Dylan Redwine Case Discussion Thread/Dylan's Remains Found

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I listened to the interview also. It is a weird thing for him to say, but I think it could be letting out frustration at everyone thinking he did it. I could understand that a little. He's probably being treated like a pariah in his town and he might have some anger about that.

Alas, Steely Dan, this is probably the first time I do not agree with you. Shocking, I know but I think that Dylan's father knows exactly what happened to his son.

He had to hurt Dylan's mother the most he knew how so he did. JMO, but I feel very strong about it. This man murdered his son. JMO.
From seeing MR on Dr. Phil, I do believe he would stop at nothing to hurt Elaine, or "put her in her place". That being said, I am willing to believe it was not planned, if he killed Dylan, but rather a violent reaction to something Dylan may have said or done, that in his mind, was "disrespectful" as he seems, IMO, to have an issue about being "disrespected".

I think that it was in his mind already to get back at Elaine the most hurtful way he could and when Dylan pissed him off, that is all it took to carry out his thoughts.
O/T... That is what lifetime stalking orders are for. AND how i met my now-hubby the cop!

Do you really think that a piece of paper will keep someone from stalking someone if they really wanted to? I can testify that it doesn't stop someone from doing whatever they want. However, a 9 mm will stop them.

Why? Why? Why? Why does this $hit keep happening to our most innocent?... And the Why IMO is different when looking at outside predators hunting, raping, abusing, and killing our innocent children..vs.. looking at perpatrators that are NOT outside, but rather inside..All too often we see it not being the outside predators from whom our innocent children desperately need protection..much too often we see it is the actual person to whom God gave this greatest of all gifts..the joy and privilege of .being a parent to God's most wonderful and innocent of creations..children..much too often we see it is that who has been given this greatest of all privileges in having a child..it is the one to whom God intended to be the greatest protector of.. The one to whom God intended to show the child what unconditional love is..yet time after time after time we see it is none other than that exact individual..the parent..the protector.. Who is responsible for our most innocent children's lives having been snuffed out..extinguished..and stripped of their entire lives while robbing the entire world of what that child would have brought to this world.. Most of all stealing that most precious of all God's creations from the other parent..siblings..family and friends.. Leaving such a wide rippling wake of destruction in their evil actions of taking a child's life from this world...

Why? Why? Why does this seem to be the case time after time in these beautiful children's lives having been extinguished and at the hand of none other than their very own flesh and blood parent?

***added disclaimer***
I am not stating as fact that Dylan's parent, Mark Redwine murdered his flesh and blood, youngest son, Dylan Nicholas Redwine.. Of that there is no documented proof available me to come to the conclusion of that being fact.. More so what I am saying in my above post is the entire issue as a whole that we see time and again in these precious childrens' lives being extinguished by the hand of their very own parent..its heartbreaking..its blood boiling angering..and IMO its hard as hell to protect children when the danger originates and comes from the actual parent(s), themselves...jmo.

If anyone has doubts of this being true WS moreso than anywhere else is the proof positive of this issue happening time and time again..repeatedly..and all too often a parent(s) is/are found to be the direct cause in so many of these young children's deaths.
Could someone briefly summarize for a newbie what MR's motive is assumed to be? Hurting the mother?

And with the control issue that I keep reading about, I wonder if that's what it was all about: Dylan wanted to go to his friends', his father didn't want him to go; or Dylan wanted to go to his friends' house NOW, and dad wanted him to go with him to run errands...starting out with something so seemingly simple as that that got out of control...Dylan standing his ground, the father losing his temper...

I agree with my_tee_mouse. Having working directly with both domestic batterers and survivors of domestic violence, I can say I've seen this pattern a lot. The batterer is so focused on issues of power and control that even the slightest semblance of someone challenging their control over anything can set them off in a very violent way.

Imagine a 13 year-old boy, defiant as a result of being a teenager, hormonal, and not wanting to be forced on the trip in the first place. It's possible Dylan was irritable from the start, as evidence by his text message to his mom from the airport seeming less than pleased to have arrived in his father's vicinity.

I imagine they argued on the drive home from the airport, and if Dylan survived that drive home, continued arguing the next morning. I can easily imagine MR becoming agitated, then enraged, at Dylan's defiance and attempts at eroding MR's control over him (i.e. "I want to see my friends!" "You're going to stay home with me! That's why you came!"). So, perhaps not a planned murder, but perhaps a situation that got out of control because of someone's historical issues with power and control....

I also wanted to say that I've followed this case from the beginning and am just now posting about the recent developments. My heart goes out to Dylan and his family. I was so very sad to hear the news.

Why? Why? Why? Why does this $hit keep happening to our most innocent?... And the Why IMO is different when looking at outside predators hunting, raping, abusing, and killing our innocent children..vs.. looking at perpatrators that are NOT outside, but rather inside..All too often we see it not being the outside predators from whom our innocent children desperately need protection..much too often we see it is the actual person to whom God gave this greatest of all gifts..the joy and privilege of .being a parent to God's most wonderful and innocent of creations..children..much too often we see it is that who has been given this greatest of all privileges in having a child..it is the one to whom God intended to be the greatest protector of.. The one to whom God intended to show the child what unconditional love is..yet time after time after time we see it is none other than that exact individual..the parent..the protector.. Who is responsible for our most innocent children's lives having been snuffed out..extinguished..and stripped of their entire lives while robbing the entire world of what that child would have brought to this world.. Most of all stealing that most precious of all God's creations from the other parent..siblings..family and friends.. Leaving such a wide rippling wake of destruction in their evil actions of taking a child's life from this world...

Why? Why? Why does this seem to be the case time after time in these beautiful children's lives having been extinguished and at the hand of none other than their very own flesh and blood parent?

***added disclaimer***
I am not stating as fact that Dylan's parent, Mark Redwine murdered his flesh and blood, youngest son, Dylan Nicholas Redwine.. Of that there is no documented proof available me to come to the conclusion of that being fact.. More so what I am saying in my above post is the entire issue as a whole that we see time and again in these precious childrens' lives being extinguished by the hand of their very own parent..its heartbreaking..its blood boiling angering..and IMO its hard as hell to protect children when the danger originates and comes from the actual parent(s), themselves...jmo.

If anyone has doubts of this being true WS moreso than anywhere else is the proof positive of this issue happening time and time again..repeatedly..and all too often a parent(s) is/are found to be the direct cause in so many of these young children's deaths.

Oh friend, I feel your pain and frustration. I've seen time and time again, a child is killed by the very one who should protect him above all else. I'm so angry and sad at this announcement that Dylan's remains have been found, but I'm not surprised at the announcement. I expected this from the very beginning and I hope beyond all hope that justice will be done.
Do you really think that a piece of paper will keep someone from stalking someone if they really wanted to? I can testify that it doesn't stop someone from doing whatever they want. However, a 9 mm will stop them.

I remember Gavin DeBecker saying that ROs will often cause an escalation. I guess in that situation I'd definitely want the cop in the bed next to me. And the 9mm.
I too had an ex who threatened to make sure that I would never have the children if I ever left him. He took the children to hurt me because he knew that that would hurt me more than anything could. IMO, he wanted to hurt Dylan's mother and get her back for everything he thought that she had done to him, therefore, he did the thing that could hurt her more than anything in the world.

And continues to...
I was thinking about MR's reaction and divulging grisly details, but then I thought, "he is behaving just the same as when we first heard him speak." Detached and rambling. As my Mom used to say, "where there is smoke there is fire," and no one knows MR better than his two ex-wives. Further, most of you think he had something to do with it, so I am falling off the fence, even though it is incomprehensible that a parent could harm his child.

I am so, so sorry, Dylan, and my prayers are with those who love him and devoted so much time searching for that sweet innocent young man. I just can't make any sense of this devastating loss and the pain left behind.
What statements in the interview with Tricia do you feel were true?

Alas, Steely Dan, this is probably the first time I do not agree with you. Shocking, I know but I think that Dylan's father knows exactly what happened to his son.

He had to hurt Dylan's mother the most he knew how so he did. JMO, but I feel very strong about it. This man murdered his son. JMO.

I believe him when he said he didn't want to talk to his wife because she'd just scream at him. Right now the police say he doesn't have anything to with it. So until he's arrested I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.
I remember Gavin DeBecker saying that ROs will often cause an escalation. I guess in that situation I'd definitely want the cop in the bed next to me. And the 9mm.

LOL, well, that depends on the cop, is he hot? :blushing:
I believe him when he said he didn't want to talk to his wife because she'd just scream at him. Right now the police say he doesn't have anything to with it. So until he's arrested I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Emu, oh, I mean Steely Dan, where did you see that the LE says that he doesn't have anything to do with it? I'm just voicing my opinion and that is that he is involved. Change my mind if you can.
One thing that really struck me in listening to the last Tricia interview with Mark prior to Dylan being found was what a bit of a different story seemed to now be emerging per Mark Redwine's account of November 18.. did anyone else come away with a very different sense of what the atmosphere was like between he and Dylan that evening??.. whereas prior to that interview with Tricia Mark's account of that evening was a painting of everything being a-okay, hunky-dory, and chummy pals with Dylan in their time spent together.. hitting the WalMart, grabbing the quick drive thru bite to eat on their way home back to dad's house..tossing around the nerf football..the father-son talk about Dylan's expressing his disappointment in not getting to play football at the new school and Mark's stating that if he'd had any say in it he would have ensured his boy got on that team.. the watching the movie together..etc..etc..

IMO the above is a quick summation of what the picture was of that evening as painted for us by Mark Redwine for the longest time..IMO literally up until that last interview with Tricia it had been illustrated as such by Mark..IMO the account of that evening that emerged from that last interview was IMO seemingly very, very different than what we had thus far, all along been told..<<---in MOO!

Others may not see any notable differences and as is always the case to each their own in how they interpret information, but I must say that I IMMEDIATELY UPON HEARING the last Tricia/Mark interview was struck at what IMO was a marked difference in the accounting of the atmosphere between father AND son that Sunday evening, November 18th(much to my dismay after listening to a replay of the interview and coming to post about my opinion I found that Dylan's forum had been temporarily closed:()..

So, that's why I just now in thinking once again about what he said in that last interview with Tricia..thus the reason why I'm bringing it up now..I'm not claiming this new illustration per Mark of the last night with Dylan has some definite, damning meaning..not at all.. what I am saying is that I personally was immediately struck at the marked difference of it no longer this chummy pals, hunky-dory evening we had up til then been told..

In the latest accounting the atmosphere of that ENTIRE EVENING BETWEEN FATHER&SON imo was very strained FROM THE START of their getting together that evening in Mark picking up Dylan from the airport.. the last interview IMO there were very real glimpses into the uncomfortable, even at times angry atmosphere that seemed to very much brewing between these two that Sunday night, November 18..

IMO for any who know what I'm speaking of in the 6+ months of Mark's accounting of their last evening being a very much chummy father/son time..and have not yet heard that last interview between Tricia/Mark prior to Dylan being found..IMO its definitely worth a listen to see what I mean by saying what Mark says in that interview starkly contrasts from what he'd been saying all along about that time spent with Dylan that night..more specifically what was the actual atmosphere of much tension, discomfort, and even brimming with anger/resentment between he and Dylan that Sunday night..

BTW I just want to say that IMO Tricia has got a real way with Mark in the way she goes about interviewing Mark Redwine.. its truly a bit amazing to see the way she goes about knowing how..or maybe just naturally atune in being able to combine the perfect mixture of comfort, very much open two-way connected dialogue, with a subtle yet very effective ability to direct him when necessary.. as usual I'm probably not sufficiently describing what/how she goes about conducting her interviews with Mark..but IMO she really allows and at the same time directs it perfectly bringing out details not yet known..clarifying the muddying speak that at times comes in large and long waves from Mark..and in the end presenting new info and details that we did not have or know prior.. anyhoo, Bravo Tricia for the damn good job you do in interviewing Mark!

But again IMO if you've not yet heard the interview IMO its definitely worth a listen as IMO what emerges is a very different..very strained, and IMO very uncomfortable atmosphere between father and son on that last night, November 18.. all jmo, tho!
With MR saying something yesterday about Dylan no longer having to be peacemaker, or whatever...it almost sounds as though he is making an excuse why Dylan was martyred, as if for his own good. JMO

ETA and also, of course, to blame Elaine.
Emu, oh, I mean Steely Dan, where did you see that the LE says that he doesn't have anything to do with it? I'm just voicing my opinion and that is that he is involved. Change my mind if you can.


...Investigators have never named Mark or Elaine as suspects in Dylan’s disappearance. However, the TV appearance did reveal that Dylan likely led a turbulent home life before he went missing.

Mark Redwine has asserted that he believes Dylan was abducted when he was walking to a friend’s house six miles away from his property near Vallecito Lake....

...Investigators have never named Mark or Elaine as suspects in Dylan’s disappearance. However, the TV appearance did reveal that Dylan likely led a turbulent home life before he went missing.

Mark Redwine has asserted that he believes Dylan was abducted when he was walking to a friend’s house six miles away from his property near Vallecito Lake....

I am confused, does he think he was abducted or that he liked to walk ten miles away up a mountain by himself without contacting anyone...
First time posting here, so please bear with me. What's been eating at me is has law enforcement ever publically looked at anyone BESIDES Mark Redwine? (and I know he has never been publically identified as a POI or suspect) The search warrant was pretty public so I ASSUME if they looked at anyone else someone would have known. As of now they claim they wanted to search this area early on so who else could they have suspected back then other than Mark
I believe him when he said he didn't want to talk to his wife because she'd just scream at him. Right now the police say he doesn't have anything to with it. So until he's arrested I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Yet it is none other than Mark Redwine, himself who has repeatedly and actually to this very day still continues to want and/or need to get together with Elaine for any/every reason and/or opportunity that he can think of..

yet according to the same(none other than the Mark Redwine, himself) that mean ol' hollering ex-wife is the reason he completely and totally avoided speaking with her for literal months after their son "disappears" within mere hours of having arrived for this court ordered visitation with Mark..

IMO its total par for the course when dealing with Mark Redwine in his incessant need to speak and meet with Elaine..yet when its suiting for his "reasoning" of why he completely and totally avoided speaking with Elaine for months after the fact their son literally "vanishes" within hours of coming into Mark's custody for this court ordered visitation..well then that mean ol' hollering ex wife excuse suits him just fine..

any sarcasm IS NOT directed at you, Steely but rather it is directed at Mark Redwine's IMO straight up ridiculousness!.. <<--ha! is that even a word..lol..:D
Mark hated Elaine. He realized he lost control of the one pawn he had left over her Dylan. I think he killed Dylan to not only get back at her, but to put the blame on her, i.e. framing her. He immediately started out of the gates pointing the finger at her and her fiancé.


I dont think he hates her but rather obsessed with her.
its imo plus lived thru as a victim, a very bizarro state of mind of the perpetrator. The deliberate victim is just that and anybody/anything
In the way is just collateral damage
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