Dreams/Visions? - #1

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Just a peek in to say I also stated coarse in my desciption of the hair on the man I described. Another running theme from our dreams, & visions.
Just playing with words here, but:

cor·sair (kôrsâr)n.

1. A pirate, especially along the Barbary Coast.
2. A swift pirate ship, often operating with official sanction.

[French corsaire, from Old Provençal corsari, from Old Italian corsaro, from Medieval Latin cursrius, from cursus, plunder, from Latin, run, course; see course.]

cours·er 1 (kôrsr, kr-)n.
1. A dog trained for coursing.
2. A huntsman.

cours·er 2 (kôrsr, kr-)n.
A swift horse; a charger.

courser - a huntsman who hunts small animals with fast dogs that use sight rather than scent to follow their prey
(hunter, huntsman - someone who hunts game)

Isn't it interesting how karen's "course haired" (man) leads us first to pirates (McCleary's "Pirate Days"?) and then to "a huntsman", who uses special dogs to hunt small prey?

Things that make you go hmmmm....
The person knows who they are and maybe reads these forums to see how close or far away everyone is from them. So it is hard to know who you give insights to. It is best to ask or talk to the people at the Sheriff's Office. I have. Just a thought.
Just playing with words here, but:

cor·sair (kôrsâr)n.

1. A pirate, especially along the Barbary Coast.
2. A swift pirate ship, often operating with official sanction.

[French corsaire, from Old Provençal corsari, from Old Italian corsaro, from Medieval Latin cursrius, from cursus, plunder, from Latin, run, course; see course.]

cours·er 1 (kôrsr, kr-)n.
1. A dog trained for coursing.
2. A huntsman.

cours·er 2 (kôrsr, kr-)n.
A swift horse; a charger.

courser - a huntsman who hunts small animals with fast dogs that use sight rather than scent to follow their prey
(hunter, huntsman - someone who hunts game)

Isn't it interesting how karen's "course haired" (man) leads us first to pirates (McCleary's "Pirate Days"?) and then to "a huntsman", who uses special dogs to hunt small prey?

Things that make you go hmmmm....

woow, that sure does make you go hmmmm.. I have read this post several times. I like your thought process. Didn't realize that a word could have so many different meanings. I am at awe. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Just playing with words here, but:

cor·sair (kôrsâr)n.

1. A pirate, especially along the Barbary Coast.
2. A swift pirate ship, often operating with official sanction.

[French corsaire, from Old Provençal corsari, from Old Italian corsaro, from Medieval Latin cursrius, from cursus, plunder, from Latin, run, course; see course.]

cours·er 1 (kôrsr, kr-)n.
1. A dog trained for coursing.
2. A huntsman.

cours·er 2 (kôrsr, kr-)n.
A swift horse; a charger.

courser - a huntsman who hunts small animals with fast dogs that use sight rather than scent to follow their prey
(hunter, huntsman - someone who hunts game)

Isn't it interesting how karen's "course haired" (man) leads us first to pirates (McCleary's "Pirate Days"?) and then to "a huntsman", who uses special dogs to hunt small prey?

Things that make you go hmmmm....

One small correction (not that it would make a huge difference).. McCleary has the Bear Festival. Westport (which is 50 miles away) has the Pirate Days.
Just a little note regarding Karen's original dream/vision - re: netting

While I was researching Elk hunting/habitat in WA, I ran across a photo of "elk netting"


75% down the page is a section called "Preventing Conflicts" here is short quote:

"In most areas, elk summer ranges are on public lands, whereas winter ranges largely are on private lands. Herein lies the source of most complaints of damage to crops and property.

Depredation permits may be issued to individual landowners, and special elk permits may be issued to hunters to reduce local populations. Removing elk by any means is probably a short-term solution; other elk are likely to move in if attractive habitat remains available."


I just like keeping various things in the back of my mind while researching....
Just a little note regarding Karen's original dream/vision - re: netting

While I was researching Elk hunting/habitat in WA, I ran across a photo of "elk netting"


75% down the page is a section called "Preventing Conflicts" here is short quote:

"In most areas, elk summer ranges are on public lands, whereas winter ranges largely are on private lands. Herein lies the source of most complaints of damage to crops and property.

Depredation permits may be issued to individual landowners, and special elk permits may be issued to hunters to reduce local populations. Removing elk by any means is probably a short-term solution; other elk are likely to move in if attractive habitat remains available."


I just like keeping various things in the back of my mind while researching....

I am not familure what they hunt in Washington. Do they hunt elk.. I wonder if they use dogs to hunt them.. What animals they use dogs to hunt with. Do they use dogs to hunt Bear. I think some dogs are used for Bird hunting. Does anyone know when the hunting seasons are there and which one's use the use of dogs to hunt them. I also wonder if some hunt with horses. Kind of like the English do with on those fox hunts. Thinking of coastal's course and coral and lagey fence. hmmmm wonder if you can use an ATV to do these hunts. Sorry, Flight of idea's
I am not familure what they hunt in Washington. Do they hunt elk.. I wonder if they use dogs to hunt them.. What animals they use dogs to hunt with. Do they use dogs to hunt Bear. I think some dogs are used for Bird hunting. Does anyone know when the hunting seasons are there and which one's use the use of dogs to hunt them. I also wonder if some hunt with horses. Kind of like the English do with on those fox hunts. Thinking of coastal's course and coral and lagey fence. hmmmm wonder if you can use an ATV to do these hunts. Sorry, Flight of idea's

Washington state hunting information

regulations and seasons

hunting season dates

I haven't made my way through this site yet but this is the place to go - good thing for us to sort through. Those are great questions on hunting.
"Keep Seeking" means so much more as of today! I had no idea just how much those words posted would apply today
"Keep Seeking" means so much more as of today! I had no idea just how much those words posted would apply today

This is a hard day for many in this case and those words are truer then true in many different ways. Many emotions are being felt from all as well the family. Keep seeking Lindsey, Keep seeking truth, Keep seeking answers, keep seeking preditor, keep seeking justice. I also think this is a time to show love, support, compassion, tenderness and hope to family of LB, Friends, Searchers, Law Enforcement and all those that have been involved with looking for Lindsey, especially those in the town of Mccleary. Can only imagine how many are feeling after a day like today. Big hugs Kagey.
Just a little note regarding Karen's original dream/vision - re: netting

While I was researching Elk hunting/habitat in WA, I ran across a photo of "elk netting"


75% down the page is a section called "Preventing Conflicts" here is short quote:

"In most areas, elk summer ranges are on public lands, whereas winter ranges largely are on private lands. Herein lies the source of most complaints of damage to crops and property.

Depredation permits may be issued to individual landowners, and special elk permits may be issued to hunters to reduce local populations. Removing elk by any means is probably a short-term solution; other elk are likely to move in if attractive habitat remains available."


I just like keeping various things in the back of my mind while researching....

I think we both have Karen on the brain tonight. LOL I just posted this over on the gen thread as an OT there but decided to bring it here where it belongs. I know Karen used the word oval, but this is close and where they are searching this week-end:

"I know this isn't the dream/visions thread, but on the map on pp#2 here I almost fainted when I clicked and saw 'A'. It is plunk in the middle of a very bright green field and surrounded on one half by a forest of green trees. The green field forms almost a perfect half-circle up against the trees. Just what we searched so hard for and by gum, besides being where they are searching this weekend, it fits the bill for the possible perfect landscape seen by one of our resident posters in her simply amazing and maybe fortuitous dream". xoxoxoxoxo

I'll run and grab the map:
razzberry - I can relate. Here is how. My older sister was killed in a car accident. Months before that, I kept having a dream or vision of a woman with curly hair whose face was bleeding from an impact to the head. She was near a car, but was falling to the ground. I thought it was a vision of someone else I was researching who died under similar circumstances. Then my sister died. Now I realize it probably was her.

It is very painful to realize that you may have forseen your own family member.

I am so sorry for the loss of your sister and the pain you must carry. I've always said there are no words in our vocabulary to genuinely describe how sorry we feel for the person who has suffered such a loss.

Novice Seeker
razzberry - I can relate. Here is how. My older sister was killed in a car accident. Months before that, I kept having a dream or vision of a woman with curly hair whose face was bleeding from an impact to the head. She was near a car, but was falling to the ground. I thought it was a vision of someone else I was researching who died under similar circumstances. Then my sister died. Now I realize it probably was her.

It is very painful to realize that you may have forseen your own family member.

Hi Concentric, I am so sorry you lost your sister and want to thank you for sharing this with us. xox
"A Positive Trend Is Emerging...
Let's hold on to our faith that children will be safer in the future. When TRUTH is exposed, no matter how unpleasant, it brings awareness. Like a giant spot light, it works as a deterrent, because the one thing abusers (and abductors) dread the most is: BEING EXPOSED."

I wrote this in my journal back in early June regarding the harsh truths revealed in some other missing child cases that were finally solved. Although we do not have any answers yet about what happened to Lindsey, I am totally confident the truth will come out. It always does.

This might seem strangely off-topic, but toward the end of the Cold War when remote-viewing was being used for espionage, both sides ended up getting spooked by the abilities of the human mind to obtain hidden information.

If low-life perps against helpless children had any clue that a large number of spiritually gifted people are honing in with their hearts and minds to expose such crimes, they might get too paranoid to attempt it.

Above and beyond this, we have our prayers. "Goodness begets goodness" - my favorite motto.
I also wonder if some hunt with horses. Sorry, Flight of idea's

Yes, with horses, but it 'aint fox hunting English style, it's Western style big game hunting.
Awhile back that I had found several operations in Washington that that take people on horseback and with pack horses into the mountains and forests to hunt. So, it is done.

I did some research on it after I "got" the words horse and horse hair and posted that, along with what seemed to be some references to hunting (which you and some others also had).
I think we both have Karen on the brain tonight. LOL I just posted this over on the gen thread as an OT there but decided to bring it here where it belongs. I know Karen used the word oval, but this is close and where they are searching this week-end:

"I know this isn't the dream/visions thread, but on the map on pp#2 here I almost fainted when I clicked and saw 'A'. It is plunk in the middle of a very bright green field and surrounded on one half by a forest of green trees. The green field forms almost a perfect half-circle up against the trees. Just what we searched so hard for and by gum, besides being where they are searching this weekend, it fits the bill for the possible perfect landscape seen by one of our resident posters in her simply amazing and maybe fortuitous dream". xoxoxoxoxo

I'll run and grab the map:


When I posted I got the words "coarse man" I thought it described the appearance/demeanor of a person (KageyKaren then brought it to my attention that she had posted about a man with coarse hair) but...

I also thought, did it mean course man, as in Golf Course maintenance man, what's it called--a greenskeeper?

Secondly, could the semi-circular area be a green on a golf course? There appear to be several oval green areas.

Also, what of the idea that the "net" in the dream was on a driving range or golf course as several here speculated?
The second one was I believe was fort lewis when it was reported that a two men and older one and younger one where dragging a young girl into the woods and she fighting them.

Can you bring that news article back here, friend? Thanks in advance.
Sometimes I feel like I should "rein myself in," but then, I remember: This is the Dreams and Visions thread. Will anyone say "hold your horses?" Nay, there will be noone "getting on their high horse" about it. Let your thoughts run free...


I have to laugh sometimes because I get so emotionally down about this case.
This URL was passed to me today.


You might have to click a ~'go to content' banner/link @ the top of the page first.

I know null about this person/site so.. just passing it along (hope its ok)

In a round-a-bout way (from that site ^) it was asked if i knew if the Sand Creek Pond area has been searched.
"Sand Creek Pond"??? Sat. posters were discussing Foreman Rd. & Old Sandy Creek Rd. as being near the home that was being searched. This home is right at or so near the bend in the rd. that connects to Old Sandy Creek Rd. which takes you about 3/4 quarters of a mile to a mile to SANDY CREEK Pond! (not yelling)!!! This reminded me of JVK's post above from around 10 days after Lindsey went missing. Sure wish we knew then to look at this pond! I don't like that site but went and saw the psychic reading saying the amount of yards into miles where Lindsey would be found. So JVK do you remember who passed this URL to you? I went and read the Lindsey site but could not find where they told you in a round about way if Sandy Creek has been searched. It is hard to navigate so I probably missed. Thanks if you can link the question asked of you. This area at this point seems to be important to many including Brians dreams thread. It has been reported that someone set fire to a car at Sandy Creek Pond last night which prompted me to look at this Sandy creek Pond alittle closer. Just wished I would have sooner. I wonder if there is other information from that site that would state why this area need to be searchhed so early on. JVK, were you able to get pics of Sandy Creek Pond as I could use a visual. My eyes are crosseyed LOL! Thanks for the help. Don't want to send out the mounty to drain a pond if not necessary. Not that I have any authority in that! If I did I'd have every water hole, pumped.
So I had a dream lastnight that I am pretty sure relates to Lindsey, trying to figure how it may fit.

I was walking down a dirt road with a handful of other people and we were searching for clues on Lindsey.There were telephone and power poles lining the road.
The sides of the road (this is odd) there was fire, not high flames just small ember type fire glowing red and orange, but it was flowing like water does in the same direction we were walking.
Out of nowhere a voice says to me " You need to go in the opposite direction from where your looking" I turn and go the opposite direction from where I was headed and there leaning against ( a rock?) by a telephone pole was what looked like to me to be a taser gun. I reached down to pick it up and I woke up.

Below I have attached a pic of something similar to what I saw only the top part of the TG was missing...


  • images TG.jpg
    images TG.jpg
    3.6 KB · Views: 10
"Sand Creek Pond"??? Sat. posters were discussing Foreman Rd. & Old Sandy Creek Rd. as being near the home that was being searched. This home is right at or so near the bend in the rd. that connects to Old Sandy Creek Rd. which takes you about 3/4 quarters of a mile to a mile to SANDY CREEK ROAD! (not yelling)!!! This reminded me of JVK's post above from around 10 days after Lindsey went missing. Sure wish we knew then to look at this pond! I don't like that site but went and saw the psychic reading saying the amount of yards into miles where Lindsey would be found. So JVK do you remember who passed this URL to you? I went and read the Lindsey site but could not find where they told you in a round about way if Sandy Creek has been searched. It is hard to navigate so I probably missed. Thanks if you can link the question asked of you. This area at this point seems to be important to many including Brians dreams thread. It has been reported that someone set fire to a car at Sandy Creek Pond last night which prompted me to look at this Sandy creek Pond alittle closer. Just wished I would have sooner. I wonder if there is other information from that site that would state why this area need to be searchhed so early on. JVK, were you able to get pics of Sandy Creek Pond as I could use a visual. My eyes are crosseyed LOL! Thanks for the help. Don't want to send out the mounty to drain a pond if not necessary. Not that I have any authority in that! If I did I'd have every water hole, pumped.

Well that is odd as my dream last night had fire in it.
I am a member at Brians site do you need anything Karen ?
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