Ebola outbreak - general thread #1

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LAGOS SEPTEMBER 3RD. -The Deputy British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr. Carter Leslie on Tuesday slumped and died at the Muritala Muhammad Airport, Lagos on arrival from Atlanta Georgia.
The situation however led to chaos at the airport as people started running out of the terminal, thinking it was another case of Ebola.
The Airport Medical Personnel later douse the tension when they confirmed that Mr Leslie died of heart attack.

Updates as of 7:30am est;

  • Nancy Writebol and her husband, David, will hold a news conference Wednesday at SIM USA's headquarters just south of Charlotte. 11:00am WRAL

  • British nurse William Pooley released from hospital today
LAGOS SEPTEMBER 3RD. -The Deputy British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr. Carter Leslie on Tuesday slumped and died at the Muritala Muhammad Airport, Lagos on arrival from Atlanta Georgia.
The situation however led to chaos at the airport as people started running out of the terminal, thinking it was another case of Ebola.
The Airport Medical Personnel later douse the tension when they confirmed that Mr Leslie died of heart attack.


There are a group of individuals like this poor man who could almost be thought of as Ebola 'collateral damage'.

Whilst it sounds as if there may not have been any chance to help Mr Leslie, I have heard from a colleague of individuals with perfectly treatable and non contagious illnesses who have fallen ill in airports and basically been left to die (or possibly left without help for far longer than necessary) because people immediately assumed they had Ebola and no one wanted to touch them.

Really sad.
Just watching Will Pooley on the BBC news.

He has made a very rapid recovery - he is completely clear of the virus. He made the distinction himself about the 'world class' care he has received and the care people in West Africa can expect.

He also paid tribute to the doctors and nurses turning up for work and caring for people with Ebola round the clock in the full knowledge of the risk they were running.

He said he won't be going anywhere soon as they incinerated his passport and that his mum is probably very relieved about this.
Guinea detects ebola in new region.
"Guinea, the first country to detect the hemorrhagic fever in March, had said it was containing the outbreak but authorities announced that nine new cases had been found in the southeastern prefecture of Kerouane.

"There has been a new outbreak in Kerouane but we have sent in a team to contain it," said Aboubacar Sikidi Diakité, head of Guinea's Ebola task force. He insisted the outbreak was being contained.

The nine confirmed cases were in the town of Damaro in the Kerouane region, with a total of 18 people under observation, the health ministry said in a statement."

What was said in the news conference i haven't seen any update?

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"The bulk of Ebola infections occur when family members take care of each other, said Dr. Keiji Fukuda, assistant director-general for health security at WHO. There aren’t enough beds in treatment clinics, so the sick stay at home, he said. “Ill people have nowhere to go.”

Several thousand more workers are needed to care for patients in the hard-hit nations, along with additional vehicles to transport the sick and dead. “Bodies are not removed quickly enough” by health authorities, he said. “It is really upsetting” to the residents."

A bit off topic. Two examples of the need for editor or do over.

The first page of the WHO roadmap for the international response stated the document could not be reproduced, translated, etc without their permission. You can purchase a copy by emailing or mailing them. I know it was legalize, but it seemed a bit odd that the first thing I'm being told, even before their recommendations on what we need to do to stop this outbreak, is not to share it :/. At least they could move it to the end of the document.

Then I just read this:
President of the Nigerian Senate David Mark states "the need for Nigerians to join hands together to fight the deadly disease in the country."

"The probability of seeing at least one imported case of Ebola in the U.S. is as high as 18 percent by late September, researchers reported Tuesday in the journal PLOS Currents: Outbreaks. That's compared with less than 5 percent right now.

These predictions are based on the flow of airline passengers from West Africa and the difficulty of preventing an infected passenger from boarding a flight.

There's a 25 to 28 percent chance that an Ebola case will turn up in the U.K. by late September. Belgium, France and Germany will have lower risk. "But it's not negligible," Vespignani says. "Sooner or later, they will arrive."

Outbreak in Port Harcourt has potential to spread much further and faster than Lagos:


The UN health body said the arrival of the virus in Port Harcourt, which is 435 kilometres (270 miles) east of Lagos, showed "multiple high-risk opportunities for transmission of the virus to others".

A total of 255 people were currently under surveillance in Port Harcourt for signs of Ebola, Nigeria's Health Minister Onyebuchi Chukwu said on Wednesday.

The article explains how the infection got to Port Harcourt following Patrick Sawyer's arrival in Lagos.
Outbreak in Port Harcourt has potential to spread much further and faster than Lagos:


The article explains how the infection got to Port Harcourt following Patrick Sawyer's arrival in Lagos.

update: they are monitoring close to 400 people.

"As we are talking now, we have more than 380 of such contacts in our dragnet," he said. Those at high risk are being quarantined, and some 500 volunteers and health care workers are checking on all exposed people twice a day."

Missionary infected with Ebola heading to Nebraska
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Sep 04, 2014 5:10 PM EST

A North Carolina-based charity says the missionary who was infected with Ebola while serving in Liberia is being flown to a Nebraska hospital for treatment.

A statement from SIM on Thursday says Dr. Rick Sacra is being flown to The Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. He is expected to arrive on Friday and begin treatment in the hospital's Biocontainment Patient Care Unit....Sacra, a doctor from the Boston area, opted to head to Liberia after hearing that two other missionaries were sick. He was infected by the virus that has killed about 1,900 people.
update: they are monitoring close to 400 people.

"As we are talking now, we have more than 380 of such contacts in our dragnet," he said. Those at high risk are being quarantined, and some 500 volunteers and health care workers are checking on all exposed people twice a day."


All of that initiated from one infected person (Patrick Sawyer). And what exactly was the recently diseased doctor thinking? Why did he agree to threat an Ebola patient in a hotel? With people not following quarantine and running around, of course it will spread and kill more people.
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