Drew Peterson's Trial *FOURTH WEEK*

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In Session Dr. Case is asked about “langer lines.” “Since you’ve agreed that Dr. Leetsma’s book is accepted as a respected treatise, he says ‘the scalp absorbs and dampens the effects of impact’ . . .” “That’s what he says.” “Ms. Savio had an injury on the back of her head?” “Correct.” “Parallel to the lines that run across her head would be horizontal lines . . . Dr. Leetsma says that’s what you’d expect to find?” “Yes.” “And that’s something completely different from what you’ve said today? You don’t accept anything in the forensic field as definitive unless you wrote it?” “Yes.” “And you’ve said that in the past?” “Yes.” “This book is still on the shelf in your library, isn’t it?” “Yes, it is.”
Goldberg: neuropathology book Case owns disputes her theory of the horizontal laceration on Savio's head

Case agrees about the book, and maintains her opinion....
O Man!!! This is such a travesty. I am so glad that Dr. Case has done so well today and am ever grateful that the hitman testimony will be upcoming. The color coordinated jury worries me, but not as much as the Judge and the blue wall do! Justice for Kathleen!
Goldberg: neuropathology book Case owns disputes her theory of the horizontal laceration on Savio's head

Case agrees about the book, and maintains her opinion....

I'm trying to get ready for the battle of the experts. I think they will cross each other out before all the testimony is over. I'm no expert but to me it is obvious that she did not receive those injuries in a fall in the tub. I don't know what happened and am looking forward to hearing what the PT has to say about the chain of events that led to KS's death. Also am curious how they plan to tie DP into being at the scene, if they even go there.......
The witness repeats she would not expect to see a laceration like the one to Savio’s head in a common bathtub fall.

Dr. Case says she knows what's in the book, respects the book, but doesn't agree with everything in it.

Goldberg questions Case on her knowledge of "fat blaster" pills. Case: You mean something that will do away with your fat?

Case: There's really nothing herbal that will increase your metabolism

You knew that she took fat blaster pills?” “I don’t remember fat blaster pills.”

Defense asking Case about Savio's medical records: her usage of aspirin, heart murmur, pain in feet, extremities.

Goldberg getting Case to acknowledge a number of medical conditions Case did not include on her own report.

Goldberg now asking Case if she knows anything about Savio's boyfriend's claims of rough sex and easy bruising. She doesn't.

trial witness Case says she is unaware of Savio's bf telling authorities that she bruised easily, had rough sex before death
In Session The witness repeats she would not expect to see a laceration like the one to Savio’s head in a common bathtub fall. Attorney Goldberg quotes from Dr. Leetsma’s book, reading passages that appear to contradict her opinion. “You told the jury that you would expect to see an edge?’ “I mentioned two things: a linear object, and an edged object.” Goldberg continues to read from Dr. Leetsma’s book. “I don’t disagree with anything that you just read there.”
In Session Dr. Case acknowledges that an autopsy cannot reveal whether someone suffered from arrhythmia. She says that she reviewed Kathleen Savio’s medical records in this case, and then identifies a copy of her own report. “There’s not one mention whatsoever about Miss Savio’s medical records?” “That’s correct; I neglected to put those on there . . .I left it out, and I apologize.” “You knew that she took fat blaster pills?” “I don’t remember fat blaster pills.” “Assume it’s in there.” “OK . . . I’m not an expert in fat blasters.” “They’re sold all over the country, and in your community?” “Probably.” She identifies Dr. Christopher Long as “my toxicologist.” “He is not a medical doctor?” “That’s correct.”
In Session “You understand that fat blaster pills would increase your metabolism, and there are a number of side effects on those bottles?” “I don’t know.” “You know that Ms. Savio did have heart palpitations?” “When she first began with Dr. Motiani, she checked ‘yes’ for heart palpitations . . . I knew that she had palpitations.” “And she had a history of heart palpitations?” “Yes; that is not an unusual complaint.”
In Session “You understand Ms. Savio took aspirin?” “There’s a list of medications she took; aspirin is a common thing, usually not prescribed . . . I don’t really recall her taking aspirin frequently . . . I don’t recall seeing aspirin in the records.” “Did you see where she told her dermatologist that she had scarring on her buttocks?” “Yes . . . that was not delineated further. She had it on her hands and on her buttocks.” “What you did not note in your report is dizziness?” “I don’t mention dizziness.” “You don’t mention cervical vertigo?” “No, I mentioned it later under Dr. Neri’s report.” The witness is asked about Savio’s complaint of bloating. “Can that mean that her heart was not functioning 100%?” “It could, if she had congestive heart failure.” Dr. Case also concedes that there are other complaints that Savio had that she did not personally mention in her report for this case (trouble sleeping, headaches, periods of anorexia, etc.). “You have no idea that she and her boyfriend, Steve Maniaci, had rough sex shortly before her death?” Objection/Overruled. “I don’t know about that.” “And Mr. Maniaci told the state police that they had sex in the rear position, where she could have easily abraded her knees?” “I am not aware of that . . . I did not hear anything that Mr. Maniaci said.”
Case: even if the tub is dry, it's not rough so as to cause the abrasion on Savio's buttocks.
“Abrasions can be produced post-mortem?” “Yes.” “Those are brownish yellow, right?” “Yes.” #DrewPeterson
In Session The witness acknowledges that women bruise more easily than men. “When you talked about the abrasion on Ms. Savio’s buttocks . . . you described that as brown and yellowish?” “Yes . . . it’s not blue.” “Abrasions can be produced post-mortem?” “Yes.” “Those are brownish yellow, right?” “Yes.” “So when you said it was produced before she died, that was incorrect?” “In my opinion, it’s ante mortem . . . that particular one is not post-mortem, in my opinion.”

In Session In the opinion of Dr. Case, Kathleen Savio was “healthy.” “When you told the jurors that the head injury would not produce loss of consciousness when she fell, you’re making an assumption that she was conscious to start with?” “Correct.”
Goldberg now asking Case about hot bathwater making the bather dizzy...

Goldberg asking Case about Vasodilation ... what happens to your body when you get into a hot bath.

Goldberg questions if the moving of Savio's body by paramedics could have produced the bruising.

However, the witness acknowledges that she did not visit the death scene and personally observe the tub.

Case: people with artery disease could pass out in a hot tub, Savio did not have cardiovascular disease

Case: "Extremely unlikely" that Savio passed out due to Vasodilation.

Case: Also, you would wake up as soon as you fell, like a faint.

The witness is asked about what may or may not be a common complaint pertaining to “a hot bath.” #

Goldberg asking Dr. Case about laceration on the back of Savio's head.

Book by a Dr. Spitz says that some lacerations can lead to dizziness without damage to the inside of the head, brain.

Case: I don't see Savio's bruises as being caused by "rough sex."

Goldberg again brings up rough sex causing Savio's bruises. Case: I did not see this as any kind of consensual activity.
In Session The witness is asked about what may or may not be a common complaint pertaining to “a hot bath.” “Your body tries to compensate for the fact that you’re in a hot bath?” “Your body temperature stays the same . . . the blood is moving, the vessels are dilating; the blood is moving out there.” She repeats that she finds it “extremely unlikely” that Savio passed out due to the hot water in a bath.

In Session The witness is now asked about a book written by [defense expert] Dr. Werner Spitz. “It’s recognized; it’s useful . . . I don’t agree with every statement in the book.” “And you don’t agree with anything being authoritative unless you wrote it?” “Yes.” Attorney Goldberg reads from the book. “Dr. Spitz disagrees with you, doesn’t he?” “And I disagree with Dr. Spitz.” “You disagree when he says that if the blow is hard enough to break the skin, even unconsciousness is possible?” Objection/Sustained.
In Session Dr. Case is questioned again about the “rough sex” that Goldberg theorizes might have caused some of her bruises. “I don’t know if that’s rough sex; that probably happens every day” Goldberg: “Maybe in your house, not mine.” Objection/Sustained.
Goldberg: You don't deal with live people who could tell you they bumped into a table (to cause deep bruises) #DrewPeterson

Case: That is not a common experience, to walk around with bruises like (Savio's).

witness brushes aside defense suggestion that Savio's bruises came from sex with her boyfriend three days before she died.

Goldberg asking Dr. Case about brain dissection...
In Session Dr. Case is questioned again about the “rough sex” that Goldberg theorizes might have caused some of her bruises. “I don’t know if that’s rough sex; that probably happens every day” Goldberg: “Maybe in your house, not mine.” Objection/Sustained.

Jezz.. can these lawyers get any ruder...
Case says that sex like that "probably happens every day." #DrewPeterson defense atty responds "maybe at your house, but not at mine."

[I am curious if the judge admonished the DT for making jokes. He yelled at the Prosecution for that earlier I believe.]
attorney Darryl Goldberg asks if Case, a pathologist, is familiar with bruises sustained by live people.

trial witness Dr. Case replied: "all of my people were alive before they got to me."

We've moved on from brain dissection without much of a question. Goldberg asking Dr. Case about bruising of Savio's diaphragm.

One pathologist didn't find bruising on diaphragm. Case: they didn't examine it the way Dr. Baden and I did.

Goldberg ends cross-examination of Case
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