EB Blames AB For What Happened

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DNA Solves
NO ONE has a stomach virus for 2 weeks... it would kill them. Two days of a virus leaves a person very weak and sick. If Zahra had this virus for two weeks, she should have been taken to a doctor. It could have been something else.
My son was sick for a couple days and the dr. diagnosed it as a stomach virus. He wasn't getting any better and was in a lot of pain. I took him back to the dr. and it turns out it was his appendix. By the time we got him to the hospital, it had ruptured. He was in the hospital for 11 days after the surgery.
The point is, if Zahra was vomiting and/or had diarrhea, for more than 2 days... she needed medical attention! I'm sorry, but if they just left her in her room to die, they both deserve LWOP.

But here's the thing about what she's saying. She is claiming that Zahra had this stomach flu virus for two weeks. And then she found her dead. There is a siting of Zahra, alive and well, on Sept 25th watching cartoons and smiling at the store clerk. So EB's basically admitting that she "found her dead" on the morning of October 8th, two weeks approximately after that siting. So what did she do then? Call AB at work? And "whatever happened" after that was done on that day and into the early morning hours of October 9th before the fire? How much of that time can AB account for at work? If he can account for the whole day and into the early evening, I can see why he's still walking around.

Like I said, IMO she's trying to piece a story together based on what she's hearing and what has been said in MSM and it doesn't fit for me. If she wants to implicate AB, she should be saying that she "found Zahra dead" shortly after that furniture store siting.

Another thing that bothers me is that Zahra was described as a spunky survivor. After what she had been through, I find it hard to believe that she'd just lay around for two weeks and succumb to an illness without trying to get help for herself when she realized that no one was going to get her to a doctor. They had a landline phone in the new house and since no one saw Zahra apparently when someone was out buying painting and decorating supplies and groceries, she was likely left at home alone a lot. And probably told not to go outside or to answer the phone. Which is likely why none of the neighbours saw her. I don't think she was laying in bed sick.

I still think "something happened" on October 8th. And if AB has an airtight alibi for that day, well EB better try revising her claims. But if the mattress and other evidence collected from the house indicates that Zahra was already deceased by then, then I don't understand why EB is not completely throwing him under the bus and blaming him for her death and disposal.
"......she cried over missing Zahra and how her husband has left her to take all the blame for what has happened when he played a big part in this terrible situation," the cousin said".

-----he played a "big part" ?
-----so who played the OTHER "big part" ?

-----(as for the crying in jail---where's my little tiny violin.)

I agree. I think these statements are pure BS. She's a liar a thousand times over. I just keep remembering OJ saying "I didn't do it" and blaming Nicole for it all. Sickens me. These narcissists are never to blame -- it's always someone else's fault! Who was seen beating Zahra over and over again? It wasn't AB -- it was HER. And she denies abusing Zahra? She's full of cr*p. She feels NOTHING for anyone NOTHING. Everything she says has so many inconsistencies which is why her lawyers would never allow her to take the stand (as they did OJ). Narcissists hang themselves on the stands. But OJ was rich, and her lawyers are pro bono so many they will let her hang herself if that's what she wants to do. The DA could crack her like a nut on that stand.

If her lips are moving, she's lying.
IMO I think that witch slowly poisoned Zahra as well as bashed her over a period of weeks before she was reported missing. EB had had enough of Zahra and put her plan into action and I wouldn't be surprised if Adam was next on EB's extermination list. She was ready to move on so 'let's put out the garbage'. *advertiser censored*!!!!

IMO I think that EB had something over AB other than a physical/sexual hold IYKWIM. Was he in the States illegally? Had he brought Z to the US illegally? Did EB threaten to expose him if he didn't comply with the disposal of Zahra's body? I'd love to know the answers to these questions but I really do believe that LE already know the answers. It's just a matter of time before these two animals go down and the clock is ticking!

Interesting. Maybe she did decide to get rid of one first and then the other so she could start up with that guy from England. She was tired of playing house with them, I think, and detested the whole situation. Maybe when she didn't have time to get rid of AB, she's thinking she will blame Zahra's death and probable dismemberment on him and, in her little crazy delusional mind, get him in jail for life while she skips out and picks up with the English dude.

She is so living in her own little fantasy world. I think most narcissists do.
My feeling is that EB knows she can pin the cleanup on AB. WE might not know what evidence LE has that points to AB's involvement, but Elisa Baker does.


I hope we can start getting back some lab reports on things like that glove in the bushes and what they find in the drains and pipes.

I kind of think EB is very capable of the gruesome dismemberment all on her own.

She doesn't seem to realize that she can't plead that Zahra's passing was so innocent when you destroy the body like that. And her statements prove she had full knowledge of it all at the very least.
My feeling is that EB knows she can pin the cleanup on AB. WE might not know what evidence LE has that points to AB's involvement, but Elisa Baker does.


IA. Otherwise eb would be saying alot more than just generalizing "whatever happened". She sure isn't coming out and flat denying involvement. It almost seems like she's hoping that ab will come and save her still. Like as long as she does'nt say anything TO incriminating then maybe ab won't say anything to incriminating. If that makes sense?
I almost could feel sorry for her, that she feels the need to connect w/ relatives she has'nt talked to in awhile to try and find some sort of support. But it's just a pathetic attempt to get differing stories out there about what her involvement in Z's murder. But eb chose this path and she will hopefully feel the wrath of every single person she has walked over to get to where she is now! And that will still never compare to what she has done to Zara.
Interesting. Maybe she did decide to get rid of one first and then the other so she could start up with that guy from England. She was tired of playing house with them, I think, and detested the whole situation. Maybe when she didn't have time to get rid of AB, she's thinking she will blame Zahra's death and probable dismemberment on him and, in her little crazy delusional mind, get him in jail for life while she skips out and picks up with the English dude.

She is so living in her own little fantasy world. I think most narcissists do.

Very interesting thought. Things didn't go as they were supposed to...so far. He is supposed to be in jail, not her. So set the whole thing up making it look like AB was completely responsible for Zahra's death and disposal, plus the subsequent attempt at a cover up, and he goes to jail while she gets to play the poor victim and go on with her life. She lost her "daughter" who was such a "blessing" to her, at the hands of her abusive and dangerous husband, who scares her.

Everything in that set up was geared to him. The ransom note to his boss, "who's in control now?" His vehicle involved with the gas and ransom note attached. His business involved with the fire on the mulch/wood pile. Him making the 911 call to report Z missing, at her insistence likely.

If only they hadn't made her "crack" about writing that damn ransom note...hmmm. And if she'd been able to get those charges dropped by BB, she'd be free to go on her way. Not sure if she even realized about the other charges. And it appears that those charges were dismissed against him already, perhaps when it did go to court the first time. He's only charged with failure to appear for those charges, not the charges themselves.

Another interesting theory. Again, all dependant on the evidence.

I can't focus my thoughts soley on EB, though. In my mind, it's Eb and AB together. Always has been. I can not separate the two of them, and even if I could, I see absolutely no reason to do so. Whatever happened to this beautiful child, BOTH of their hands are all over it. IMO.
Not buying the blame game from EB....uh huh not me,lol. IMO....she is one messed up person for sure.
If all this is true, the letters and jail house visits, why wouldn't the woman try and reach a "deal" of some sort? Why wouldn't she just say "This is what happened, this is where Zahra is."

What is taking her so long to open her mouth with the proper info and not just the attention seeking "wahhhhh, me. look at me!! everyone pay attention to me!! listen to me and how her father did this to her!" *finger point*

The only thing she should be saying is where this beautiful child is, or what happened to her so LE can make their bee line and get back to their families.

This is outrageous.
This is the first time I've seen this video, and it answers (at very end ) something I've long wondered...who visited EB in jail? The article is posted Oct. 18. So roughly 1 week after EB was arrested, we have 1 of her daughters, her step-son, and lo and behold, Adam Baker, visiting EB.


We have no possible way of knowing what EB and AB discussed during this jail visit, but we do know that, by this time, AB knew LE had something on EB. And we also know that recently AB was seen driving around town in a truck with a poster that says, "Zahra's mother abused her daily." I find it VERY curious that a man who has just lost his daughter, knows EB is suspected of having commited a crime in relation to his daughter, and who is quick to tell the world that his daughter was abused daily while he did absolutely nothing to stop it, would visit said woman. Unless, of course, he HAD to visit this woman for some reason. I can't imagine he visited to say, "What the hell have you done to my daughter!" when he's, by his own admission, been aware of this daily abuse over such a long period of time.

ALL JUST MOO, of course.
This is the first time I've seen this video, and it answers (at very end ) something I've long wondered...who visited EB in jail? The article is posted Oct. 18. So roughly 1 week after EB was arrested, we have 1 of her daughters, her step-son, and lo and behold, Adam Baker, visiting EB.


We have no possible way of knowing what EB and AB discussed during this jail visit, but we do know that, by this time, AB knew LE had something on EB. And we also know that recently AB was seen driving around town in a truck with a poster that says, "Zahra's mother abused her daily." I find it VERY curious that a man who has just lost his daughter, knows EB is suspected of having commited a crime in relation to his daughter, and who is quick to tell the world that his daughter was abused daily while he did absolutely nothing to stop it, would visit said woman. Unless, of course, he HAD to visit this woman for some reason. I can't imagine he visited to say, "What the hell have you done to my daughter!" when he's, by his own admission, been aware of this daily abuse over such a long period of time.

ALL JUST MOO, of course.

Something else I also found curious, why has AB not been at any of her hearings? I would think someone completely uninvolved would attend, either to show support if he believed EB was innocent, or to see that she was going to remain in jail, as her daughters did. (Of course by now we know he is not proclaiming her innocence.)
Im not suprised AT ALL shes trying to throw AB under the bus. I unlike many here still have my doubts about his involvment. I think there is a reason LE doesnt have him in jail. He apparently has someone conferming he was at work. I just cant imagine LE letting him walk around if they thouhgt he was involved, if you are heartless enough to kill and dispose of your own child why would it be safe to let you walk the streets. They had him in jail but his bond was so low they didnt expect him to stay there IMO if they wanted to keep him they would have made it much more difficult for him to bond out just like they have her. I am still not convinced EB did this all on her own but Im not convinced he was the one who helped her. JMO
What are they going to arrest AB for right now? They have to have the proof...You know there is one thing I have become convinced of since joining WS, you CAN get away with murder. All you have to do is come up with some lame A$$ excuse, and stick to your story, and unless LE get lucky enough to find evidence that STRONGLY connects you to the murder....you are gonna get away with it. And that's a scary thing.
This is the first time I've seen this video, and it answers (at very end ) something I've long wondered...who visited EB in jail? The article is posted Oct. 18. So roughly 1 week after EB was arrested, we have 1 of her daughters, her step-son, and lo and behold, Adam Baker, visiting EB.


We have no possible way of knowing what EB and AB discussed during this jail visit, but we do know that, by this time, AB knew LE had something on EB. And we also know that recently AB was seen driving around town in a truck with a poster that says, "Zahra's mother abused her daily." I find it VERY curious that a man who has just lost his daughter, knows EB is suspected of having commited a crime in relation to his daughter, and who is quick to tell the world that his daughter was abused daily while he did absolutely nothing to stop it, would visit said woman. Unless, of course, he HAD to visit this woman for some reason. I can't imagine he visited to say, "What the hell have you done to my daughter!" when he's, by his own admission, been aware of this daily abuse over such a long period of time.

ALL JUST MOO, of course.

I will have to go look for the link (not sure how easy a task that will be) But somewhere after that video it was said he didnt visit her.
As for the poster on his truck it sounds like there are several of them in town. I think he is da**ed if he does da**ed if he doesnt in this situation. He has the poster on the truck hes driving although I dont believe its his personal vehicle. If we knew about the missing poster and he didnt have it posted on his vehicle there would be those that would bash him for that also.JMO
This is just the beginning of them turning on each other!!
I woulod like to read the fliers AB has out there!
and then AB's crew will turn on EB.
The whole story will come out soon if EB keeps yacking!
Hope she does.
and hope AB starts also.
PLEASE find our Zahra!!!
Im not suprised AT ALL shes trying to throw AB under the bus. I unlike many here still have my doubts about his involvment. I think there is a reason LE doesnt have him in jail. He apparently has someone conferming he was at work. I just cant imagine LE letting him walk around if they thouhgt he was involved, if you are heartless enough to kill and dispose of your own child why would it be safe to let you walk the streets. They had him in jail but his bond was so low they didnt expect him to stay there IMO if they wanted to keep him they would have made it much more difficult for him to bond out just like they have her. I am still not convinced EB did this all on her own but Im not convinced he was the one who helped her. JMO


How can any one be confirming AB was at work when they don't have a clue when she was murdered?

How can any one be confirming AB was at work when they don't have a clue when she was murdered?

And if he works outside, does he work by himself? Last I heard LE wanted someone outside the family to come forward as to when they last saw Zahra. Don't think they were trusting anyone in the family with a time.
I personally think she is probably telling the truth about part of this.
AB will leave her holding the bag if he is able to and he probably is largely involved in whatever happened.

I am actually surprised she is only trying to spread part of the blame his way. I expected much more of a "he is blaming me for what he did", I had nothing to do with this defense.

So far she says they really didn't kill her and what he did afterwards was horrible, and he is largely involved. I expected a much different approach.

Agree with you. I don't hear her denying this. We really don't know what actually went on yet and may never know. I am not defending her in anyway.
I haven't posted much. Have lurked since Laci Peterson. This case is one of the most horrible things I have ever seen. I pray for Zahra each day.
"The woman added that she had received three letters from Elisa, "and in each one of them she made it very clear how much she cared about Zahra and that she don't understand the man that she loves can be this, can do her this way."

Taken from the article

If AB did something horrifying to Zahra, then why would she be surpised that he would turn on her?

all about her (EB).... concerns for Zahra ((that she stated)) and for HERSELF don't belong in the same sentence... reminds me a lot of logic I took in college

A but B

in other words:

(to paraphrase) I love Z but how could AB do me this way? Stress is on the B.. on the second part of the phrase.

pass the puke bag.
When they say stomach flu, I hear vomiting due to an untreated head injury.

((in my opinion))

eta((I am the queen of eta today)): add the "brooding" and 'puberty" and "hardly comes out of her room unless she wants something" to this mix too. In other words.... possibly MOO disoriented, bedridden, uncommunicative, from head trauma/beatings suffered

further eta: we can all see how these two can take a bit of the truth... a glimpse into Zahra's hell, and make it their own convenient excuse.

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