gone off if I too would of seen something like that silo. Thinking why would anyone want to live in something without windows. Nothing to let the air in. Actually really feels eerie to me just the thought of it. Would be a good place to put someone in and no one else would know any different if they hadn't advertise that. Oh man. I don't like the feeling of that idea.
I had wrote you of one dream that I didn't post cause not sure what it represented and it scared me to be honest. Since then dreams have been in chat formation and little different then before and seems when I wake I can only remember bits and pieces. I am not sure that I am not blocking which I know sometimes I do. Some of the stuff not sure even pertains or even how to interrupt them. I am so glad that I am not the only one that is trying to figure it out if they do mean something and kind of nice to get other's perception of the dream. Then think would be able have a better idea what it means.

Seems Kagey, you and I have had similar dreams and often wonder what the representation of those are. They seem to always be in back of my mind especially when I am researching. I thought it interesting the other day and not sure anyone caught it. But someone mention on main thread about posters being placed at mud bay and black lake blvd. Someone once told me about synchroncity. I think there is a lot of truth behind them. We get messages all through our lives and whether we follow what we feel, when we see them, hear them or feel them. It's like when a person sees something on tv and it reminds them of a person in there life. Or someone is reasearching something and for some reason that doesn't feel right or it feels right you usually go investigate it. From my understanding that is what synchronicity is.
I ran a few words through a dream dictionary, here: http://dreammoods.com

Trailer Home
To dream that you live in a trailer home, suggests that you are feeling insignificant and undervalued. On the other hand, it may mean that you have a flexible self-image. You are able to adapt to any situation or circumstance.

To see or carry a lantern in your dream, represents the feelings and wisdom that are radiating from within you. These qualities will serve to guide you through life's journey.

To see windows in your dream, signifies bright hopes, vast possibilities and insight. If the windows of a house is dark, then it indicates a loss in your perception or vitality.

To see a barn in your dream, signifies feelings kept in your unconscious. There is a possibility that you may be holding back your instinctual action or natural urges.

To see a shack in your dream, represents your undeveloped self. You need to expand your Self. The dream may also be a pun on "shacking up".

To see a birch tree in your dream, indicates self-punishment or guilt issues.

(no interpretation)

To dream that you are in or walking through the forest, signifies a transitional phase. Follow your instincts. Alternatively, it indicates that you want to escape to a simpler way of life. You are feeling weighed down by the demands of your life.

To dream that you are lost in a forest, signifies that you are searching through your unconscious for a better understanding of yourself.
Please see also Woods.

To see the woods in your dream, represents life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. Alternatively, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious. You may be discovering your instinctual nature.

To dream that you are walking through the woods, signifies your return to an aspect of yourself that is innocent and spiritual. If you are walking out of the woods, then the dream could be a literal depiction of being "out of the woods" or being in the clear.
To dream that you are lost in the woods, indicates that you are starting a new phase in your life. You are expressing some anxiety about leaving behind the familiar and what you know.

To see dried up, dying woods in your dream, suggests that there is a situation in your life that has not yet been resolved. You may also be overwhelmed with a problem or issue.

I ran a few words through a dream dictionary, here: http://dreammoods.com

Trailer Home
To dream that you live in a trailer home, suggests that you are feeling insignificant and undervalued. On the other hand, it may mean that you have a flexible self-image. You are able to adapt to any situation or circumstance.

To see or carry a lantern in your dream, represents the feelings and wisdom that are radiating from within you. These qualities will serve to guide you through life's journey.

To see windows in your dream, signifies bright hopes, vast possibilities and insight. If the windows of a house is dark, then it indicates a loss in your perception or vitality.

To see a barn in your dream, signifies feelings kept in your unconscious. There is a possibility that you may be holding back your instinctual action or natural urges.

To see a shack in your dream, represents your undeveloped self. You need to expand your Self. The dream may also be a pun on "shacking up".

To see a birch tree in your dream, indicates self-punishment or guilt issues.

(no interpretation)

To dream that you are in or walking through the forest, signifies a transitional phase. Follow your instincts. Alternatively, it indicates that you want to escape to a simpler way of life. You are feeling weighed down by the demands of your life.

To dream that you are lost in a forest, signifies that you are searching through your unconscious for a better understanding of yourself.
Please see also Woods.

To see the woods in your dream, represents life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. Alternatively, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious. You may be discovering your instinctual nature.

To dream that you are walking through the woods, signifies your return to an aspect of yourself that is innocent and spiritual. If you are walking out of the woods, then the dream could be a literal depiction of being "out of the woods" or being in the clear.
To dream that you are lost in the woods, indicates that you are starting a new phase in your life. You are expressing some anxiety about leaving behind the familiar and what you know.

To see dried up, dying woods in your dream, suggests that there is a situation in your life that has not yet been resolved. You may also be overwhelmed with a problem or issue.


Thank you coastal.. IYour a sweetheart. I thing is kind of interesting how they put things. Will definitely check out that link. I appreciate it.
You are quite welcome! I don't know much about dream symbolism, but if the folks at http://dreammoods.com are right, it sounds to me like you and concentric (and your lanterns) are getting something right!

Sweet dreams!

P.S. Just remembered: when I clicked on "chase dreams", the explanation was pretty long, and most of it had to do with not facing one's own reality: you are essentially the chased and the chaser. To figure out what it is that you are unable to recognize in yourself, or are in denial about, when you find yourself in another chase dream, simply stop running, turn around, and ask yourself.

It sounds easy, but I bet it isn't. Still, it might be worth a try!
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