Dylan Redwine Case Discussion Thread/Dylan's Remains Found, #2

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MR wasn't murdered, DR was. MR is a big boy and has his gun to protect him. Somehow I don't see him as a frightened little man worried about being beaten or killed. JMO
Truth be told... Mark said the time Dylan spent with his friends would be perfect for Mark, as it would allow Mark to do things he needed to do because he just got back to town. It would be better than dragging Dylan around he errands that he didn't want to do. Source of info : Mark on the radio show

Which IMO makes perfect sense.

But when you consider Mark allegedly didn't wait for Dylan to get up and then take him to his friends...then continue on after to do his errands...sounds like a load of crap!
His errands weren't imperative nor were they appointments.
It was his sons first day there since Labor Day and the first thing Mark does is leave? After acknowledging how very important it was to Dylan that he get to his friends house?
No one sleeps that hard after going to sleep @10pm, even if that person was up until the early morning hours the night before. IMO

Great, Great post. I wanted to add that a boy Dylan's age would not sleep that soundly at a house he wasn't used to and had big plans for the day with his friends. When a child is at their home they sleep a lot more soundly. I know this by experience with my 12yr. old grandson when he spends the night at my home. He will get up early when he hears me in the kitchen making his favorite pancakes and homemade syrup. His mom and dad tell me he never gets up that early at home.
Considering the circumstances that surround that event I'm not sure that we can assume its typical behaviour.

a son trying to protect his mother is honourable IMO

Here's an MSM description of the events that are being alluded to:

For the next two years, the couple went through divorce proceedings. In 2008, mom, Elaine Redwine, claimed she had a confrontation with her ex-husband Mark in the early hours of July 4. She wrote, "He was very drunk and grabbed me and took a swing at his son." She said Dylan reacted and hit Mark.

In another protective order request, Mark claims he was victimized later that same day. "I was attacked and beaten then left for hours until I woke up," he wrote. Mark says his older son Cory admitted he was responsible for the beating.

I have not seen any news but maybe someone here knows... Was there more searching this weekend?
It seems MR has a need to control and dictate every situation. If Dylan was resisting I fear his resistance could have provoked his dad. IMO

I haven't seen MR controlling or attempting to control the media or social media. I wish that was true for all concerned.
I think on that lst interview when Mark threw-out the Nerf football it may have been to establish IF there was any commotion heard outside. We didn't hear ANYTHING about the little football until months and months later when Trisha tried to clarify that aspect. Mark said to the effect they toss "it" back 'n' forth across the road. Trisha, really had to nail him on was it inside or outside that night? Not a hard question...by any means. It is worth taking a 2nd listen to his weak (IMO) answer.

Sounds intriguing. Any chance you can help narrow it down a bit?

ETA: Found this (http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9561107&postcount=121):

Uh…I just want to…and I’m jumping around here a bit because I’m looking at the chat room, and I’m just…uh…going to give you some questions. Last week in our interview you talked about the Nerf football being thrown around. I assume that’s when you were watching the movie – you were just kind of tossing that Nerf football back and forth, is that correct?

Exactly! Exactly! And that’s something that Dylan and I do quite a bit of. I mean, we don’t do it all the time, but, you know, the majority of the time that that’s going on we’re obviously outside.

TG: (interrupts)
Right, but this time you were inside

He’ll be on one side of road…He’ll be on one side of the road. I’ll be on the other side, and we’ll pass the football back and forth to each other. You know, that’s always a great way to um…open up…open him up, and so, you know, as we’re passing around the football goofing around, you know, that…the whole point of that was for whatever tension was in the air, not that there was anything in that way of tension in terms of my position, but I think that that’s been perceived, and that’s what I’m trying to clear up, but anyway, I mean, it’s something that we do. I mean it’s something that we do when we’re sitting around, you know, on opposite ends of the furniture passing the football back.

Football…Uh… let me just address what you just said. So, you’re…you’re watching the movie and tossing the Nerf football. It’s a Nerf football, people. It’s not a real football. It can’t hurt anything. You said there was tension? Were you feeling tension? I need you to elaborate on that for me.

Well, obviously I think that it was a stressful time for Dylan because, you know, in September we were in a court hearing. His mom had filed a motion for him to speak directly to the judge in judge’s chambers. You know that all took place. Um….for whatever reason from that point until the time that he got on the plane there was nnnnn…..little or no contact at all between the two of us, although I tried many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times to

TG: (interrupts)
Mmm hmm."
IMO we will never know what he was at his lawyers for. It's covered by "privilege" For all know, that could be where the backpack is.

Privilege doesn't include concealing evidence of a crime does it? If an attorney was concealing the back pack of a murdered child, i would think his or her legal career would be over. Moo.

PS my curser moved so part of your quote was erased in error, but did not change the importance of it
Thinking more about MR's obviously troubled relationship with Cory, perhaps MR couldn't stand the thought of another son turning against him?

Perhaps Dylan's death was the result of spontaneous fury, cumulatively built up resentment which exploded and manifested itself upon Dylan when he too seemed to be drifting away from / turning against him, so to speak...

Just a thought.
I assume Elaine hasn't liked Mark for a long time before Dylan disappeared. I don't blame her for being pissed at Mark for Dylan disappearing when he had custody of him but that may be why she feels his story doesn't make sense to her. She didn't like him to begin with and he looses Dylan. I'm not surprised that she see's everything that he did is wrong and didn't make sense.

I thought that they didn't communicate with each other except thru their attorney's before Dylan went missing. MOO.

BBM - I have no reason to be pissed at Mark. He has never did anything to me and I feel like his story doesn't make sense. I'm a complete stranger with no emotional connection to Mark.
Thinking more about MR's obviously troubled relationship with Cory, perhaps MR couldn't stand the thought of another son turning against him?

Perhaps Dylan's death was the result of spontaneous fury, cumulatively built up resentment which exploded and manifested itself upon Dylan when he too seemed to be drifting away from / turning against him, so to speak...

Just a thought.

I believe something along those lines may have happened. I also think MR has a thing about disrespect (note his showdown with Cory on DrP) and that might also have been part of the issue. (IMO)
I think the searchers were looking for anything Dylan related.

Yes, no backpack found as far as we know.

"Mark said" means nothing to me as far as proof of anything. If he is responsible for Dylan's death he had the backpack. The question then,.. Where is it?

I said, He may have given it to his lawyer... Then I researched the possibility and posted the link above from the American Bar Association.

( I've always believed OJ's early lawyers were handed evidence that they concealed and past him off to new lawyers)

That would be evidence related to a possible crime. An attorney worth their weight in gold would not jeorpardize thei career withholding evidence in an investigation.

Not only could they be charged, they would as well be sanctioned.

This is reaching.
I certainly do not mean to harass anyone, I must have missed the IMO MOO in the body of your post. I am trying to work out why exactly it's being raised and what if anything it has to do with Dylans disappearance and murder.

Responding to:
Originally Posted by Bayou Mistress
My use of the words should not be construed to indicate a belief in or support for the controversial "parental alienation syndrome" but more to reflect the role a parent can play in alienating or keeping a child from forming an appropriate bond with the other parent. Please don't ask for a link to an opinion or thought, that feels a bit like harassment.

My personal input:
Bayou Mistress, I am constantly looking up things that people throw out on this thread. I often share the sources I find. I often ask for help finding references. I do this because I find it very helpful to look at the original wording and the original context so that I can form my own opinion and interpretation from the best available data (which isn't necessarily great, but the best).

Your speculations and thoughts are based on some relevant facts, so it would be helpful to every one to be able to look at the primary sources of those facts so that they can draw their own inferences.
I personally believe the fishing pole and ruck sack are in the lake. That was part of the red herring IMO. So it makes sense some stuff was dumped there!

JMO but the only way to predict future ( or current) behavior is using past behavior. If someone has a history of violence then you can bet they are capable of violence. EH had every reason to believe MR was capable of hurting someone. JMO

Mark has not been charged with domestic violence. In fact LE dismissed this early on.

Once again, anyone can file a police report. If charges are warranted, they would of been filed. I have not seen Mark charged in relation to DV. This as well was one occassion over 20 years ago.
Just wanted to add that having been a victim of violence for years, I flinch when I am touched physically. Just imagine what goes on in the mind of someone who has been a victim of violence. Its torture. EH has been going through he!! imagining what her baby went through. JMO

My understanding, according to court documents, is that Mark was the one beaten <modsnip>.
I personally believe the fishing pole and ruck sack are in the lake. That was part of the red herring IMO. So it makes sense some stuff was dumped there!


Yet divers, dive teams using sonar, and ROV's to our knowledge were not able to locate this. If I add in the technology available to the helicopters that flew over the various reservoirs, I believe 6 in total, tells me there a reason all 6 were evaluated on at least 2 occassions.
Yet divers, dive teams using sonar, and ROV's to our knowledge were not able to locate this. If I add in the technology available to the helicopters that flew over the various reservoirs, I believe 6 in total, tells me there a reason all 6 were evaluated on at least 2 occassions.

I have wondered about this myself. I wonder if the technology intended to find bodies is well-tuned to finding backpacks? I simply don't know what the odds are of them finding the backpack while looking for the body. For that matter, I don't know what the odds would be of their finding a body if it were there.
The events of the past have been argued and rehashed so many times. I can't understand why some protection order allegations from five years ago are related to the horrific things that happened to poor Dylan.
I still see kids around that look like Dylan, and I do a double take to see if it's him, then it all comes back to me that there's no way it can be him because Dylan has been confirmed deceased.
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