Drew Peterson's Trial *SECOND WEEK*

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I'm a little confused which is normal. I thought maybe Brodsky or one of the defense attorneys said that she had fixed her tea and orange juice and then went to get her bath. So did she take a glass of wine with her to the tub leaving behind the tea and orange juice?
I'm a little confused which is normal. I thought maybe Brodsky or one of the defense attorneys said that she had fixed her tea and orange juice and then went to get her bath. So did she take a glass of wine with her to the tub leaving behind the tea and orange juice?

Yes. Seems a little strange, doesn't it. That's a good catch. jmo
Does anyone know when the coroner estimated time of death was? Saturday night or Sunday? Just wondering about the light the neighbors saw on Saturday and who would have turned it off.
Kernc took a police report from Savio about Peterson threatening her, allegedly with a knife. Kernc testified at a hearing in 2010 that Savio did not want the detail about the knife included in the report because she was worried it would cost Peterson his job.

When interviewed by Kernc, Peterson denied attacking Savio, said she had invited him over to her home and alleged that Savio exposed herself to him and asked if he "missed this."


I dont remember this from the trial. Am going back to look.
Defense is saying there was a wine glass in the tub. But we have heard it from no one else so far. I think it is a poor attempt to make it sound as if she were drunk and just fell in the tub.

I'm surprised DP did not follow his own known procedures. Just because he is LE does not give him permission to break into a home he no longer resided in. He should have called LE which is what I would think is a normal procedure. I do think he had to cover up the fact that the lock had been picked previously. That to me stands out like a sore thumb.

Also the interview downstairs in the basement with Stacy and DP present. Could he have picked more uncomfortable chairs to sit on? Why didn't they sit on a couch where she would have been more comfortable. Why didn't DP just send the boys outside or downstairs?? DP seems to have set the scene for her that this was an interrogation of her and he was just being supportive. All that was missing was the spotlight over her head. jmo

Totally agree regarding the need for a locksmith, which has always been highly suspicious in itself. There was no emergency which would've called for a wellness check by LE. He had the children. Just because Kathleen didn't answer the phone or the door didn't give him the right to enter the house without her permission. There was nothing inside the house that would require him to get inside immediately. However, if he knew she was laying dead in the bathtub, she had to be found before he was to return the children. And, as you suggest, there was evidence of him having picked the lock, he would need the lock to be dismantled, or opened by a locksmith in order to cover his tracks.

He need to be in prison general population, the prisoners there love copes and women beaters :D
I agree DP is dangerous, but I disagree he will "go after the people who testified." People said the exact same thing when OJ Simpson got acquitted in 1995. Did that happen? Did he murder anyone else? No. He was watched and shunned and as we all know eventually landed himself in a Nevada state prison. Who was at risk in OJ's path? Primarily the woman who entered a dysfunctional relationship with him. It ended badly a decade later, but at least she's alive and off drugs.

The person who is in danger from DP if he is acquitted is the next woman who decides to enter a relationship with him. If he tries to go after anyone from his prior life he'll be suspected and prosecuted. He'll be suspect #1, no doubt. Drew is a coward. He threatens women. He threatens weak women. And the only kind of woman he can get would be one who is weak and is ripe for his bullying tactics.

The difference between OJ and DP is that DP has been intimidating and bullying his neighbors and former friends and witnesses for years already. OJ had no history of that before his trial. But DP relished in his role and loved to threaten and frighten others.

So imo, if he walks away from this a free man, God.Forbid., he will continue to bully and intimidate others as much as possible. I am not convinced that Kathleen and Stacey are his only victims, either. :rose:
I sure hope it's not.

HLN keeps replaying that clip of Brodsky saying 'anyone who knows Drew knows he would never do anything to hurt his children, and hurting their Mother would be hurting the children so there's no way he's capable of doing anything to his wives....he wouldn't risk spending the rest of his life in prison.....'

The first name that came to mind was John List. He loved his children and they ended up dead because he wanted to protect them from the evils of the world. I'm sure plenty of husbands convinced themselves that the Mother being 'gone' was best for the kids.

Risk spending his life in prison? He was a cop. Guess Brodsky forgot that even according to his own words Drew knows how to kill and make it look like an accident.

This cracks me up too. Not capable.....really? His beef was with these women so he was going to get rid of them and make excuses or make it look like an accident to cover up the truth! Kids end up hurt anyway...ugh. He disgusts me so so so so much.

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someone earlier this thread was asking about the wine glass. I hadn't heard about a wine glass before, but the toxicology test for alcohol was negative. fyi

Just catching up on todays posts.

Did anyone catch the following in the autopsy report?
Page 1, the report lists the time of death as March 1, 2004 11:17pm
and the time of autopsy as March 1, 2001 2:20pm. Clearly inaccurate. She didn't get an autopsy hours before she died.

How inept of Will county. Every way one turns with the intial investigation into Kathleen's death is a major failure, from the IL state police, to the medical examiner. WTH is wrong with these people? :maddening:
Both years should be 2004 - but good catch on the times. Is it just a typo PM instead of AM?
The judge is back on the bench. Connor makes an argument that the defense has opened the door to additional records that the judge had previously ruled inadmissible. Brodsky disagrees. Judge: “I think the State’s observation is an acute one... but I think those records are prejudicial, and so I’m not going to let them in. But you want to be careful in the future where you tread, counsel.” With that, Judge Burmila sends for the jury.

I was just looking over this week's testimony and was reminded of this exchange. So, even when the defense opens the door to some evidence, the judge will deem it prejudicial and still not allow it in. I am not a lawyer but is this proper?
Even if the defense sucks and brings in things they shouldn't, the judge will fix it?
Pssshhhhhhhffffftttttt! jmo

Kind of stupid on the judges part imo. He just offered to babysit the defense and we know since they know the judge will 'fix it' they're going to continue pushing the line.
I'm a little confused which is normal. I thought maybe Brodsky or one of the defense attorneys said that she had fixed her tea and orange juice and then went to get her bath. So did she take a glass of wine with her to the tub leaving behind the tea and orange juice?

Yes. Seems a little strange, doesn't it. That's a good catch. jmo

Tea and Orange juice sound like a morning thing. Which leaves me to wonder about the time of death being in the am when drewP had gone out for donuts. He'd plant the wine to make it appear as if she died in the evening prior to going to bed rather than in the am after fixing her morning tea and orange juice.

just thinking outloud....
Does anyone know when the coroner estimated time of death was? Saturday night or Sunday? Just wondering about the light the neighbors saw on Saturday and who would have turned it off.

According to the autopsy report, Kathleen had her autopsy about 9 hours before her death, so who knows. :banghead:
The difference between OJ and DP is that DP has been intimidating and bullying his neighbors and former friends and witnesses for years already. OJ had no history of that before his trial. But DP relished in his role and loved to threaten and frighten others.

So imo, if he walks away from this a free man, God.Forbid., he will continue to bully and intimidate others as much as possible. I am not convinced that Kathleen and Stacey are his only victims, either. :rose:

The only reason DP was able to bully his neighbors and former friends was the badge. He hid behind the badge. The badge has been taken away. With the badge went the power. He does not have it anymore.

Good cops HATE crooked cops. Conviction or not, DP is now known as a crooked cop. He's going to have to be walking a much tighter line if he gets out. He'll still be able to prey upon troubled women like Stacy, but he's not going to have the badge to hide behind with friends, neighbors and other cops like he did prior to his arrest. That door is forever closed.
Both years should be 2004 - but good catch on the times. Is it just a typo PM instead of AM?

Whoops, that 2001 was my mistake.


Here is a calendar for 2004.


I think it's more than just an am/pm thing. I'm not exactly sure where the mistakes are though. I thought they went in on a Sunday night (Feb 29?) and the autopsy then would have been on Monday Mar 1. IDK.
I think the witnesses are all residents of Illinois. If DP walks, he really can no longer remain a resident of Illinois. His life in Illinois is over. If he walks IL LE would be looking for him to make a mistake and lock him back up. He knows that, so if he walks he'll move out of state.

Please, Drew, stay out of Maryland!!!
I'm a little confused which is normal. I thought maybe Brodsky or one of the defense attorneys said that she had fixed her tea and orange juice and then went to get her bath. So did she take a glass of wine with her to the tub leaving behind the tea and orange juice?

Until I see something re the wine glass, I am thinking that tails are being chased on that. Are there any pieces of evidence that even state that...otherise,it is on my :ignore: list for now as to consider other than a lie to someone.

I had about three posts open, but you stated gently what I wanted to shout out and would have perhaps not been as soft in my reply. Also, reading how some here that thought that that kind of sex showed lack of intimicy :headbang: it reminded how I just read last week on another thread how defense folks look at these forums...and yep...they have now confirmed that this is how folks think of that .... :headbang: and of course MOO

I don't think it was an aversion to the bed, whatsoever. They each liked each other many years prior to getting together. Tons of people have sex all over their homes and in other places. It's not a sign there is no intimacy in their relationship. In fact, it could be the opposite. They may have had sex in the bedroom too, after their little romps in the house, maybe even in the same night. There is nothing wrong with that and more power to them!! In fact, many couples who have a terrific sex life stay together for eternity.

The difference here, is that we have had to hear about it in a court of law, which is disgusting and degrading to Kathleen's memory. There was NO purpose for that particular testimony, none! :banghead:

EWWWW warning: DP was probably the worst person in the sack, I don't blame Kathleen for having a little fun with her boyfriend!

Another note, maybe her boyfriend was SO distraught over Kathleen's death, he could never be in another serious relationship. He held a torch for Kathleen for many years. I do not find it weird that he hasn't married, sounds like she was the love of his life. I admire him, and feel sorry for his guilt and pain. This must be horrible for him to relive.

Excellent point! I'm sure there's a few Bolingbrook police officers that have been on the job long enough to have gotten to know DP well enough and might have some idea what he did with Stacy.

My gut feeling is that Stacy isn't anywhere that could easily be found. I would bet her remains are a long way from Bolingbrook.


....they are far away or DP has rendered them into "nothing" (ashes, bits n peices so they will never be found.) He's so cocky and confident they will never find her or run across her, where ever he put her, he is confident she won't be found.

Would love to have a Stacey look-alike come and walk thru those courtroom doors, and give old Drew a stroke that will render him as simple in the head as we already think he is.\\jmo
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