Drew Peterson's Trial *SECOND WEEK*

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I don't think that my reaction was out of the ordinary or wrong in any way.
To each his own.
I did say that perhaps my own reaction was what the defense wanted and that wasn't a surprise to me nor would it be to them.

where this couple was enjoying each other or in what particular fashion--it was raw, raunchy detail that made it very gross.

Perhaps my reaction was precisely what the defense wanted--to make their relationship seem tawdry or cheap in a way. Yes indeed, more power to the two of them for enjoying each other...I am all for it. We just didn't need to hear about it like that.
I do feel sorry for Steve as I think that he did love Kathleen. As a woman though, I felt sorry for Kathleen feeling like it wasn't moving along towards marriage like she wanted it to. I think that it would have in good time and they very likely would have been happy. It is a tragedy.
No doubt this horrific loss has left scars on him.

I was sickened that their intimacy was discussed like that and felt sorry for both Steve, Kathleen's father and the dignity of the memory of Kathleen herself for that to be revealed. Some things are private. Brodsky is really sleazy. MOO.

The love letters that Drew sent to an old flame while he has been in the clinker were similarly gross and objectifying....asking her for her bra size, height, weight, dress size etc. Eww


I had about three posts open, but you stated gently what I wanted to shout out and would have perhaps not been as soft in my reply. Also, reading how some here that thought that that kind of sex showed lack of intimicy :headbang: it reminded how I just read last week on another thread how defense folks look at these forums...and yep...they have now confirmed that this is how folks think of that .... :headbang: and of course MOO
I'm a little confused which is normal. I thought maybe Brodsky or one of the defense attorneys said that she had fixed her tea and orange juice and then went to get her bath. So did she take a glass of wine with her to the tub leaving behind the tea and orange juice?

The wine glass was a figment of Drew's imagination. If it was real, what happened to it? Was it collected into evidence?
The OJ was found on the kitchen counter in a glass and the mug forn tea was in the microwave. Sounds to me like Drew caught KS in the morning, before she had a chance to drink her OJ or make her tea. hmmmm.

The only reason DP was able to bully his neighbors and former friends was the badge. He hid behind the badge. The badge has been taken away. With the badge went the power. He does not have it anymore.

Good cops HATE crooked cops. Conviction or not, DP is now known as a crooked cop. He's going to have to be walking a much tighter line if he gets out. He'll still be able to prey upon troubled women like Stacy, but he's not going to have the badge to hide behind with friends, neighbors and other cops like he did prior to his arrest. That door is forever closed.

They might hate crooked cops but IMO some might still protect the crooked cops. Brothers 4 ever
We'll be talking about the trial on the radio show in about a half an hour. The chat room is now open! Follow the link in my signature!
I have to agree with this. It's not like the bathtub had a shower, that would have made more sense. I'm questioning the BF's character a bit. Am I correct that he is 60 years old? Never been married. No kids, etc.

One thing I wish they would bring up during the trial is that most police officers have some sort of card or something that can get through locked doors (don't know about deadbolts though). Maybe that's not relevant, but it's still nagging at me and I wish someone would bring it up at trial.

I would also like to know more about the two ex wives. We're not hearing much from/about them, and it's probably relevant someway. Has either been called to testify? Not to my knowledge and I try to watch as often as I can until IS turns off their coverage. :banghead:

Just my feeble thoughts as I try to sort through this mess. And I think he will walk.


The two ex-wives have nothing whatsoever to do with this case, so what could they possibly have to say that would make a difference? If I were in their shoes I would prefer to stay in the background and not have to get on the stand and be put through the wringer by the DT. They may or may not have gone through the kind of abuse that the other two did, but this trial is not about his other marriages, it's about Kathleen's death, which they probably know nothing about. All JMO.
The two ex-wives have nothing whatsoever to do with this case, so what could they possibly have to say that would make a difference? If I were in their shoes I would prefer to stay in the background and not have to get on the stand and be put through the wringer by the DT. They may or may not have gone through the kind of abuse that the other two did, but this trial is not about his other marriages, it's about Kathleen's death, which they probably know nothing about. All JMO.

Only thing they might have in common is if Kathleen talked with them about Drew and her fear???
I agree DP is dangerous, but I disagree he will "go after the people who testified." People said the exact same thing when OJ Simpson got acquitted in 1995. Did that happen? Did he murder anyone else? No. He was watched and shunned and as we all know eventually landed himself in a Nevada state prison. Who was at risk in OJ's path? Primarily the woman who entered a dysfunctional relationship with him. It ended badly a decade later, but at least she's alive and off drugs.

The person who is in danger from DP if he is acquitted is the next woman who decides to enter a relationship with him. If he tries to go after anyone from his prior life he'll be suspected and prosecuted. He'll be suspect #1, no doubt. Drew is a coward. He threatens women. He threatens weak women. And the only kind of woman he can get would be one who is weak and is ripe for his bullying tactics.

I agree with everything you said.

He also does not fit the criteria for a serial killer, as referenced in the post you quoted. A serial killer kills 3 or more people in separate incidents, usually random and not related to themselves. Who else has he killed? Possibly Stacy. His other two ex wives are still alive and he has not been accused or charged with any other murders. That is NOT a serial killer.
Well, one thing he CAN be called is a serial abuser of women.:maddening:
Only thing they might have in common is if Kathleen talked with them about Drew and her fear???

Yes, they could testify to that, of course. But would they want to? And if by some chance he was acquitted, he could go after them. Maybe the prosecution just doesn't want to weigh the jury down with more of the same.
Btw, I saw your post about the cop letting you off because of your hubby. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with that. People in other professions get little perks and breaks, why not a cop's wife?! Besides... a lot of cops won't give you more than a warning unless you smart-mouth them or get defensive, which a lot of people do.
The only reason DP was able to bully his neighbors and former friends was the badge. He hid behind the badge. The badge has been taken away. With the badge went the power. He does not have it anymore.

Good cops HATE crooked cops. Conviction or not, DP is now known as a crooked cop. He's going to have to be walking a much tighter line if he gets out. He'll still be able to prey upon troubled women like Stacy, but he's not going to have the badge to hide behind with friends, neighbors and other cops like he did prior to his arrest. That door is forever closed.

Drew might not have a badge anymore, but I am very sure he still has influence. Dollars to donuts, he probably has a lot of dirt on a lot of people he can use to keep them in line.

I knew such a person once. She wasn't a police person, but she was in a position of some power. She knew who took kickbacks, who was having an affair, who used drugs, and much more. In her case, she used her knowledge in a more positive way. She used it to keep these people "honest" in their dealings with their employees. Even so, it was one person who frightened me a bit.
I'm sure Drew's powers of intimidation are "intact and ready to act" should he be found not guilty.
I was married to an azz like DP (minus the murder and missing spouse) and they never, ever give up.

Whoops, that 2001 was my mistake.


Here is a calendar for 2004.


I think it's more than just an am/pm thing. I'm not exactly sure where the mistakes are though. I thought they went in on a Sunday night (Feb 29?) and the autopsy then would have been on Monday Mar 1. IDK.

Watching the BIO channel show called "Bad Husbands: Drew Peterson" and as they went to the last bunch of commercials I swear they showed Kathleen's tombstone with the date March 1, 2004.

....they are far away or DP has rendered them into "nothing" (ashes, bits n peices so they will never be found.) He's so cocky and confident they will never find her or run across her, where ever he put her, he is confident she won't be found.

Would love to have a Stacey look-alike come and walk thru those courtroom doors, and give old Drew a stroke that will render him as simple in the head as we already think he is.\\jmo

That was my thought too..........Stacy has been disappeared in a manner that would never result in identification. She may have been cremated, or somehow reduced to nothing.

I remember that at the time of her disappearance there was a lot of discussion on what DP may have done with her remains.

Someone who lived in Will County suggested that he might have buried her remains under a state highway project that was being done at that time. She would be under pavement.

That happened here where I live. Some 30 years ago a young boy disappeared and was never found. His presumed killer died in prison for another crime and on his death bed confessed to killing the boy and gave directions to where he could be found. Police dug up a freeway on-ramp in an effort to find the remains, and concluded the boy is actually somewhere under the freeway pavement, not the on-ramp.

DP went off on that three day "heading clearing" trip on his motorcycle. I think the purpose of that trip was to permanently dispose of Stacy's remains.

I've always wondered if she was in a very deep area of Lake Michigan?
The two ex-wives have nothing whatsoever to do with this case, so what could they possibly have to say that would make a difference? .


There was something that was in MSM when this first broke about the two ex-wives (1st and 2nd marriage) that they both stated Drew was not abusive in any way. I'm going from memory.... my step dad brought it to my recollection earlier while discussing this case..... but we both recall it and I am fairly certain the defense will bring it up.

By when this first broke, I mean very early on. Anyone else recall this? I'm a little too tired to look now, but will try to find the MSM articles tomorrow sometime. If someone else is able to look/find this sooner please go for it! I have a very busy Monday and Tuesday this week.
The two ex-wives have nothing whatsoever to do with this case, so what could they possibly have to say that would make a difference? If I were in their shoes I would prefer to stay in the background and not have to get on the stand and be put through the wringer by the DT. They may or may not have gone through the kind of abuse that the other two did, but this trial is not about his other marriages, it's about Kathleen's death, which they probably know nothing about. All JMO.
I disagree. It has been reported that DP abused Victoria, his second wife, prior to leaving her for Kathleen. Furthermore, he abused and stalked a former girlfriend. He used he authority to stalk and intimidate these women, in fact, all of his significant others, Kathleen and Stacy included have reported abuse by him. This is a pattern with DP, one that sure does have something to do with his prior bad acts, and this case. The trial shouldn't be about his "marriages", but it sure should include his pattern of abusing, stalking, intimidating, and hurting all women. Although, I guess who he is and what he does, is too prejudicial to him. Oh vey. :what: JMO

On a side note, AFTER Stacy was missing and presumed dead, the BB Police was buddy/buddy with DP. They are just as corrupt as he is, unless the entire department has had a major layoff. They are part of the reason for his cocky, arrogant attitude. That never changed before he was arrested (he didn't have his badge still, and was under investigation for double murder), it certainly isn't going to change now.

All :moo::moo::moo:

The only thing that might wipe that smirk off his face is being convicted and a long sentence in jail!! JMO

There was something that was in MSM when this first broke about the two ex-wives (1st and 2nd marriage) that they both stated Drew was not abusive in any way. I'm going from memory.... my step dad brought it to my recollection earlier while discussing this case..... but we both recall it and I am fairly certain the defense will bring it up.

By when this first broke, I mean very early on. Anyone else recall this? I'm a little too tired to look now, but will try to find the MSM articles tomorrow sometime. If someone else is able to look/find this sooner please go for it! I have a very busy Monday and Tuesday this week.

Carol Brown said that he was not. Victoria said that he was and they had quite the history, if I remember it correctly. DP pulled a gun on her three times and threatened to kill her and make it look like an accident.

This does not include the girlfriend or ex-fiance he stalked, gave her tickets etc..

Here is some info from an article a few mo's after Stacy went missing:

He has been married four times. His first wife, Carol Brown, divorced him in 1980 after six years of marriage, partly because he was unfaithful, media reports say.

His second marriage, to Vicki Connolly, ended after 10 years. Connolly later told reporters that he had physically abused her during the marriage.

I agree Drew cannot hurt anyone in LE. Oh sure he can posture and bluff, but have real power? No way. First, no one would take him seriously. He's a lying liar who lies. He's a multiple murderer. Everyone knows this. He has no leverage. No cop wants to have his name and reputation tied to DP going forward. I mean for what? How many of his former cop buddies visit him in jail? (I bet none).

I think it's an emo fantasy that Drew holds anything more than a lot of hot air and methane gas in his bowels. The best he's got is his passive/aggressive pranks. He's all hat and no cattle. If you are married to DP then yes, your life is in danger. Otherwise? meh. Yes, he hopes people will fall for his big bad games but he is a nobody/nothing and the police departments of Bollingbrook and everywhere else will see him as the cowardly bully outcast he is, IMO.
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